         *  Request http api
         * @param method string Method of requesting http
         * @param path string  Path of requesting http
         * @param query array Query of requesting http
         * @param body array Body of requesting http
         * @return mixed
         * @throws VctcException
        public async Task <string> callAPI(Method method, string path, SortedList <string, string> query, string body)

            // if (is_array(body)) {
            //     this.fliterParams(body);
            // }
            // if (is_array(query)) {
            //     this.fliterParams(query);
            // }

            var signatures = this.getSignature(method.ToString(), path, query, body);

            var req = BuildRequest(path + "?" + HtmlUtils.BuildQueryString(signatures.fullQueries), method, body);
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();


            var res = await _client.ExecuteTaskAsync(req, cts.Token);

            if (res.Content != "")
                var ret = JObject.Parse(res.Content);
                if (ret.TryGetValue("error", out var err))
                    var ex = new VctcException((string)ret["msg"], (string)ret["code"]);
                    ex.setRaw(res.Content, (string)ret["code"]);
                    throw ex;

         *  Calculate the signature of a request.
         * @param method string Method of requesting http
         * @param path string  Path of requesting http
         * @param query array Query of requesting http
         * @param body array Body of requesting http
         * @return mixed
         * @throws VctcException
        public (SortedList <string, string> fullQueries, string signature, string timestamp) getSignature(string method, string path,
                                                                                                          SortedList <string, string> query, string body)
            if (string.Empty == path)
                throw new Exception("invalid path");

            if (method != "GET" && method != "POST" && method != "DELETE" && method != "PUT")
                throw new Exception("invalid method, only GET, POST, DELETE and PUT is supported");

            if (query == null)
                query = new SortedList <string, string>();

            string textForSigning = method + " " + path + "\n";

            query["_appid"] = this.appId;
            query["_t"]     = (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)).ToString();

            string queryStr = HtmlUtils.BuildQueryString(query);

            textForSigning += queryStr;

            if (body != "")
                textForSigning += "\n" + body;

            query["_s"] = HashUtils.HMAC_SHA256(textForSigning, this.appSecret);

            return(fullQueries : query, signature : query["_s"], timestamp : query["_t"]);