/// <summary> /// 绑定方法自定义 /// </summary> /// <param name="dropdownlist">控件名称</param> /// <param name="dt">数据源</param> /// <param name="columeText">显示的文本</param> /// <param name="columnValue">隐藏在val里的值</param> /// <param name="columnParentsValue">mydata里的值</param> /// <param name="msg"></param> public void BindDdlParentsMore(HtmlSelect dropdownlist, DataTable dt, string columeText, string columnValue, string columnParentsValue, string msg) { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dropdownlist.DataSource = dt; dropdownlist.DataTextField = columeText; dropdownlist.DataValueField = columnValue; dropdownlist.DataBind(); dropdownlist.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(msg, "")); for (int i = 1; i < dropdownlist.Items.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++) { string dd = dropdownlist.Items[i].Value; string ddd = dt.Rows[j][columnValue].ToString(); if (dropdownlist.Items[i].Value == dt.Rows[j][columnValue].ToString())//判断如果该行option的val值与dt的该行val值相等 { dropdownlist.Items[i].Attributes["mydata"] = dt.Rows[j][columnParentsValue].ToString(); break; } } } } else { dropdownlist.Items.Clear(); dropdownlist.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem(msg, "")); } }
public static DataTable getselected_DataTable(HtmlSelect ddl) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataColumn val = new DataColumn("val", typeof(int)); DataColumn txt = new DataColumn("txt", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add(val); dt.Columns.Add(txt); // GET SELECTED ITEMS for (int i = 0; i <= ddl.Items.Count - 1; i++) { DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); if (ddl.Items[i].Selected) { row["val"] = Convert.ToInt32(ddl.Items[i].Value); row["txt"] = ddl.Items[i].Text; dt.Rows.Add(row); } } if (dt != null) { return(dt); } else { return(null); } }
public void PopulateCombo1(string sql, string textfiled, string valuefield, HtmlSelect combo) { DBopen(); try { DA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DS = new DataSet(); DA.Fill(DS); //combo.Items.Add(0, "Please Select"); if (DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { combo.DataSource = DS; combo.DataTextField = textfiled; combo.DataValueField = valuefield; combo.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { DBClose(); } }
public static void GetRealmList(ref HtmlSelect select, bool _IgnoreAny = false, int expansion = 0, bool _AllExpansion = false) { if (_AllExpansion) { int count = App.m_Server.Length + 1; if ((!_IgnoreAny && select.Items.Count == count) || (_IgnoreAny && select.Items.Count == count - 1)) { return; } } else { int count = App.m_Server.Count(x => x.Expansion == expansion) + 1; if ((!_IgnoreAny && select.Items.Count == count) || (_IgnoreAny && select.Items.Count == count - 1)) { return; } } select.Items.Clear(); if (!_IgnoreAny) { select.Items.Add(new ListItem("Any realm", "0")); } for (int i = 1; i < App.m_Server.Length; ++i) { if (App.m_Server[i].Expansion == expansion) { select.Items.Add(new ListItem(App.m_Server[i].Name, i.ToString())); } } }
public void Multiple() { HtmlSelect sel = new HtmlSelect(); sel.Multiple = true; Assert.AreEqual(-1, sel.SelectedIndex, "SelectedIndex"); }
public static bool Populate(HtmlSelect dropDownList, string stateCode, string countyCode, string firstEntry, string firstEntryValue, string selectedValue = null) { dropDownList.Items.Clear(); // handle the optional first (default) entry if (firstEntry != null) { if (firstEntryValue == null) { firstEntryValue = firstEntry; } dropDownList.AddItem(firstEntry, firstEntryValue, firstEntryValue == selectedValue); } var locals = GetNamesDictionary(stateCode, countyCode); if (locals.Count == 0) { return(false); } foreach (var local in locals.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value)) { dropDownList.AddItem(local.Value, local.Key, local.Key == selectedValue); } return(true); }
