/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SvnOrigin"/> class from a SvnTarget /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="target">The target.</param> /// <param name="reposRoot">The repos root or <c>null</c> to retrieve the repository root from target</param> public SvnOrigin(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnTarget target, Uri reposRoot) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } else if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); } SvnPathTarget pt = target as SvnPathTarget; if (pt != null) { SvnItem item = context.GetService <ISvnStatusCache>()[pt.FullPath]; if (item == null || !item.IsVersioned) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can only create a SvnOrigin from versioned items"); } _target = target; _uri = item.Status.Uri; _reposRoot = item.WorkingCopy.RepositoryRoot; // BH: Prefer the actual root over the provided return; } SvnUriTarget ut = target as SvnUriTarget; if (ut != null) { _target = ut; _uri = ut.Uri; if (reposRoot != null) { _reposRoot = reposRoot; } else { using (SvnClient client = context.GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetClient()) { _reposRoot = client.GetRepositoryRoot(ut.Uri); if (_reposRoot == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't retrieve the repository root of the UriTarget"); } #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(!_reposRoot.MakeRelativeUri(_uri).IsAbsoluteUri); #endif } } return; } throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid target type"); }
public void RefreshText(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } ISvnStatusCache cache = context.GetService <ISvnStatusCache>(); ImageIndex = PendingChange.IconIndex; SvnItem item = cache[FullPath]; if (item == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); // Item no longer valued } PendingChangeStatus pcs = PendingChange.Change ?? new PendingChangeStatus(PendingChangeKind.None); SetValues( pcs.PendingCommitText, PendingChange.ChangeList, GetDirectory(item), PendingChange.FullPath, item.IsLocked ? PCResources.LockedValue : "", // Locked SafeDate(item.Modified), // Modified PendingChange.Name, PendingChange.RelativePath, PendingChange.Project, context.GetService <IFileIconMapper>().GetFileType(item), SafeWorkingCopy(item)); }
public static void MaybePerformUpdateCheck(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } if (_checkedOnce) { return; } _checkedOnce = true; IAnkhConfigurationService config = context.GetService <IAnkhConfigurationService>(); using (RegistryKey rk = config.OpenUserInstanceKey("UpdateCheck")) { int interval = 24 * 6; // 6 days object value = rk.GetValue("Interval"); if (value is int) { interval = (int)value; if (interval <= 0) { return; } } TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromHours(interval); value = rk.GetValue("LastVersion"); if (IsDevVersion() || (value is string && (string)value == GetCurrentVersion(context).ToString())) { value = rk.GetValue("LastCheck"); long lv; if (value is string && long.TryParse((string)value, out lv)) { DateTime lc = new DateTime(lv, DateTimeKind.Utc); if ((lc + ts) > DateTime.UtcNow) { return; } // TODO: Check the number of fails to increase the check interval } } } context.GetService <IAnkhScheduler>().Schedule(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20), AnkhCommand.CheckForUpdates); }
public RefreshState(IAnkhServiceProvider context, IVsHierarchy hier, IVsProject project, string projectDir) { _hier = hier; _cache = context.GetService <ISvnStatusCache>(); _walker = context.GetService <ISccProjectWalker>(); _project = project as IVsProject2; _projectDir = projectDir; if (projectDir != null) { _projectDirItem = Cache[projectDir]; } }
static void PerformLog(IAnkhServiceProvider context, ICollection <SvnOrigin> targets, SvnRevision start, SvnRevision end) { IAnkhPackage package = context.GetService <IAnkhPackage>(); package.ShowToolWindow(AnkhToolWindow.Log); LogToolWindowControl logToolControl = context.GetService <ISelectionContext>().ActiveFrameControl as LogToolWindowControl; if (logToolControl != null) { logToolControl.StartLog(targets, start, end); } }
private Uri GetRepositoryRoot() { if (_checkedUri) { return(null); } _checkedUri = true; using (SvnClient client = _context.GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetNoUIClient()) { return(_repositoryRoot = client.GetRepositoryRoot(FullPath)); } }
