        public void InitSim(bool autoStart, bool smoothingOn, Mission mission)
            gridDone          = false;
            pathDone          = false;
            pathSmoothDone    = false;
            pathSearching     = false;
            pathSearchingDone = false;
            autoDrive         = true;
            run             = false;
            isCollided      = false;
            currentControls = new CarControls(0f, 0f, 0f);

            if (camera == null)
                camera          = new Camera(MathHelper.PiOver4, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.1f, 1000f);
                camera.Position = new Vector3(75f, 75f, 180f);

            startPose                  = mission.Start;
            goalPose                   = mission.Goal;
            HybridAStar.Epsilon        = mission.AStarEpsilon;
            HybridAStar.GridResolution = mission.AStarGridResolution;
            HybridAStar.SafetyFactor   = 1.5f;

            car  = new Car(world, startPose);
            grid = new ObstacleGrid(world, mission.Environment);

            car.Body.OnCollision += new OnCollisionEventHandler(OnCollision);

            gridDone          = false;
            pathDone          = false;
            pathSearchingDone = false;
            bg = new Thread(() =>
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                console.WriteLine("GVD Generation Time: " + Math.Round((DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                gridDone = true;

                now                = DateTime.Now;
                pathSearching      = true;
                astar              = HybridAStar.FindPath(grid, startPose, goalPose);
                TimeSpan astarTime = DateTime.Now - now;
                poses              = astar.Path;

                pathSearching     = false;
                pathSearchingDone = true;

                if (astar.Path.Count > 0)
                    pathDone = true;

                now = DateTime.Now;
                if (smoothingOn)
                    smoothedPath = Smoother.Smooth(astar.Path, grid);
                    smoothedPath = astar.Path;
                TimeSpan smoothingTime = DateTime.Now - now;

                int numUnsafe = Smoother.UnsafeIndices != null ? Smoother.UnsafeIndices.Count : 0;

                console.WriteLine("A*: Total Planning Time: " + Math.Round((astarTime + smoothingTime).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Heuristic Time: " + Math.Round(astar.HeuristicInitTime.TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Searching Time: " + Math.Round((astarTime - astar.HeuristicInitTime).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Smoothing Time: " + Math.Round(smoothingTime.TotalMilliseconds) + " ms (" + Smoother.NumIterations + " iterations, " + Smoother.Change + "m, " + numUnsafe + " unsafe points)");
                console.WriteLine("    " + astar.Discovered.Count + " nodes discovered");
                console.WriteLine("    " + astar.Expanded.Count + " nodes expanded");

                controller = new StanleyFSMController(smoothedPath, goalPose);

                pathSmoothDone = true;
                if (autoStart)
                    run = true;
            bg.IsBackground = true;
            bg.Priority     = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            GraphicsDevice.Clear(backgroundLight ? LIGHT : DARK);

            Matrix p = camera.Projection;
            Matrix v = camera.View;

            if (cameraView == 2)
                float   orientation   = controller != null && controller.InReverse ? car.Pose.Orientation + MathHelper.Pi : car.Pose.Orientation;
                Vector2 position      = Car.GetCenterPosition(car.Pose);
                Vector2 headingVector = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(orientation), (float)Math.Sin(orientation));
                float   offset        = 14f;
                float   height        = 10f;
                v = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(position + -offset * headingVector, height), new Vector3(position + offset * headingVector, 0f), Vector3.UnitZ);
            else if (cameraView == 3)
                float   or            = car.Pose.Orientation + MathHelper.ToRadians(120f);
                Vector2 headingVector = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(or), (float)Math.Sin(or));
                v = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(car.Pose.Position + -10f * headingVector, 5f), new Vector3(Car.GetCenterPosition(car.Pose), 0f), Vector3.UnitZ);
            else if (cameraView == 4)
                float   or            = goalPose.Orientation;
                Vector2 headingVector = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(or), (float)Math.Sin(or));
                v = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(goalPose.Position + 10f * headingVector, 20f), new Vector3(Car.GetCenterPosition(car.Pose), 0f), Vector3.UnitZ);
            else if (cameraView == 5)
                v = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(Car.GetCenterPosition(car.Pose), 20f), new Vector3(Car.GetCenterPosition(car.Pose), 0f), Vector3.UnitY);
                if (rotateCar)
                    v *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-car.Body.Rotation + MathHelper.PiOver2);

