public static Boolean SendCode(Int64 entityId, String sendTo, Boolean isMail, Boolean isSMS, out String error) { error = ""; try { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable tmp = db.Select(String.Format("select id, recovery_code from entity with(nolock) where deleted = 0 and id = {0}", entityId)); if ((tmp == null) || (tmp.Rows.Count == 0)) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("entity_not_found"); return(false); } if (isMail) { Tools.Tool.sendEmail("Password recover code", sendTo, "Code: " + tmp.Rows[0]["recovery_code"].ToString(), false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message; return(false); } }
private void ReportTimer(Object state) { if (executing) { return; } executing = true; //TextLog.Log("Report", "Starting report timer"); try { //IAMDeploy deploy = new IAMDeploy("report", localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); //deploy.DeployAll(); IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); DataTable dtS = db.Select("select * from report_schedule"); try { //Processa um a um dos agendamentos foreach (DataRow dr in dtS.Rows) { CheckSchedule(db, (Int64)dr["id"], (Int64)dr["report_id"], dr["schedule"].ToString(), (DateTime)dr["next"]); } } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Report", "\tError on report timer schedule: " + ex.Message); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, null, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on report scheduler", ex.Message); } db.closeDB(); } catch (Exception ex1) { TextLog.Log("Report", "\tError on report timer: " + ex1.Message); } finally { //TextLog.Log("Report", "\tScheduled for new report process in 60 seconds"); //TextLog.Log("Report", "Finishing report timer"); executing = false; } }
/* * static public LoginResult AuthUser(Page page, String username, String password) * { * return AuthUser(page, username, password, false); * } * * static public LoginResult AuthUser(Page page, String username, String password, Boolean byPassPasswordCheck) * { * * try * { * if ((username == null) || (username.Trim() == "") || (username == password) || (username.Trim() == "")) * return new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")); * * Int64 enterpriseId = 0; * if ((page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData)) * enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; * * DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();; * par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId; * par.Add("@login", typeof(String), username.Length).Value = username; * * DataTable tmp = null; * * using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) * { * tmp = db.ExecuteDataTable("select distinct id, alias, full_name, login, enterprise_id, password, must_change_password from vw_entity_logins with(nolock) where deleted = 0 and enterprise_id = @enterprise_id and locked = 0 and (login = @login or value = @login)", CommandType.Text, par); * * if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.Rows.Count > 0)) * { * foreach (DataRow dr in tmp.Rows) * { * * using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId)) * using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(dr["password"].ToString()))) * if (byPassPasswordCheck || Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData) == password) * { * //Realiza o login * try * { * //Adiciona o ciookie do usuário * HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("uid"); * //Define o valor do cookie * cookie.Value = tmp.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); * //Time para expiração (1 min) * DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; * TimeSpan tsMinute = new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0); * cookie.Expires = dtNow + tsMinute; * //Adiciona o cookie * page.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); * } * catch { } * * LoginData l = new LoginData(); * l.Alias = tmp.Rows[0]["alias"].ToString(); * l.FullName = tmp.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString(); * l.Login = tmp.Rows[0]["login"].ToString(); * l.Id = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"]; * l.EnterpriseId = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"]; * * page.Session["login"] = l; * * db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set last_login = getdate() where id = " + l.Id, CommandType.Text, null); * * db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Logged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l.Id, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_logged") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); * * return new LoginResult(true, "User OK", (Boolean)tmp.Rows[0]["must_change_password"]); * break; * } * else * { * db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongPassword, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"], 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); * } * } * * return new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")); * } * else * { * db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongUserAndPassword, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"username\":\"" + username.Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "") + "\", \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); * return new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username_pwd")); * } * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, page); * return new LoginResult(false, "Internal error", ex.Message); * } * finally * { * * } * * } * * * static public LoginResult AuthUserByTicket(Page page, String ticket) * { * * try * { * if ((ticket == null) || (ticket.Trim() == "")) * return new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_ticket")); * * Int64 enterpriseId = 0; * if ((page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData)) * enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; * * DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection();; * par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId; * par.Add("@tgc", typeof(String), ticket.Length).Value = ticket; * * using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) * { * * DataTable tmp = db.ExecuteDataTable("select distinct, l.alias, l.full_name, l.login, l.enterprise_id, l.password, l.must_change_password, as service_id, s.service_uri, et.grant_ticket, et.long_ticket from vw_entity_logins l with(nolock) inner join cas_entity_ticket et with(nolock) on et.entity_id = inner join cas_service s with(nolock) on l.enterprise_id = s.enterprise_id and et.service_id = where et.grant_ticket = @tgc and s.enterprise_id = @enterprise_id", CommandType.Text, par); * * if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.Rows.Count > 0)) * { * foreach (DataRow dr in tmp.Rows) * { * * //Realiza o login * try * { * //Adiciona o ciookie do usuário * HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("uid"); * //Define o valor do cookie * cookie.Value = tmp.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); * //Time para expiração (1 min) * DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; * TimeSpan tsMinute = new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0); * cookie.Expires = dtNow + tsMinute; * //Adiciona o cookie * page.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); * } * catch { } * * LoginData l = new LoginData(); * l.Alias = tmp.Rows[0]["alias"].ToString(); * l.FullName = tmp.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString(); * l.Login = tmp.Rows[0]["login"].ToString(); * l.Id = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"]; * l.EnterpriseId = (Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"]; * * page.Session["login"] = l; * * db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set last_login = getdate() where id = " + l.Id, CommandType.Text, null); * * db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Logged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l.Id, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_logged") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); * * return new LoginResult(true, "User OK", (Boolean)tmp.Rows[0]["must_change_password"]); * break; * } * * return new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_ticket")); * } * else * { * db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_WrongTicket, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, MessageResource.GetMessage("user_wrong_password") + " " + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress(), "{ \"ticket\":\"" + ticket.Replace("'", "").Replace("\"", "") + "\", \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); * return new LoginResult(false, MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_ticket")); * } * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, page); * return new LoginResult(false, "Internal error"); * } * finally * { * * } * * * }*/ static public Int64 FindUser(Page page, String username, out String error) { try { if ((username == null) || (username.Trim() == "")) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username"); return(0); } using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable tmp = db.Select(String.Format("select id, locked from vw_entity_logins with(nolock) where (login = '******' or value = '{0}') group by id, locked", Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(username))); if ((tmp == null) || (tmp.Rows.Count == 0)) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username"); return(0); } else if (tmp.Rows.Count > 1) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("ambiguous_id"); return(0); } else if ((Boolean)tmp.Rows[0]["locked"]) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("user_locked"); return(0); } else { error = ""; return((Int64)tmp.Rows[0]["id"]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error"); Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, page); return(0); } finally { } }
private void DispatcherTimer(Object state) { if (executing) { return; } executing = true; TextLog.Log("Dispatcher", "Starting dispatcher timer"); try { IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); DataTable dtS = db.Select("select * from vw_schedules order by context_id, [order]"); //Processa um a um dos agendamentos foreach (DataRow dr in dtS.Rows) { CheckSchedule(db, (Int64)dr["schedule_id"], (Int64)dr["resource_plugin_id"], (Int64)dr["resource_id"], dr["schedule"].ToString(), (DateTime)dr["next"]); } dtS.Clear(); dtS = null; db.closeDB(); db.Dispose(); db = null; } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Dispatcher", "\tError on dispatcher timer " + ex.Message); } finally { TextLog.Log("Dispatcher", "Finishing dispatcher timer"); executing = false; } }
public String Plugin() { String pluginId = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["id"])) { pluginId = (String)RouteData.Values["id"]; } EnterpriseData ent = (EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]; FlowData flowData = new FlowData(); DataTable dtPlugins = null; using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) dtPlugins = db.Select("select * from plugin where (enterprise_id = " + ent.Id + " or enterprise_id = 0) and id = " + pluginId); if (dtPlugins == null) { return(""); } Node pNode = flowData.AddNode(dtPlugins.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(), 0, 1); using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { switch (dtPlugins.Rows[0]["scheme"].ToString().ToLower()) { case "connector": DataTable dtResources = db.Select("select r.* from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on = rp.resource_id where rp.plugin_id = " + dtPlugins.Rows[0]["id"]); if ((dtResources == null) && (dtResources.Rows.Count == 0)) { Node resNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhum recurso vinculado a este plugin", 1, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(pNode, resNode, ""); } else { foreach (DataRow drRes in dtResources.Rows) { Node nResource = flowData.AddNode("Recurso: " + drRes["name"], 2, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(pNode, nResource, ""); } } break; case "agent": DataTable dtProxy = db.Select("select * from proxy_plugin pp inner join proxy p on pp.proxy_id = where pp.plugin_id = " + dtPlugins.Rows[0]["id"]); if ((dtProxy == null) && (dtProxy.Rows.Count == 0)) { Node errProxyNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhum proxy vinculado a este plugin", 1, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(pNode, errProxyNode, ""); } else { foreach (DataRow drProxy in dtProxy.Rows) { Node nProxy = flowData.AddNode("Proxy: " + drProxy["name"], 2, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(pNode, nProxy, ""); } } break; default: Node errNode = flowData.AddNode("Tipo de plugin não reconhecido", 1, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(pNode, errNode, ""); break; } } return(flowData.ToJson()); }
public String ContextFlow() { String contextid = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["id"])) { contextid = (String)RouteData.Values["id"]; } EnterpriseData ent = (EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]; FlowData flowData = new FlowData(); Node eNode = flowData.AddNode(ent.Name, 0, 1); using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable dtCtx = db.Select("select * from context where enterprise_id = " + ent.Id + (contextid != "" ? " and id = " + contextid : "")); if (dtCtx == null) { return(""); } foreach (DataRow dr in dtCtx.Rows) { Int64 contextID = (Int64)dr["id"]; String cName = "Contexto: " + dr["name"]; Node cNode = flowData.AddNode(cName, 1, 1); flowData.AddConnection(eNode, cNode, ""); Node roleNode = null; /* * DataTable dtRoles1 = DB.Select("select * from [role] e where e.context_id = " + contextID); * if (dtRoles1 != null) * { * roleNode = flowData.AddNode("Perfis", 6, dtRoles1.Rows.Count); * flowData.AddConnection(cNode, roleNode, ""); * * foreach (DataRow drR in dtRoles1.Rows) * { * * Int64 irId = (Int64)drR["id"]; * * Node roleNameNode = flowData.AddNode("Perfil: " + drR["name"].ToString(), 7, 1); * flowData.AddConnection(roleNode, roleNameNode, ""); * * } * }*/ Node userNode = flowData.AddNode("Usuários", 3, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(cNode, userNode, ""); DataTable dtEntity = db.Select("select count(*) qty from [entity] e where e.context_id = " + contextID); if ((dtEntity == null) || (dtEntity.Rows.Count == 0) || ((Int32)dtEntity.Rows[0]["qty"] == 0)) { Node entNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhuma entidade vinculada a este contexto", 4, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(userNode, entNode, ""); } else { String rpEntName = "Entidades"; Node entNode = flowData.AddNode(rpEntName, 4, (Int32)dtEntity.Rows[0]["qty"], true); flowData.AddConnection(userNode, entNode, dtEntity.Rows[0]["qty"] + " entidades"); DataTable dtIdentity = db.Select("select COUNT(distinct qty from [identity] i inner join entity e on i.entity_id = where e.context_id = " + contextID); if ((dtIdentity == null) || (dtIdentity.Rows.Count == 0)) { Node identNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhuma identidade vinculado a esta entidade", 4, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(entNode, identNode, ""); } else { String rpIdentName = "Identidades"; Node identNode = flowData.AddNode(rpIdentName, 5, (Int32)dtIdentity.Rows[0]["qty"], true); flowData.AddConnection(entNode, identNode, dtIdentity.Rows[0]["qty"] + " identidades"); DataTable dtResources = db.Select("select name, qty = (select COUNT(distinct from resource r1 inner join resource_plugin rp on = rp.resource_id inner join [identity] i on i.resource_plugin_id = inner join entity e on i.entity_id = where = and r1.context_id = r.context_id) from resource r where r.context_id = " + contextID + " group by, r.context_id"); if (dtResources != null) { foreach (DataRow drR in dtResources.Rows) { String resourceName = drR["name"].ToString(); Node resNode = flowData.AddNode(resourceName, 6, (Int32)drR["qty"], true); flowData.AddConnection(identNode, resNode, drR["qty"] + " identidades"); } } } } Node confNode = flowData.AddNode("Configuração", 3, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(cNode, confNode, ""); DataTable dtProxy = db.Select("select, from resource r inner join proxy p on r.proxy_id = where r.context_id = " + contextID + " group by, order by"); if ((dtProxy == null) || (dtProxy.Rows.Count == 0)) { Node pNode = flowData.AddNode("Nenhuma configuração vinculada a este contexto", 4, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(confNode, pNode, ""); } else { //Node proxyNode = flowData.AddNode("Proxy", 2, dtProxy.Rows.Count, false); //flowData.AddConnection(cNode, proxyNode, ""); foreach (DataRow drP in dtProxy.Rows) { Int64 pId = (Int64)drP["id"]; Node pNode = flowData.AddNode("Proxy: " + drP["name"], 4, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(confNode, pNode, ""); DataTable dtResource = db.Select("select r.*, proxy_name from resource r inner join proxy p on r.proxy_id = where r.context_id = " + contextID + " and = " + pId); if (dtResource != null) { foreach (DataRow drR in dtResource.Rows) { Int64 rId = (Int64)drR["id"]; Node rNode = flowData.AddNode("Recurso: " + drR["name"], 5, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(pNode, rNode, ""); DataTable dtResPlugin = db.Select("select plugin_name, rp.