public int SccGlyphChanged(int cAffectedNodes, uint[] rgitemidAffectedNodes, VsStateIcon[] rgsiNewGlyphs, uint[] rgdwNewSccStatus) { IVsSccManager2 sccService = _context.GetService <IVsSccManager2>(typeof(SVsSccManager)); string[] rgpszFullPaths = new string[1]; rgpszFullPaths[0] = GetSolutionFileName(_context); VsStateIcon[] rgsiGlyphs = new VsStateIcon[1]; uint[] rgdwSccStatus = new uint[1]; sccService.GetSccGlyph(1, rgpszFullPaths, rgsiGlyphs, rgdwSccStatus); // Set the solution's glyph directly in the hierarchy IVsHierarchy solHier = (IVsHierarchy)_context.GetService(typeof(SVsSolution)); return(solHier.SetProperty(VSItemId.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID.VSHPROPID_StateIconIndex, (int)rgsiGlyphs[0])); }
private static bool TryGetDteVersion(IAnkhServiceProvider context, out Version version) { version = null; Type dteType = Type.GetType("EnvDTE._DTE, EnvDTE, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", false); if (dteType == null) { return(false); } Object dte = context.GetService(typeof(SDTE)); if (dte == null) { return(false); } System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = dteType.GetMethod("get_Version"); if (method == null) { return(false); } string verStr = method.Invoke(dte, null) as string; if (verStr != null) { version = new Version(verStr); return(true); } return(false); }
public void RefreshText(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); IFileStatusCache cache = context.GetService<IFileStatusCache>(); ImageIndex = PendingChange.IconIndex; SvnItem item = cache[FullPath]; if (item == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); // Item no longer valued PendingChangeStatus pcs = PendingChange.Change ?? new PendingChangeStatus(PendingChangeKind.None); SetValues( pcs.PendingCommitText, PendingChange.ChangeList, GetDirectory(item), PendingChange.FullPath, item.IsLocked ? PCStrings.LockedValue : "", // Locked SafeDate(item.Modified), // Modified PendingChange.Name, PendingChange.RelativePath, PendingChange.Project, context.GetService<IFileIconMapper>().GetFileType(item), SafeWorkingCopy(item)); }
public ProjectListFilter(IAnkhServiceProvider context, IEnumerable <SccProject> projects) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } if (projects == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("projects"); } _mapper = context.GetService <IProjectFileMapper>(); List <SccProject> projectList = new List <SccProject>(projects); files.AddRange(_mapper.GetAllFilesOf(projectList)); foreach (SccProject p in projectList) { ISccProjectInfo pi = _mapper.GetProjectInfo(p); if (pi == null) { continue; // Ignore solution and non scc projects } string dir = pi.ProjectDirectory; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) && !folders.Contains(dir)) { folders.Add(dir); } } }
public void Tick() { if (_dlg == null) { if (_start > DateTime.UtcNow) { return; } IVsThreadedWaitDialog dlg = _context.GetService <IVsThreadedWaitDialog>(typeof(SVsThreadedWaitDialog)); if (dlg != null) { if (VSErr.Succeeded(dlg.StartWaitDialog(_caption, _message, null, (uint)__VSTWDFLAGS.VSTWDFLAGS_TOPMOST, null, null))) { _dlg = dlg; } } } else { int canceled; _dlg.GiveTimeSlice(null, null, 0, out canceled); } }
public ProjectNotifier(IAnkhServiceProvider context) : base(context) { uint cookie; if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(context.GetService<IVsShell>(typeof(SVsShell)).AdviseBroadcastMessages(this, out cookie))) _cookie = cookie; }
private static void FindRoot(IAnkhServiceProvider context, Uri selectedUri, CheckoutProject dlg) { AnkhAction ds = delegate { using (SvnClient client = context.GetService <ISvnClientPool>().GetClient()) { string value; if (client.TryGetProperty(selectedUri, AnkhSccPropertyNames.ProjectRoot, out value)) { if (dlg.IsHandleCreated) { dlg.Invoke((AnkhAction) delegate { try { dlg.ProjectTop = new Uri(selectedUri, value); } catch { }; }); } } } }; ds.BeginInvoke(null, null); }
const int VSSPROPID_ReleaseVersion = -9068; // VS 12+ internal static void Ensure(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (FullVersion.Major == 0) { // Use the old DTE api in an attempt to get the version Version ver; if (TryGetDteVersion(context, out ver)) { _vsVersion = ver; } } if (FullVersion.Major == 0) { string versionStr = null; // VS 2012 has a shell property IVsShell shell = context.GetService <IVsShell>(typeof(SVsShell)); if (shell != null) { object v; if (VSErr.Succeeded(shell.GetProperty(VSSPROPID_ReleaseVersion, out v))) { versionStr = v as string; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionStr)) { ParseVersion(versionStr); } } }
