private Receive Connected(IActorRef connection) { connection.Tell(new Tcp.Register(Self)); connection.Tell(Tcp.Write.Create(MessageSeriliazer.Serialize(Context.System, new Signal.Join(_hub)))); return message => { var received = message as Tcp.Received; if (received != null) { var messages = MessageSeriliazer.Deserialize(Context.System, received.Data); messages.ForEach(_handler.Tell); return true; } var closed = message as Tcp.ConnectionClosed; if (closed != null) { _handler.Tell(new Signal.Disconnected()); Become(Reconnecting()); return true; } if (Sender == _handler) { connection.Tell(WriteObject(new Signal.Broadcast(_hub, message))); return true; } return false; }; }
/// <summary> /// Create a new <see cref="ButtonToggler"/> actor. /// </summary> /// <param name="performanceCountersController"> /// The actor that controls the <see cref="PerformanceCounterMonitor"/>s for various performance counters. /// </param> /// <param name="button"> /// The button controlled by the <see cref="ButtonToggler"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="counterType"> /// The type of performance counter represented by the button. /// </param> /// <param name="isToggled"> /// Is the button currently toggled ("On")? /// </param> public ButtonToggler(IActorRef performanceCountersController, Button button, CounterType counterType, bool isToggled = false) { if (performanceCountersController == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("performanceCountersController"); if (button == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("button"); if (counterType == CounterType.Unknown) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(counterType), counterType, "Invalid performance counter type."); _performanceCountersController = performanceCountersController; _button = button; _counterType = counterType; _isToggled = isToggled; Receive<Toggle>(_ => { if (Flip()) { _performanceCountersController.Tell( new WatchCounterValue(_counterType) ); } else { _performanceCountersController.Tell( new UnwatchCounterValue(_counterType) ); } }); }
public Manager(ProgramOptions options) { this.options = options; summary = new Summary(options.NrRequests); Receive <WantWork>(_ => DispatchWork()); Receive <Result>(r => SaveResult(r)); Receive <Start>(_ => StartDownloading()); statusReporter = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create <StatusReporter>(), "status"); verboseReporter = options.Verbose ? statusReporter : null; verboseReporter?.Tell("Starting up..."); statusReporter.Tell(summary); downloaders = new List <IActorRef>(); for (var i = 1; i <= options.Concurrency; i++) { verboseReporter?.Tell($"Starting Downloader #{i}..."); downloaders.Add( Context.ActorOf( Props.Create <Downloader>(Self, verboseReporter), $"{DownloadAgentPrefix}{i}" ) ); } }
public Hub(IActorRef handler) { _handler = handler; Receive<Signal.Join>(join => { if (!_clients.TryAdd(Sender, out _clients)) return; var joined = new Signal.Joined(Sender.Path.Name, Self.Path.Name); Self.Tell(new Signal.Broadcast("self", joined)); _handler.Tell(joined); }); Receive<Signal.Leave>(leave => { if (!_clients.TryRemove(Sender, out _clients)) return; var left = new Signal.Left(Sender.Path.Name, Self.Path.Name); Self.Tell(new Signal.Broadcast("self", left)); _handler.Tell(left); }); Receive<Signal.Broadcast>(broadcast => { var message = WriteObject(broadcast.Message); foreach (var client in _clients) client.Tell(message); }); ReceiveAny(o => Self.Forward(new Signal.Broadcast("self", o))); }
public SignalRBridgeActor(IGameEventsPusher gameEventsPusher, IActorRef gameController) { _gameEventsPusher = gameEventsPusher; _gameController = gameController; Receive<JoinGameMessage>( message => { _gameController.Tell(message); }); Receive<AttackPlayerMessage>( message => { _gameController.Tell(message); }); Receive<PlayerStatusMessage>( message => { _gameEventsPusher.PlayerJoined(message.PlayerName, message.Health); }); Receive<PlayerHealthChangedMessage>( message => { _gameEventsPusher.UpdatePlayerHealth(message.PlayerName, message.Health); }); }