* from resource_plugin rp inner join plugin p on rp.plugin_id = where rp.resource_id = " + rId); if (dtResPlugin != null) { foreach (DataRow drRP in dtResPlugin.Rows) { Int64 rpId = (Int64)drRP["id"]; Node rpNode = flowData.AddNode("Plugin: " + drRP["plugin_name"].ToString(), 6, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(rNode, rpNode, ""); DataTable dtRoles = db.Select("select, from role r inner join resource_plugin_role rpr on rpr.role_id = where rpr.resource_plugin_id = " + rpId + " group by,"); if (dtRoles != null) { foreach (DataRow drRol in dtRoles.Rows) { String roleName = "Perfil: " + drRol["name"]; //if (roleNode != null) //{ //Node roleNameNode = flowData.Find(roleNode, roleName, 6); Node roleNameNode = flowData.Find(rpNode, roleName, 6); if (roleNameNode == null) { roleNameNode = flowData.AddNode("Perfil: " + drRol["name"].ToString(), 7, 1, true); } if (roleNameNode != null) { flowData.AddConnection(rpNode, roleNameNode, ""); } //Int32 roleNameNodeIndex = flowData.AddNode("Perfil: " + drRol["name"].ToString(), true); //flowData.AddLink(rpNodeIndex, roleNameNodeIndex, 1, ""); //} } } } } } } } } } } return(flowData.ToJson()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String html = ""; String error = ""; html += "<form id=\"serviceLogin\" name=\"serviceLogin\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/recover/step2/\"><div class=\"login_form\">"; LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this); if (login != null) { if (Session["last_page"] != null) { Response.Redirect(Session["last_page"].ToString()); Session["last_page"] = null; } else { Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/", false); } } else if (Session["user_info"] == null || !(Session["user_info"] is Int64)) { //Serviço não informado ou não encontrado html += " <ul>"; html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session") + "</div>"; html += " </ul>"; } else { Int64 entityId = (Int64)Session["user_info"]; String err = ""; if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { String userCode = Request["userCode"]; if ((userCode == null) || (userCode == "")) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_code"); } else { if (entityId > 0) { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + entityId + " and recovery_code = '" + Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(userCode) + "'"); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { Session["userCode"] = c.Rows[0]["recovery_code"].ToString(); Response.Redirect(Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/recover/step3/", false); return; } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_code"); } } } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session"); } } } html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("enter_code") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; html += " <input type=\"text\" id=\"userCode\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"userCode\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("code") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#userCode').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#userCode').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#userCode').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; if (error != "") { html += " <ul>"; html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + error + "</div>"; html += " </ul>"; } html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>"; html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("confirm_code") + "</button>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; } html += "</div></form>"; holderContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html)); }
private void DeployNowTimer(Object state) { if (executing2) { return; } executing2 = true; try { IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); DataTable dtS = db.Select("select entity_id, MAX(date) [date] from deploy_now with(nolock) where date < GETDATE() group by entity_id order by MAX(date)"); if ((dtS == null) || (dtS.Rows.Count == 0)) { return; } TextLog.Log("Dispatcher", "Starting deploy now timer"); //Processa um a um dos agendamentos foreach (DataRow dr in dtS.Rows) { try { Int32 count = 0; using (IAMDeploy deploy = new IAMDeploy("Dispatcher", localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword)) { count = deploy.DeployOne((Int64)dr["entity_id"]); if (count == 0) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Int64)dr["entity_id"], 0, "Erro on deploy now user: no package sent", deploy.ExecutionLog); } } db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from deploy_now where entity_id = " + dr["entity_id"], CommandType.Text, null); } catch (Exception ex2) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Int64)dr["entity_id"], 0, "Erro on deploy now user: "******"Dispatcher", "\tError on deploy now timer " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } finally { TextLog.Log("Dispatcher", "Finishing deploy now timer"); executing2 = false; } }
static public void usersTextReport(IAMDatabase db, DataTable dtS, List <MailAddress> recipents) { StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dtU = db.Select("select e.*, context_name from entity e inner join context c on = e.context_id where e.deleted = 0 and c.enterprise_id = " + dtS.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"] + " order by, e.full_name"); if ((dtU == null) || (dtU.Rows.Count == 0)) { return; } DataTable dtUsers = new DataTable(); dtUsers.Columns.Add("context_name", typeof(String)); dtUsers.Columns.Add("full_name", typeof(String)); dtUsers.Columns.Add("login", typeof(String)); dtUsers.Columns.Add("create_date", typeof(DateTime)); dtUsers.Columns.Add("last_login", typeof(DateTime)); dtUsers.Columns.Add("locked", typeof(String)); Dictionary <String, String> title = new Dictionary <string, string>(); title.Add("context_name", "Contexto"); title.Add("full_name", "Nome completo"); title.Add("login", "Login"); title.Add("create_date", "Data de criação"); title.Add("last_login", "Ultimo login"); title.Add("locked", "Bloqueado"); List <Int64> fields = new List <Int64>(); DataTable dtF = db.Select("select distinct,, rp.[order] from report_mapping rp inner join field f on rp.field_id = order by rp.[order],"); if ((dtF != null) && (dtF.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtF.Rows) { fields.Add((Int64)dr["id"]); dtUsers.Columns.Add("f_" + dr["id"], typeof(String)); title.Add("f_" + dr["id"], dr["name"].ToString()); } } DataTable dtUsers2 = dtUsers.Clone(); String fieldFilter = String.Join(",", fields); DateTime dateRef = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day).AddDays(-1); foreach (DataRow dU in dtU.Rows) { try { DataRow newItem = dtUsers.NewRow(); newItem["context_name"] = dU["context_name"]; newItem["full_name"] = dU["full_name"]; newItem["login"] = dU["login"]; newItem["create_date"] = dU["create_date"]; newItem["last_login"] = (dU["last_login"] == DBNull.Value ? DBNull.Value : dU["last_login"]); newItem["locked"] = (((Boolean)dU["locked"]) ? "Y" : "N"); if (fields.Count > 0) { //Primeiro realiza a busca e preenchimento dos dados da entidade try { DataTable dtUserData = db.Select("select efe.field_id, efe.value from [entity] e inner join entity_field efe on efe.entity_id = where = " + dU["id"] + " group by efe.field_id, efe.value"); foreach (DataRow dUD in dtUserData.Rows) { if (newItem["f_" + dUD["field_id"]] == DBNull.Value) { newItem["f_" + dUD["field_id"]] = dUD["value"]; } } } catch { } //Primeiro realiza a busca e preenchimento dos dados com as informações dos plugins de entrada try { DataTable dtUserData = db.Select("select ife.field_id, ife.value from [identity] i inner join identity_field ife on ife.identity_id = inner join resource_plugin rp on i.resource_plugin_id = where rp.enable_import = 1 and rp.permit_add_entity = 1 and i.entity_id = " + dU["id"] + " and ife.field_id in (" + fieldFilter + ") and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by ife.field_id, ife.value"); foreach (DataRow dUD in dtUserData.Rows) { if (newItem["f_" + dUD["field_id"]] == DBNull.Value) { newItem["f_" + dUD["field_id"]] = dUD["value"]; } } } catch { } //Depois com os outros plugins try { DataTable dtUserData = db.Select("select ife.field_id, ife.value from [identity] i inner join identity_field ife on ife.identity_id = where i.entity_id = " + dU["id"] + " and ife.field_id in (" + fieldFilter + ") and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by ife.field_id, ife.value"); foreach (DataRow dUD in dtUserData.Rows) { if (newItem["f_" + dUD["field_id"]] == DBNull.Value) { newItem["f_" + dUD["field_id"]] = dUD["value"]; } } } catch { } } dtUsers.Rows.Add(newItem.ItemArray); //Caso a criação seja do dia anterior ou deste dia inclui na segunda tabela tb. if (((DateTime)dU["create_date"]).CompareTo(dateRef) == 1) { dtUsers2.Rows.Add(newItem.ItemArray); } } catch (Exception ex) { errors.AppendLine("Error processing registry: " + ex.Message); } } if (errors.ToString() != "") { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, null, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Report error", errors.ToString()); } ReportBase rep1 = new ReportBase(dtUsers, title); ReportBase rep2 = new ReportBase(dtUsers2, title); List <Attachment> atts = new List <Attachment>(); try { using (MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep1.GetTXT()))) using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep1.GetXML("Usuários", "")))) using (MemoryStream ms3 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep2.GetTXT()))) using (MemoryStream ms4 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep2.GetXML("Usuários", "")))) { atts.Add(new Attachment(ms1, "all.txt")); //atts.Add(new Attachment(ms2, "all.xls")); atts.Add(new Attachment(ms3, "created.txt")); //atts.Add(new Attachment(ms4, "created.xls")); sendEmail(db, dtS.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(), recipents, dtUsers2.Rows.Count + " criados deste " + dateRef.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), false, atts); } } catch (Exception ex) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, DateTime.Now, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Erro sending report", ex.Message); } /* * DataTable created = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_mails where create_date between CONVERT(datetime, convert(varchar(10),DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE()),120) + ' 00:00:00', 120) and CONVERT(datetime, convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120) + ' 23:59:59', 120) order by context_name, full_name"); * DataTable all = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_mails order by context_name, full_name"); * Dictionary<String, String> title = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * title.Add("context_name", "Contexto"); * title.Add("full_name", "Nome completo"); * title.Add("login", "Login"); * title.Add("create_date", "Data de criação"); * title.Add("last_login", "Ultimo login"); * title.Add("mail", "E-mail"); * title.Add("locked", "Bloqueado"); * * ReportBase rep1 = new ReportBase(created, title); * ReportBase rep2 = new ReportBase(all, title); * * List<Attachment> atts = new List<Attachment>(); * * using (MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep1.GetTXT()))) * using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep1.GetXML("Usuários", "")))) * using (MemoryStream ms3 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep2.GetTXT()))) * using (MemoryStream ms4 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep2.GetXML("Usuários", "")))) * { * atts.Add(new Attachment(ms1, "created.txt")); * atts.Add(new Attachment(ms2, "created.xls")); * atts.Add(new Attachment(ms3, "all.txt")); * atts.Add(new Attachment(ms4, "all.xls")); * * sendEmail(db, "Listagem de usuários em " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), recipents, created.Rows.Count + " usuários criados de " + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " até " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), false, atts); * }*/ }
private void BuildReport(Int64 reportId) { IAMDatabase db = null; try { db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); DataTable dtS = db.Select("select * from report where id = " + reportId); if ((dtS == null) || (dtS.Rows.Count == 0)) { return; } //Chega as propriedades básicas do report List <MailAddress> recipents = new List <MailAddress>(); if ((dtS.Rows[0]["recipient"] != DBNull.Value) && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)dtS.Rows[0]["recipient"]))) { String[] tTo = dtS.Rows[0]["recipient"].ToString().Split(",;".ToCharArray()); foreach (String s in tTo) { try { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { recipents.Add(new MailAddress(s)); } } catch { } } } if (recipents.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("No valid email informed in recipient"); } switch (dtS.Rows[0]["type"].ToString().ToLower()) { case "audit": auditReport(db, dtS, recipents); break; case "integrity": integrityTextReport(db, dtS, recipents); break; default: usersTextReport(db, dtS, recipents); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Report", "\tError building report: " + ex.Message); try { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, DateTime.Now, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Erro building report", ex.Message); } catch { } } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } }
private void TmrCallback(Object o) { if (executing) { return; } executing = true; TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "Starting registry processor timer"); Console.WriteLine("Starting registry processor timer"); IAMDatabase db = null; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); Dictionary <Int64, PluginConfig> resourcePluginCache = new Dictionary <Int64, PluginConfig>(); StringBuilder procLog = new StringBuilder(); Boolean writeLog = false; last_status = "Iniciando..."; try { db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); db.Timeout = 600; //db.Debug = true; Console.WriteLine("Select data..."); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.Indeterminate); startTime = DateTime.Now; newUsers = 0; errors = 0; totalReg = 0; ignored = 0; atualReg = 0; //Seleciona os registros prontos para serem importados //Não colocar order neste select, fica extremamente lento //Coloca um limite de 500.000 somente p/ não estourar memória last_status = "Selecionando registros a serem processados"; DataTable dtRegs = db.Select("select top 5000 * from vw_collector_imports_regs with(nolock) order by priority desc"); if (dtRegs == null) { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on select registries: " + db.LastDBError); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Engine, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on select registries: " + db.LastDBError); executing = false; return; } if (dtRegs.Rows.Count == 0) { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t0 registers to process"); Console.WriteLine("0 registers to process"); executing = false; return; } totalReg = dtRegs.Rows.Count; TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t" + dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers to process"); procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + "] " + dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers to process"); Console.WriteLine(dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers to process"); //Carrega todos os logins do sistema Console.WriteLine("Fetch logins..."); last_status = "Listando login do sistema"; DataTable dtLogins = db.Select("select context_id,id,login from vw_entity_logins2 with(nolock)"); if ((dtLogins != null) || (dtLogins.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtLogins.Rows) { LoginCache.AddItem((Int64)dr["context_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], dr["login"].ToString()); } } //Carrega todos os e-mails do sistema Console.WriteLine("Fetch e-mails..."); last_status = "Listando e-mails do sistema"; DataTable dtEmails = db.Select("select context_id, entity_id, mail from vw_entity_mails with(nolock)"); if ((dtEmails != null) || (dtEmails.