public void Bug184() { input = @"<div> <a>(Show)</a> <a>(Hide)</a> </div> <div> Inline text <a>(Show)</a> Between As <a>(Hide)</a> </div>"; var htmlSettings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); htmlSettings.RemoveOptionalTags = false; htmlSettings.Indent = "\t"; htmlSettings.IsFragmentOnly = true; htmlSettings.OutputTextNodesOnNewLine = false; var htmlToText = Uglify.Html(input, htmlSettings); equal(htmlToText.Code, @"<div> <a>(Show)</a> <a>(Hide)</a> </div> <div> Inline text <a>(Show)</a> Between As <a>(Hide)</a> </div>"); }
public void RemoveAttributes3() { var settings = new HtmlSettings { RemoveJavaScript = true }; input = "<a style='text-align: center;'>test</a>"; equal(minify(input, settings), "<a style=text-align:center>test</a>"); }
public void Bug174() { input = @" <html> <head> <script>let x = 1; let y = function() { foo() }</script> <script></script> <style>h1 { color: red; }</style> </head> </html>"; var htmlSettings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); htmlSettings.Indent = "\t"; var htmlToText = Uglify.Html(input, htmlSettings); equal(htmlToText.Code, @"<html> <head> <script> let x = 1; let y = function() { foo() } </script> <script> </script> <style> h1 { color: red; } </style> </head> </html>"); }
public void RemoveAttributes2() { var settings = new HtmlSettings() { RemoveJavaScript = true }; input = "<a src='javascript:wtf()'>test</a>"; equal(minify(input, settings), "<a>test</a>"); }
public void RemoveScript() { var settings = new HtmlSettings() {RemoveJavaScript = true}; input = "<script><!--\nalert(1);\n--></script>"; equal(minify(input, settings), string.Empty); }
/// <summary> /// Crunched HTML string passed to it, returning crunched string. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">source HTML</param> /// <param name="settings">HTML minification settings</param> /// <param name="sourceFileName">The source file name used when reporting errors. Default is <c>null</c></param> /// <returns>minified HTML</returns> public static UglifyResult Html(string source, HtmlSettings settings = null, string sourceFileName = null) { settings = settings ?? DefaultSettings; var parser = new HtmlParser(source, sourceFileName, settings); var document = parser.Parse(); string text = null; var errors = new List <UglifyError>(parser.Errors); if (document != null) { var minifier = new HtmlMinifier(document, settings); minifier.Minify(); errors.AddRange(minifier.Errors); var writer = new StringWriter(); var htmlWriter = new HtmlWriterToHtml(writer, settings); htmlWriter.Write(document); text = writer.ToString(); } return(new UglifyResult(text, errors)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates HTML for the markdown element. /// </summary> /// <param name="Output">HTML will be output here.</param> public override void GenerateHTML(StringBuilder Output) { Output.Append("<mark"); HtmlSettings Settings = this.Document.Settings?.HtmlSettings; string s = Settings?.HashtagClass; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { Output.Append(" class=\""); Output.Append(XML.HtmlAttributeEncode(s)); Output.Append('"'); } s = Settings?.HashtagClickScript; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { Output.Append(" onclick=\""); Output.Append(XML.HtmlAttributeEncode(s)); Output.Append('"'); } Output.Append('>'); Output.Append(this.tag); Output.Append("</mark>"); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the HTML minifier on the content. /// </summary> public static IAsset MinifyHtml(this IAsset bundle, HtmlSettings settings) { var minifier = new WebOptimizer.HtmlMinifier(settings); bundle.Processors.Add(minifier); return(bundle); }
protected string minify(string html, HtmlSettings settings = null) { currentHtml = html; var result = Uglify.Html(html, settings); var text = result.Code; messages = result.Errors; return(text); }
public static string Prettify(string html) { var settings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); settings.IsFragmentOnly = true; settings.MinifyCss = false; settings.MinifyCssAttributes = false; settings.MinifyJs = false; return(Uglify.Html(html, settings).ToString()); }
public void AlphaOrderAttributes() { var settings = new HtmlSettings { AlphabeticallyOrderAttributes = true }; input = "<div x=\"1\" y=\"1\" r=\"1\" q=\"1\" p=\"1\"></div>"; equal(minify(input, settings), "<div p=1 q=1 r=1 x=1 y=1></div>"); }