private Receive Binding(EndPoint endPoint, IActorRef sender) { Context.System.Tcp().Tell(new Tcp.Bind(Self, endPoint)); return message => { var failed = message as Tcp.CommandFailed; if (failed != null) { _log.Error($"Could not bind to endpoint {endPoint}. Reason: {failed.Cmd.FailureMessage}"); sender.Tell(new Signal.BindingFailed(endPoint, failed.Cmd.FailureMessage.ToString())); Context.Stop(Self); return true; } var bound = message as Tcp.Bound; if (bound != null) { _log.Info($"Listening on {bound.LocalAddress}"); sender.Tell(new Signal.Bound(endPoint)); Become(Bound); return true; } Stash.Stash(); return true; }; }
public ClientReceiveActor(IActorRef actor, long repeat, TaskCompletionSource<bool> latch) { var received=0L; var sent=0L; Receive<Messages.Msg>(m => { received++; if(sent < repeat) { actor.Tell(m); sent++; } else if(received >= repeat) { latch.SetResult(true); } }); Receive<Messages.Run>(r => { var msg = new Messages.Msg(); for(int i = 0; i < Math.Min(1000, repeat); i++) { actor.Tell(msg); sent++; } }); Receive<Messages.Started>(s => Sender.Tell(s)); }
public WriteAckAdapter(IActorRef replica) { IActorRef replicator = null; Receive <WriteAck>(ack => replicator?.Tell(ack)); Receive <WriteNack>(ack => replicator?.Tell(ack)); Receive <DeltaNack>(ack => replicator?.Tell(ack)); ReceiveAny(msg => { replicator = Sender; replica.Tell(msg); }); }
private static void StressPersistentActor(IActorRef pref, long? failAt, string description) { if (failAt.HasValue) pref.Tell(new FailAt(failAt.Value)); var m = new Measure(LoadCycles); m.StartMeasure(); for (int i = 1; i <= LoadCycles; i++) pref.Tell("msg" + i); pref.Ask(StopMeasure.Instance, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100)).Wait(); var ratio = m.StopMeasure(); Console.WriteLine("Throughtput: {0} {1} per second", ratio, description); }
public PersistentViewSpec() : base(Configuration("inmem", "PersistentViewSpec")) { _prefProbe = CreateTestProbe(); _viewProbe = CreateTestProbe(); _pref = ActorOf(() => new TestPersistentActor(Name, _prefProbe.Ref)); _pref.Tell("a"); _pref.Tell("b"); _prefProbe.ExpectMsg("a-1"); _prefProbe.ExpectMsg("b-2"); }
public FixInterpreterTests() { var actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("System"); var props = Props.Create(() => new FixInterpreterActor(new FakeFixParser())); _fixInterpreterActor = actorSystem.ActorOf(props); _serverActor = CreateTestProbe("Server"); _clientActor = CreateTestProbe("Client"); _fixInterpreterActor.Tell(new FixInterpreterActor.SetServer(_serverActor)); _fixInterpreterActor.Tell(new FixInterpreterActor.SetClient(_clientActor)); }
public void Handle(IMessage m) { if (m.GetType() == typeof(connect)) { (new Thread(() => connect((m as connect).host, (m as connect).port))).Start(); } else if (m.GetType() == typeof(disconnect)) { if (client_.socket.IsConnected()) { logger_?.Tell(new log("aborting connection",, verbosity.high)); // connect client_.socket.eDisconnect(); } } else if (m.GetType() == typeof(connectionStatus)) { if (client_.socket.IsConnected()) { Sender.Tell(new connectionStatus(true), Self); } } else if (m.GetType() == typeof(historicalDataManager.request)) { if (client_.socket.IsConnected()) { var temp = (m as historicalDataManager.request); if (temp.correlation != null) { client_.socket.reqHistoricalData(, temp.contract, temp.endDatetime.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), temp.duration.ToString(), temp.barSize.ToString(), temp.type.ToString(), temp.useRTH, temp.formatDate, null); } } } else if (m.GetType() == typeof(registration)) { // pass-through dispatcher_?.Forward(m); } }
public HubProxy(IActorRef handler) { _handler = handler; Receive<Signal.Join>(join => { Sender.Tell(WriteObject(new Signal.Joined(Sender.Path.Name, Self.Path.Name, true))); //Client hasn't received the previous joined message so we don't need to forward it again to the other clients if (_clientDictionary.ContainsKey(Sender.Path.Name)) return; var joined = new Signal.Joined(Sender.Path.Name, Self.Path.Name); var joinedSerialized = WriteObject(joined); foreach (var client in _clientDictionary.Values) client.Tell(joinedSerialized); _handler.Tell(joined); _clientDictionary[Sender.Path.Name] = Sender; }); Receive<Signal.Leave>(leave => { if (_clientDictionary.ContainsKey(Sender.Path.Name)) _clientDictionary.Remove(Sender.Path.Name); var left = new Signal.Left(Sender.Path.Name, Self.Path.Name); Self.Tell(new Signal.Broadcast("self", left)); _handler.Tell(left); }); Receive<Signal.Broadcast>(broadcast => { var message = WriteObject(broadcast.Message); if (broadcast.ClientId == null) { foreach (var client in _clientDictionary.Values) client.Tell(message); } else if (_clientDictionary.ContainsKey(broadcast.ClientId)) { _clientDictionary[broadcast.ClientId].Tell(message); } }); Receive<Signal.ClientBroadcast>(broadcast => _handler.Tell(broadcast)); }