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtEmails.Rows) { EmailCache.AddItem((Int64)dr["context_id"], (Int64)dr["entity_id"], dr["mail"].ToString()); } } //Calcula a quantidade de threads com base na quantidade de registros Int32 tCount = dtRegs.Rows.Count / 10; if (tCount < 1) { tCount = 1; } else if (tCount > this.maxThreads) { tCount = this.maxThreads; } #if DEBUG tCount = 1; #endif DebugMessage dbgC = new DebugMessage(delegate(String message) { procLog.AppendLine(message); }); Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); queueManager = new QueueManager <RegistryProcessStarter>(tCount, ProcQueue); queueManager.OnThreadStart += new QueueManager <RegistryProcessStarter> .StartThread(delegate(Int32 threadIndex) { LocalTheadObjects obj = new LocalTheadObjects(); for (Int32 t = 0; t <= 10; t++) { try { obj.db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); obj.db.openDB(); obj.db.Timeout = 600; #if DEBUG //obj.db.Debug = true; #endif obj.lockRules = new LockRules(); obj.ignoreRules = new IgnoreRules(); obj.roleRules = new RoleRules(); obj.lockRules.GetDBConfig(obj.db.Connection); obj.ignoreRules.GetDBConfig(obj.db.Connection); obj.roleRules.GetDBConfig(obj.db.Connection); obj.debugCallback = dbgC; break; } catch (Exception ex) { if (t >= 10) { throw ex; } } } return(obj); }); queueManager.OnThreadStop += new QueueManager <RegistryProcessStarter> .ThreadStop(delegate(Int32 threadIndex, Object state) { if ((state != null) && (state is LocalTheadObjects)) { ((LocalTheadObjects)state).Dispose(); } state = null; }); Console.WriteLine("Starting treads..."); last_status = "Iniciando treads"; queueManager.Start(); if (queueManager.ExecutingCount == 0) { throw new Exception("Erro on start queue manager"); } /* * _queue = new RegistryQueue[tCount]; * Int32 qIndex = 0; * * for (Int32 i = 0; i < _queue.Length; i++) * _queue[i] = new RegistryQueue(); */ Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.Normal); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressValue(0, (Int32)totalReg, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle); Int32 addCount = 0; last_status = "Processando registros"; foreach (DataRow dr in dtRegs.Rows) { Int64 enterpriseId = (Int64)dr["enterprise_id"]; Int64 contextId = (Int64)dr["context_id"]; LicenseControl lic = null; if (!licControl.ContainsKey(enterpriseId)) { lic = LicenseChecker.GetLicenseData(db.Connection, null, enterpriseId); licControl.Add(enterpriseId, lic); } else { lic = licControl[enterpriseId]; } if (!lic.Valid) { if (!lic.Notified) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Licence_error, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, enterpriseId, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["plugin_id"], 0, 0, "License error: " + lic.Error); } lic.Notified = true; db.ExecuteNonQuery("update collector_imports set status = 'LE' where status = 'F' and resource_plugin_id = '" + dr["resource_id"] + "' and import_id = '" + dr["import_id"] + "' and package_id = '" + dr["package_id"] + "'", CommandType.Text, null); continue; } if ((lic.Entities > 0) && (lic.Count > lic.Entities)) { if (!lic.Notified) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Licence_error, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, enterpriseId, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["plugin_id"], 0, 0, "License error: License limit (" + lic.Entities + " entities) exceeded"); } lic.Notified = true; db.ExecuteNonQuery("update collector_imports set status = 'LE' where status = 'F' and resource_plugin_id = '" + dr["resource_id"] + "' and import_id = '" + dr["import_id"] + "' and package_id = '" + dr["package_id"] + "'", CommandType.Text, null); continue; } if (!entKeys.ContainsKey(enterpriseId)) { entKeys.Add(enterpriseId, new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId)); } if (entKeys[enterpriseId] == null) { entKeys[enterpriseId] = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId); } addCount++; queueManager.AddItem(new RegistryProcessStarter(enterpriseId, contextId, new Uri(dr["plugin_uri"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["resource_id"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["plugin_id"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString()), (String)dr["import_id"], (String)dr["package_id"], (String)dr["package"])); //A cada 100 registros monitora a CPU para adicionar mais registros //O Objetivo deste processo é controlar a carga de processamento if (addCount >= 100) { addCount = 0; Int32 c = 0; while (((c = queueManager.QueueCount) > 500) || ((getCPUCounter() >= 70) && (c > 0))) { Thread.Sleep(500); } } /* * _queue[qIndex].Add(enterpriseId, contextId, Int64.Parse(dr["plugin_id"].ToString()), (String)dr["plugin_uri"], Int64.Parse(dr["resource_id"].ToString()), (String)dr["import_id"], (String)dr["registry_id"]); * * qIndex++; * if (qIndex > _queue.Length - 1) qIndex = 0; */ } /* * for (Int32 i = 0; i < _queue.Length; i++) * { * Thread procQueue = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcQueue)); * procQueue.Start(i); * //Thread.Sleep(1000); * }*/ Console.WriteLine("Waiting treads execution..."); /* * Int64 rest = 0; * Double percent = 0; * Int32 iPercent = 0; * do * { * rest = 0; * * rest = queueManager.QueueCount; * * //for (Int32 i = 0; i < _queue.Length; i++) * // rest += _queue[i].Count; * * percent = ((Double)(totalReg - rest) / (Double)totalReg) * 100F; * * if (iPercent != (Int32)percent) * { * iPercent = (Int32)percent; * procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + "] " + iPercent + "%"); * TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t" + iPercent + "%"); * Console.Write(" " + iPercent + "% "); * * Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressValue((Int32)(totalReg - rest), (Int32)totalReg, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle); * * } * * Thread.Sleep(1000); * * } while (rest > 0);*/ //Envia comando para finalizar a execução e aguarda a finalização last_status = "Processando registros"; queueManager.StopAndWait(); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.Indeterminate); last_status = "Finalizando"; Console.WriteLine("Finishing..."); if (dtRegs.Rows.Count > 0) { writeLog = true; } procLog.AppendLine("New users: " + newUsers); procLog.AppendLine("Errors: " + errors); procLog.AppendLine("Ignored: " + ignored); procLog.AppendLine("Updated: " + (totalReg - errors - ignored - newUsers)); procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Import registry processed with " + dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers"); //Joga todos os registros para a tabela de importados //e exclui da atual db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_migrate_imported", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); //Reconstroi os índices das tabelas de entidades e identidades try { db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_reindex_entity", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_rebuild_entity_keys", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (SqlException e) { procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] DB Error on registry processor: " + e.Message); procLog.AppendLine(db.LastDBError); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "DB Error on registry processor", procLog.ToString()); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on registry processor timer " + e.Message + " " + db.LastDBError); } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Error on registry processor: " + ex.Message); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Out Of Memory processing registry, killing processor", procLog.ToString()); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on registry processor timer " + ex.Message); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } catch (Exception ex) { procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Error on registry processor: " + ex.Message); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on registry processor", procLog.ToString()); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on registry processor timer " + ex.Message); } finally { stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; executing = false; last_status = ""; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:0000}", ts.TotalHours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tElapsed time: " + elapsedTime); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tScheduled for new registry processor in 60 seconds"); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "Finishing registry processor timer"); procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Elapsed time: " + elapsedTime); Console.WriteLine("Import registry processed " + procLog.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: " + elapsedTime); if (writeLog) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Import registry processed", procLog.ToString()); } Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.NoProgress); startTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); try { List <Int64> keys = new List <Int64>(); if ((entKeys != null) && (entKeys.Count > 0)) { keys.AddRange(entKeys.Keys); foreach (Int64 k in keys) { try { if (entKeys[k] != null) { entKeys[k].Dispose(); entKeys[k] = null; } } catch { } try { entKeys.Remove(k); } catch { } } } } catch { } try { licControl.Clear(); } catch { } try { LoginCache.Clear(); } catch { } if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } db = null; Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebJsonResponse ret = null; try { Int64 enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; Int64 entityId = 0; String err = ""; String password = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]); String password2 = Request["password2"]; if ((password == null) || (password == "")) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"), 3000, true); } else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == "")) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"), 3000, true); } else if (password != password2) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"), 3000, true); } else { Int64 enterpriseId = 0; if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null)) { enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; } String code = ""; if (Session["entityId"] != null) { entityId = (Int64)Session["entityId"]; } if (Session["userCode"] != null) { code = Session["userCode"].ToString(); } if ((entityId > 0) && (code != "")) { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { UserPasswordStrength usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, entityId); UserPasswordStrengthResult check = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password); if (check.HasError) { if (check.NameError) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"), 3000, true); } else { String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ": " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ": " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")); ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt, 5000, true); } } else { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + entityId + " and recovery_code = '" + code + "'"); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId)) using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password))) db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = '******', recovery_code = null, last_login = getdate(), change_password = getdate(), must_change_password = 0 where id = " + entityId, CommandType.Text, null); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, entityId, 0, "Password changed through recovery code", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário //Este processo vija agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + entityId + ")", CommandType.Text, null); String html = ""; html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li class=\"title\">"; html += " <strong>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_sucessfully") + "</strong>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_text") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("return_default") + "</a></span>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; ret = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html); } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_code"), 3000, true); } } } } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session"), 3000, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); throw ex; } if (ret != null) { ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON())); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebJsonResponse ret = null; LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this); String err = ""; if (!EnterpriseIdentify.Identify(this, false, out err)) //Se houver falha na identificação da empresa finaliza a resposta { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true); } else if (login == null) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("expired_session"), 3000, true, "/login/"); } else { try { Int64 enterpriseId = 0; if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null)) { enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; } String currentPassword = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["current_password"]); String password = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]); String password2 = Request["password2"]; if ((currentPassword == null) || (currentPassword == "")) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_current"), 3000, true); } else if ((password == null) || (password == "")) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"), 3000, true); } else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == "")) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"), 3000, true); } else if (password != password2) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"), 3000, true); } else { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { try { UserPasswordStrength usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, login.Id); UserPasswordStrengthResult check = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password); if (check.HasError) { if (check.NameError) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"), 3000, true); } else { String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ": " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ": " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")); ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt, 5000, true); } } else { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { //Verifica a senha atual using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId)) using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(c.Rows[0]["password"].ToString()))) if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData) != currentPassword) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password_invalid"), 3000, true); } else { using (SqlConnection conn1 = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection()) using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk1 = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn1, enterpriseId)) using (CryptApi cApi1 = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password))) { DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection();; String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi1.ToBytes()); pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64; db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate() , recovery_code = null, must_change_password = 0 where id = " + login.Id, CommandType.Text, pPar); } db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, login.Id, 0, "Password changed through autoservice logged user", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário //Este processo visa agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + login.Id + ")", CommandType.Text, null); /* * IAMDeploy deploy = null; * * using (ServerDBConfig conf = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())) * deploy = new IAMDeploy("WebServer", DB.GetConnectionString(), conf.GetItem("outboundFiles")); * * if (deploy != null) * deploy.DeployOne(login.Id);*/ String html = ""; html += "<div class=\"no-tabs pb10\">"; html += " <div class=\"form-group\">"; html += " <h1>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_sucessfully") + "</h1> "; html += " </div>"; html += " <div class=\"form-group\"><span class=\"text-message\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_changed_text") + "</span></div>"; html += "</div>"; ret = new WebJsonResponse("#pwdForm", html); } } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", "Internal error", 3000, true); } } } finally { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); throw ex; } } if (ret != null) { ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON())); } }
