/// <summary>
        /// Gets the meta data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata GetMetaData(string index, string source, string sourcetype)
            var hostName = _hostName ?? (_hostName = GetMachineName());
            if (!_metaData.TryGetValue(source ?? string.Empty, out var metaData))
                if (_metaData.Count > 1000)
                    _metaData.Clear();  // Extreme case that should never happen
                metaData = new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(string.IsNullOrEmpty(index) ? null : index, string.IsNullOrEmpty(source) ? null : source, sourcetype, hostName);
                _metaData[source ?? string.Empty] = metaData;

            return metaData;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the meta data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggerName">Name of the logger.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata GetMetaData(string loggerName)
            var hostName = _hostName ?? (_hostName = GetMachineName());

            if (!_metaData.TryGetValue(loggerName ?? string.Empty, out var metaData))
                if (_metaData.Count > 1000)
                    _metaData.Clear();  // Extreme case that should never happen
                metaData = new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(null, string.IsNullOrEmpty(loggerName) ? null : loggerName, "_json", hostName);
                _metaData[loggerName ?? string.Empty] = metaData;

        protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEventInfo)
            // Sanity check for LogEventInfo
            if (logEventInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logEventInfo));

            // Make sure we have a properly setup HttpEventCollectorSender
            if (_hecSender == null)
                throw new NLogRuntimeException("SplunkHttpEventCollector SendEventToServer() called before InitializeTarget()");

            // Build metaData
            var metaData = new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(Index, (Source ?? logEventInfo.LoggerName), (SourceType ?? logEventInfo.LoggerName), GetMachineName());

            // Build properties object and add standard values
            var properties = new Dictionary <String, object>
                { "Source", (Source ?? logEventInfo.LoggerName) },
                { "SourceType", (SourceType ?? logEventInfo.LoggerName) },
                { "Host", GetMachineName() }

            // add attached properties
            if (logEventInfo.HasProperties)
                foreach (var key in logEventInfo.Properties.Keys)
                    properties.Add(key.ToString(), logEventInfo.Properties[key]);

            // add parameters
            if (logEventInfo.Parameters != null && logEventInfo.Parameters.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < logEventInfo.Parameters.Length; i++)
                    properties.Add("{" + i + "}", logEventInfo.Parameters[i]);

            // Send the event to splunk
            _hecSender.Send(null, logEventInfo.Level.Name, logEventInfo.Message, logEventInfo.FormattedMessage, logEventInfo.Exception, properties, metaData);
        protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
            if (loggingEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(loggingEvent));

            if (_hecSender == null)
                throw new Exception("SplunkHttpEventCollector Append() called before ActivateOptions()");

            var metaData = new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(

            var properties = new Dictionary <String, object>
                { "Source", loggingEvent.LoggerName }, { "Host", GetMachineName() }

            if (loggingEvent.Properties != null && loggingEvent.Properties.Count > 0)
                foreach (var key in loggingEvent.Properties.GetKeys())
                    properties.Add(key, loggingEvent.Properties[key]);


        /// <summary>
        /// Method used by log4net to perform actual logging
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingEvent"></param>
        protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
            // Sanity check for LogEventInfo
            if (loggingEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(loggingEvent));

            // Make sure we have a properly setup HttpEventCollectorSender
            if (_hecSender == null)
                throw new Exception("SplunkHttpEventCollector Append() called before ActivateOptions()");

            // Build metaData
            var metaData = new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(Index, loggingEvent.LoggerName, "_json", GetMachineName());

            // Build properties object and assign standard values
            var properties = new Dictionary <String, object>
                { "Source", loggingEvent.LoggerName },
                { "Host", GetMachineName() }

            // Get properties from event
            if (loggingEvent.Properties != null && loggingEvent.Properties.Count > 0)
                foreach (var key in loggingEvent.Properties.GetKeys())
                    properties.Add(key, loggingEvent.Properties[key]);

            // Send the event to splunk
            _hecSender.Send(loggingEvent.TimeStampUtc, null, loggingEvent.Level.Name, null, loggingEvent.RenderedMessage, loggingEvent.ExceptionObject, properties, metaData);
            // the sync waiting will lock the code execution and break batch processing
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loggingEvent"></param>
        private void SendEventToServer(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
            // Sanity check for LogEventInfo
            if (loggingEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(loggingEvent));

            // Make sure we have a properly setup HttpEventCollectorSender
            if (_hecSender == null)
                throw new Exception("SplunkHttpEventCollector SendEventToServer() called before InitializeTarget()");

            // Build metaData
            var metaData = new HttpEventCollectorEventInfo.Metadata(null, loggingEvent.LoggerName, SourceType, GetMachineName());

            // Build properties object
            var properties = new Dictionary <String, object>();

            // Add standard values to properties
            properties.Add("Source", loggingEvent.LoggerName);
            properties.Add("Host", GetMachineName());

            // Get properties from event
            if (loggingEvent.Properties != null && loggingEvent.Properties.Count > 0)
                foreach (var key in loggingEvent.Properties.GetKeys())
                    properties.Add(key, loggingEvent.Properties[key]);

            // Send the event to splunk
            _hecSender.Send(null, loggingEvent.Level.Name, null, loggingEvent.RenderedMessage, loggingEvent.ExceptionObject, properties, metaData);