public StockActor(string stockSymbol) { _stockSymbol = stockSymbol; _subscribers = new HashSet<IActorRef>(); _priceLookupChild = Context.ActorOf(Context.DI().Props<StockPriceLookupActor>()); Receive<SubscribeToNewStockPricesMessage>(message => _subscribers.Add(message.Subscriber)); Receive<UnSubscribeFromNewStockPricesMessage>(message => _subscribers.Remove(message.Subscriber)); Receive<RefreshStockPriceMessage>(message => _priceLookupChild.Tell(message)); Receive<UpdatedStockPriceMessage>(message => { _stockPrice = message.Price; var stockPriceMessage = new StockPriceMessage(_stockSymbol, _stockPrice, message.Date); foreach (var subscriber in _subscribers) { subscriber.Tell(stockPriceMessage); } }); }
public ModuleManagerActor(IActorRef uiActor) { _uiActor = uiActor; _modules = new Dictionary<string, IActorRef>(); Receive<Messages.IncrementerMessage>(x => { foreach (var mod in _modules) mod.Value.Tell(x.Data); }); Receive<Messages.InitModuleMessage>(x => { _modules[x.Name] = x.ModuleActor; _uiActor.Tell(x); }); Receive<Messages.RequestClose>(x => { bool result = true; foreach (var m in _modules) if (!m.Value.Ask<bool>(x).Result) result = false; Sender.Tell(result); }); }
private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _chartActor = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ChartingActor(sysChart, btnPauseResume)), "charting"); _chartActor.Tell(new ChartingActor.InitializeChart(null)); //no initial series _coordinatorActor = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new PerformanceCounterCoordinatorActor(_chartActor)), "counters"); // CPU button toggle actor _toggleActors[CounterType.Cpu] = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new ButtonToggleActor(_coordinatorActor, btnCPU, CounterType.Cpu, false)) .WithDispatcher("")); // MEMORY button toggle actor _toggleActors[CounterType.Memory] = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new ButtonToggleActor(_coordinatorActor, btnMemory, CounterType.Memory, false)) .WithDispatcher("")); // DISK button toggle actor _toggleActors[CounterType.Disk] = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new ButtonToggleActor(_coordinatorActor, btnDisk, CounterType.Disk, false)) .WithDispatcher("")); // Set the CPU toggle to ON so we start getting some data _toggleActors[CounterType.Cpu].Tell(new ButtonToggleActor.Toggle()); }
public ChatConsoleActor(IActorRef userManager, IActorRef chatRoomManager) { _userManager = userManager; _chatRoomManager = chatRoomManager; _commandHandler = new CommandHandler(); RegisterEvents(); Receive <SendConsoleLine>(message => { if (_commandHandler.ContainsCommand(message.Text)) { _commandHandler.HandleCommands(message.Text); } else { _chatRoom?.Tell(new SendMessage(_user, message.Text)); } }); Receive <UserLoggedIn>(message => { _user = message.User; Log.Info($"User '{message.User}' logged in."); }); Receive <ChatJoined>(message => { _chatRoom = message.ChatRoom; Log.Info($"User joined chat '{message.ChatRoom}'."); }); }
public Actor1NonAsync(IActorRef testActor) { _testActor = testActor; Receive<string>(m => { _testActor.Tell(m); }); Context.ActorOf(Props.Create<Actor2>(), "actor-2"); }
public Master() { mapper = Context.ActorOf( Props.Create<Mapper>() .WithRouter(new RoundRobinPool(NrMappers)) ); reducer = Context.ActorOf( Props.Create<Reducer>() .WithRouter(new RoundRobinPool(NrReducers)) ); aggregator = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create<Aggregator>()); // 1. forward a string to mapper Receive<string>(s => mapper.Tell(s)); // 2. forward map result to reducer Receive<MapResult>(m => reducer.Tell(m)); // 3. forward reduce result to aggregator Receive<ReduceResult>(r => aggregator.Tell(r)); // allow asking for aggregated result at any time Receive<GetResult>(g => aggregator.Forward(g)); }