static public Boolean Identify(Page Page, Boolean JsonReturn, Boolean supressReturn, out String errorText) { try { Boolean busca = false; if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"] == null) || !(Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData)) { busca = true; } if ((!busca) && ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Host.ToLower() != Page.Request.Url.Host.ToLower()) { busca = true; } if (busca) { Page.Session["enterprise_data"] = null; EnterpriseData data = new EnterpriseData(); data.Host = Page.Request.Url.Host.ToLower(); if ((Page.Request.Url.Port != 80) && (Page.Request.Url.Port != 443)) { data.Host += ":" + Page.Request.Url.Port; } try { DataTable dt = null; using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) dt = db.Select("select id, e.fqdn, name, ef.fqdn alias, language, auth_plugin from [enterprise] e left join enterprise_fqdn_alias ef on ef.enterprise_id = where e.fqdn = '" + data.Host + "' or ef.fqdn = '" + data.Host + "'"); if ((dt != null) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0)) { data.Host = dt.Rows[0]["fqdn"].ToString().ToLower(); data.Name = dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); data.Language = dt.Rows[0]["language"].ToString(); data.Id = (Int64)dt.Rows[0]["id"]; data.AuthPlugin = dt.Rows[0]["auth_plugin"].ToString(); Page.Session["enterprise_data"] = data; errorText = ""; return(true); } else { errorText = "Nenhuma empresa encontrada com o host '" + data.Host + "'"; throw new Exception("Nenhuma empresa encontrada com o host '" + data.Host + "'"); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorText = "Falha ao identificar a empresa: " + ex.Message; throw new Exception("Falha ao identificar a empresa", ex); } } else { errorText = ""; } if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"] != null) && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData)) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Language); } else { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex, Page); errorText = "Falha na identificação da empresa e/ou empresa não cadastrada"; if (!supressReturn) { Byte[] erro = new Byte[0]; if (JsonReturn) { erro = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JSON.GetResponse(false, "Falha na identificação da empresa e/ou empresa não cadastrada", "")); } else { erro = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Falha na identificação da empresa e/ou empresa não cadastrada"); Page.Response.Status = "500 Internal error"; Page.Response.StatusCode = 500; } Page.Response.ContentType = "text/json;charset=UTF-8"; Page.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Page.Response.OutputStream.Write(erro, 0, erro.Length); Page.Response.End(); } return(false); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!EnterpriseIdentify.Identify(this)) //Se houver falha na identificação da empresa finaliza a resposta { return; } LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this); if (login != null) { Response.Redirect("/autoservice/"); } if ((Session["entity_id"] == null) || !(Session["entity_id"] is Int64)) { Response.Redirect("/login/"); } String html = ""; using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + Session["entity_id"]); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { html = ""; html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_expired_text") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; //html += " <span id=\"ph_current_password\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"current_password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"current_password\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#current_password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#current_password').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; //html += " <span id=\"ph_password\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "\" onkeyup=\"iamadmin.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; //html += " <span id=\"ph_password2\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password2\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password2').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <div id=\"passwordStrength\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + ": " + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "</button>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; } else { Tools.Tool.notifyException(new Exception("User not found in change password"), this); html = ""; html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("user_not_found") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a></span>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; } } holderContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebJsonResponse contentRet = null; String action = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["action"])) { action = (String)RouteData.Values["action"]; } Int64 pluginId = 0; if ((action != "add_plugin") && (action != "upload_item_template") && (action != "upload") && (action != "add_new")) { try { pluginId = Int64.Parse((String)RouteData.Values["id"]); if (pluginId < 0) { pluginId = 0; } } catch { } if (pluginId == 0) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found"), 3000, true); action = ""; } } Int64 enterpriseId = 0; if ((Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData)) { enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; } String rData = ""; //SqlConnection //conn = DB.GetConnection(); String jData = ""; try { switch (action) { case "upload_item_template": String id = Request.Form["id"]; String file = Request.Form["file"]; String tSize = Request.Form["size"]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("role_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("role_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tSize)) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("role_not_found"), 3000, true); } else { String userHtmlTemplate = "<div id=\"file{0}\" data-id=\"{0}\" data-name=\"{1}\" class=\"app-list-item file-item\">"; userHtmlTemplate += "<div class=\"form-content\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"file_name_{0}\" value=\"{1}\">"; userHtmlTemplate += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{1}\" value=\"{0}\"></div>"; userHtmlTemplate += "<table>"; userHtmlTemplate += " <tbody>"; userHtmlTemplate += " <tr>"; userHtmlTemplate += " <td class=\"colfull\">"; userHtmlTemplate += " <div class=\"title\"><span class=\"name\" id=\"file_name_{0}\" data-id=\"{0}\">{1}</span><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>"; userHtmlTemplate += " <div class=\"description\">{2}</div></div>"; userHtmlTemplate += " <div class=\"links small\">"; userHtmlTemplate += " <div class=\"last\"><div class=\"ico icon-close\" onclick=\"$('#file{0}').remove();\">Excluir plugin</div></a><div class=\"clear-block\"></div></div>"; userHtmlTemplate += " </div>"; userHtmlTemplate += " </td>"; userHtmlTemplate += " </tr>"; userHtmlTemplate += " </tbody>"; userHtmlTemplate += "</table></div>"; String infoTemplate = "<div class=\"line\">"; infoTemplate += "<label>{1}</label>"; infoTemplate += "<span class=\"no-edit {0}\">{2}</span></div>"; String desc = ""; desc += String.Format(infoTemplate, "status", "Status", "Enviando"); String tHtml = String.Format(userHtmlTemplate, id, file, desc); contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("#" + id, tHtml); } break; case "upload": MultipartFormDataParser mp = new MultipartFormDataParser(Request.InputStream); List <String> fls = new List <String>(); String infoTemplate2 = "<div class=\"line\">"; infoTemplate2 += "<label>{1}</label>"; infoTemplate2 += "<span class=\"no-edit {0}\">{2}</span></div>"; // Loop through all the files foreach (FilePart mpF in mp.Files) { try { String d = ""; DirectoryInfo pluginsDir = null; try { using (ServerDBConfig c = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())) pluginsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(c.GetItem("pluginFolder"), "temp\\" + ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id)); if (!pluginsDir.Exists) { pluginsDir.Create(); } } catch { pluginsDir = null; } if (pluginsDir == null) { d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Status", "Diretório de plugins não encontrado"); } else { try { if (!pluginsDir.Exists) { pluginsDir.Create(); } Byte[] rawAssembly = new Byte[mpF.Data.Length]; mpF.Data.Read(rawAssembly, 0, rawAssembly.Length); List <String> p2 = new List <String>(); List <String> p2Uri = new List <String>(); try { //Realiza teste de compatibilidade com os plugins List <PluginBase> p1 = Plugins.GetPlugins <PluginBase>(rawAssembly); if (p1.Count > 0) { d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Status", "Arquivo válido"); } else { d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Status", "Arquivo de plugin inválido"); } foreach (PluginBase p in p1) { p2.Add(p.GetPluginName()); p2Uri.Add(p.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri); } } catch { d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Status", "Arquivo de plugin inválido"); } d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Nome", mpF.FileName); d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Tamanho", mpF.Data.Length + " bytes"); if (p2.Count > 0) { d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Plugins", String.Join(", ", p2)); } else { d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Plugins", "Nenhum plugin encontrado no arquivo enviado"); } if (p2.Count > 0) { using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable dt = database.Select("select * from plugin where enterprise_id in (0," + enterpriseId + ") and (assembly in ('" + String.Join("','", p2) + "') or uri in ('" + String.Join("','", p2Uri) + "'))"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new Exception("Plugin/uri ja cadastrado no sistema"); } } FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(pluginsDir.FullName, mpF.FileName)); if (newFile.Exists) { newFile.Delete(); } File.WriteAllBytes(newFile.FullName, rawAssembly); } } catch (Exception ex) { d = String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Status", "Erro ao realizar o upload"); d += String.Format(infoTemplate2, "", "Informação do erro", ex.Message); } } fls.Add(JSON.Serialize2(new { name = mpF.FileName, html = d })); } catch { fls.Add(JSON.Serialize2(new { name = mpF.FileName, error = "Erro enviando o arquivo" })); } } Retorno.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{\"files\": [" + String.Join(",", fls) + "]}")); contentRet = null; break; case "add_new": Dictionary <String, String> files = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (String key in Request.Form.Keys) { if ((key != null) && (key.ToLower().IndexOf("file_name") == 0)) { if (!files.ContainsKey(Request.Form[key].ToLower())) { files.Add(Request.Form[key].ToLower(), Request.Form[Request.Form[key]]); } } } if (files.Count == 0) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found"), 3000, true); break; } DirectoryInfo pluginsBase = null; DirectoryInfo pluginsTemp = null; try { using (ServerDBConfig c = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())) pluginsBase = new DirectoryInfo(c.GetItem("pluginFolder")); pluginsTemp = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(pluginsBase.FullName, "temp\\" + ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id)); if (!pluginsTemp.Exists) { pluginsTemp.Create(); } } catch { pluginsTemp = null; } if (pluginsTemp == null) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", "Diretório de plugins não encontrado", 3000, true); break; } List <WebJsonResponse> multRet = new List <WebJsonResponse>(); String infoTemplate3 = "<div class=\"line {0}\">"; infoTemplate3 += "<label>{1}</label>"; infoTemplate3 += "<span class=\"no-edit\">{2}</span></div>"; Boolean hasError = false; foreach (String f in files.Keys) { try { FileInfo assemblyFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(pluginsTemp.FullName, f)); if (!assemblyFile.Exists) { throw new Exception("Arquivo temporário não encontrado, refaça o upload"); } Byte[] rawAssembly = File.ReadAllBytes(assemblyFile.FullName); List <PluginBase> p1 = Plugins.GetPlugins <PluginBase>(rawAssembly); if (p1.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Arquivo de plugin inválido"); } foreach (PluginBase p in p1) { using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable dt = database.Select("select * from plugin where enterprise_id in (0," + enterpriseId + ") and (assembly = '" + p.GetPluginName() + "' or uri = '" + p.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "')", null); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new Exception("Plugin/uri ja cadastrado no sistema"); } } FileInfo newF = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(pluginsBase.FullName, enterpriseId + "-" + assemblyFile.Name)); try { assemblyFile.CopyTo(newF.FullName); DbParameterCollection par = new DbParameterCollection(); par.Add("@enterprise_id", typeof(Int64)).Value = enterpriseId; par.Add("@name", typeof(String)).Value = p.GetPluginName(); par.Add("@scheme", typeof(String)).Value = p.GetPluginId().Scheme; par.Add("@uri", typeof(String)).Value = p.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri; par.Add("@assembly", typeof(String)).Value = newF.Name; using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) database.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO plugin ([enterprise_id],[name],[scheme],[uri],[assembly],[create_date]) VALUES(@enterprise_id, @name, @scheme, @uri, @assembly, getdate())", CommandType.Text, par); try { assemblyFile.Delete(); } catch { } } catch (Exception ex) { try { newF.Delete(); } catch { } throw ex; } } multRet.Add(new WebJsonResponse(".file-item[id=file" + files[f] + "] .description", String.Format(infoTemplate3, "", "Status", "Plugin inserido com sucesso"))); multRet.Add(new WebJsonResponse(".file-item[id=file" + files[f] + "] .form-content", "<input type=\"hidden\" />")); } catch (Exception ex) { hasError = true; multRet.Add(new WebJsonResponse(".file-item[id=file" + files[f] + "] .description", String.Format(infoTemplate3, "error", "Error", ex.Message))); } } if (!hasError) { multRet.Clear(); multRet.Add(new WebJsonResponse(Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "admin/plugin/")); } Retorno.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(JSON.Serialize <List <WebJsonResponse> >(multRet))); contentRet = null; break; case "delete": var reqDel = new { jsonrpc = "1.0", method = "plugin.delete", parameters = new { pluginid = pluginId }, id = 1 }; rData = JSON.Serialize2(reqDel); using (IAMDatabase database = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) jData = WebPageAPI.ExecuteLocal(database, this, rData); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(jData)) { throw new Exception(""); } RoleDeleteResult retDel = JSON.Deserialize <RoleDeleteResult>(jData); if (retDel == null) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found"), 3000, true); } else if (retDel.error != null) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("",, 3000, true); } else if (!retDel.result) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("plugin_not_found"), 3000, true); } else { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse(); } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { contentRet = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("api_error"), 3000, true); } finally { } if (contentRet != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)Request["cid"])) { contentRet.callId = (String)Request["cid"]; } Retorno.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(contentRet.ToJSON())); } }
private Int32 _Deploy(Int64 entityId, Int64 resourcePluginId) { //Busca todos os plugins e recursos a serem publicados DataTable dtPlugins = null; Dictionary <Int64, LicenseControl> licControl = null; DataTable dtEnt = null; Int32 packageCount = 0; StringBuilder deployLog = new StringBuilder(); try { dtPlugins = db.Select("select r.context_id,, p.scheme, p.uri, p.assembly, p.create_date, resource_plugin_id, rp.deploy_individual_package, resource_id, r.proxy_id, as proxy_name, proxy_id, p1.enterprise_id, rp.deploy_after_login, rp.password_after_login, rp.deploy_process, rp.deploy_all, rp.deploy_password_hash, rp.use_password_salt, rp.password_salt_end, rp.password_salt from plugin p with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.plugin_id = inner join [resource] r on = rp.resource_id inner join proxy p1 on r.proxy_id = where " + (resourcePluginId > 0 ? " = " + resourcePluginId + " and " : "") + " r.enabled = 1 and rp.enabled = 1 and rp.enable_deploy = 1 order by rp.[order]"); if ((dtPlugins == null) || (dtPlugins.Rows.Count == 0)) { if ((entityId > 0) || (resourcePluginId > 0)) { throw new Exception("0 plugin to process"); } //TextLog.Log(moduleSender, "\t0 plugin to process"); DebugLog(entityId, "0 plugin to process"); return(0); } DebugLog(entityId, dtPlugins.Rows.Count + " plugin to process"); licControl = new Dictionary <long, LicenseControl>(); String rolesText = ""; //Lista todos os plugins e resources habilitados foreach (DataRow dr in dtPlugins.Rows) { Boolean individualPackage = (Boolean)dr["deploy_individual_package"]; deployLog = new StringBuilder(); DebugLog(entityId, "proxy_name = " + dr["proxy_name"].ToString() + ", plugin = " + dr["uri"].ToString() + ", deploy_all? " + dr["deploy_all"].ToString()); ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig(true); config.GetDBCertConfig(db.Connection, Int64.Parse(dr["enterprise_id"].ToString()), dr["proxy_name"].ToString()); DirectoryInfo proxyDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(outDirBase.FullName, dr["proxy_id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["proxy_name"].ToString() + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dr["assembly"].ToString()) + "\\rp" + dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString())); List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage> packageList = new List <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage>(); List <Int64> roles = new List <Int64>(); Int64 enterpriseId = (Int64)dr["enterprise_id"]; LicenseControl lic = null; if (!licControl.ContainsKey(enterpriseId)) { lic = LicenseChecker.GetLicenseData(db.Connection, null, enterpriseId); licControl.Add(enterpriseId, lic); } else { lic = licControl[enterpriseId]; } if (!lic.Valid) { if (!lic.Notified) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Licence_error, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], (Int64)dr["enterprise_id"], 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "License error: " + lic.Error); } lic.Notified = true; continue; } if (!(Boolean)dr["deploy_all"]) { //Busca os "roles" top String rolesSQL = "select rpr.