public void PreTagRetainsWhitespace() { var settings = new HtmlSettings(); //settings.CollapseWhitespaces = false; equal(minify("<pre>Line1\nLine2</pre>", settings), "<pre>Line1\nLine2</pre>"); equal(minify("<pre> Line1\n Line2</pre>", settings), "<pre> Line1\n Line2</pre>"); equal(minify("<pre><code>Line1\nLine2</code></pre>", settings), "<pre><code>Line1\nLine2</code></pre>"); equal(minify("<pre><code> Line1\n Line2</code></pre>", settings), "<pre><code> Line1\n Line2</code></pre>"); }
public void Bug172() { input = @" <div> <p onclick=""doSomething(1 + 2); "">click me</p> </div>"; var htmlSettings = new HtmlSettings(); var htmlToText = Uglify.Html(input, htmlSettings); equal(htmlToText.Code, @"<div><p onclick=doSomething(3)>click me</div>"); }
public void Bug73() { var settings = new HtmlSettings(); input = @" <p>para1</p> <!-- <div class=""block__element--modifier"">something</div> --> <h2>heading2</h2> "; equal(minify(input, settings), "<p>para1<h2>heading2</h2>"); }
public OptimizationMiddleware(IOptions <WebOptimizationOptions> optionsAccessor, ILogger <OptimizationMiddleware> logger) { this.Logger = logger; this.Options = optionsAccessor.Value; this.HtmlSettings = new HtmlSettings() { IsFragmentOnly = true, MinifyCssAttributes = true, MinifyJs = false }; }
public void AddHtmlBundle_CustomSettings_Success() { var settings = new HtmlSettings(); var pipeline = new AssetPipeline(); var asset = pipeline.AddHtmlBundle("/foo.html", settings, "file1.css", "file2.css"); Assert.Equal("/foo.html", asset.Route); Assert.Equal("text/html; charset=UTF-8", asset.ContentType); Assert.Equal(2, asset.SourceFiles.Count()); Assert.Equal(3, asset.Processors.Count); }
static Minifier() { htmlsetting = new HtmlSettings { // 标签上的属性值为空时不要删除,例如<input value=""> RemoveEmptyAttributes = false }; // body,html,head.如果没有属性会被优化掉的,如果有属性,结束标记会优化掉. // 这个优化是合法的,浏览器会自动补全. // 参考文档: }
public void TestInvalidHtmlTags() { var input = "<p>this should be <parsed>\nthis should> appear\nthis text <should appear</p>"; var settings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); settings.IsFragmentOnly = true; settings.MinifyCss = false; settings.MinifyCssAttributes = false; settings.MinifyJs = false; settings.RemoveJavaScript = true; equal(minify(input, settings), "\n<p>\n this should be\n <parsed>\n this should> appear this text <should appear\n </parsed>\n</p>\n", "(1,19): warning : Unbalanced tag [parsed] within tag [p] requiring a closing tag. Force closing it"); }
HtmlSettings ConfigureSettings(HtmlSettings htmlSettings) { if (_HtmlSettings != null) { return(_HtmlSettings); } htmlSettings.RemoveEmptyAttributes = false; htmlSettings.KeepOneSpaceWhenCollapsing = true; htmlSettings.RemoveComments = true; htmlSettings.AttributeQuoteChar = '\''; return(htmlSettings); }
public void TestSelfClosingTagWithOptionalTags() { var settings = new HtmlSettings() { IsFragmentOnly = true, RemoveOptionalTags = false, RemoveAttributeQuotes = false }; input = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" />"; output = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" />"; equal(minify(input, settings), output); }
private IEnumerable <Post> PreparePosts(IEnumerable <Post> posts) { // Wrap the HTML content with headers, styles, scripts etc. int fontsize = _settings.GetSetting("fontsize", () => Config.DefaultFontSize, SettingLocality.Roamed); var settings = new HtmlSettings { FontSize = fontsize }; foreach (var post in posts) { post.Content.Rendered = HtmlTools.WrapContent(post, settings); } return(posts); }
public void RemoveAttributes() { var settings = new HtmlSettings { RemoveAttributes = { "data-test", "class" } }; input = "<div CLASS=\"a\" data-foo=\"bar\"><div id=\"id\"></div><p data-test=\"test\"></div>"; output = "<div data-foo=bar><div id=id></div><p></div>"; equal(minify(input, settings), output); }
public void TestListItemAndParagraph() { var input = @"<ul> <li><p>test <li><p>test2 <li><p>test3 </ul>"; equal(minify(input), "<ul><li><p>test<li><p>test2<li><p>test3</ul>"); var settings = new HtmlSettings() { RemoveOptionalTags = false, IsFragmentOnly = true }; equal(minify(input, settings), "<ul><li><p>test</p></li><li><p>test2</p></li><li><p>test3</p></li></ul>"); }
public void Bug170() { input = "<html><head><title>Please indent me properly</title></head></html>"; var htmlSettings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); htmlSettings.Indent = "\t"; htmlSettings.OutputTextNodesOnNewLine = false; var htmlToText = Uglify.Html(input, htmlSettings); equal(htmlToText.Code, @"<html> <head> <title>Please indent me properly</title> </head> </html>"); }