List <IVsHierarchy> GetProjects(IAnkhServiceProvider context, __VSENUMPROJFLAGS flags) { IVsSolution solution = context.GetService <IVsSolution>(typeof(SVsSolution)); Guid gNone = Guid.Empty; IEnumHierarchies hierEnum; Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(solution.GetProjectEnum((uint)flags, ref gNone, out hierEnum)); IVsHierarchy[] hiers = new IVsHierarchy[32]; List <IVsHierarchy> result = new List <IVsHierarchy>(); uint fetched; while (VSErr.Succeeded(hierEnum.Next((uint)hiers.Length, hiers, out fetched))) { if ((int)fetched == hiers.Length) { result.AddRange(hiers); } else if (fetched > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)fetched; i++) { result.Add(hiers[i]); } } else { break; } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Shows the log viewer and sets the revision cell value to the selected revision /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> private void SelectRevision(DataGridViewRow row) { IAnkhServiceProvider context = Context; if (context != null) { string selectedUriString = row.Cells[0].Value as string; Uri selectedUri; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedUriString) && Uri.TryCreate(selectedUriString, UriKind.Absolute, out selectedUri) ) { Uri repoRoot = string.Equals(_lastUsedUriString, selectedUriString) ? _lastRepositoryRoot : null; if (repoRoot == null) { if (context.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal( PropertyEditStrings.RetrievingRepositoryRoot, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a) { repoRoot = a.Client.GetRepositoryRoot(selectedUri); }).Succeeded) { //cache the last used repo uri string and the fetched repository root uri _lastRepositoryRoot = repoRoot; _lastUsedUriString = selectedUriString; } } if (repoRoot != null) { try { // set the current revision value as the initial selection string rev = row.Cells[2].Value as string; SvnRevision rr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(rev) ? SvnRevision.None : long.Parse(rev); SvnUriTarget svnTarget = new SvnUriTarget(selectedUri, rr); Ankh.Scc.SvnOrigin origin = new Ankh.Scc.SvnOrigin(svnTarget, repoRoot); using (Ankh.UI.SvnLog.LogViewerDialog dlg = new Ankh.UI.SvnLog.LogViewerDialog(origin)) { if (dlg.ShowDialog(Context) == DialogResult.OK) { Ankh.Scc.ISvnLogItem li = EnumTools.GetSingle(dlg.SelectedItems); rev = li == null ? null : li.Revision.ToString(); //set the revision cell value to the selection revision row.Cells[2].Value = rev ?? string.Empty; } } } catch { // clear cache in case of error _lastUsedUriString = null; _lastRepositoryRoot = null; } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a boolean indicating whether a component can continue idle processing. Returns false when idle processing should stop /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool ContinueIdle() { if (_mgr == null) { _mgr = _context.GetService <IOleComponentManager>(typeof(SOleComponentManager)); } return(_mgr == null || 0 != _mgr.FContinueIdle()); }
internal void OpenItem(IAnkhServiceProvider context, string p) { Ankh.Commands.IAnkhCommandService cmd = context.GetService <Ankh.Commands.IAnkhCommandService>(); if (cmd != null) { cmd.ExecCommand(AnkhCommand.ItemOpenVisualStudio, true); } }
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleCreated(e); if (DesignMode) { return; } IContextControl cc = TopLevelControl as IContextControl; IAnkhServiceProvider context = null; if (cc != null && cc.Context != null) { context = cc.Context; } else { Control c = Parent; while (c != null) { cc = c as IContextControl; if (cc != null) { context = cc.Context; break; } context = c as IAnkhServiceProvider; if (context != null) { break; } c = c.Parent; } } if (context == null) { return; } IVSTextEditorFactory factory = context.GetService <IVSTextEditorFactory>(); IVSTextEditorImplementation implementation; if (factory != null && factory.TryInstantiateIn(this, out implementation)) { implementation.HorizontalTextScroll += ImplementOnHorizontalTextScroll; implementation.VerticalTextScroll += ImplementOnVerticalTextScroll; _implementation = implementation; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves all dirty documents within the provided selection /// </summary> /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> protected static void SaveAllDirtyDocuments(ISelectionContext selection, IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (selection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("selection"); if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker tracker = context.GetService<IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker>(); if (tracker != null) tracker.SaveDocuments(selection.GetSelectedFiles(true)); }