            if (gridDone && (drawGrid || drawVoro || drawHeur))
                basicEffect.World      = Matrix.Identity;
                basicEffect.View       = v;
                basicEffect.Projection = p;
                spriteBatch.Begin(0, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.DepthRead, RasterizerState.CullNone, basicEffect);

                if (drawHeur)
                    grid.Draw(spriteBatch, drawVoro);


            debug.BeginCustomDraw(ref p, ref v);

            debug.DrawSolidCircle(Car.GetFrontAxlePosition(car.Pose), 0.2f, Color.Green);

            if ((pathSearching && watchSearch || pathSearchingDone && drawSearch) && HybridAStar.Expanded != null && HybridAStar.Expanded.Count > 0)
                LinkedList <HybridAStar.Node> expanded = new LinkedList <HybridAStar.Node>();
                lock (HybridAStar.Expanded)

                float pathLength = expanded.Last.f;
                foreach (HybridAStar.Node n in expanded)
                    if (pathDone && n.rsIndex >= 0)
                        for (int i = n.rsIndex; i < poses.Count - 1; i++)
                            debug.DrawSegment(poses[i].Position, poses[i + 1].Position, Color.Purple, 0.02f);
                    else if (n.from != null)
                        Color color;
                        if (n.cell.rev == 0)
                            color = Color.Lerp(Color.Orange, Color.Green, n.g / pathLength);
                            color = Color.Lerp(Color.Blue, Color.Cyan, n.g / pathLength);

                        debug.DrawSegment(n.from.pose.Position, n.pose.Position, color, 0.02f);

            if (pathDone)
                if (drawPath)
                    for (int i = 0; i < poses.Count - 1; i++)
                        Color c = poses[i].Gear == Gear.Forward ? Color.Blue : Color.Red;
                        debug.DrawSegment(poses[i].Position, poses[i + 1].Position, c, 0.04f);
                        debug.DrawPoint(poses[i].Position, 0.1f, c * 0.5f);

            if (pathSearchingDone && !pathSmoothDone && (drawSmoothedPath || drawController))

            if (pathSmoothDone)
                if (drawFrontPath && controller.FrontPath != null)
                    int num = controller.FrontPath.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
                        if (controller.FrontPath[i].Gear == Gear.Forward)
                            debug.DrawSegment(controller.FrontPath[i].Position, controller.FrontPath[i + 1].Position, Color.DarkOrange);
                            debug.DrawSegment(controller.ReverseFrontPath[i].Position, controller.ReverseFrontPath[i + 1].Position, Color.Cyan);

                if (drawSmoothedPath)
                    for (int i = 0; i < smoothedPath.Count - 1; i++)
                        debug.DrawSegment(smoothedPath[i].Position, smoothedPath[i + 1].Position, smoothedPath[i].Gear == Gear.Forward ? Color.DarkGreen : Color.Red, 0.04f);
                        //if (Smoother.UnsafeIndices != null && Smoother.UnsafeIndices.Contains(i))
                        //debug.DrawCircle(smoothedPath[i].Position, 0.2f, Color.Orange);

                if (drawController)

            if (drawStart)
                startPose.DrawPose(debug, new Color(0f, 1f, 0f, 0.9f), 1.1f);
            if (drawGoal)
                goalPose.DrawPose(debug, new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.9f), 1.1f);

            if (drawCurrent)
                if (pathSmoothDone && controller.State != StanleyFSMController.ControllerState.MissionComplete)
                    debug.DrawCircle(controller.ClosestPoint, 0.1f, controller.InReverse ? Color.Aqua : Color.Orange);
                    if (controller.InReverse)
                        debug.DrawCircle(controller.FakeFrontAxle, 0.2f, Color.Aqua);

                car.Pose.DrawPose(debug, 0.2f, Color.Red);


            if (drawDebugData)
                debug.RenderDebugData(ref p, ref v);

            if (drawCar)
                car.Draw(v, p);

            if (showDebugInfo)
                string info = String.Format("Speed: {0:0.0}", Math.Round(car.SpeedMPH, 1));
                if (pathSmoothDone)
                    info += String.Format("\nGas: {0:0.00}", Math.Round(currentControls.Gas * 100f, 2));
                    info += String.Format("\nBrake: {0:0.00}", Math.Round(currentControls.Brake * 100f, 2));
                    info += String.Format("\nCTE: {0:0.0000}", Math.Round(controller.CrossTrackError, 4));
                    info += "\n" + controller.State.ToString();
                    info += "\n" + controller.DebugInfo;
                spriteBatch.DrawString(font, info, new Vector2(8, 4), !backgroundLight ? LIGHT : DARK);

            if (showDashboard)