* from resource_plugin_role rpr with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp on rpr.resource_plugin_id = where rp.resource_id = " + dr["resource_id"].ToString() + " and rp.plugin_id = " + dr["id"]; DebugLog(entityId, "Role SQL = " + rolesSQL); DataTable dtRoles = db.Select(rolesSQL); if (dtRoles == null) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "DB error: " + (((db.LastDBError != null) && (db.LastDBError != "")) ? db.LastDBError : "")); continue; } List <String> roleNames = new List <String>(); //Busca toda a arvore de "roles" a se buscar foreach (DataRow drR in dtRoles.Rows) { DataTable dtR = db.Select("select * from dbo.fn_selectRoleTree(" + drR["role_id"] + ")"); if (dtR == null) { continue; } foreach (DataRow drRT in dtR.Rows) { if (!roles.Contains((Int64)drRT["role_id"])) { roleNames.Add(drRT["name"].ToString()); roles.Add((Int64)drRT["role_id"]); } } } if (roles.Count == 0) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "Not found roles x identities to deploy"); continue; } //Para efeitos de log captura o nome dos roles rolesText = String.Join(", ", roleNames); dtRoles.Clear(); dtRoles = null; } //Seleciona todas as entidades do mesmo contexto //Esta listagem considera somente as entidades pertencentes aos plugins de entrada String sql = "select, e.last_login, e.change_password, identity_id from entity e with(nolock) inner join resource r with(nolock) on e.context_id = r.context_id inner join [identity] i with(nolock) on i.entity_id = inner join [resource_plugin] rp with(nolock) on i.resource_plugin_id = where i.deleted = 0 and e.deleted = 0 {0} and e.context_id = " + dr["context_id"] + (entityId > 0 ? " and = " + entityId : "") + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by, e.last_login, e.change_password,"; if (!(Boolean)dr["deploy_all"]) { sql = "select, e.last_login, e.change_password, identity_id from entity e with(nolock) inner join resource r with(nolock) on e.context_id = r.context_id inner join [identity] i with(nolock) on i.entity_id = inner join [resource_plugin] rp with(nolock) on i.resource_plugin_id = inner join identity_role ir with(nolock) on ir.identity_id = inner join (select rpr.role_id from resource_plugin_role rpr with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on = rpr.resource_plugin_id inner join resource r with(nolock) on = rp.resource_id where = "+ dr["resource_id"].ToString() + ") ro on ro.role_id = ir.role_id where i.deleted = 0 and e.deleted = 0 {0} and ir.role_id in (" + String.Join(",", roles) + ")" + (entityId > 0 ? " and = " + entityId : "") + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = and e.context_id = " + dr["context_id"] + " group by, e.last_login, e.change_password,"; } DebugLog(entityId, String.Format(sql, "and rp.enable_import = 1 and rp.permit_add_entity = 1")); //Lista todas as entidades e identidades para exportar dtEnt = db.Select(String.Format(sql, "and rp.enable_import = 1 and rp.permit_add_entity = 1")); if (dtEnt == null) { DebugLog(entityId, "SQL result is empty"); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "DB error: " + (((db.LastDBError != null) && (db.LastDBError != "")) ? db.LastDBError : "")); continue; } if (dtEnt.Rows.Count == 0) { DebugLog(entityId, "SQL result is empty, trying with all plugins"); DebugLog(entityId, String.Format(sql, "")); //Lista todas as entidades e identidades para exportar dtEnt = db.Select(String.Format(sql, "")); if (dtEnt == null) { DebugLog(entityId, "SQL result is empty"); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "DB error: " + (((db.LastDBError != null) && (db.LastDBError != "")) ? db.LastDBError : "")); continue; } } sql = null; if ((dtEnt.Rows.Count == 0) && ((Boolean)dr["deploy_all"])) { DebugLog(entityId, "SQL result is empty with all plugins, trying with only entity data"); sql = "select, e.last_login, e.change_password, cast(0 as bigint) identity_id from entity e with(nolock) inner join resource r with(nolock) on e.context_id = r.context_id cross join [resource_plugin] rp with(nolock) where e.deleted = 0 {0} and e.context_id = " + dr["context_id"] + (entityId > 0 ? " and = " + entityId : "") + " group by, e.last_login, e.change_password"; DebugLog(entityId, String.Format(sql, "and rp.enable_import = 1 and rp.permit_add_entity = 1")); //Lista todas as entidades e identidades para exportar dtEnt = db.Select(String.Format(sql, "and rp.enable_import = 1 and rp.permit_add_entity = 1")); if (dtEnt == null) { DebugLog(entityId, "SQL result is empty"); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "DB error: " + (((db.LastDBError != null) && (db.LastDBError != "")) ? db.LastDBError : "")); continue; } } sql = null; DebugLog(entityId, "SQL result count " + dtEnt.Rows.Count); if ((dtEnt.Rows.Count > 0) && (entityId == 0)) { deployLog.AppendLine("Starting check to deploy " + dtEnt.Rows.Count + " identities for " + ((!(Boolean)dr["deploy_all"]) ? rolesText : "all users")); } Int32 total = dtEnt.Rows.Count; Int32 licError = 0; Int32 loguedIgnore = 0; Int32 deploy = 0; //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "Deploy with " + dtEnt.Rows.Count + " identities for " + ((!(Boolean)dr["deploy_all"]) ? rolesText : "all users")); foreach (DataRow drE in dtEnt.Rows) { //Checagens de licenciamento lic.Count++; if ((lic.Entities > 0) && (lic.Count > lic.Entities)) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Licence_error, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Error, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], (Int64)drE["id"], (Int64)drE["identity_id"], "License error: License limit (" + lic.Entities + " entities) exceeded"); licError++; continue; } try { if (((Boolean)dr["deploy_after_login"]) && (drE["last_login"] == DBNull.Value)) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], (Int64)drE["id"], (Int64)drE["identity_id"], "User NOT addedd in deploy package because the user is not logged in yet"); loguedIgnore++; continue; } //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], (Int64)drE["id"], (Int64)drE["identity_id"], "Identity addedd in deploy package"); PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage newPkg = DeployPackage.GetPackage(db, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], (Int64)dr["resource_plugin_id"], (Int64)drE["id"], (Int64)drE["identity_id"], (Boolean)dr["password_after_login"], (drE["change_password"] == DBNull.Value ? null : (DateTime?)drE["change_password"]), (dr["deploy_password_hash"] == DBNull.Value ? "none" : dr["deploy_password_hash"].ToString()), (Boolean)dr["use_password_salt"], (Boolean)dr["password_salt_end"], dr["password_salt"].ToString()); packageList.Add(newPkg); deploy++; #if DEBUG try { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Debug, 0, enterpriseId, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], newPkg.entityId, newPkg.identityId, "Package generated: " + newPkg.pkgId, SafeTrend.Json.JSON.Serialize <PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage>(newPkg)); } catch { } #endif packageCount++; } catch (Exception ex) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], (Int64)drE["id"], (Int64)drE["identity_id"], "Erro on deploy user: "******"Total identities: " + total); deployLog.AppendLine("Ignored by licence check: " + licError); deployLog.AppendLine("Ignored by first login rule: " + loguedIgnore); deployLog.AppendLine("Published: " + deploy); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, (Int64)dr["proxy_id"], 0, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], 0, 0, "Deploy package generated for " + ((!(Boolean)dr["deploy_all"]) ? rolesText : "all users"), deployLog.ToString()); } db.closeDB(); db.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLog(entityId, "Erro on Deploy: " + ex.Message); throw ex; } finally { deployLog.Clear(); deployLog = null; if (dtPlugins != null) { dtPlugins.Clear(); } dtPlugins = null; if (dtEnt != null) { dtEnt.Clear(); } dtEnt = null; if (licControl != null) { try { List <Int64> k = new List <Int64>(); k.AddRange(licControl.Keys); foreach (Int64 l in k) { if (licControl[l] != null) { licControl[l].Dispose(); licControl[l] = null; } } k.Clear(); } catch { } } licControl = null; } return(packageCount); }
private void WatchdogTimerCallback(Object o) { IAMDatabase db = null; try { //check if we need to stop any service db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); db.Timeout = 600; //Limpa status lixo db.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from service_status where last_status < DATEADD(day,-15,getdate())"); //seleciona os servicos comproblema ou parados DataTable dtServices = db.Select("select * from service_status where started_at is null or last_status < DATEADD(hour,-1,getdate()) or case when started_at is null then cast(getdate() as date) else cast(started_at as date) end <> cast(getdate() as date)"); if (dtServices != null && dtServices.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtServices.Rows) { String svcName = dr["service_name"].ToString(); if (svcName.ToLower().IndexOf("watchdog") >= 0) { continue; } TextLog.Log("Watchdog", "Killing service '" + svcName + "'"); Killall(svcName); Killall("IAM" + svcName); } } db.closeDB(); } catch { } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } db = null; } try { ServiceController[] services = ServiceController.GetServices(); foreach (ServiceController service in ServiceController.GetServices()) { try { switch (service.ServiceName.ToLower()) { case "iambackup": case "iamdispatcher": case "iamengine": case "iaminbound": case "iamreport": case "iamproxy": case "iammultiproxy": case "iammessenger": case "iamworkflowprocessor": StartupState stMode = StartMode(service.ServiceName); switch (stMode) { case StartupState.Automatic: if ((service.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped)) || (service.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending))) { TextLog.Log("Watchdog", "Starting service '" + service.DisplayName + "'"); service.Start(); try { db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); db.Timeout = 600; db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Watchdog, null, "Watchdog", UserLogLevel.Warning, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Starting service '" + service.DisplayName + "'"); db.closeDB(); } catch { } finally { if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } db = null; } } break; default: TextLog.Log("Watchdog", "Unknow action for service start mode '" + stMode.ToString() + "' for service '" + service.DisplayName + "'"); break; } break; } } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Watchdog", "Erro ao processar o controle do serviço '" + service.DisplayName + "': " + ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Watchdog", "Erro ao processar o controle dos serviços: " + ex.Message); } }
//public static PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage GetPackage(IAMDatabase db, Int64 proxyId, Int64 resourceId, Int64 pluginId, Int64 entityId, Int64 identityId, Boolean passwordAfterLogin, DateTime? lastChangePassword, String deploy_password_hash) public static PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage GetPackage(IAMDatabase db, Int64 proxyId, Int64 resourcePluginId, Int64 entityId, Int64 identityId, Boolean passwordAfterLogin, DateTime?lastChangePassword, String deploy_password_hash, Boolean useSalt, Boolean saltOnEnd, String salt) { PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage pkg = new PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackage(); List <String> deployInfo = new List <string>();//"Identity addedd in deploy package with "; String deployText = ""; deployText = "Package ID: " + pkg.pkgId + Environment.NewLine; try { String sql = "select e.*, c.enterprise_id, rp.plugin_id, identity_id, i.temp_locked, context_name, enterprise_name, block_inheritance = case when exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi with(nolock) where bi.identity_id = then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end from entity e with(nolock) inner join context c with(nolock) on = e.context_id inner join [identity] i with(nolock) on i.entity_id = inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on = i.resource_plugin_id inner join enterprise e1 with(nolock) on c.enterprise_id = where = " + entityId + " and = " + identityId; if (identityId == 0) { sql = "select e.*, c.enterprise_id, rp.plugin_id, cast(0 as bigint) identity_id, cast(0 as bit) as temp_locked, context_name, enterprise_name, cast(0 as bit) as block_inheritance from entity e with(nolock) inner join context c with(nolock) on = e.context_id cross join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join enterprise e1 with(nolock) on c.enterprise_id = where = " + entityId; } DataTable dtEnt = db.Select(sql); if ((dtEnt == null) || (dtEnt.Rows.Count == 0)) { throw new Exception("Entity/Identity not found"); } //DataTable dtPlugin = db.Select("select p.* from plugin p where = " + pluginId); DataTable dtPlugin = db.Select("select distinct p.*, rp.resource_id from plugin p inner join resource_plugin rp on rp.plugin_id = inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = inner join entity e on e.context_id = r.context_id where = " + resourcePluginId + " and = " + entityId); if ((dtPlugin == null) || (dtPlugin.Rows.Count == 0)) { throw new Exception("Plugin not found or not linked in the same context of entity"); } if ((Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["block_inheritance"]) { throw new Exception("Inheritance blocked"); } Int64 resourceId = (Int64)dtPlugin.Rows[0]["resource_id"]; Int64 pluginId = (Int64)dtPlugin.Rows[0]["id"]; //Define as pripriedades gerais pkg.registryId = dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"] + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); pkg.entityId = entityId; pkg.identityId = identityId; pkg.fullName = new FullName(dtEnt.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString()); pkg.login = dtEnt.Rows[0]["login"].ToString(); pkg.lastChangePassword = (lastChangePassword.HasValue ? lastChangePassword.Value.ToString("o") : null); pkg.locked = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["locked"]; pkg.temp_locked = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["temp_locked"]; pkg.mustChangePassword = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["must_change_password"]; pkg.deleted = (Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["deleted"]; pkg.enterprise = dtEnt.Rows[0]["enterprise_name"].ToString(); pkg.context = dtEnt.Rows[0]["context_name"].ToString(); if ((Boolean)dtEnt.Rows[0]["deleted"]) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "Deploy to delete identity"); } //Container pkg.container = ""; try { DataTable dtUserContainer = db.Select("select top 1 c.* from [container] c with(nolock) inner join entity_container ec with(nolock) on = ec.container_id where ec.entity_id = " + entityId); if ((dtUserContainer != null) && (dtUserContainer.Rows.Count > 0)) { List <String> path = new List <string>(); path.Add(dtUserContainer.Rows[0]["name"].ToString()); if ((Int64)dtUserContainer.Rows[0]["parent_id"] > 0) { DataTable dtContainers = db.Select("select c.* from container c with(nolock)"); if ((dtContainers != null) || (dtContainers.Rows.Count > 0)) { Func <Int64, Boolean> chields = null; chields = new Func <Int64, Boolean>(delegate(Int64 root) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtContainers.Rows) { if (((Int64)dr["id"] == root)) { path.Add(dr["name"].ToString()); chields((Int64)dr["parent_id"]); break; } } return(true); }); chields((Int64)dtUserContainer.Rows[0]["parent_id"]); } } path.Reverse(); pkg.container = "\\" + String.Join("\\", path); } } catch { } //Senha pkg.password = ""; if ((dtEnt.Rows[0]["password"] != DBNull.Value) && (dtEnt.Rows[0]["password"].ToString().Trim() != "")) { //Este recurso x plugin só permite o deploy da SENHA após o primeiro login if ((!passwordAfterLogin) || ((passwordAfterLogin) && (dtEnt.Rows[0]["last_login"] != DBNull.Value))) { try { String pwd = ""; using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"])) using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(dtEnt.Rows[0]["password"].ToString()))) pwd = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cApi.clearData); //Verifica se usará SALT if (useSalt) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(salt)) { if (saltOnEnd) { deployInfo.Add("password + SALT"); pwd = pwd + salt.Trim(); } else { deployInfo.Add("SALT + password"); pwd = salt.Trim() + pwd; } } else { deployInfo.Add("salt is empty"); } } else { deployInfo.Add("no salt"); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deploy_password_hash)) { switch (deploy_password_hash.ToLower()) { case "md5": using (MD5 hAlg = MD5.Create()) pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper(); pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.MD5; deployInfo.Add("MD5 password"); break; case "sha1": using (SHA1 hAlg = SHA1.Create()) pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper(); pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.SHA1; deployInfo.Add("SHA1 password"); break; case "sha256": using (SHA256 hAlg = SHA256.Create()) pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper(); pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.SHA256; deployInfo.Add("SHA256 password"); break; case "sha512": using (SHA512 hAlg = SHA512.Create()) pkg.password = ComputeHash(hAlg, pwd).ToUpper(); pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.SHA512; deployInfo.Add("SHA512 password"); break; default: //Nenhum algoritmo de hash pkg.password = pwd; pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.None; deployInfo.Add("clear text password"); break; } } else { pkg.password = pwd; pkg.hash_alg = HashAlg.None; deployInfo.Add("clear text password"); } deployText += "User password added in deploy" + Environment.NewLine; //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password added in deploy"); } catch (Exception ex) { deployInfo.Add("no password"); deployText += "User password not deployed because a erro on decrypt password: "******"Deploy", UserLogLevel.Warning, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password not deployed because a erro on decrypt password: "******"no password"); deployText += "User password not deployed because the user is not logged in yet" + Environment.NewLine; //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Debug, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password not deployed because the user is not logged in yet"); } } else { deployInfo.Add("no password"); deployText += "User password is empty and not deployed" + Environment.NewLine; //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Debug, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "User password is empty and not deployed"); } //Busca todas as propriedades com o mapping deste plugin, porém com dados vindos exclusivos da entidade DataTable dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type from entity_field efe inner join entity e on efe.entity_id = inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = where = " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = efe.field_id where = " + pkg.entityId + " group by pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { if (!pkg.entiyData.Exists(d => (d.dataName == drEf["data_name"].ToString()))) { pkg.entiyData.