private void FillSelectedLists(UserControl_SystemCodeWUCtrl listOrigin, HtmlSelect listSelected, String strListValue) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(";"); String[] strItemCollection = regex.Split(strListValue); System.Collections.Generic.List <String[, ]> strOptionCollection = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string[, ]>(); String strScript = String.Empty; listSelected.Items.Clear(); listOrigin.FetchSystemCodeListData(); foreach (String strItem in strItemCollection) { foreach (ListItem item in listOrigin.Items) { if ((strItem.Length > 0) && item.Value.Equals(strItem)) { strOptionCollection.Add(new String[, ] { { item.Value, item.Text } }); } } } strScript = "var objList = document.forms[0]." + listSelected.ClientID + ", option;"; strScript += "objList.length = 0;"; foreach (String[,] tempString in strOptionCollection) { strScript += "option = document.createElement('OPTION');"; strScript += "option.value = '" + tempString[0, 0] + "';"; strScript += "option.text = '" + tempString[0, 1] + "';"; strScript += "objList.options.add(option);"; } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(linkBtnLoad, linkBtnLoad.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), strScript, true); }
public static void FillSelectDictionary(ref HtmlSelect cboFill, bool IsNull, string DictionarySort, bool IsSearch) { cboFill.Items.Clear(); if (IsSearch) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem sItem = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem("", ""); cboFill.Items.Add(sItem); } if (IsNull) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem lItem = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem("", ""); cboFill.Items.Add(lItem); } string sText, sData, sSign; DataTable dTable = GetDictionarySortList("", DictionarySort); foreach (DataRow DRow in dTable.Rows) { sData = DRow["DictionaryCode"].ToString(); sText = DRow["DictionaryName"].ToString(); sSign = DRow["DictionarySign"].ToString(); if (sSign != "") { sText = sText; } System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem lItem = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem(sText, sData); cboFill.Items.Add(lItem); } dTable.Dispose(); }
public static bool Populate(HtmlSelect dropDownList, string stateCode, string firstEntry, string firstEntryValue, string selectedValue = null) { dropDownList.Items.Clear(); // handle the optional first (default) entry if (firstEntry != null) { if (firstEntryValue == null) { firstEntryValue = firstEntry; } dropDownList.AddItem(firstEntry, firstEntryValue, firstEntryValue == selectedValue); } if (IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stateCode)) { return(false); } var counties = GetCountiesByState(stateCode); if (counties.Count == 0) { return(false); } foreach (var countyCode in counties) { dropDownList.AddItem(GetCountyName(stateCode, countyCode), countyCode, countyCode == selectedValue); } return(true); }
private HtmlSelect CreateSelect(Configuration.SearchInputFieldRow searchInputFieldRow) { HtmlSelect select = new HtmlSelect(); using (OleDbCommand command = searchInputFieldRow.GetDatabaseCommand()) { if (command.Parameters.Count > 0) { command.Parameters[0].Value = AppUser.GetRole(); } using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable list = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(list); select.DataSource = list; select.DataValueField = list.Columns[0].ColumnName; select.DataBind(); } command.Connection.Dispose(); } select.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "")); return(select); }
/// <summary> /// 为DropDownList下拉框添加值 /// </summary> /// <param name="select">下拉框控件的Id名称</param> /// <param name="ds">待添加的数据集</param> /// <param name="name">负值给下拉框内容的字段</param> /// <param name="value">负值给下拉框Value值的字段</param> public static void SelectItemsAdd(HtmlSelect select, DataSet ds, string name, string value) { foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { select.Items.Add(new ListItem(row[name].ToString(), row[value].ToString())); } }
