/// <summary>
        /// Initializes the target. Can be used by inheriting classes
        /// to initialize logging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="NLogConfigurationException">
        /// SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!
        /// or
        /// SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!
        /// </exception>
        protected override void InitializeTarget()
            NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Debug("Initializing SplunkHttpEventCollector");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerUrl?.Authority))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!");


            _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                ServerUrl,                                                                          // Splunk HEC URL
                Token,                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                Channel,                                                                            // Splunk HEC data channel *GUID*
                GetMetaData(Index, Source, SourceType),                                             // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                       // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                BatchSizeBytes == 0 && BatchSizeCount == 0 ? 0 : 250,                               // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                BatchSizeBytes,                                                                     // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                BatchSizeCount,                                                                     // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                IgnoreSslErrors,                                                                    // Enable Ssl Error ignore for self singed certs *BOOL*
                UseProxy,                                                                           // UseProxy - Set to false to disable
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin,                      // Resend Middleware with retry
                httpVersion10Hack: UseHttpVersion10Hack
            _hecSender.OnError += (e) => { InternalLogger.Error(e, "SplunkHttpEventCollector(Name={0}): Failed to send LogEvents", Name); };
        protected override void InitializeTarget()

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerUrl?.Authority))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!");

            _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                ServerUrl,                                                                                          // Splunk HEC URL
                Token,                                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(Index, Source, (SourceType ?? "_json"), GetMachineName()), // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                                       // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                0,                                                                                                  // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                                                  // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                                                  // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin                                       // Resend Middleware with retry
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> SendDataToSplunk()
            string message    = "some message";
            var    middleware = new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(100);

            // preparing parameters
            Uri    uri   = new Uri("http://localhost:8088");
            string token = "73f4c508-35da-4d14-9d4b-12a8d820935f";

                var ecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(uri, token, null, HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential, 0, 0, 0, middleware.Plugin);

                ecSender.OnError += EcSender_OnError;

                ecSender.Send(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "INFO", null, new { Foo = message });
                var flushTask = ecSender.FlushAsync();
                await flushTask;

                return(Ok("data saved to splunk"));
            catch (Exception ex)
        protected override void InitializeTarget()

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerUrl?.Authority))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!");

            _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                ServerUrl,                                                                          // Splunk HEC URL
                Token,                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(null, null, "_json", GetMachineName()),    // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                       // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                0,                                                                                  // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin                       // Resend Middleware with retry

            // throw error on send failure
            _hecSender.OnError += exception =>
                throw new NLogRuntimeException($"SplunkHttpEventCollector failed to send log event to Splunk server '{ServerUrl?.Authority}' using token '{Token}'. Exception: {exception}");
 public SplunkLogger()
     splunkServerUri = new Uri("http://splunk.sundman.at:8088");
     middleware      = new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(100);
     sender          = new HttpEventCollectorSender(splunkServerUri, token, null, HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Parallel, 0, 0, 0, middleware.Plugin, Formatter);
     sender.OnError += onError;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the target. Can be used by inheriting classes
        /// to initialize logging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="NLogConfigurationException">
        /// SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!
        /// or
        /// SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!
        /// </exception>
        protected override void InitializeTarget()

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerUrl?.Authority))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Token))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!");


            _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                ServerUrl,                                                                          // Splunk HEC URL
                Token,                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                GetMetaData(null),                                                                  // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                       // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                BatchSizeBytes == 0 && BatchSizeCount == 0 ? 0 : 250,                               // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                BatchSizeBytes,                                                                     // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                BatchSizeCount,                                                                     // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin                       // Resend Middleware with retry
            _hecSender.OnError += (e) => { InternalLogger.Error(e, "SplunkHttpEventCollector(Name={0}): Failed to send LogEvents", Name); };
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the target. Can be used by inheriting classes
        /// to initialize logging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="NLogConfigurationException">
        /// SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!
        /// or
        /// SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!
        /// </exception>
        protected override void InitializeTarget()
            NLog.Common.InternalLogger.Debug("Initializing SplunkHttpEventCollector");


            var serverUri = RenderLogEvent(ServerUrl, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverUri))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector ServerUrl is not set!");

            var token = RenderLogEvent(Token, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                throw new NLogConfigurationException("SplunkHttpEventCollector Token is not set!");

            var proxyConfig = UseProxy
                ? new ProxyConfiguration
                ProxyUrl      = RenderLogEvent(ProxyUrl, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent()),
                ProxyUser     = RenderLogEvent(ProxyUser, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent()),
                ProxyPassword = RenderLogEvent(ProxyPassword, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent())
                : new ProxyConfiguration {
                UseProxy = false

            var channel    = RenderLogEvent(Channel, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent());
            var index      = RenderLogEvent(Index, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent());
            var source     = RenderLogEvent(Source, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent());
            var sourceType = RenderLogEvent(SourceType, LogEventInfo.CreateNullEvent());