public PerformanceCounterCoordinatorActor(IActorRef chartingActor, Dictionary<CounterType, IActorRef> counterActors) { _counterActors = counterActors; _chartingActor = chartingActor; Receive<Watch>(watch => { if (!_counterActors.ContainsKey(watch.Counter)) { var counterActor = Context.ActorOf( Props.Create( () => new PerformanceCounterActor(watch.Counter.ToString(), CounterGenerators[watch.Counter]))); _counterActors[watch.Counter] = counterActor; } _chartingActor.Tell(new ChartingActor.AddSeries(CounterSeries[watch.Counter]())); _counterActors[watch.Counter].Tell(new SubscribeCounter(watch.Counter, _chartingActor)); }); Receive<Unwatch>(unwatch => { if (!_counterActors.ContainsKey(unwatch.Counter)) { return; } _counterActors[unwatch.Counter].Tell(new UnsubscribeCounter(unwatch.Counter, _chartingActor)); _chartingActor.Tell(new ChartingActor.RemoveSeries(unwatch.Counter.ToString())); }); }
public UserSessionActor(User user, IActorRef presence) { User = user; Presence = presence; Presence.Tell(new RegisterUser(Self)); Receives(); }
public AggregatorActor(IActorRef presenter) { var set = new Dictionary<string, Taxi.PositionBearing>(); Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedly(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), Self, "foo", Self); Receive<string>(_ => { var groups = set.Values.GroupBy(p => new { Longitude = 0.5 + (int) p.Longitude, Latitude = 0.5 + (int) p.Latitude }).ToList(); foreach (var group in groups) { presenter.Tell(new AggregatedData(group.Count(), group.Key.Latitude, group.Key.Longitude)); } set.Clear(); }); Receive<Taxi.PositionBearing>(p => { set.Remove(p.Id); set.Add(p.Id, p); }); }
public RequestProducer(int numberOfWorkers, string[] uris) { this.numberOfWorkers = numberOfWorkers; this.uris = uris; logger = Context.ActorOf<RequestLogger>("consoleLogger"); Receive<NewWorker>(worker => { log.Debug("Adding http request worker: {Worker}", Sender); //Console.WriteLine("Adding worker: " + Sender.Path); workers.Add(Sender); RequestHttpWork(Sender); }); Receive<Result>(worker => { logger.Tell(worker); RequestHttpWork(Sender); }); Receive<StopGenerationOfRequests>(stop => { Task.WaitAll(workerPool.GracefulStop(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)), logger.GracefulStop(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60))); Sender.Tell("Done", Self); }); }
public LineReaderActor(IWriteStuff writer) { _writer = writer; _wordAggregator = Context.ActorOf(WordCountAggregatorActor.Create(writer), "aggregator"); Receive<ReadLineForCounting>(msg => { var cleanFileContents = Regex.Replace(msg.Line, @"[^\u0000-\u007F]", " "); var wordArray = cleanFileContents.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var word in wordArray) { var wordCounter = Context.Child(word); if (wordCounter == ActorRefs.Nobody) { wordCounter = Context.ActorOf(WordCounterActor.Create(_writer, _wordAggregator, word), word); } wordCounter.Tell(new CountWord()); } }); Receive<Complete>(msg => { var childCount = -1; //TODO: doesn't work with 0 var children = Context.GetChildren(); foreach (var child in children) { child.Tell(new DisplayWordCount()); childCount++; } _wordAggregator.Tell(new TotalWordCount(childCount)); }); }
/// <summary> /// Handle file processing message. /// Actor will count one file. /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> public void Handle( FileToProcess message ) { IncrementMessagesReceived(); lineCount = 0; linesProcessed = 0; result = 0; m_sw.Start(); fileName = message.FileName; router = Context.ActorOf( new RoundRobinPool(8).Props( StringCounterActor.GetProps() ), String.Format( "liner{0}", message.Fileno ) ); //var router = Context.ActorOf( StringCounterActor.GetProps(), String.Format( "liner{0}", message.Fileno ) ); try { foreach ( var line in File.ReadLines( fileName ) ) { lineCount++; router.Tell( new ProcessLine( line, lineCount ) ); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { Sender.Tell( new FailureMessage( ex, Self ) ); } // handle when file is empty if ( lineCount == 0 ) { Sender.Tell( new CompletedFile( fileName, result, lineCount, 0 ) ); } }
private static async void RunFetchLoopAsync(IActorRef publisher, string url, string source) { await Task.Yield(); try { var c = new WebClient(); while (true) { var data = await c.DownloadDataTaskAsync(new Uri(url)); var str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); dynamic res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(str); // Console.WriteLine("Downloaded {0}",url); foreach (var bus in res) { string id = bus.ID; double lat = bus.Latitude; double lon = bus.Longitude; publisher.Tell(new Presenter.Position(lon, lat, id, source)); } //how long should we wait before polling again? await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Missing Route {0}", url); } }