private void AddLanguageField(HtmlGenericControl container) { using (HtmlGenericControl field = new HtmlGenericControl("div")) { field.Attributes.Add("class", "field"); using (HtmlGenericControl label = HtmlControlHelper.GetLabel(Titles.SelectLanguage, "LanguageSelect")) { field.Controls.Add(label); } using (HtmlSelect languageSelect = new HtmlSelect()) { languageSelect.ID = "LanguageSelect"; languageSelect.DataTextField = "Text"; languageSelect.DataValueField = "Value"; languageSelect.DataSource = this.GetLanguages(); languageSelect.DataBind(); field.Controls.Add(languageSelect); } container.Controls.Add(field); } }
private void CreateActionMenu(HtmlContainerControl menuContainer, IList <DataRow> responses, bool isNew) { menuContainer.Controls.Clear(); new HtmlSpan { InnerText = "Select action:" }.AddTo(menuContainer); var dropdown = new HtmlSelect().AddTo(menuContainer); var edit = dropdown.AddItem("Edit this response", "edit"); var add = dropdown.AddItem("Add another response to this question", "add"); var view = dropdown.AddItem("View or edit other responses to this question", "view"); if (responses.Count == 0) { menuContainer.AddCssClasses("hidden"); } else { menuContainer.RemoveCssClass("hidden"); } if (isNew && responses.Count > 0) { edit.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); add.Attributes.Add("selected", "selected"); } else { edit.Attributes.Add("selected", "selected"); if (responses.Count < 2) { view.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); } } }
protected override void InitializeSkin(Control skin) { Lab_MemLoginID = (Label)skin.FindControl("Lab_MemLoginID"); hid_Sex = (HtmlInputHidden)skin.FindControl("hid_Sex"); txt_UserName = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_UserName"); txt_PalyName = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_PalyName"); txt_Email = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Email"); txt_Address = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Address"); sel_Prov = (HtmlSelect)skin.FindControl("sel_Prov"); sel_City = (HtmlSelect)skin.FindControl("sel_City"); sel_Area = (HtmlSelect)skin.FindControl("sel_Area"); btn_Sure = (Button)skin.FindControl("btn_Sure"); btn_Save = (Button)skin.FindControl("btn_Save"); txt_QQ = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_QQ"); txt_Mobile = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Mobile"); txt_Tel = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Tel"); txt_WebSite = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_WebSite"); txt_Bth = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Bth"); txt_Post = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Post"); txt_Voc = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Voc"); txt_Fax = (HtmlInputText)skin.FindControl("txt_Fax"); hid_AreaCode = (HtmlInputHidden)skin.FindControl("hid_AreaCode"); hid_AreaValue = (HtmlInputHidden)skin.FindControl("hid_AreaValue"); hid_CheckMobile = (HtmlInputHidden)skin.FindControl("hid_CheckMobile"); hid_CheckEmail = (HtmlInputHidden)skin.FindControl("hid_CheckEmail"); btn_Sure.Click += btn_Sure_Click; btn_Save.Click += btn_Save_Click; ImagePath = (Image)skin.FindControl("ImagePath"); StrMemLoginID = base.MemLoginID; Lab_MemLoginID.Text = base.MemLoginID; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { method_0(StrMemLoginID); } }
private void AddSalesTypeField(HtmlGenericControl container) { using (HtmlGenericControl salesTypeDiv = HtmlControlHelper.GetField()) { salesTypeDiv.ID = "SalesTypeDiv"; salesTypeDiv.Attributes.Add("style", "width:200px"); using (HtmlGenericControl field = HtmlControlHelper.GetField()) { using (HtmlGenericControl label = HtmlControlHelper.GetLabel(Titles.SalesType, "SalesTypeSelect")) { field.Controls.Add(label); } using (HtmlSelect salesTypeSelect = new HtmlSelect()) { salesTypeSelect.ID = "SalesTypeSelect"; salesTypeSelect.DataSource = this.GetSalesTypes(); salesTypeSelect.DataTextField = "Text"; salesTypeSelect.DataValueField = "Value"; salesTypeSelect.DataBind(); field.Controls.Add(salesTypeSelect); } salesTypeDiv.Controls.Add(field); } container.Controls.Add(salesTypeDiv); } }