public override void ResetSettings() { base.ResetSettings(); IAnkhServiceProvider sp = (IAnkhServiceProvider)GetService(typeof(IAnkhServiceProvider)); if (sp != null) { IAnkhConfigurationService cfgSvc = sp.GetService<IAnkhConfigurationService>(); cfgSvc.LoadDefaultConfig(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a boolean indicating whether a component can continue idle processing. Returns false when idle processing should stop /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool ContinueIdle() { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); if (_mgr == null) { _mgr = _context.GetService <IOleComponentManager>(typeof(SOleComponentManager)); } return(_mgr == null || 0 != _mgr.FContinueIdle()); }
public WCSolutionNode(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnItem item) : base(context, null, item) { string file = Context.GetService<IAnkhSolutionSettings>().SolutionFilename; IFileIconMapper iconMapper = context.GetService<IFileIconMapper>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) _imageIndex = iconMapper.GetIconForExtension(".sln"); else _imageIndex = iconMapper.GetIcon(file); }
public OutputPaneReporter(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnClient client) : base(context) { if (client == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); } _mgr = context.GetService <IOutputPaneManager>(); _sb = new StringBuilder(); _reporter = new SvnClientReporter(client, _sb); }
private bool DeleteIssueRepositoryProperties(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnItem item) { return(context.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Removing Issue Repository settings", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs wa) { wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryConnector); wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryUri); wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryId); wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryPropertyNames); wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryPropertyValues); }).Succeeded); }
private void UpdateText() { IFileIconMapper mapper = Context.GetService <IFileIconMapper>(); ImageIndex = GetIcon(mapper); StateImageIndex = mapper.GetStateIcon(GetIcon(_status)); SetValues( _item.Status.ChangeList, _item.Directory, _item.FullPath, _localStatus.PendingCommitText, (_status.RemoteLock != null) ? PCResources.LockedValue : "", // Locked SafeDate(_item.Modified), _item.Name, GetRelativePath(_item), GetProject(_item), _remoteStatus.PendingCommitText, Context.GetService <IFileIconMapper>().GetFileType(_item), SafeWorkingCopy(_item)); }
private static string DoExternalDiff(IAnkhServiceProvider context, IEnumerable <SvnItem> selection, SvnRevision start, SvnRevision end) { foreach (SvnItem item in selection) { // skip unmodified for a diff against the textbase if (start == SvnRevision.Base && end == SvnRevision.Working && !item.IsModified) { continue; } string tempDir = context.GetService <IAnkhTempDirManager>().GetTempDir(); AnkhDiffArgs da = new AnkhDiffArgs(); da.BaseFile = GetPath(context, start, item, tempDir); da.MineFile = GetPath(context, end, item, tempDir); context.GetService <IAnkhDiffHandler>().RunDiff(da); } return(null); }
private static string GetPath(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnRevision revision, SvnItem item, string tempDir) { if (revision == SvnRevision.Working) { return(item.FullPath); } string strRevision; if (revision.RevisionType == SvnRevisionType.Time) { strRevision = revision.Time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"); } else { strRevision = revision.ToString(); } string tempFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Name) + "." + strRevision + Path.GetExtension(item.Name); tempFile = Path.Combine(tempDir, tempFile); // we need to get it from the repos context.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.RetrievingFileForComparison, delegate(object o, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { SvnTarget target; switch (revision.RevisionType) { case SvnRevisionType.Head: case SvnRevisionType.Number: case SvnRevisionType.Time: target = item.Uri; break; default: target = item.FullPath; break; } SvnWriteArgs args = new SvnWriteArgs(); args.Revision = revision; args.AddExpectedError(SvnErrorCode.SVN_ERR_CLIENT_UNRELATED_RESOURCES); using (FileStream stream = File.Create(tempFile)) { ee.Client.Write(target, stream, args); } }); return(tempFile); }
