        public HullNode getRightMost(HullNode first)
            HullNode currentNode      = first;  // Setting up for the loop
            HullNode currentRightMost = first;  // All else fails, the first is the leftmost

            // Go through the entire hull to find the node with the leftmost point
                if (currentNode.point.X > currentRightMost.point.X)
                    currentRightMost = currentNode;
                currentNode = currentNode.next;
            } while (currentNode != first);
 public void SaveEquipment(NodeAddedEvent e, [Combine] RoundUserNode user, [Context, JoinByUser] HullNode hull, [Context, JoinByUser] TurretNode turret)
     if (user.Entity.HasComponent <RoundUserEquipmentComponent>())
         RoundUserEquipmentComponent component = user.Entity.GetComponent <RoundUserEquipmentComponent>();
         component.HullId   = hull.marketItemGroup.Key;
         component.WeaponId = turret.marketItemGroup.Key;
         RoundUserEquipmentComponent component = new RoundUserEquipmentComponent {
             HullId   = hull.marketItemGroup.Key,
             WeaponId = turret.marketItemGroup.Key
        // All of my code is the following
        public void Solve(List <System.Drawing.PointF> pointList)
            // Solve the hull problem

            // Gotta have a sorted list!
            List <System.Drawing.PointF> sortedList = pointList.OrderBy(o => o.X).ToList();

            HullNode solvedHull = getHull(sortedList);

            // Print it to the screen
            Pen greenPen = new Pen(Color.Green);

            HullNode currentNode = solvedHull;

                g.DrawLine(greenPen, currentNode.point, currentNode.next.point);
                currentNode = currentNode.next;
                // This might not draw the last line. but it should almost draw everything.
            } while (currentNode != solvedHull);   // When we get all the way around, stop
 public void InitHull(NodeAddedEvent e, SingleNode <CustomizationUIComponent> ui, HullNode hull, [Context, JoinByMarketItem] MarketItemNode marketItem)
     ui.component.Hull = GarageItemsRegistry.GetItem <TankPartItem>(marketItem.Entity);
 public void SetHulls(NodeAddedEvent e, [Combine] HullIndicatorNode hullIndicator, [Context, JoinByUser] HullNode hull)
     this.SetHull(hullIndicator, hull);
 private void SetHull(HullIndicatorNode hullIndicator, HullNode hull)
 public void UpdateTracer(UpdateWeaponStreamTracerByTargetTankEvent evt, HullNode tank)
     GameObject hullInstance = tank.hullInstance.HullInstance;
     Vector3 position = MathUtil.LocalPositionToWorldPosition(evt.Hit.LocalHitPoint, hullInstance);
     evt.WeaponStreamTracerBehaviour.TargetPosition = MathUtil.WorldPositionToLocalPosition(position, evt.WeaponStreamTracerInstance);
        private void SetCaseVelocity(GameObject cartridgeCase, CartridgeCaseEjectorComponent component, HullNode hullNode)
            GameObject hullInstance = hullNode.hullInstance.HullInstance;
            Rigidbody  rigidbody    = hullNode.rigidbody.Rigidbody;
            Rigidbody  rigidbody2   = cartridgeCase.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            Vector3    rhs          = cartridgeCase.transform.position - hullInstance.transform.position;

            rigidbody2.SetVelocitySafe((component.transform.TransformDirection((Vector3)(component.initialSpeed * Vector3.forward)) + rigidbody.velocity) + Vector3.Cross(rigidbody.angularVelocity, rhs));
            rigidbody2.SetAngularVelocitySafe(component.transform.TransformDirection((Vector3)(component.initialAngularSpeed * Vector3.up)) + rigidbody.angularVelocity);
 public void EjectCase(CartridgeCaseEjectionEvent e, SingleNode <CartridgeCaseEjectorComponent> ejectorNode, [JoinByTank] HullNode hullNode, [JoinAll] SingleNode <CartridgeCaseContainerComponent> containerNode)
     if (hullNode.Entity.HasComponent <SelfTankComponent>() || hullNode.cameraVisibleTrigger.IsVisibleAtRange(30f))
         GetInstanceFromPoolEvent eventInstance = new GetInstanceFromPoolEvent {
             Prefab = ejectorNode.component.casePrefab
         base.ScheduleEvent(eventInstance, ejectorNode);
         GameObject gameObject = eventInstance.Instance.gameObject;
         this.SetCaseTransform(gameObject, ejectorNode.component);
         this.SetCaseVelocity(gameObject, ejectorNode.component, hullNode);
        public void UpdateHitEffect(UpdateWeaponStreamHitGraphicsByTargetTankEvent evt, HullNode tank)
            Vector3    vector     = tank.hullInstance.HullInstance.transform.TransformPoint(evt.TankHit.LocalHitPoint);
            Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.LookRotation(evt.TankHit.HitDirection);

            evt.HitTargetParticleSystem.transform.position = vector - (evt.TankHit.HitDirection * evt.HitOffset);
            evt.HitTargetParticleSystem.transform.rotation = quaternion;
            evt.HitTargetLight.enabled = true;
 public void InitHullForBattleSelectScreen(NodeAddedEvent e, SingleNode <MatchLobbyGUIComponent> ui, HullNode hull, [Context, JoinByMarketItem] MarketItemNode marketItem)
     ui.component.Hull = GarageItemsRegistry.GetItem <TankPartItem>(marketItem.Entity);
        // The real meat of the algorithm is in here. >:)
        public HullNode mergeHulls(HullNode L, HullNode R)
            HullNode currentNode = L;