public ObserveWindowViewModel( string filename, IActorRef tailCoordinator ) { _tailCoordinator = tailCoordinator; Filename = filename; Title = filename; Items = new ReactiveList<String>(); // start coordinator _tailCoordinator.Tell( new TailCoordinatorActor.StartTail( filename, this ) ); // this is how we can update the viewmodel // from the actor. Lines = new Subject<String>(); Lines.ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe( item => { Items.Add( item ); if ( Items.Count > 1500 ) { Items.RemoveAt( 0 ); } SelectedLine = Items.Count - 1; } ); }
public DeadLetterSupressionSpec() { deadActor = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<EchoActor>()); Watch(deadActor); deadActor.Tell(PoisonPill.Instance); ExpectTerminated(deadActor); }
private void ForwardMessages(BufferedMessages messages, IActorRef recipient) { messages.ForEach(c => { recipient.Tell(c.Key, c.Value); }); }
protected override void PostStop() { timer.CancelIfNotNull(); ws_host?.Dispose(); tcp_listener?.Tell(Tcp.Unbind.Instance); base.PostStop(); }
public GenericDBEntity(string entityType, long id) { _entityChangeNotificationActor = Context.System.ActorSelection($"/user/EntityChangeNotificationRootActor/{entityType}").ResolveOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Result; var entityAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(IModelObject)); // Removed DTOs - ModelObject = ef entity var allEntityTypes = entityAssembly.GetTypes().ToList(); EntityType = allEntityTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name == entityType); Id = id; _modelObject = LoadEntityFromDb(); Receive<UpdateEntityRequest>(message => { _undoStack.Push(_modelObject); _modelObject = message.GetModelObject(); SaveModelObject(); Sender.Tell(_modelObject); _entityChangeNotificationActor.Tell(new NotifySubscribersOfEntityChange(this.Id)); }); Receive<UndoRequest>(message => { if (_undoStack.Count > 0) { _modelObject = _undoStack.Pop(); SaveModelObject(); } Sender.Tell(_modelObject); }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of the screen. /// </summary> public ConversationViewModel(IActorRef vmActor, Guid id) { _vmActor = vmActor; Id = id; _vmActor.Tell(new ConversationViewModelActor.AssociateWithViewModel(this)); }
private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _chartActor = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ChartingActor(sysChart, btnPauseResume)), "charting"); _chartActor.Tell(new ChartingActor.InitializeChart(null)); _coordinatorActor = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new PerformanceCounterCoordinatorActor(_chartActor)), "counters"); _toggleActors[CounterType.Cpu] = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new ButtonToggleActor(_coordinatorActor, btnCpu, CounterType.Cpu, false)) .WithDispatcher("")); _toggleActors[CounterType.Memory] = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new ButtonToggleActor(_coordinatorActor, btnMemory, CounterType.Memory, false)) .WithDispatcher("")); _toggleActors[CounterType.Disk] = Program.ChartActors.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new ButtonToggleActor(_coordinatorActor, btnDisk, CounterType.Disk, false)) .WithDispatcher("")); _toggleActors[CounterType.Cpu].Tell(new ButtonToggleActor.Toggle()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var section = (AkkaConfigurationSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("akka"); _system = ActorSystem.Create("test", section.AkkaConfig); _coordinator = _system.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new IdentityActor()) .WithRouter(FromConfig.Instance), "fred"); //_coordinator = // _system.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new IdentityActor()).WithRouter(new ConsistentHashingPool(5000)), // "fred2"); int routees = _coordinator.Ask<Routees>(new GetRoutees()).Result.Members.Count(); Console.WriteLine(routees); // Lazy wait for the co-ordinator to deploy. Thread.Sleep(5000); for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i++) { for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++) { _coordinator.Tell(new EntityMessage<long>(i)); } } Thread.Sleep(500); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { system = ActorSystem.Create("fizz-buzz"); spActor = system.ActorOf(Props.Create<SupervisorActor>(), "sp-actor"); spActor.Tell("start"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void StartConsensus(UInt160 chainHash, Wallet wallet) { IActorRef system = GetChainActor(chainHash); system?.Tell(new ZoroSystem.StartConsensus { Wallet = wallet }); }