public WCSolutionNode(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnItem item) : base(context, null, item) { string file = Context.GetService <IAnkhSolutionSettings>().SolutionFilename; IFileIconMapper iconMapper = context.GetService <IFileIconMapper>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { _imageIndex = iconMapper.GetIconForExtension(".sln"); } else { _imageIndex = iconMapper.GetIcon(file); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns an object that represents a service provided by the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Component"/> or by its <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Container"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="service">A service provided by the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Component"/>.</param> /// <returns> /// An <see cref="T:System.Object"/> that represents a service provided by the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Component"/>, or null if the <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.Component"/> does not provide the specified service. /// </returns> protected override object GetService(Type service) { object r; if (Context != null) { r = Context.GetService(service); if (r != null) { return(r); } } return(base.GetService(service)); }
protected override void OnItemChecked(ItemCheckedEventArgs e) { base.OnItemChecked(e); if (_shell == null) { IAnkhServiceProvider sps = SelectionPublishServiceProvider; if (sps != null) { _shell = sps.GetService <IVsUIShell>(typeof(SVsUIShell)); } } if (_shell != null) { _shell.UpdateCommandUI(0); // Make sure the toolbar is updated on check actions } }
private bool SetIssueRepositoryProperties(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnItem item, IssueRepositorySettings settings) { return(context.GetService <IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Applying Issue Repository settings", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs wa) { wa.Client.SetProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryConnector, settings.ConnectorName); wa.Client.SetProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryUri, settings.RepositoryUri.ToString()); string repositoryId = settings.RepositoryId; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repositoryId)) { wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryId); } else { wa.Client.SetProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryId, settings.RepositoryId); } IDictionary <string, object> customProperties = settings.CustomProperties; if (customProperties == null || customProperties.Count == 0 ) { wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryPropertyNames); wa.Client.DeleteProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryPropertyValues); } else { string[] propNameArray = new string[customProperties.Keys.Count]; customProperties.Keys.CopyTo(propNameArray, 0); string propNames = string.Join(",", propNameArray); List <string> propValueList = new List <string>(); foreach (string propName in propNameArray) { object propValue; if (!customProperties.TryGetValue(propName, out propValue)) { propValue = string.Empty; } propValueList.Add(propValue == null ? string.Empty : propValue.ToString()); } string propValues = string.Join(",", propValueList.ToArray()); wa.Client.SetProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryPropertyNames, propNames); wa.Client.SetProperty(item.FullPath, AnkhSccPropertyNames.IssueRepositoryPropertyValues, propValues); } }).Succeeded); }
public IList <string> GetSubFiles() { if (_subFiles != null) { return(_subFiles); } ISccProjectWalker walker = _context.GetService <ISccProjectWalker>(); List <string> files = new List <string>(walker.GetSccFiles(Project.ProjectHierarchy, ProjectItemId, ProjectWalkDepth.SpecialFiles, null)); files.Remove(Filename); _subFiles = files.AsReadOnly(); return(_subFiles); }
protected override IDisposable DialogRunContext(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { IAnkhDialogOwner owner = null; if (context != null) { owner = context.GetService <IAnkhDialogOwner>(); } if (owner != null) { return(owner.InstallFormRouting(this, EventArgs.Empty)); } else { return(base.DialogRunContext(context)); } }