                //g.DrawLine(greenPen, currentNode.point, currentNode.next.point);
                currentNode = currentNode.next;
                // This might not draw the last line. but it should almost draw everything.
            } while (currentNode != L);   // When we get all the way around, stop

            currentNode = R;
                //g.DrawLine(greenPen, currentNode.point, currentNode.next.point);
                currentNode = currentNode.next;
                // This might not draw the last line. but it should almost draw everything.
            } while (currentNode != R);   // When we get all the way around, stop

            // Merge the top
            HullNode l_top = getRightMost(L);       // Get the rightmost point of L
            HullNode r_top = getLeftMost(R);        // And the leftmost point of R

            while (true)
                // Going counterclockwise on L, make new lines to the new points from the right
                HullNode l_counterclockwise = l_top;
                HullNode l_next;

                double currentSlope = (r_top.point.Y - l_counterclockwise.point.Y) / (r_top.point.X - l_counterclockwise.point.X); // Rise over run
                double nextSlope;
                while (true)                                                                                                       // While slope gets more negative

                    l_next    = l_counterclockwise.previous; // Going even more counterclockwise
                    nextSlope = (r_top.point.Y - l_next.point.Y) / (r_top.point.X - l_next.point.X);
                    if (nextSlope >= currentSlope)           // Oh no! We have gone too far!

                    // nextSlope is more negative. We are going in the right direction.
                    currentSlope       = nextSlope;
                    l_counterclockwise = l_next;
                // When we break out of the loop here, we have found the most negative slope for the given r.

                // Time to find the most positive slope for our found l.
                // Going clockwise on R, make new lines to the found l.
                HullNode r_clockwise = r_top;
                HullNode r_next;

                while (true)
                    r_next    = r_clockwise.next;                                                                              // Going clockwise
                    nextSlope = (r_next.point.Y - l_counterclockwise.point.Y) / (r_next.point.X - l_counterclockwise.point.X); // Rise over run

                    if (nextSlope <= currentSlope)                                                                             // Oh no! We have gone too far!

                    // Nextslope is more positive. We are going in the right direction
                    currentSlope = nextSlope;
                    r_clockwise  = r_next;

                // If neither r nor l have changed, we have found the very top line.
                if (r_clockwise == r_top && l_counterclockwise == l_top)
                    break;  // We have found the top and r_top and l_top are the correct nodes

                r_top = r_clockwise;        // Reset the variables to iterate again
                l_top = l_counterclockwise; // Reset the variables to iterate again.

            // Merge the bottom
            HullNode l_bottom = getRightMost(L);       // Get the rightmost point of L
            HullNode r_bottom = getLeftMost(R);        // And the leftmost point of R

            while (true)
                // Going clockwise on L, draw new lines to the set point on R
                HullNode l_clockwise = l_bottom;
                HullNode l_next;

                double currentSlope = (r_bottom.point.Y - l_clockwise.point.Y) / (r_bottom.point.X - l_clockwise.point.X);  // Rise over run
                double nextSlope;

                while (true)                       // While the slope gets even more POSITIVE
                    l_next    = l_clockwise.next;  // Going clockwise
                    nextSlope = (r_bottom.point.Y - l_next.point.Y) / (r_bottom.point.X - l_next.point.X);
                    if (nextSlope <= currentSlope) // We are trying to get positive! This is too far!

                    // nextSlope is more positive. We are going in the right direction
                    currentSlope = nextSlope;
                    l_clockwise  = l_next;
                // When we break out of the above loop, we have found the most POSITIVE slope for the given r.

                // Time to find the most NEGATIVE slope for our found l.
                // Going COUNTERCLOCKWISE on R, draw new lines to our found l.
                HullNode r_counterclockwise = r_bottom;
                HullNode r_next;

                while (true)
                    r_next    = r_counterclockwise.previous;                                                     // Going COUNTERCLOCKWISE
                    nextSlope = (r_next.point.Y - l_clockwise.point.Y) / (r_next.point.X - l_clockwise.point.X); // Rise over run

                    if (nextSlope >= currentSlope)   // Oh no! We gound a greater slope! we want negative!

                    //Next slope is more negative. We are going in the right direction
                    currentSlope       = nextSlope;
                    r_counterclockwise = r_next;

                // If neither r nor l have changed, we have found the very top line.
                if (r_counterclockwise == r_bottom && l_clockwise == l_bottom)
                    break;  // We have found the top and r_top and l_top are the correct nodes

                r_bottom = r_counterclockwise; // Reset the variables to iterate again
                l_bottom = l_clockwise;        // Reset the variables to iterate again.

            // When the above two sections have finished, we should have
            // r_bottom, l_bottom
            // r_top, l_top
            // They need to be connected together, and all nodes between them need to be eliminated.

            // Merge the lists together
            // It is as simple as changing the next and previous pointers to point to the correct nodes.
            r_bottom.next     = l_bottom;
            l_bottom.previous = r_bottom;
            l_top.next        = r_top;
            r_top.previous    = l_top;

            // To return, just return one of the nodes. They all point to each other.
 // When we make a new node, it is its own list- it has a point, and the next in the list is itself
 public HullNode(System.Drawing.PointF point)
     this.point    = point;
     this.next     = this;
     this.previous = this;
 public void ShowUpgradeLevelRestrictionDescription(ListItemSelectedEvent e, UpgradeLevelRestrictionGraffitiNode upgradeLevelRestriction, [JoinByMarketItem] SingleNode <MountUpgradeLevelRestrictionComponent> marketItem, [JoinByParentGroup] HullNode hull, [JoinAll] ScreenNode screen)
     screen.garageItemsScreen.UpgradeLevelRestrictionDescription.Description = screen.garageItemsScreenText.HullUpgradeLevelRestrictionDescription.Replace(ITEM_upgLEVEL, marketItem.component.RestrictionValue.ToString()).Replace(ITEM_NAME, hull.descriptionItem.Name);