public void PopulateCombo1(string sql, string TextField, string ValueField, HtmlSelect Combo) { DBOpen(); try { DA = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); DS = new DataSet(); DA.Fill(DS); Combo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Please Select", "")); if (DS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Combo.DataSource = DS; Combo.DataTextField = TextField; Combo.DataValueField = ValueField; Combo.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception EX) { } finally { DBClose(); DS.Dispose(); } }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { base.CreateChildControls(); this.uploadControl = new FileUploadControl(); this.uploadControl.ID = "UploadControl"; this.uploadControl.ModuleName = this.moduleName; this.softSizeTextBox = new TextBox(); this.softSizeTextBox.ID = "softSize"; this.softSizeTextBox.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this.Page); this.softSizeTextBox.Visible = this.m_IsVisiableSoftSize; this.downLoadUrlSelect = new HtmlSelect(); this.downLoadUrlSelect.ID = "DownLoadUrl"; this.downLoadUrlSelect.Size = 2; this.downLoadUrlSelect.Visible = this.m_IsVisibleDownLoadUrl; this.downLoadUrlSelect.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this.Page); this.downLoadUrlSelect.Attributes.Add("style", "width: 417px; height: 90px"); this.addUrlButton = new HtmlButton(); this.addUrlButton.ID = "addUrl"; this.addUrlButton.InnerText = "添加外部地址"; this.addUrlButton.Visible = this.m_IsVisibleDownLoadUrl; this.addUrlButton.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this.Page); this.addUrlButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "AddUrl();"); this.modifyUrlButton = new HtmlButton(); this.modifyUrlButton.ID = "modifyUrl"; this.modifyUrlButton.InnerText = "修改当前地址"; this.modifyUrlButton.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this.Page); this.modifyUrlButton.Visible = this.m_IsVisibleDownLoadUrl; this.modifyUrlButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ModifyUrl();"); this.deleteUrlButton = new HtmlButton(); this.deleteUrlButton.ID = "deleteUrl"; this.deleteUrlButton.InnerText = "删除当前地址"; this.deleteUrlButton.ApplyStyleSheetSkin(this.Page); this.deleteUrlButton.Visible = this.m_IsVisibleDownLoadUrl; this.deleteUrlButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "DeleteUrl();"); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定下拉列表 sql 语句 /// </summary> /// <param name="pSql">sql 语句</param> /// <param name="pHtmlSelect">HtmlSelect</param> /// <param name="pEditValue">修改时值</param> /// <param name="pFieldValue">值字段 如:ProID</param> /// <param name="pFieldText">内容字段 如:ProName</param> /// <param name="pFirstValue">第一项的值</param> /// <param name="pFirstText">第一项的内容</param> public static void BGHtmlSelect(string pSql, HtmlSelect pDropList, string pEditValue, string pFieldValue, string pFieldText, string pFirstValue, string pFirstText) { if (pFirstText.Length > 0) { pDropList.Items.Add(new ListItem(pFirstText, pFirstValue)); } using (DataTable dt = DbHelp.GetDataTable(pSql)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem drlist = new ListItem(); drlist.Text = dr[pFieldText].ToString(); drlist.Value = dr[pFieldValue].ToString(); if (pEditValue == drlist.Value) { drlist.Selected = true; } pDropList.Items.Add(drlist); } dt.Clear(); } }
protected override void OnPagePreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CurrentMode == ControlShowingMode.Dialog) { InitActivitiesListBox(_ActivitiesList); InitOpinionInputControl(); HtmlTableRow reasonList = (HtmlTableRow)WebControlUtility.FindControlByHtmlIDProperty(this, "reasonList", true); if (reasonList != null) { if (this.Reasons.Count > 0) { reasonList.Style["display"] = "inline"; HtmlSelect resonSelector = (HtmlSelect)WebControlUtility.FindControlByHtmlIDProperty(this, "resonSelector", true); if (resonSelector != null) { foreach (var reason in this.Reasons) { resonSelector.Items.Add(new