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } } //Busca todas as propriedades com o mapping deste plugin, porém com dados vindos dos plugins de entrada //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type, rp.priority from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = inner join entity e on i.entity_id = inner join resource_plugin rp on i.resource_plugin_id = inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = where = " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = ife.field_id where rp.enable_import = 1 and i.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type, rp.priority order by rp.priority desc, pf.data_name"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { if (!pkg.importsPluginData.Exists(d => (d.dataName == drEf["data_name"].ToString()))) { pkg.importsPluginData.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } } //Busca todas as propriedades vinculadas a este identity //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima dtEntField = db.Select("select m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = inner join entity e on i.entity_id = inner join resource_plugin rp on = i.resource_plugin_id and ife.field_id <> rp.name_field_id inner join resource r on r.context_id = e.context_id and rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.field_id = ife.field_id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on ife.field_id = where i.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + " and = " + identityId + " group by m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { pkg.pluginData.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } //Busca todas as propriedades vinculadas aos outras identity //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima dtEntField = db.Select("select m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = inner join entity e on i.entity_id = inner join resource_plugin rp on = i.resource_plugin_id and ife.field_id <> rp.name_field_id inner join resource r on r.context_id = e.context_id and rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.field_id = ife.field_id and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on ife.field_id = where i.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + " and <> " + identityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } //Busca todas as propriedades (independente do identity) usando o mapping deste plugin //Exclui o senha por ja tere sido colocado acima dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = inner join entity e on i.entity_id = inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = where = " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = ife.field_id where i.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by pf.data_name, ife.value, pf.data_type"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } //Busca todas as propriedades da tabela entity_field (exclusiva para dados manuais) usando o mapping deste plugin //Exclui o senha por ja tere sido colocado acima dtEntField = db.Select("select pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type from entity_field efe inner join entity e on efe.entity_id = inner join (select m.field_id, m.data_name, f.data_type from resource_plugin rp inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.is_password = 0 inner join field f on m.field_id = where = " + resourcePluginId + ") pf on pf.field_id = efe.field_id where efe.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + " group by pf.data_name, efe.value, pf.data_type"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } //Busca somente as propriedades marcadas como ID ou Unique property //Exclui os itens de nome e senha por ja terem sido colocados acima dtEntField = db.Select("select m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type from identity_field ife inner join [identity] i on ife.identity_id = inner join entity e on i.entity_id = inner join resource_plugin rp on = i.resource_plugin_id and ife.field_id <> rp.name_field_id inner join resource r on r.context_id = e.context_id and rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_mapping m on m.resource_plugin_id = and m.field_id = ife.field_id and m.is_password = 0 and (m.is_unique_property = 1 or m.is_unique_property = 1) inner join field f on ife.field_id = where i.entity_id = " + pkg.entityId + " and not exists (select 1 from identity_block_inheritance bi where bi.identity_id = group by m.data_name, ife.value, f.data_type"); if ((dtEntField != null) && (dtEntField.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drEf in dtEntField.Rows) { pkg.ids.Add(new PluginConnectorBasePackageData(drEf["data_name"].ToString(), ConvertoToString(dtEntField.Columns["value"], drEf), drEf["data_type"].ToString())); } } //RBAC //Ações das roles desta identity para este resource x plugin DataTable dtRoleAction = db.Select("select identity_id, r.* from [identity] i inner join [entity] e on = i.entity_id inner join identity_role ir on ir.identity_id = inner join (select resource_plugin_id, rp.plugin_id, rp.resource_id, role_name, action_id, rpa.role_id, rpa.action_key, rpa.action_add_value, rpa.action_del_value, rpa.additional_data from resource_plugin rp inner join resource_plugin_role rpr on rpr.resource_plugin_id = inner join resource_plugin_role_action rpa on rpa.resource_plugin_id = inner join [role] r on = rpa.role_id and = rpr.role_id) r on r.role_id = ir.role_id where r.resource_plugin_id = " + resourcePluginId + " AND = " + entityId); if ((dtRoleAction != null) && (dtRoleAction.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drR in dtRoleAction.Rows) { pkg.pluginAction.Add(new PluginConnectorBaseDeployPackageAction(PluginActionType.Add, drR["role_name"].ToString(), drR["action_key"].ToString(), drR["action_add_value"].ToString(), (drR["additional_data"] != DBNull.Value ? drR["additional_data"].ToString() : null))); //db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Role_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "Role: " + drR["role_name"].ToString()); deployInfo.Add("role " + drR["role_name"].ToString()); deployText += "role " + drR["role_name"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } } db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Role_Deploy, null, "Deploy", UserLogLevel.Info, proxyId, 0, 0, resourceId, pluginId, (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["id"], (Int64)dtEnt.Rows[0]["identity_id"], "Identity addedd in deploy package with: " + String.Join(", ", deployInfo), deployText); } finally { if (deployInfo != null) { deployInfo.Clear(); } deployInfo = null; deployText = ""; } return(pkg); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String html = ""; String error = ""; html += "<form id=\"serviceLogin\" name=\"serviceLogin\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/recover/step1/\"><div class=\"login_form\">"; LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this); if (login != null) { if (Session["last_page"] != null) { Response.Redirect(Session["last_page"].ToString()); Session["last_page"] = null; } else { Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "autoservice/", false); } } else if (Session["user_info"] == null || !(Session["user_info"] is Int64)) { //Serviço não informado ou não encontrado html += " <ul>"; html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session") + "</div>"; html += " </ul>"; } else { Int64 entityId = (Int64)Session["user_info"]; Int64 enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; String err = ""; if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { String sentTo = Request["sentTo"]; if ((sentTo == null) || (sentTo == "")) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("select_option"); } else { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { List <String> possibleData = new List <string>(); DataTable c = db.Select("select value from vw_entity_all_data where id = " + entityId); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows) { if (!possibleData.Contains(dr["value"].ToString().ToLower())) { possibleData.Add(dr["value"].ToString().ToLower()); } } if (possibleData.Count > 0) { DirectoryInfo pluginPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~"), "code_plugins")); if (!pluginPath.Exists) { pluginPath.Create(); } List <CodeManagerPluginBase> plugins = CodePlugins.GetPlugins <CodeManagerPluginBase>(pluginPath.FullName); if (plugins.Count > 0) { CodeManagerPluginBase p = CodeManagerPluginBase.GetPluginByData(plugins, possibleData, sentTo); if (p != null) { try { DataTable tmp = db.Select(String.Format("select id, recovery_code from entity with(nolock) where deleted = 0 and id = {0}", entityId)); if ((tmp == null) || (tmp.Rows.Count == 0)) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("entity_not_found"); } Dictionary <String, Object> config = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); using (DataTable c1 = db.Select("select [key], [value] from code_plugin_par where enterprise_id = " + enterpriseID + " and uri = '" + p.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "'")) { if (c1 != null) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in c1.Rows) { CodeManagerPluginBase.FillConfig(p, ref config, dr1["key"].ToString(), dr1["value"]); } } if (p.SendCode(config, possibleData, sentTo, tmp.Rows[0]["recovery_code"].ToString())) { Response.Redirect(Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/recover/step2/", false); return; } else { error = "Erro enviando código de recuperação"; } } config.Clear(); config = null; } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message; } } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"); } } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"); } } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"); } } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"); } //Resgata todos os plugind possíveis /* * DataTable c = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_mails where mail like '%@%' and entity_id = " + entityId); * if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) * { * DataRow drSentTo = null; * foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows) * { * String data = LoginUser.MaskData(dr["mail"].ToString(), true, false); * if (sentTo.ToString().ToLower() == data) * { * drSentTo = dr; * break; * } * } * * if (drSentTo == null) * error = MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"); * else * { * * //if (LoginUser.SendCode(entityId, drSentTo["value"].ToString(), (Boolean)drSentTo["is_mail"], (Boolean)drSentTo["is_sms"], out err)) * if (LoginUser.SendCode(entityId, drSentTo["mail"].ToString(), true, false, out err)) * { * Response.Redirect(Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/recover/step2/", false); * return; * } * else * { * error = err; * } * * } * } * else * { * error = MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"); * }*/ } } } LoginUser.NewCode(this, entityId, out err); if (err == "") { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { List <CodeData> dataList = new List <CodeData>(); List <String> possibleData = new List <string>(); DataTable c = db.Select("select value from vw_entity_all_data where id = " + entityId); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows) { if (!possibleData.Contains(dr["value"].ToString().ToLower())) { possibleData.Add(dr["value"].ToString().ToLower()); } } if (possibleData.Count > 0) { DirectoryInfo pluginPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~"), "code_plugins")); if (!pluginPath.Exists) { pluginPath.Create(); } List <CodeManagerPluginBase> plugins = CodePlugins.GetPlugins <CodeManagerPluginBase>(pluginPath.FullName); if (plugins.Count > 0) { foreach (CodeManagerPluginBase p in plugins) { try { Dictionary <String, Object> config = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); using (DataTable c1 = db.Select("select [key], [value] from code_plugin_par where enterprise_id = " + enterpriseID + " and uri = '" + p.GetPluginId().AbsoluteUri + "'")) { if (c1 != null) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in c1.Rows) { CodeManagerPluginBase.FillConfig(p, ref config, dr1["key"].ToString(), dr1["value"]); } } //Verifica se existe as configs deste plugin e se estão válidas if (p.ValidateConfigFields(config)) { dataList.AddRange(p.ParseData(possibleData)); } } config.Clear(); config = null; } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } } if (dataList.Count > 0) { html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_conf_to") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; foreach (CodeData data in dataList) { html += " <li><p style=\"width:400px;padding:0 0 5px 10px;color:#000;\"><input name=\"sentTo\" type=\"radio\" value=\"" + data.DataId + "\">" + data.MaskedData + "</p></li>"; } if (error != "") { html += " <ul>"; html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + error + "</div>"; html += " </ul>"; } html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>"; html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_code") + "</button>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; } else { html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">No method available</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a></span>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; } /* * //DataTable c = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_confirmations where enterprise_id = " + enterpriseID + " and entity_id = " + entityId); * DataTable c = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_mails where mail like '%@%' and entity_id = " + entityId); * if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) * { * * html += "<ul>"; * html += " <li>"; * html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_conf_to") + "</p>"; * html += " </li>"; * * foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows) * { * //String data = LoginUser.MaskData(dr["value"].ToString(), (Boolean)dr["is_mail"], (Boolean)dr["is_sms"]); * String data = LoginUser.MaskData(dr["mail"].ToString(), true, false); * if (data != "") * html += " <li><p style=\"width:400px;padding:0 0 5px 10px;color:#000;\"><input name=\"sentTo\" type=\"radio\" value=\"" + data + "\">" + data + "</p></li>"; * } * * if (error != "") * { * html += " <ul>"; * html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + error + "</div>"; * html += " </ul>"; * } * * html += " <li>"; * html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>"; * html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_code") + "</button>"; * html += " </li>"; * html += "</ul> "; * } * else * { * * html += "<ul>"; * html += " <li>"; * html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">No method available</p>"; * html += " </li>"; * html += " <li>"; * html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a></span>"; * html += " </li>"; * html += "</ul> "; * }*/ } } else { html += " <ul>"; html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + err + "</div>"; html += " </ul>"; } } html += "</div></form>"; holderContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html)); }