    //Generate a path and send it to the car
    //We have to do it over some time to avoid a sudden stop in the simulation
    IEnumerator GeneratePath(Car goalCar)
        //Get the start positions

        //The self-driving car
        Car startCar = new Car(SimController.current.GetSelfDrivingCarTrans(), SimController.current.GetActiveCarData());

        //The trailer (if any)
        Car startTrailer = null;

        Transform trailerTrans = SimController.current.TryGetTrailerTrans();

        if (trailerTrans != null)
            startTrailer = new Car(trailerTrans, SimController.current.TryGetTrailerData());

        //First we have to check if the self-driving car is inside of the grid
        if (!map.IsPosWithinGrid(startCar.rearWheelPos))
            Debug.Log("The car is outside of the grid");

            yield break;

        //Which cell do we want to reach? We have already checked that this cell is valid
        IntVector2 targetCell = map.ConvertWorldToCell(goalCar.rearWheelPos);

        //To measure time, is measured in tick counts
        int startTime = 0;
        //To display how long time each part took
        string timeText = "";

        // Calculate Heuristics

        //Calculate euclidean distance heuristic
        startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        HeuristicsController.EuclideanDistance(map, targetCell);

        timeText += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(startTime, Environment.TickCount, "Euclidean Distance");

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f));

        //Calculate dynamic programing = flow field
        startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        HeuristicsController.DynamicProgramming(map, targetCell);

        timeText += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(startTime, Environment.TickCount, "Dynamic Programming");

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f));

        //Calculate the final heuristics

        // Generate the shortest path with Hybrid A*

        //List with all expanded nodes for debugging, so we can display the search tree
        List <Node> expandedNodes = new List <Node>();

        startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        //The output is finalPath and expandedNodes
        List <Node> finalPath = HybridAStar.GeneratePath(startCar, goalCar, map, expandedNodes, startTrailer);

        timeText += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(startTime, Environment.TickCount, "Hybrid A Star");

        if (finalPath == null || finalPath.Count == 0)
            UIController.current.SetFoundPathText("Failed to find a path!");
            UIController.current.SetFoundPathText("Found a path!");

        // Smooth the path and send it to the car

        //If we have found a path
        List <Node> smoothPath = null;

        if (finalPath != null && finalPath.Count > 0)
            //Modify the path to make it easier for the vehicle to follow it
            //Step 1. Hybrid A* is using the rear wheel axle to generate the path, but it's easier for the car to follow it
            //if we also know where the path should have been if we had used the front axle
            Vector3 vehicleStartDir = SimController.current.GetSelfDrivingCarTrans().forward;

            Vector3 vehicleEndDir = SimController.current.GetCarShowingEndPosTrans().forward;

            ModifyPath.CalculateFrontAxlePositions(finalPath, startCar.carData, vehicleStartDir, vehicleEndDir, isMirrored: false);

            //When reversing we should track a path which is a path that goes along the front axle
            //but the front axle is mirrored along the rear axle
            ModifyPath.CalculateFrontAxlePositions(finalPath, startCar.carData, vehicleStartDir, vehicleEndDir, isMirrored: true);

            //Smooth the path by making it smoother and adding waypoints to make it easier for the car to follow the path
            startTime = Environment.TickCount;

            smoothPath = ModifyPath.SmoothPath(finalPath, map, isCircular: false, isDebugOn: true);

            timeText += DisplayController.GetDisplayTimeText(startTime, Environment.TickCount, "Smooth path");

            //The car will immediatelly start following the path
            SimController.current.SendPathToActiveCar(smoothPath, isCircular: false);

        // Display the results

        //Display how long time the different parts took

        //Reset display

        //Always display the search tree even if we havent found a path to the goal

        //Generate the flow field heuristic texture
        displayController.GenerateTexture(map, DisplayController.TextureTypes.Flowfield_Target);

        //Display the different paths
        displayController.DisplayFinalPath(finalPath, smoothPath);

        yield return(null);