            _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                new Uri(serverUri),                                                     // Splunk HEC URL
                token,                                                                  // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                channel,                                                                // Splunk HEC data channel *GUID*
                GetMetaData(index, source, sourceType),                                 // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                           // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                BatchSizeBytes == 0 && BatchSizeCount == 0 ? 0 : 250,                   // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                BatchSizeBytes,                                                         // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                BatchSizeCount,                                                         // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                IgnoreSslErrors,                                                        // Enable Ssl Error ignore for self singed certs *BOOL*
                proxyConfig,                                                            // Proxy Config - Set to false to disable
                MaxConnectionsPerServer,                                                // MaxConnectionsPerServer
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin,          // Resend Middleware with retry
                httpVersion10Hack: UseHttpVersion10Hack
            _hecSender.OnError += (e) => { InternalLogger.Error(e, "SplunkHttpEventCollector(Name={0}): Failed to send LogEvents", Name); };
 /// <summary>
 /// Disposes the initialized HttpEventCollectorSender
 /// </summary>
 protected override void CloseTarget()
         _hecSender = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the options on the SplunkHttpEventCollector appender
 /// </summary>
 public override void ActivateOptions()
     _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
         new Uri(ServerUrl),                                                                 // Splunk HEC URL
         Token,                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
         new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(Index, null, "_json", GetMachineName()),   // Metadata
         HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                       // Sequential sending to keep message in order
         0,                                                                                  // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
         0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
         0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
         new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin                       // Resend Middleware with retry
 public override void ActivateOptions()
     _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
         new Uri(ServerUrl),
         new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(Index, null, "_json", GetMachineName()),
         new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin,
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize the options on the SplunkHttpEventCollector appender
 /// </summary>
 public override void ActivateOptions()
     _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
         new Uri(ServerUrl),                                                                 // Splunk HEC URL
         Token,                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
         new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(Index, null, "_json", GetMachineName()),   // Metadata
         BatchIntevalMs,                                                                     // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
         0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
         BatchSizeCount,                                                                     // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
         new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin,                      // Resend Middleware with retry
         IgnoreCertificateErrors                                                             // Ignore invalid server certificate (self-signed, etc)
        static async void DoIt()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) =>

            var middleware = new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(100);
            var ecSender   = new HttpEventCollectorSender(new Uri("https://localhost:8088"), "92A93306-354C-46A5-9790-055C688EB0C4", null, HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential, 5000, 0, 0, middleware.Plugin);

            ecSender.OnError += o => Console.WriteLine(o.Message);
            ecSender.Send(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "INFO", null,
                          new { Foo = "Bar", test2 = "Testit2", time = ConvertToEpoch(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2)).ToString(), anotherkey = "anothervalue" });
            ecSender.Send(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "INFO", null,
                          new { Foo = "Bar", test2 = "Testit2", time = ConvertToEpoch(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-2)).ToString(), anotherkey = "anothervalue!!" });
            await ecSender.FlushAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        public SplunkLogger(string name, Func <string, LogLevel, Exception, bool> filter, SplunkConfiguration configuration)
            Filter             = filter ?? ((category, logLevel, exception) => true);
            this.configuration = configuration;
            this.name          = name;

            hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                configuration.ServerUrl,                                                         // Splunk HEC URL
                configuration.Token,                                                             // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(null, null, "_json", GetMachineName()), // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                    // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                0,                                                                               // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                               // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                               // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(configuration.RetriesOnError).Plugin      // Resend Middleware with retry
        public static async Task LogDataToSplunk(string severity, string message, object data)
                var middleware = new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(100);
                var esSender   = new HttpEventCollectorSender(new Uri("http://localhost:8088"), "73f4c508-35da-4d14-9d4b-12a8d820935f",
                                                              null, HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential, 0, 0, 0, middleware.Plugin);
                esSender.OnError += EsSender_OnError;
                esSender.Send(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), severity, message, data);

                var flushTask = esSender.FlushAsync();
                await flushTask;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public SplunkAppender()
            //Put connection string here ending with :8088 - Exclude tail of "/services/collector/event/1.0" as it will be appended
            _connectionString = new Uri("https://input-IAmYourEndPoint.cloud.splunk.com:8088");
            _connectionToken  = "I-R-SecretKey";

            _middleware      = new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(100);
            _collectorSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
            _collectorSender.OnError += o => Trace.WriteLine(o.Message);
        public void ActivateOptions(HttpEventCollectorSender.HttpEventCollectorFormatter formatter)
            _hecSender = new HttpEventCollectorSender(
                new Uri(ServerUrl),                                                                 // Splunk HEC URL
                Token,                                                                              // Splunk HEC token *GUID*
                new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(null, null, SourceType, GetMachineName()), // Metadata
                HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential,                                       // Sequential sending to keep message in order
                0,                                                                                  // BatchInterval - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeBytes - Set to 0 to disable
                0,                                                                                  // BatchSizeCount - Set to 0 to disable
                new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(RetriesOnError).Plugin,                      // Resend Middleware with retry
                formatter                                                                           // Use a custom formatter before sending

            // throw error on send failure
            _hecSender.OnError += exception =>
                throw new Exception($"SplunkHttpEventCollector failed to send log event to Splunk server '{new Uri(ServerUrl).Authority}' using token '{Token}'. Exception: {exception}");
        // Send Json objects directly to HTTP Event Collector
        private async Task <string> M3()
                var middleware = new HttpEventCollectorResendMiddleware(100);
                var esSender   = new HttpEventCollectorSender(new Uri("http://localhost:8088"), "73f4c508-35da-4d14-9d4b-12a8d820935f",
                                                              null, HttpEventCollectorSender.SendMode.Sequential, 0, 0, 0, middleware.Plugin);
                esSender.OnError += EsSender_OnError;
                esSender.Send(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "INFO", "My Message", new Person()
                    FirstName = "Raj 1", LastName = "Konduri"

                var flushTask = esSender.FlushAsync();
                await flushTask;
            catch (Exception ex)