private void TmrCallback(Object sender) { if (executing) { return; } executing = true; TextLog.Log("Engine", "Time access control", "Starting processor timer"); IAMDatabase db = null; try { db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); db.Timeout = 600; //Seleciona as entidades/identidades vinculadas a um resource x plugin que tenha controle de acesso por horário DataTable dtRegs = db.Select("select, i.temp_locked, entity_id, resource_name from entity e with(nolock) inner join [identity] i with(nolock) on = i.entity_id inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on i.resource_plugin_id = and i.resource_plugin_id = inner join resource r with(nolock) on rp.resource_id = inner join resource_plugin_role_time_acl acl with(nolock) on acl.resource_plugin_id = inner join role r1 with(nolock) on = acl.role_id inner join identity_role ir with(nolock) on ir.identity_id = and ir.role_id = where r.enabled = 1 and rp.enabled = 1 group by, i.temp_locked,,"); if ((dtRegs == null) || (dtRegs.Rows.Count == 0)) { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Time access control", "\t0 registers to process"); return; } foreach (DataRow dr in dtRegs.Rows) { try { using (EntityTimeControl eAcl = new EntityTimeControl(db, (Int64)dr["id"])) { StringBuilder tLog = new StringBuilder(); EntityTimeControl.ProccessLog log = new EntityTimeControl.ProccessLog(delegate(String text) { tLog.AppendLine(text); #if DEBUG TextLog.Log("Engine", "Time access control", text); #endif }); eAcl.OnLog += log; eAcl.Process((Boolean)dr["temp_locked"]); eAcl.OnLog -= log; if ((Boolean)dr["temp_locked"] != eAcl.Locked) { db.AddUserLog((eAcl.Locked ? LogKey.User_TempLocked : LogKey.User_TempUnlocked), null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Int64.Parse(dr["entity_id"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["id"].ToString()), "Identity of resource " + dr["resource_name"] + (eAcl.Locked ? " locked by the time profile" : " unlocked by the time profile"), tLog.ToString()); } tLog.Clear(); tLog = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Time access control", "\tError on time control processor " + ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception ex) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on time control processor", ex.Message); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Time access control", "\tError on time control processor timer " + ex.Message); } finally { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Time access control", "Finishing processor timer"); if (db != null) { db.closeDB(); } executing = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebJsonResponse ret = null; try { LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this); String err = ""; if (!EnterpriseIdentify.Identify(this, false, out err)) //Se houver falha na identificação da empresa finaliza a resposta { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true); } else if (login == null) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("expired_session"), 3000, true, "/login/"); } else { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { String html = ""; String content = "<div>{0}</div>"; html = ""; html += "<form id=\"serviceRecover\" name=\"serviceRecover\" method=\"post\" action=\"/consoleapi/changepassword/\" onsubmit=\"return iam.GenericSubmit('#serviceRecover');\">"; html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<h1>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password_title") + "</h1> "; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password_text") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; html += " <span id=\"ph_current_password\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">"+ MessageResource.GetMessage("current_password") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"current_password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"current_password\" value=\"\" style=\"\" onkeyup=\"fnLogin.keyup('current_password');\" onfocus=\"$('#current_password').addClass('focus'); fnLogin.keyup('password');\" onblur=\"$('#current_password').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; html += " <span id=\"ph_password\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">"+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" style=\"\" onkeyup=\"fnLogin.keyup('password'); iam.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus'); fnLogin.keyup('password');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; html += " <span id=\"ph_password2\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">"+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password2\" value=\"\" style=\"\" onkeyup=\"fnLogin.keyup('password2');\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus'); fnLogin.keyup('password2');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password2').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <div id=\"passwordStrength\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + ": " + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a class=\"cancel\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a></span>"; html += " <input type=\"submit\" tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" value=\"" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "\" class=\"action btn btn-success\" />"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; html += "</form>"; ret = new WebJsonResponse("#pn-password .content", String.Format(content, html)); } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("valid_username"), 3000, true); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); throw ex; } if (ret != null) { ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON())); } }
private void BuildBackup() { StringBuilder bkpLog = new StringBuilder(); IAMDatabase db = null; try { db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); bkpLog.AppendLine("Listando tabelas da base de dados..."); DataTable dtS = db.Select("select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' order by TABLE_NAME"); if ((dtS == null) || (dtS.Rows.Count == 0)) { bkpLog.AppendLine("Listagem de tabelas vazia ou nula"); throw new Exception("Table list is null or empty"); } bkpLog.AppendLine(dtS.Rows.Count + " tabelas"); FileInfo bkpFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basePath, "Backup"), "bkp-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".iambkp")); if (!bkpFile.Directory.Exists) { bkpFile.Directory.Create(); } bkpLog.AppendLine("Criando arquivo de backup: " + bkpFile.FullName); using (SqliteBase exportDB = new SqliteBase(bkpFile)) { foreach (DataRow drSrc in dtS.Rows) { String tableName = drSrc["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); bkpLog.AppendLine("Exportando tabela: " + tableName); Console.WriteLine(tableName); DataTable dtSchema = db.GetSchema(tableName); StringBuilder createCmd = new StringBuilder(); createCmd.AppendLine("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [" + tableName.ToLower() + "];"); /* * CREATE TABLE [Events] ( * id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, * test_id TEXT NOT NULL, * date datetime not null DEFAULT (datetime('now','localtime')), * event_text TEXT NULL * );*/ List <String> columns = new List <string>(); bkpLog.AppendLine("Criando estrutura da tabela"); try { foreach (DataColumn dc in dtSchema.Columns) { if (dc.DataType.Equals(typeof(Int32)) || dc.DataType.Equals(typeof(Int64))) { columns.Add("[" + dc.ColumnName + "] INTEGER NULL"); } else if (dc.DataType.Equals(typeof(DateTime))) { columns.Add("[" + dc.ColumnName + "] datetime NULL"); } else { columns.Add("[" + dc.ColumnName + "] TEXT NULL"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro ao listar as colunas da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message); TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro ao listar as colunas da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message); throw ex; } try { createCmd.AppendLine("CREATE TABLE [" + tableName.ToLower() + "] ("); createCmd.AppendLine(String.Join(", " + Environment.NewLine, columns)); createCmd.AppendLine(");"); exportDB.ExecuteNonQuery(createCmd.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro ao criando tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message); TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro ao criando tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message); throw ex; } //Copiando dados das tabelas try { bkpLog.AppendLine("Copiando dados"); if (tableName.ToLower() == "logs") { DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select l.* from [logs] l with(nolock) inner join [entity_timeline] et with(nolock) on et.log_id ="); exportDB.BulkCopy(dtSrcData, tableName.ToLower()); } else if (tableName.ToLower() == "entity") { DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select * from [" + tableName + "] with(nolock)"); exportDB.BulkCopy(dtSrcData, tableName.ToLower()); } else { DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select * from [" + tableName + "] with(nolock)"); exportDB.BulkCopy(dtSrcData, tableName.ToLower()); } } catch (Exception ex) { bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro copiando dados da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message); TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro copiando dados da tabela '" + tableName + "': " + ex.Message); //throw ex; } } //No final de todo o processo atualiza as senhas como cleartext try { bkpLog.AppendLine("Atualizando as senhas das entidades"); DataTable dtEnt = db.ExecuteDataTable("select id from [enterprise] with(nolock)"); foreach (DataRow drEnt in dtEnt.Rows) { using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, (Int64)drEnt["id"])) { DataTable dtSrcData = db.ExecuteDataTable("select, e.password, c.enterprise_id from [entity] e with(nolock) inner join [context] c with(nolock) on e.context_id = where c.enterprise_id = " + drEnt["id"]); //Atualiza senha em clear text de cada usu[ario foreach (DataRow drUser in dtSrcData.Rows) { try { using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(drUser["password"].ToString()))) { exportDB.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = '******' where id = " + drUser["id"]); } } catch (Exception ex) { bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro decriptografando a senha da entidade '" + drUser["id"] + "': " + ex.Message); TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro decriptografando a senha da entidade '" + drUser["id"] + "': " + ex.Message); //throw ex; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { bkpLog.AppendLine("Erro atualizando as senhas para cleartext: " + ex.Message); TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tErro atualizando as senhas para cleartext: " + ex.Message); //throw ex; } } db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Backup, DateTime.Now, "Backup", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Backup realizado com sucesso", bkpLog.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { TextLog.Log("Backup", "\tError building backup: " + ex.Message); bkpLog.AppendLine("Error building backup: " + ex.Message); try { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Backup, DateTime.Now, "Backup", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Backup finalizado com erro", bkpLog.ToString()); } catch { } } finally { if (bkpLog != null) { bkpLog = null; } if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebJsonResponse ret = null; //ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Resources.Strings", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources")); //CultureInfo ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { Int64 enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; Int64 entityId = 0; String err = ""; entityId = LoginUser.FindUser(this, Request["userLogin"], out err); if (entityId > 0) { Session["entityId"] = entityId; LoginUser.NewCode(this, entityId, out err); if (err == "") { String html = ""; using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_confirmations where enterprise_id = " + enterpriseID + " and entity_id = " + entityId); html += "<form id=\"serviceRecover\" name=\"serviceRecover\" method=\"post\" action=\"/consoleapi/recover2/\">"; if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"recover2\" />"; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_conf_to") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows) { String data = LoginUser.MaskData(dr["value"].ToString(), (Boolean)dr["is_mail"], (Boolean)dr["is_sms"]); if (data != "") { html += " <li><p style=\"width:400px;padding:0 0 5px 10px;color:#000;\"><input name=\"sentTo\" type=\"radio\" value=\"" + data + "\">" + data + "</p></li>"; } } html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>"; html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_code") + "</button>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; } else { html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"recover2\" />"; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">No method available</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a></span>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; } html += "</form>"; } //ret = new WebJsonResponse("recover1.aspx"); ret = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html); } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true); } } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); throw ex; } if (ret != null) { ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON())); } }
/*[{"data_name":"id","field_id":"16","data_type":"string","value":"110059940913696826169"},{"data_name":"lastLoginTime","field_id":"14","data_type":"datetime","value":"1969- 12-31T22:00:00.0000000- 02:00"},{"data_name":"creationTime","field_id":"12","data_type":"datetime","value":"2013-12- 05T06:01:54.0000000- 02:00"},{"data_name":"primaryEmail","field_id":"4","data_type":"string","value":"*****@*****.**"},{"data_name":"fullname","field_id":"1","data_type":"string","value":"Adriana Aparecida Goll Tenorio"}] [{"data_name":"id","field_id":"16","data_type":"string","value":"110059940913696826169"},{"data_name":"lastLoginTime","field_id":"14","data_type":"datetime","value":"1969- 12-31T22:00:00.0000000- 02:00"},{"data_name":"creationTime","field_id":"12","data_type":"datetime","value":"2013-12- 05T06:01:54.0000000- 02:00"},{"data_name":"primaryEmail","field_id":"4","data_type":"string","value":"*****@*****.**"},{"data_name":"fullname","field_id":"1","data_type":"string","value":"Adriana Aparecida Goll Tenorio"}]*/ static public void auditReport(IAMDatabase db, DataTable dtS, List <MailAddress> recipents) { Int64 enterpriseId = (Int64)dtS.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"]; List <FileInfo> files = new List <FileInfo>(); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dtContext = db.Select("select distinct c.* from context c with(nolock) where c.enterprise_id = " + enterpriseId + " order by name"); if ((dtContext != null) && (dtContext.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drC in dtContext.Rows) { PDFReport report = new PDFReport(dtS.Rows[0]["title"].ToString() + " - " + drC["name"], "SafeTrend - SafeID v1.0"); body.AppendLine(dtS.Rows[0]["title"].ToString() + " - " + drC["name"]); FileInfo tmpFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "audit-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + drC["id"] + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmssfffff") + ".pdf")); if (tmpFile.Exists) { tmpFile.Delete(); } body.AppendLine(" Arquivo: " + tmpFile.Name); Int64 erroCount = 0; DataTable dtResource = db.Select("select distinct r.* from resource r with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.resource_id = inner join context c with(nolock) on = r.context_id where = " + drC["id"] + " order by name"); if ((dtResource != null) && (dtResource.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow drR in dtResource.Rows) { DataTable dtRP = db.Select("select distinct rp.*, plugin_name, p.scheme, plugin_id from resource r with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.resource_id = inner join plugin p with(nolock) on rp.plugin_id = where = " + drR["id"] + " order by"); if ((dtRP != null) && (dtRP.Rows.Count > 0)) { report.AddH1("Recurso " + drR["name"]); foreach (DataRow drRP in dtRP.Rows) { report.AddH2("Plugin " + drRP["plugin_name"]); PluginConfig pluginConfig = new PluginConfig(db.Connection, drRP["scheme"].ToString(), (Int64)drRP["plugin_id"], (Int64)drRP["id"]); DataTable dtAudit = db.Select("select * from audit_identity a where resource_plugin_id = " + drRP["id"] + " and update_date >= DATEADD(day,-15,getdate()) order by full_name"); if ((dtAudit != null) && (dtAudit.Rows.Count > 0)) { Int64 count = 1; foreach (DataRow drAudit in dtAudit.Rows) { erroCount++; try { report.AddParagraph(String.Format("{0:0000}. {1}", count, drAudit["full_name"].ToString()), 1, 3, true); switch (drAudit["event"].ToString().ToLower()) { case "not_exists": report.AddParagraph("Problema encontrado: Usuário inexistente no SafeID", 2, 3, false); break; case "locked": report.AddParagraph("Problema encontrado: Usuário inexistente no SafeID e não pode ser inserido pois está com status de bloqueado.", 2, 3, false); break; case "input_filter_empty": report.AddParagraph("Problema encontrado: Informação para identificação não encontrado.", 2, 3, false); break; default: report.AddParagraph("Problema encontrado: desconhecido", 2, 3, false); break; } report.AddParagraph("Registrio criado em " + MessageResource.FormatDate((DateTime)drAudit["create_date"], false) + " e atualizado em " + MessageResource.FormatDate((DateTime)drAudit["update_date"], false), 2, 3, false); List <FieldItem> fields = JSON.Deserialize <List <FieldItem> >(drAudit["fields"].ToString()); List <String> keys = new List <string>(); List <String> others = new List <string>(); foreach (FieldItem fi in fields) { foreach (PluginConfigMapping m in pluginConfig.mapping) { if ((m.data_name.ToLower() == fi.data_name.ToLower())) { if (m.is_id || m.is_unique_property) { if (!keys.Contains(m.field_name + " = " + fi.value)) { keys.Add(m.field_name + " = " + fi.value); } } else { if (!others.Contains(m.field_name + " = " + fi.value)) { others.Add(m.field_name + " = " + fi.value); } } } } } report.AddParagraph("Identificadores: ", 2, 3, false); for (Int32 c = 0; c < keys.Count; c++) { report.AddParagraph(keys[c], 3, (c == keys.Count - 1 ? 3 : 0), false); } report.AddParagraph("Outros dados: ", 2, 3, false); for (Int32 c = 0; c < others.Count; c++) { report.AddParagraph(others[c], 3, (c == others.Count - 1 ? 6 : 0), false); } } catch (Exception ex) { report.AddParagraph("Erro processando informação: " + ex.Message, 1, 0, false); } count++; } } else { report.AddParagraph("Nenhuma inconsistência encontrada", 1, 0, false); } } } else { report.AddH1("Recurso " + drR["name"], false); report.AddParagraph("Nenhum plugin vinculado a este recurso."); } //select distinct rp.