List<IVsHierarchy> GetProjects(IAnkhServiceProvider context, __VSENUMPROJFLAGS flags) { IVsSolution solution = context.GetService<IVsSolution>(typeof(SVsSolution)); Guid gNone = Guid.Empty; IEnumHierarchies hierEnum; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(solution.GetProjectEnum((uint)flags, ref gNone, out hierEnum)); IVsHierarchy[] hiers = new IVsHierarchy[32]; List<IVsHierarchy> result = new List<IVsHierarchy>(); uint fetched; while(ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hierEnum.Next((uint)hiers.Length, hiers, out fetched))) { if((int)fetched == hiers.Length) result.AddRange(hiers); else if(fetched > 0) for(int i = 0; i < (int)fetched; i++) result.Add(hiers[i]); else break; } return result; }
private static void FindRoot(IAnkhServiceProvider context, Uri selectedUri, CheckoutProject dlg) { AnkhAction ds = delegate { using (SvnClient client = context.GetService<ISvnClientPool>().GetClient()) { string value; if (client.TryGetProperty(selectedUri, AnkhSccPropertyNames.ProjectRoot, out value)) { if (dlg.IsHandleCreated) dlg.Invoke((AnkhAction)delegate { try { dlg.ProjectTop = new Uri(selectedUri, value); } catch { }; }); } } }; ds.BeginInvoke(null, null); }
static void PerformLog(IAnkhServiceProvider context, ICollection<SvnOrigin> targets, SvnRevision start, SvnRevision end) { IAnkhPackage package = context.GetService<IAnkhPackage>(); package.ShowToolWindow(AnkhToolWindow.Log); LogToolWindowControl logToolControl = context.GetService<ISelectionContext>().ActiveFrameControl as LogToolWindowControl; if (logToolControl != null) logToolControl.StartLog(targets, start, end); }
public void RefreshText(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); IFileStatusCache cache = context.GetService<IFileStatusCache>(); ImageIndex = PendingChange.IconIndex; SvnItem item = cache[FullPath]; if (item == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); // Item no longer valued PendingChangeStatus pcs = PendingChange.Change ?? new PendingChangeStatus(PendingChangeKind.None); SetValues( pcs.PendingCommitText, _lastChangeList = PendingChange.ChangeList, GetDirectory(item), PendingChange.FullPath, item.IsLocked ? PCStrings.LockedValue : "", // Locked SafeDate(item.Modified), // Modified PendingChange.Name, PendingChange.RelativePath, PendingChange.Project, GetRevision(PendingChange), PendingChange.FileType, SafeWorkingCopy(item)); if (!SystemInformation.HighContrast) { System.Drawing.Color clr = System.Drawing.Color.Black; if (item.IsConflicted || PendingChange.Kind == PendingChangeKind.WrongCasing) clr = System.Drawing.Color.Red; else if (item.IsDeleteScheduled) clr = System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed; else if (item.Status.IsCopied || item.Status.CombinedStatus == SharpSvn.SvnStatus.Added) clr = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 100); else if (!item.IsVersioned) { if (item.InSolution && !item.IsIgnored) clr = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 0, 100); // Same as added+copied else clr = System.Drawing.Color.Black; } else if (item.IsModified) clr = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue; ForeColor = clr; } }
private static string GetPath(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnRevision revision, SvnItem item, string tempDir) { if (revision == SvnRevision.Working) { return item.FullPath; } string strRevision; if (revision.RevisionType == SvnRevisionType.Time) strRevision = revision.Time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"); else strRevision = revision.ToString(); string tempFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Name) + "." + strRevision + Path.GetExtension(item.Name); tempFile = Path.Combine(tempDir, tempFile); // we need to get it from the repos context.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Retrieving file for diffing", delegate(object o, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { SvnTarget target; switch(revision.RevisionType) { case SvnRevisionType.Head: case SvnRevisionType.Number: case SvnRevisionType.Time: target = new SvnUriTarget(item.Uri); break; default: target = new SvnPathTarget(item.FullPath); break; } SvnWriteArgs args = new SvnWriteArgs(); args.Revision = revision; args.AddExpectedError(SvnErrorCode.SVN_ERR_CLIENT_UNRELATED_RESOURCES); using (FileStream stream = File.Create(tempFile)) { ee.Client.Write(target, stream, args); } }); return tempFile; }
protected override IDisposable DialogRunContext(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { IAnkhDialogOwner owner = null; if (context != null) owner = context.GetService<IAnkhDialogOwner>(); if (owner != null) return owner.InstallFormRouting(this, EventArgs.Empty); else return base.DialogRunContext(context); }
internal void OpenItem(IAnkhServiceProvider context, string p) { Ankh.Commands.IAnkhCommandService cmd = context.GetService<Ankh.Commands.IAnkhCommandService>(); if (cmd != null) cmd.ExecCommand(AnkhCommand.ItemOpenVisualStudio, true); }