private void Handle(DistributedActorTableMessage <TKey> .Remove m) { IActorRef actor; if (_actorMap.TryGetValue(m.Id, out actor) == false) { _log.Error($"Cannot remove an actor that doesn't exist. (Id={m.Id} Sender={Sender})"); return; } _actorMap.Remove(m.Id); _actorInverseMap.Remove(actor); Context.Unwatch(actor); _watchingActorCount -= 1; _table?.Tell(new DistributedActorTableMessage <TKey> .Internal.Remove(m.Id)); }
bool IP2PPlugin.OnP2PMessage(NeoSystem system, Message message) { if (message.Command == MessageCommand.Transaction) { consensus?.Tell(message.Payload); } return(true); }
private bool RemoteNode_MessageReceived(NeoSystem system, Message message) { if (message.Command == MessageCommand.Transaction) { consensus?.Tell(message.Payload); } return(true); }
private void UpdateProgress(IActorRef actor, Action <double> updateAction, decimal percentageComplete) { if (null == updateAction) { return; } actor?.Tell(new UpdateUIActorMessage.UpdateProgressBar((double)percentageComplete, updateAction)); }
private void _(PlayMovieMessage message) { log.Info("Started playing " + message.MovieTitle); CurrentlyPlaying = message.MovieTitle; log.Info("Replying to sender"); Sender.Tell(new NowPlayingMessage(CurrentlyPlaying)); stat?.Tell(message.MovieTitle); }
public void Paused() { Receive <ToggleQuoteStream>(message => { Become(Streaming); Self.Tell(new SendRfq()); _userInterface?.Tell("enabled streaming."); }); // do nothing, we swallow any unprocessed message. Receive <SendRfq>(message => { }); }
protected override void PostStop() { if (!disconnected) { tcp?.Tell(Tcp.Close.Instance); } timer.CancelIfNotNull(); ws?.Dispose(); base.PostStop(); }
private void Begin() { Receive <CreateService>(service => { var requestType = service.Request.GetType(); var actor = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => (ReceiveActor)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(NewsServiceActor <>).MakeGenericType(requestType), _client)), service.Request.TopHeadlinesRequest.Q); actor?.Tell(service.Request); _signalRActor?.Tell(new SendNewsServiceActor(actor), Self); }); }
private State <ClusterSingletonState, IClusterSingletonData> GoToHandingOver(IActorRef singleton, bool singletonTerminated, IActorRef handOverTo) { if (singletonTerminated) { return(HandleHandOverDone(handOverTo)); } handOverTo?.Tell(HandOverInProgress.Instance); singleton.Tell(_terminationMessage); return(GoTo(ClusterSingletonState.HandingOver).Using(new HandingOverData(singleton, handOverTo))); }
public ConnectionSourceStageLogic(Shape shape, ConnectionSourceStage stage, TaskCompletionSource <StreamTcp.ServerBinding> bindingPromise) : base(shape) { _stage = stage; _bindingPromise = bindingPromise; SetHandler(_stage._out, onPull: () => { // Ignore if still binding _listener?.Tell(new Tcp.ResumeAccepting(1), StageActorRef); }, onDownstreamFinish: TryUnbind); }
public JournalCompatActor(string journal, string persistenceId) { JournalPluginId = journal; PersistenceId = persistenceId; Command <SomeEvent>(se => Persist(se, p => { events.Add(p); })); Command <ContainsEvent>(ce => Context.Sender.Tell(events.Any(e => e.Guid == ce.Guid))); Command <GetSequenceNr>(gsn => Context.Sender.Tell( new CurrentSequenceNr(this.LastSequenceNr))); Command <DeleteUpToSequenceNumber>(dc => { deleteSubscriber = Context.Sender; DeleteMessages(dc.Number); }); Command <DeleteMessagesSuccess>(dms => deleteSubscriber?.Tell(dms)); Command <DeleteMessagesFailure>(dmf => deleteSubscriber?.Tell(dmf)); Recover <SomeEvent>(se => events.Add(se)); }
public void StartNode(UInt160 chainHash, int port = 0, int wsPort = 0, int minDesiredConnections = Peer.DefaultMinDesiredConnections, int maxConnections = Peer.DefaultMaxConnections, int maxConnectionsPerAddress = Peer.DefaultMaxConnectionsPerAddress) { IActorRef system = GetChainActor(chainHash); system?.Tell(new ZoroSystem.Start { Port = port, WsPort = wsPort, MinDesiredConnections = minDesiredConnections, MaxConnections = maxConnections, MaxConnectionsPerAddress = maxConnectionsPerAddress, }); }
