public void AnimatedIconSourceTest() { AnimatedIconSource iconSource = null; IAnimatedVisualSource2 source = null; RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { iconSource = new AnimatedIconSource(); source = new AnimatedChevronDownSmallVisualSource(); // IconSource.Foreground should be null to allow foreground inheritance from // the parent to work. Verify.AreEqual(iconSource.Foreground, null); Log.Comment("Validate the defaults match BitmapIcon."); var icon = new AnimatedIcon(); Verify.AreEqual(icon.Source, iconSource.Source); Log.Comment("Validate that you can change the properties."); iconSource.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Red); iconSource.Source = source; }); IdleSynchronizer.Wait(); RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { Verify.IsTrue(iconSource.Foreground is SolidColorBrush); Verify.AreEqual(Windows.UI.Colors.Red, (iconSource.Foreground as SolidColorBrush).Color); Verify.AreEqual(source, iconSource.Source); }); }
public SettingsSearchPage(Type page, string text, IAnimatedVisualSource2 icon = null, SettingsSearchEntry[] items = null) : base(text, icon) { Page = page; Items = items; if (items != null) { foreach (var item in items) { item.Parent = this; if (item.Icon == null) { item.Icon = icon; } } } }
public DownloadsIndicator() { DefaultStyleKey = typeof(DownloadsIndicator); var compositor = Window.Current.Compositor; var source = new Downloading(); var visual = source.TryCreateAnimatedVisual(compositor, out _); if (visual == null) { return; } _visual = visual; _visual.RootVisual.Scale = new System.Numerics.Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 1); _visualSource = source; ThemeChanged(); var linearEasing = compositor.CreateLinearEasingFunction(); _animation = compositor.CreateScalarKeyFrameAnimation(); _animation.Duration = visual.Duration; _animation.InsertKeyFrame(1, 60f / 90f, linearEasing); //animation.IterationBehavior = AnimationIterationBehavior.Forever; _properties = compositor.CreatePropertySet(); _properties.InsertScalar("Progress", 30f / 90f); var progressAnimation = compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("_.Progress"); progressAnimation.SetReferenceParameter("_", _properties); visual.RootVisual.Properties.InsertScalar("Progress", 0.0F); visual.RootVisual.Properties.StartAnimation("Progress", progressAnimation); ActualThemeChanged += OnActualThemeChanged; }
public SettingsSearchEntry(string text, IAnimatedVisualSource2 icon) { Text = text; Icon = icon; }
public SettingsSearchFaq(string url, string text, IAnimatedVisualSource2 icon = null) : base(text, icon) { Url = url; }