private static void AddIgnores(IAnkhServiceProvider context, string path, List<string> ignores) { try { context.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.IgnoreCaption, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs e) { SvnGetPropertyArgs pa = new SvnGetPropertyArgs(); pa.ThrowOnError = false; SvnTargetPropertyCollection tpc; if (e.Client.GetProperty(path, SvnPropertyNames.SvnIgnore, pa, out tpc)) { SvnPropertyValue pv; if (tpc.Count > 0 && null != (pv = tpc[0]) && pv.StringValue != null) { int n = 0; foreach (string oldItem in pv.StringValue.Split('\n')) { string item = oldItem.TrimEnd('\r'); if (item.Trim().Length == 0) continue; // Don't add duplicates while (n < ignores.Count && ignores.IndexOf(item, n) >= 0) ignores.RemoveAt(ignores.IndexOf(item, n)); if (ignores.Contains(item)) continue; ignores.Insert(n++, item); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool next = false; foreach (string item in ignores) { if (next) sb.Append('\n'); // Subversion wants only newlines else next = true; sb.Append(item); } e.Client.SetProperty(path, SvnPropertyNames.SvnIgnore, sb.ToString()); } }); // Make sure a changed directory is visible in the PC Window context.GetService<IFileStatusMonitor>().ScheduleMonitor(path); } finally { // Ignore doesn't bubble context.GetService<IFileStatusCache>().MarkDirtyRecursive(path); } }
public static void MaybePerformUpdateCheck(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); if (_checkedOnce) return; _checkedOnce = true; IAnkhConfigurationService config = context.GetService<IAnkhConfigurationService>(); using (RegistryKey rk = config.OpenUserInstanceKey("UpdateCheck")) { int interval = 24 * 6; // 6 days object value = rk.GetValue("Interval"); if (value is int) { interval = (int)value; if (interval <= 0) return; } TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromHours(interval); value = rk.GetValue("LastVersion"); if (IsDevVersion() || (value is string && (string)value == GetCurrentVersion(context).ToString())) { value = rk.GetValue("LastCheck"); long lv; if (value is string && long.TryParse((string)value, out lv)) { DateTime lc = new DateTime(lv, DateTimeKind.Utc); if ((lc + ts) > DateTime.UtcNow) return; // TODO: Check the number of fails to increase the check interval } } } context.GetService<IAnkhScheduler>().Schedule(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20), AnkhCommand.CheckForUpdates); }
public WCMyComputerNode(IAnkhServiceProvider context) : base(context, null) { _imageIndex = context.GetService<IFileIconMapper>().GetSpecialFolderIcon(WindowsSpecialFolder.MyComputer); }
public RefreshState(IAnkhServiceProvider context, IVsHierarchy hier, IVsProject project, string projectDir) { _hier = hier; _cache = context.GetService<IFileStatusCache>(); _walker = context.GetService<ISccProjectWalker>(); _project = project as IVsProject2; _projectDir = projectDir; if (projectDir != null) _projectDirItem = Cache[projectDir]; }
static Version GetCurrentVersion(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); if (_currentVersion != null) return _currentVersion; IAnkhPackage pkg = context.GetService<IAnkhPackage>(); if (pkg != null) return _currentVersion = pkg.PackageVersion; return _currentVersion = typeof(CheckForUpdates).Assembly.GetName().Version; }
public CodeEditorWindow(IAnkhServiceProvider context, Control container) : base(context) { if (container == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("container"); _container = container; _serviceProvider = context.GetService<IOleServiceProvider>(); }
public DiffToolMonitor(IAnkhServiceProvider context, string monitor, bool monitorDir) : base(context) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(monitor)) throw new ArgumentNullException("monitor"); else if (!SvnItem.IsValidPath(monitor)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("monitor"); _monitorDir = monitorDir; _toMonitor = monitor; IVsFileChangeEx fx = context.GetService<IVsFileChangeEx>(typeof(SVsFileChangeEx)); _cookie = 0; if (fx == null) { } else if (!_monitorDir) { if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(fx.AdviseFileChange(monitor, (uint)(_VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Time | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Size | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Add | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Del | _VSFILECHANGEFLAGS.VSFILECHG_Attr), this, out _cookie))) { _cookie = 0; } } else { if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(fx.AdviseDirChange(monitor, 1, this, out _cookie))) { _cookie = 0; } } }