ListItem(reason.Description, reason.Key)); } } } } } base.OnPagePreRenderComplete(sender, e); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HtmlSelect select = new HtmlSelect { ID = "colorSelect2" }; select.Items.Add(new ListItem { Text = "Red", Value = "red" }); select.Items.Add(new ListItem { Text = "Green", Value = "green", Selected = true }); select.Items.Add(new ListItem { Text = "Blue", Value = "blue" }); container.Controls.Add(select); if (IsPostBack) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("colorSelect: {0}", colorSelect.Value)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("colorSelect: {0}", colorSelect.Items[colorSelect.SelectedIndex].Text)); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("colorSelect2: {0}", Request.Form["colorSelect2"])); } }
/// <summary> /// Verifies the selected option in thumbnail selector /// </summary> /// <param name="thumbnailOption">The thumbnail option.</param> public void VerifySelectedOptionThumbnailSelector(string thumbnailOption) { HtmlSelect selector = this.EM.Media.ImagePropertiesScreen.ThumbnailSelector .AssertIsPresent("Thumbnail selector"); Assert.AreEqual(thumbnailOption, selector.SelectedOption.Text); }
private HtmlGenericControl PrepareRowValueForSelect(string sectionClass, string rowName, int witem, ListItem[] items) { var rowDiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); rowDiv.Attributes.Add("class", "row"); var section = new HtmlGenericControl("section"); section.Attributes.Add("class", sectionClass); var label = new HtmlGenericControl("label"); label.Attributes.Add("class", "input"); label.InnerText = rowName; var select = new HtmlSelect() { Name = rowName.ToLower() + "-" + witem.ToString(), ID = rowName.ToLower() + "-" + witem.ToString() }; select.Attributes.Add("class", "form-control"); select.Items.AddRange(items); if (_formMode == FormMode.ViewMode) { select.Disabled = true; select.Style.Add("background-color", "#EBEBE4"); } label.Controls.Add(select); section.Controls.Add(label); rowDiv.Controls.Add(section); return(rowDiv); }
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { objmysqldb.ConnectToDatabase(); try { objmysqldb.OpenSQlConnection(); objmysqldb.BeginSQLTransaction(); int Emp_id = 0; int.TryParse(ddlemplist.Items[ddlemplist.SelectedIndex].Value.ToString(), out Emp_id); foreach (GridViewRow row in grd.Rows) { Label date = (Label)row.FindControl("lbldate"); Label pre_type = (Label)row.FindControl("lbltype"); HtmlSelect ddlgrp = (HtmlSelect)row.FindControl("ddlstatus"); string status = ddlgrp.Value.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteCriticalLog("Employee_Attendance_Override 420: exception:" + ex.Message + "::::::::" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { objmysqldb.CloseSQlConnection(); objmysqldb.disposeConnectionObj(); } }
//根据传入的FileUpload控件 public string SaveFile(FileUpload Fu, HtmlSelect Hs) { //StringBuilder js =new StringBuilder( @"<script type='text/javascript'>alert('')</script>"); //int ci = js.ToString().LastIndexOf("\'"); int cl = Fu.PostedFile.ContentLength; string ft = Fu.PostedFile.FileName.Trim(); string fe = ft.Substring(ft.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower(); string Msg = ""; if (!Fu.HasFile) { Msg = "欲上传的文件路径不正确"; } else { if (fe != "jpg") { Msg = "请上传jpg格式的图片"; } else if (3072 > cl || cl > 50 * 1024) { Msg = "文件大小须在3~50k以内<a href='file://网络公司/' target='_blank'>如何优化图像?</a>"; } else { SaveImgs(this.TargetPath(Hs) + "\\" + (this.DC(Hs.Value) + 1).ToString() + ".jpg"); Msg = "图片上传成功"; } } return(Msg); }
public void Visit(HtmlSelect h) { sb.Append(Tabs(h.Depth)); sb.Append(string.Format("<{0}", h.Tag)); foreach (var a in h.Attributes.Where(a => a.IsSet)) { sb.Append(a); } foreach (var e in h.Events.Where(e => e.IsSet)) { sb.Append(e); } sb.AppendLine(">"); foreach (var c in h.Contents) { Visit(c); } sb.Append(Tabs(h.Depth)); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("</{0}>", h.Tag)); }