public static RealTimeInventoryFinalResult ProcessAndSendResult(this OperationResult <IRealTimeInventory> result, IRequestMessage requestMessage, Func <IRealTimeInventory, IInventoryServiceCompletedMessage> successResponseCompletedMessage, ILoggingAdapter logger, IRealTimeInventory realTimeInventory, IActorRef sender, IActorRef notificationActorRef, IPerformanceService performanceService) { logger?.Info(requestMessage.GetType().Name + " Request was " + (!result.IsSuccessful ? " NOT " : "") + " successful. Current Inventory : " + realTimeInventory.GetCurrentQuantitiesReport()); IInventoryServiceCompletedMessage response; if (!result.IsSuccessful) { response = result.ToInventoryOperationErrorMessage(requestMessage.ProductId); var message = "Error while trying to " + requestMessage.GetType() + " - The sender of the message is " + sender?.Path + result.Exception.ErrorMessage; notificationActorRef?.Tell(message); logger?.Error(message, requestMessage, result, realTimeInventory.GetCurrentQuantitiesReport()); } else { realTimeInventory = result.Data as RealTimeInventory; response = successResponseCompletedMessage(realTimeInventory); logger?.Info(response.GetType().Name + " Response was sent back. Current Inventory : " + realTimeInventory.GetCurrentQuantitiesReport() + " - The sender of the message is " + sender.Path); } sender?.Tell(response); notificationActorRef?.Tell(new RealTimeInventoryChangeMessage(realTimeInventory)); performanceService?.Increment("Completed " + requestMessage.GetType().Name); return(new RealTimeInventoryFinalResult(realTimeInventory as RealTimeInventory, response, result)); }
public RecycleMonitorActor(IRecycleConfiguration recycleConfiguration, IActorRef watched, IActorRef watcher = null) { _actorRef = watcher; Context.Watch(watched); var log = Context.GetSeriLogger(); var schedule = ScheduleCheck(recycleConfiguration.ChildClearPeriod); var isWaitingForShutdown = false; var lastActivityTime = BusinessDateTime.UtcNow;; log.Debug("Initialized recycle monitor for {actor}, max inactive time {inactive}, check period is {period}", watched, recycleConfiguration.ChildMaxInactiveTime, recycleConfiguration.ChildClearPeriod); Receive <Activity>(a => { var now = BusinessDateTime.UtcNow; var inactiveTime = now - lastActivityTime; lastActivityTime = now; log.Debug($"Received activity after {inactiveTime}"); if (!isWaitingForShutdown) { return; } log.Debug("Rescheduling schecks after receiving activity after shutdown request"); isWaitingForShutdown = false; schedule = ScheduleCheck(recycleConfiguration.ChildClearPeriod); }, a => Sender.Path == watched.Path); Receive <Check>(c => { var inactivityDuration = BusinessDateTime.UtcNow - lastActivityTime; log.Debug($"inactivity duration: {inactivityDuration}"); if (inactivityDuration > recycleConfiguration.ChildMaxInactiveTime) { log.Debug($"Sending graceful shutdown request to {watched} due to inactivity for {inactivityDuration} with max allowed {recycleConfiguration.ChildMaxInactiveTime}"); watched.Tell(Shutdown.Request.Instance); isWaitingForShutdown = true; } schedule = ScheduleCheck(recycleConfiguration.ChildClearPeriod); }); Receive <Terminated>(t => { schedule.Cancel(); _actorRef?.Tell(Shutdown.Complete.Instance); Context.Stop(Self); }, t => t.ActorRef.Path == watched.Path); }
private void SuccessAuthorization(SuccessAuthorize obj) { state.ChangeState(obj); Log.Info($"Success Ecom"); initiator?.Tell(obj); if (state.CurrentState == CardPaymentState._3Ds) { Become(Wait3Ds); } if (state.CurrentState == CardPaymentState.Payment) { Become(WaitPayment); } Context.Parent.Tell(new CompleteTransaction(state.OperationId)); //todo remove }