private static string DoExternalDiff(IAnkhServiceProvider context, PathSelectorResult info) { foreach (SvnItem item in info.Selection) { // skip unmodified for a diff against the textbase if (info.RevisionStart == SvnRevision.Base && info.RevisionEnd == SvnRevision.Working && !item.IsModified) continue; string tempDir = context.GetService<IAnkhTempDirManager>().GetTempDir(); AnkhDiffArgs da = new AnkhDiffArgs(); da.BaseFile = GetPath(context, info.RevisionStart, item, tempDir); da.MineFile = GetPath(context, info.RevisionEnd, item, tempDir); context.GetService<IAnkhDiffHandler>().RunDiff(da); } return null; }
public ProjectListFilter(IAnkhServiceProvider context, IEnumerable<SvnProject> projects) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); if (projects == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("projects"); _mapper = context.GetService<IProjectFileMapper>(); List<SvnProject> projectList = new List<SvnProject>(projects); files.AddRange(_mapper.GetAllFilesOf(projectList)); foreach (SvnProject p in projectList) { ISvnProjectInfo pi = _mapper.GetProjectInfo(p); if (pi == null) continue; // Ignore solution and non scc projects string dir = pi.ProjectDirectory; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir) && !folders.Contains(dir)) folders.Add(dir); } }
/// <summary> /// Installs a visual studio command handler for the specified control /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="control">The control.</param> /// <param name="command">The command.</param> /// <param name="handler">The handler.</param> /// <param name="updateHandler">The update handler.</param> public static void Install(IAnkhServiceProvider context, Control control, CommandID command, EventHandler<CommandEventArgs> handler, EventHandler<CommandUpdateEventArgs> updateHandler) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); else if (control == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("control"); else if (command == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("command"); IAnkhCommandHandlerInstallerService svc = context.GetService<IAnkhCommandHandlerInstallerService>(); if (svc != null) svc.Install(control, command, handler, updateHandler); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the diff from the current selection. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="selection"></param> /// <param name="revisions"></param> /// <param name="visibleFilter"></param> /// <returns>The diff as a string.</returns> protected virtual string GetDiff(IAnkhServiceProvider context, ISelectionContext selection, SvnRevisionRange revisions, Predicate<SvnItem> visibleFilter) { if (selection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("selection"); if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); IUIShell uiShell = context.GetService<IUIShell>(); bool foundModified = false; foreach (SvnItem item in selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(true)) { if (item.IsModified || item.IsDocumentDirty) { foundModified = true; break; // no need (yet) to keep searching } } PathSelectorInfo info = new PathSelectorInfo("Select items for diffing", selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(true)); info.VisibleFilter += visibleFilter; if (foundModified) info.CheckedFilter += delegate(SvnItem item) { return item.IsFile && (item.IsModified || item.IsDocumentDirty); }; info.RevisionStart = revisions == null ? SvnRevision.Base : revisions.StartRevision; info.RevisionEnd = revisions == null ? SvnRevision.Working : revisions.EndRevision; PathSelectorResult result; // should we show the path selector? if (!Shift && (revisions == null || !foundModified)) { result = uiShell.ShowPathSelector(info); if (!result.Succeeded) return null; } else result = info.DefaultResult; if (!result.Succeeded) return null; SaveAllDirtyDocuments(selection, context); return DoExternalDiff(context, result); }
public OutputPaneReporter(IAnkhServiceProvider context, SvnClient client) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); else if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); _mgr = context.GetService<IOutputPaneManager>(); _sb = new StringBuilder(); _reporter = new SvnClientReporter(client, _sb); }
public void BrowsePath(IAnkhServiceProvider context, string path) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); folderTree.BrowsePath(path); if (context.GetService<IFileStatusCache>()[path].IsFile) { fileList.SelectPath(path); } }