* from resource r with(nolock) inner join resource_plugin rp with(nolock) on rp.resource_id = where = 1 } } body.AppendLine(" Inconsistências reportadas: " + erroCount); //Salva e envia o relatório report.SaveToFile(tmpFile.FullName); files.Add(new FileInfo(tmpFile.FullName)); body.AppendLine(""); } } List <Attachment> atts = new List <Attachment>(); foreach (FileInfo f in files) { atts.Add(new Attachment(f.FullName)); } try { sendEmail(db, dtS.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(), recipents, body.ToString(), false, atts); } catch (Exception ex) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, DateTime.Now, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Erro sending report", ex.Message); } //Exclui os arquivos temporários foreach (FileInfo f in files) { try { f.Delete(); } catch { } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WebJsonResponse ret = null; //ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Resources.Strings", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources")); //CultureInfo ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { Int64 enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; Int64 entityId = 0; String err = ""; String userCode = Request["userCode"]; if ((userCode == null) || (userCode == "")) { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("type_code"), 3000, true); } else { if (Session["entityId"] != null) { entityId = (Int64)Session["entityId"]; } if (entityId > 0) { using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + entityId + " and recovery_code = '" + Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(userCode) + "'"); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { Session["userCode"] = c.Rows[0]["recovery_code"].ToString(); String html = ""; html += "<form id=\"serviceRecover\" name=\"serviceRecover\" method=\"post\" action=\"/consoleapi/recover4/\">"; html += "<div class=\"login_form\">"; html += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"recover4\" />"; html += "<ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_title") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; //html += " <span id=\"ph_password\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "\" onkeyup=\"iamadmin.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; //html += " <span id=\"ph_password2\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "</span>"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password2\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password2').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <div id=\"passwordStrength\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + ": " + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>"; html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "</button>"; html += " </li>"; html += "</ul> "; html += "</div>"; html += "</form>"; ret = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html); } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_code"), 3000, true); } } } else { ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("invalid_session"), 3000, true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); throw ex; } if (ret != null) { ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON())); } }
static public void integrityTextReport(IAMDatabase db, DataTable dtS, List <MailAddress> recipents) { StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dtL = db.Select("select l.text from logs l where text like 'Integrity check error: Multiplus entities%' and >= DATEADD(day,-1,getdate()) and l.enterprise_id = " + dtS.Rows[0]["enterprise_id"] + " group by l.text"); if (dtL == null) { return; } DataTable dtErrors = new DataTable(); dtErrors.Columns.Add("text", typeof(String)); Dictionary <String, String> title = new Dictionary <string, string>(); title.Add("text", "Texto"); List <String> duplicatedEntities = new List <String>(); foreach (DataRow dU in dtL.Rows) { try { DataRow newItem = dtErrors.NewRow(); newItem["text"] = dU["text"]; dtErrors.Rows.Add(newItem.ItemArray); //Captura somente os IDs das entidades Regex rex = new Regex(@"\((.*?)\)"); Match m = rex.Match(dU["text"].ToString()); if (m.Success) { String[] entities = m.Groups[1].Value.Replace(" ", "").Split(",".ToCharArray()); duplicatedEntities.AddRange(entities); } } catch (Exception ex) { errors.AppendLine("Error processing registry: " + ex.Message); } } Dictionary <String, String> title2 = new Dictionary <string, string>(); title2.Add("id", "Entity ID"); title2.Add("login", "Login"); title2.Add("full_name", "Nome Completo"); title2.Add("change_password", "Ultima troca de senha"); title2.Add("last_login", "Ultimo Login "); DataTable dtUsr = new DataTable(); dtUsr.Columns.Add("id", typeof(Int64)); dtUsr.Columns.Add("login", typeof(String)); dtUsr.Columns.Add("full_name", typeof(String)); dtUsr.Columns.Add("change_password", typeof(DateTime)); dtUsr.Columns.Add("last_login", typeof(DateTime)); //select, e.login, e.full_name, e.change_password, e.last_login from entity e where id in (10583, 13065) order by e.full_name DataTable dtU = db.Select("select, e.login, e.full_name, e.change_password, e.last_login from entity e where id in (" + String.Join(",", duplicatedEntities) + ") order by e.full_name"); if (errors.ToString() != "") { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, null, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Report error", errors.ToString()); } ReportBase rep1 = new ReportBase(dtErrors, title); List <Attachment> atts = new List <Attachment>(); try { using (MemoryStream ms1 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep1.GetTXT()))) { atts.Add(new Attachment(ms1, "integrity-check.txt")); if (dtU != null) { ReportBase rep2 = new ReportBase(dtU, title2); using (MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rep2.GetTXT()))) { atts.Add(new Attachment(ms2, "integrity-users.txt")); sendEmail(db, dtS.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(), recipents, dtL.Rows.Count + " erros de integridade", false, atts); } } else { sendEmail(db, dtS.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(), recipents, dtL.Rows.Count + " erros de integridade", false, atts); } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Report, DateTime.Now, "Report", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Erro sending report", ex.Message); } }
public String UserFlow() { String userId = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((String)RouteData.Values["id"])) { userId = (String)RouteData.Values["id"]; } EnterpriseData ent = (EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]; FlowData flowData = new FlowData(); using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { DataTable dtEntity = db.Select("select e.*, context_name from entity e inner join context c on e.context_id = where = " + userId); if (dtEntity == null) { return(""); } Node eNode = flowData.AddNode(dtEntity.Rows[0]["full_name"].ToString(), 0, 1); Node ctxNode = flowData.AddNode("Contexto: " + dtEntity.Rows[0]["context_name"].ToString(), 1, 1); flowData.AddConnection(eNode, ctxNode, ""); Node entNode = flowData.AddNode("Entidade", 2, 1); flowData.AddConnection(ctxNode, entNode, ""); DataTable dtIdentity = db.Select("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY, AS [row_number], identity_id, resource_name, from [identity] i inner join resource_plugin rp on i.resource_plugin_id = inner join resource r on rp.resource_id = inner join plugin p on rp.plugin_id = where i.entity_id = " + userId); foreach (DataRow drI in dtIdentity.Rows) { Node nIdentity = flowData.AddNode("Identidade " + drI["row_number"], 3, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(entNode, nIdentity, ""); Node nSubIdentity = flowData.AddNode(drI["resource_name"].ToString(), 4, 1); flowData.AddConnection(nIdentity, nSubIdentity, ""); DataTable dtRole = db.Select("select role_name from identity_role ir inner join role r on ir.role_id = where ir.identity_id = " + drI["identity_id"] + " order by"); foreach (DataRow drRole in dtRole.Rows) { Node nRole = flowData.AddNode("Perfil", 5, 1, true); flowData.AddConnection(nSubIdentity, nRole, ""); Node nRoleName = flowData.AddNode(drRole["role_name"].ToString(), 6, 1); flowData.AddConnection(nRole, nRoleName, ""); } } Node systemNode = flowData.AddNode("Sistema", 1, 1); flowData.AddConnection(eNode, systemNode, ""); Node nSysRole = flowData.AddNode("Perfis de sistema", 2, 1); flowData.AddConnection(systemNode, nSysRole, ""); DataTable dtSysRole = db.Select("select r.* from sys_entity_role er inner join sys_role r on er.role_id = where er.entity_id = " + userId); if ((dtSysRole == null) || (dtSysRole.Rows.Count == 0)) { Node nRoleName = flowData.AddNode("Nenhum perfil", 3, 1); flowData.AddConnection(nSysRole, nRoleName, ""); } else { foreach (DataRow drRole in dtSysRole.Rows) { Node nRoleName = flowData.AddNode(drRole["name"].ToString(), 3, 1); flowData.AddConnection(nSysRole, nRoleName, ""); if ((Boolean)drRole["sa"]) { += "\n(Administrador)"; } else { DataTable dtSysEnt = db.Select("select * from enterprise e where = " + drRole["enterprise_id"]); foreach (DataRow drEnt in dtSysEnt.Rows) { Node nRoleEntName = flowData.AddNode(drEnt["name"].ToString(), 4, 1); flowData.AddConnection(nRoleName, nRoleEntName, ""); if ((Boolean)drRole["ea"]) { += "\n(Administrador)"; } } } } } } return(flowData.ToJson()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String html = ""; String error = ""; LoginData login = LoginUser.LogedUser(this); if (login == null) { Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "login2/", false); } else { html += "<form id=\"serviceLogin\" name=\"serviceLogin\" method=\"post\" action=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "login2/changepassword/\"><div class=\"login_form\">"; if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST") { try { String password = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection(Request["password"]); String password2 = Request["password2"]; if ((password == null) || (password == "")) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password"); } else if ((password2 == null) || (password2 == "")) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("type_password_confirm"); } else if (password != password2) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_not_equal"); } else { Int64 enterpriseId = 0; if ((Page.Session["enterprise_data"]) != null && (Page.Session["enterprise_data"] is EnterpriseData) && (((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id != null)) { enterpriseId = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id; } using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { UserPasswordStrength usrCheck = new UserPasswordStrength(db.Connection, login.Id); UserPasswordStrengthResult check = usrCheck.CheckPassword(password); if (check.HasError) { if (check.NameError) { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_name_part"); } else { String txt = "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("number_char") + ": " + (!check.LengthError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("uppercase") + ": " + (!check.UpperCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("lowercase") + ": " + (!check.LowerCaseError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("numbers") + ": " + (!check.DigitError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")) + "<br />"; txt += "* " + MessageResource.GetMessage("symbols") + ": " + (!check.SymbolError ? MessageResource.GetMessage("ok") : MessageResource.GetMessage("fail")); error = MessageResource.GetMessage("password_complexity") + ": <br />" + txt; } } else { DataTable c = db.Select("select * from entity where deleted = 0 and id = " + login.Id); if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0)) { //Verifica a senha atual using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId)) using (CryptApi cApi = CryptApi.ParsePackage(sk.ServerPKCS12Cert, Convert.FromBase64String(c.Rows[0]["password"].ToString()))) { using (SqlConnection conn1 = IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection()) using (EnterpriseKeyConfig sk1 = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(conn1, enterpriseId)) using (CryptApi cApi1 = new CryptApi(sk.ServerCert, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password))) { DbParameterCollection pPar = new DbParameterCollection(); String b64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cApi1.ToBytes()); pPar.Add("@password", typeof(String), b64.Length).Value = b64; db.ExecuteNonQuery("update entity set password = @password, change_password = getdate() , recovery_code = null, must_change_password = 0 where id = " + login.Id, CommandType.Text, pPar); } db.AddUserLog(LogKey.User_PasswordChanged, null, "AutoService", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, enterpriseId, 0, 0, 0, login.Id, 0, "Password changed through logged user", "{ \"ipaddr\":\"" + Tools.Tool.GetIPAddress() + "\"} "); //Cria o pacote com os dados atualizados deste usuário //Este processo visa agiliar a aplicação das informações pelos plugins db.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into deploy_now (entity_id) values(" + login.Id + ")", CommandType.Text, null); //Mata a sessão //Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath + "login2/passwordchanged/", false); } } else { error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); error = MessageResource.GetMessage("internal_error") + ": " + ex.Message; } } html += " <ul>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <p style=\"width:270px;padding:0 0 20px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_expired_text") + "</p>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password") + "\" onkeyup=\"cas.passwordStrength('#password');\" onfocus=\"$('#password').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"inputWrap\">"; html += " <input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"password2\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("new_password_confirm") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#password2').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#password2').removeClass('focus');\" />"; html += " <span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#password2').focus();\"></span>"; html += " </span>"; html += " </li>"; html += " <li>"; html += " <div id=\"passwordStrength\"><span>" + MessageResource.GetMessage("password_strength") + ": " + MessageResource.GetMessage("unknow") + "</span><div class=\"bar\"></div></div>"; html += " </li>"; if (error != "") { html += " <li><div class=\"error-box\">" + error + "</div>"; } html += " <li>"; html += " <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"" + Session["ApplicationVirtualPath"] + "logout/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> </span>"; html += " <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("change_password") + "</button>"; html += " </li>"; html += " </ul>"; html += "</div></form>"; holderContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(html)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Request.InputStream.Position = 0; JSONRequest req = JSON.GetRequest(Request.InputStream); JsonGeneric data = new JsonGeneric(); data.FromJsonString(; if ( == 0) { return; } using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString())) { ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig(); config.GetDBConfig(db.Connection, ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id,; if (config.fqdn == null) //Não encontrou o proxy { return; } String uri = Tools.Tool.TrataInjection([0][data.GetKeyIndex("uri")]); DataTable dt = db.Select("select * from plugin where uri = '" + uri + "'"); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count == 0)) { return; } DirectoryInfo pluginsDir = null; using (ServerDBConfig c = new ServerDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection())) pluginsDir = new DirectoryInfo(c.GetItem("pluginFolder")); if (pluginsDir == null) { throw new Exception("Parâmtro 'pluginFolder' não encontrado"); } if (pluginsDir.Exists) { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(pluginsDir.FullName, dt.Rows[0]["assembly"].ToString())); if (f.Exists) { Byte[] fData = File.ReadAllBytes(f.FullName); String fileHash = CATools.SHA1Checksum(fData); Int32 ci = data.GetKeyIndex("checksum"); if ((ci != -1) && ([0][ci] == fileHash)) { ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{ \"name\":\"" + f.Name + "\", \"status\":\"updated\"}")); } else { String certPass = CATools.SHA1Checksum(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(config.fqdn)); using (CryptApi cApi = new CryptApi(CATools.LoadCert(Convert.FromBase64String(config.client_cert), certPass), fData)) ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("{ \"name\":\"" + f.Name + "\", \"status\":\"outdated\", \"date\":\"" + f.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "\", \"content\":\"" + Convert.ToBase64String(cApi.ToBytes()) + "\"}")); } fData = new Byte[0]; } } /* * ProxyConfig config = new ProxyConfig(); * config.GetDBConfig(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnection(), ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id,; * * if (config.fqdn != null) * { * ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(config.ToJsonString())); * }*/ } } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.Tool.notifyException(ex); throw ex; } }