static void Main(string[] args) { var myPort = int.Parse(args[0]); var theirPort = int.Parse(args[1]); var portConfig = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString($" = {myPort}"); var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText("app.conf")).WithFallback(portConfig); using var system = ActorSystem.Create("remote-example", config); IActorRef?echo = null; var quit = false; while (!quit) { switch (Menu()) { case '1': echo = system.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new EchoService()), "echo"); Console.WriteLine("Echo service is created locally."); break; case '2': var remoteAddress = Address.Parse($"akka.tcp://remote-example@localhost:{theirPort}"); echo = system.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new EchoService()) .WithDeploy(Deploy.None.WithScope(new RemoteScope(remoteAddress))), "echo"); Console.WriteLine("Echo service is created on a remote machine."); break; case '3': Console.Write("Input: "); echo?.Tell(Console.ReadLine()); break; case 'Q': quit = true; break; } } Console.WriteLine("End.."); }
private State <ClusterSingletonState, IClusterSingletonData> HandleHandOverDone(IActorRef handOverTo) { var newOldest = handOverTo?.Path.Address; Log.Info("Singleton terminated, hand-over done [{0} -> {1}]", _cluster.SelfAddress, newOldest); handOverTo?.Tell(HandOverDone.Instance); _memberExitingProgress.TrySetResult(Done.Instance); if (_removed.ContainsKey(_cluster.SelfUniqueAddress)) { Log.Info("Self removed, stopping ClusterSingletonManager"); return(Stop()); } else if (handOverTo == null) { return(GoTo(ClusterSingletonState.Younger).Using(new YoungerData(null))); } else { return(GoTo(ClusterSingletonState.End).Using(EndData.Instance)); } }
protected override void OnReceive(object messageArg) { switch (messageArg) { case JobRequest request: _sender = Sender; _requestCount = new Random().Next(5); _cumulResult = request.Content; for (int i = 0; i < _requestCount; i++) { if (_backEnds.Any()) { _backEnds[i % _backEnds.Count].Tell(new ProcessRequest($"{request.Content}_sub{i}")); } } break; case ProcessAnswer _: _requestCount--; _cumulResult += $"_{_requestCount}"; if (_requestCount == 0) { _storage?.Tell(new StorageRequest($"{_cumulResult}_store")); } break; case StorageAnswer _: _sender.Tell(new JobAnswer($"{_cumulResult}_ok")); Context.Stop(Self); break; default: Unhandled(messageArg); break; } }
private void StartDownloading() { verboseReporter?.Tell("Telling downloaders to start"); requestor = Sender; downloaders.ForEach(d => d.Tell(Start.Instance)); }
private void HandleMeterReadingReceived(MeterReadingReceived message) { _deviceActor?.Tell(message); }
public void OnPull() { // Ignore if still binding _listener?.Tell(new Tcp.ResumeAccepting(1), StageActorRef); }
protected override void PreRestart(Exception reason, object message) { _master?.Tell($"failed with {reason.GetType().Name} while processing {message}"); Context.Stop(Self); }
public TestEntity(IActorRef probe) { probe?.Tell(new Started(Self)); }
private void DeliverMessage(object message, IActorRef sender) { if (message is RestartShard restart) { var shardId = restart.ShardId; if (RegionByShard.TryGetValue(shardId, out var regionRef)) { if (Self.Equals(regionRef)) { GetShard(shardId); } } else { if (!ShardBuffers.TryGetValue(shardId, out var buffer)) { buffer = ImmutableList <KeyValuePair <object, IActorRef> > .Empty; Log.Debug("Request shard [{0}]", shardId); _coordinator?.Tell(new PersistentShardCoordinator.GetShardHome(shardId)); } Log.Debug("Buffer message for shard [{0}]. Total [{1}] buffered messages.", shardId, buffer.Count + 1); ShardBuffers = ShardBuffers.SetItem(shardId, buffer.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, IActorRef>(message, sender))); } } else { var shardId = ExtractShardId(message); if (RegionByShard.TryGetValue(shardId, out var region)) { if (region.Equals(Self)) { var sref = GetShard(shardId); if (Equals(sref, ActorRefs.Nobody)) { BufferMessage(shardId, message, sender); } else { if (ShardBuffers.TryGetValue(shardId, out var buffer)) { // Since now messages to a shard is buffered then those messages must be in right order BufferMessage(shardId, message, sender); DeliverBufferedMessage(shardId, sref); } else { sref.Tell(message, sender); } } } else { Log.Debug("Forwarding request for shard [{0}] to [{1}]", shardId, region); region.Tell(message, sender); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shardId)) { Log.Warning("Shard must not be empty, dropping message [{0}]", message.GetType()); Context.System.DeadLetters.Tell(message); } else { if (!ShardBuffers.ContainsKey(shardId)) { Log.Debug("Request shard [{0}]", shardId); _coordinator?.Tell(new PersistentShardCoordinator.GetShardHome(shardId)); } BufferMessage(shardId, message, sender); } } } }