        static void Main(string[] args)
            HumanClient client = new HumanClient("NetTcpBinding_IHuman");
            Human       human  = new Human
                Race      = "African",
                BirthDate = new DateTime(1979, 8, 28),
                Gender    = "Male",
                FirstName = "Robert",
                LastName  = "Green"

        /// <summary>
        /// Run the Abathur framework with the settings specified in the data directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPath">The absolute path for a directory where Abathur may place setting files</param>
        /// <param name="logPath">The absolute directory path for log files, no log files will be generated if left empty</param>
        public void Run(string dataPath, string logPath = null)
            // ConsoleLogger prints in pretty colors...
            ILogger log = ConsoleLogger.Instance;

            // Check that the directory exist, or create it.
            log?.LogMessage("Checking data directory:");
            FileService.ValidateOrCreateDirectory(dataPath, log);

            // Check that the game settings file exist, or create it a default template.
            log?.LogMessage("Checking game settings file:");
            FileService.ValidateOrCreateJsonFile(dataPath + "gamesettings.json", Defaults.GameSettings, log);
            GameSettings gameSettings = FileService.ReadFromJson <GameSettings>(dataPath + "gamesettings.json", log);

            // Load the Abathur setup file, this file is used to add/remove modules to the framework
            log?.LogMessage("Checking setup file:");
            FileService.ValidateOrCreateJsonFile(dataPath + "setup.json", Defaults.AbathurSetup, log);
            AbathurSetup abathurSetup = FileService.ReadFromJson <AbathurSetup>(dataPath + "setup.json", log);

            // Load or create the 'essence file' - a file containing UnitTypeData, AbilityTypeData, BuffData, UpgradeData and manually coded tech-trees for each race.
            var essence = EssenceService.LoadOrCreate(dataPath, log);

            // If a log path have been specified, check the directory and change add a filelogger (writes to files)
            if (logPath != null)
                log?.LogMessage("Checking log directory:");
                FileService.ValidateOrCreateDirectory(logPath, log);
                log = new MultiLogger(ConsoleLogger.Instance, new FileLogger(logPath, "abathur"));

            // Check if gamesettings specify more than one participant (1 = Participant, 2 = Computer, 3 = Observer (not implemented))
            IClient player1 = null;
            IClient player2 = null;

            player1 = new AbathurClient(abathurSetup, gameSettings, essence, log);
            if (gameSettings.IsMultiplayer())
                player2 = new HumanClient(gameSettings, log: ConsoleLogger.Instance);

            // Start the game already!
            var game = new Game(gameSettings, player1, player2);