public static string WrapContent(Post post, HtmlSettings settings) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var isDark = ThemeSelectorService.IsDarkMode(); var content = post.Content.Rendered; // remove first img from post if there's one if (post.Embedded.WpFeaturedmedia != null) { content = Regex.Replace(content, "^<img.*?", ""); content = Regex.Replace(content, "^<p><img.*?</p>", ""); } // add missing protocols to img links content = Regex.Replace(content, "src=\"//", "src=\"https://"); sb.Append("<html><head>"); sb.Append("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no\">"); // add stylesheets sb.Append("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ms-appx-web:///Assets/Web/Style.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" />"); if (isDark) { sb.Append("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ms-appx-web:///Assets/Web/Dark.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" />"); } else { sb.Append("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ms-appx-web:///Assets/Web/Light.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" />"); } // sb.Append("<script>window.external.notify('test');</script>"); sb.Append("<style>p {font-size: " + settings.FontSize + "px;}</style>"); sb.Append("</head><body>"); sb.Append(FeaturedImage(post)); sb.Append($"<h1>{post.Title.Rendered}</h1>"); var authors = new List <User>(post.Embedded.Author); sb.Append($"<p id=\"postmeta\">{authors[0].Name} | {post.Date}</p>"); sb.Append(content); sb.Append("</body></html>"); // add javascript sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"ms-appx-web:///Assets/Web/hammer.min.js\"></script>"); sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"ms-appx-web:///Assets/Web/script.js\"></script>"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public void Bug182() { input = @" <div class=defaultHeader style=""text-align: center; background-color: #00bfff""> test </div>"; var htmlSettings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); htmlSettings.Indent = "\t"; htmlSettings.IsFragmentOnly = true; var htmlToText = Uglify.Html(input, htmlSettings); equal(htmlToText.Code, @"<div class=""defaultHeader"" style=""text-align: center; background-color: #00bfff;""> test </div>"); }
public static HtmlSettings GetSettings(Bundle bundle) { var settings = new HtmlSettings { RemoveOptionalTags = GetValue(bundle, "removeOptionalEndTags") == "True", ShortBooleanAttribute = GetValue(bundle, "collapseBooleanAttributes", true) == "True", MinifyCss = GetValue(bundle, "minifyEmbeddedCssCode", true) == "True", MinifyJs = GetValue(bundle, "minifyEmbeddedJsCode", true) == "True", MinifyCssAttributes = GetValue(bundle, "minifyInlineCssCode", false) == "True", AttributesCaseSensitive = GetValue(bundle, "preserveCase") == "True", RemoveComments = GetValue(bundle, "removeHtmlComments", true) == "True", RemoveQuotedAttributes = GetValue(bundle, "removeQuotedAttributes", true) == "True", CollapseWhitespaces = GetValue(bundle, "collapseWhitespace", true) == "True", IsFragmentOnly = GetValue(bundle, "isFragmentOnly", true) == "True" }; return(settings); }
public async Task MinifyHtml_CustomSettings_Success() { var settings = new HtmlSettings { RemoveComments = false }; var minifier = new HtmlMinifier(settings); var context = new Mock <IAssetContext>().SetupAllProperties(); context.Object.Content = new Dictionary <string, byte[]> { { "", "\r\n<!-- foo -->\r\n".AsByteArray() } }; var options = new Mock <WebOptimizerOptions>(); await minifier.ExecuteAsync(context.Object); Assert.Equal("<!-- foo -->", context.Object.Content.First().Value.AsString()); Assert.Equal("", minifier.CacheKey(new DefaultHttpContext())); }
public void Bug206_MOTW() { var settings = HtmlSettings.Pretty(); settings.Indent = "\t"; settings.OutputTextNodesOnNewLine = false; settings.RemoveComments = true; settings.KeepCommentsRegex.Add(new Regex(@"saved from url=")); input = @"<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>test</p> </body> </html>"; equal(minify(input, settings), "<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <body>\n <p>test</p>\n </body>\n</html>"); }
public void TestDocHtmlHeadBody() { var input = @"<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en-us'> <head> </head> <body> <p>This is a paragraph</p> </body> </html>"; var output = @"<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=en-us><head></head><body><p>This is a paragraph</body></html>"; var settings = new HtmlSettings(); // settings.RemoveOptionalTags = true settings.KeepTags.Add("html"); settings.KeepTags.Add("body"); settings.KeepTags.Add("head"); equal(minify(input, settings), output); }