/// <summary> /// 数据列表绑定 /// </summary> /// <param name="slt">列表对象</param> public void Bind(HtmlSelect slt) { slt.DataSource = this.EnumList; slt.DataTextField = "Name"; slt.DataValueField = "Num"; slt.DataBind(); }
public void TestMethod_lockToInactive() { readData(); CommonFunctions.Login(myManager, _username, _password, _Url); myManager.ActiveBrowser.Window.Maximize(); // -- End of Login --- ObjMenus menus = new ObjMenus(myManager); HtmlListItem system = menus.systemlink.As <HtmlListItem>(); system.MouseHover(); myManager.ActiveBrowser.RefreshDomTree(); Thread.Sleep(2000); myManager.ActiveBrowser.RefreshDomTree(); HtmlAnchor users = menus.userslink.As <HtmlAnchor>(); users.MouseClick(); Thread.Sleep(2000); myManager.ActiveBrowser.RefreshDomTree(); ObjActiveDeactive objactive = new ObjActiveDeactive(myManager); ObjUnlockUser objunlockuser = new ObjUnlockUser(myManager); ObjEditUser objedit = new ObjEditUser(myManager); // Search locked users HtmlSelect status = objunlockuser.searchstatus.As <HtmlSelect>(); status.MouseClick(); Thread.Sleep(1000); status.SelectByText(_searchstatus, true); Thread.Sleep(2000); //HtmlTable casattable = objunlockuser.usertable.As<HtmlTable>(); //Assert.AreEqual(casattable.BodyRows[0].Cells[7].InnerText, _searchstatus); Thread.Sleep(2000); HtmlInputCheckBox check1 = objunlockuser.rowcheck1.As <HtmlInputCheckBox>(); check1.Check(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); Element edit = objunlockuser.editbtn; myManager.ActiveBrowser.Actions.Click(edit); Thread.Sleep(2000); deactiveuser(); verifyDectivation(); loginTodeactivateUser(); }
public static void SetHtmlSelect(HtmlSelect list) { list.DataSource = GetDataTable(); list.DataTextField = "Name"; list.DataValueField = "Value"; list.DataBind(); }
public static void Populate(HtmlSelect dropDownList, string firstEntry, string firstEntryValue, string selectedValue = null, bool clear = true) { if (clear) { dropDownList.Items.Clear(); } // handle the optional first (default) entry if (firstEntry != null) { if (firstEntryValue == null) { firstEntryValue = firstEntry; } dropDownList.AddItem(firstEntry, firstEntryValue, firstEntryValue == selectedValue); } // Add all real states (plus DC) foreach (var si in StateList) { if (si.IsState) { dropDownList.AddItem(si.Name, si.StateCode, si.StateCode == selectedValue); } } }
public void Big() { HtmlSelect sel = new HtmlSelect(); sel.Size = 5; Assert.AreEqual(-1, sel.SelectedIndex, "SelectedIndex"); }
/// <summary> /// Adds search criteria to a Query if the search control is not empty /// </summary> /// <param name="queryDefinition">The query to add the criteria to</param> /// <param name="column">The column to search on</param> /// <param name="comparisionMethod">The type of search to perform</param> /// <param name="searchControl">The search control that has the criteria</param> protected void AddToQuery(Query queryDefinition, Enum column, Comparison comparisionMethod, HtmlSelect searchControl) { if (searchControl.Value.Length > 0) { queryDefinition.And(Criteria.Create(column, Condition.Is, comparisionMethod, System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToBoolean(searchControl.Value))); } }
public static HtmlSelect GetHtmlSelect(string sltName, Dictionary<object, object> aSltElement, bool aRunServer) { HtmlSelect slt = new HtmlSelect(); slt.ID = sltName; slt.Name = sltName; if (aRunServer) { slt.Attributes.Add("runat", "server"); } object[] items = new object[aSltElement.Keys.Count]; aSltElement.Keys.CopyTo(items, 0); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { ListItem oListItem = new ListItem(); oListItem.Text = items[i].ToString(); object tmpParamValue = null; if (aSltElement.TryGetValue(items[i], out tmpParamValue)) { oListItem.Value = Convert.ToString(tmpParamValue); } else { throw new Exception(); } slt.Items.Add(oListItem); } return slt; }
public HtmlSelect VratiDanokLista(string Vrednost) { HtmlSelect lista = new HtmlSelect(); lista.Items.AddRange(ListaParovi("Danok").ToArray()); lista.SelectedIndex = lista.Items.IndexOf(lista.Items.FindByText(Vrednost)); return lista; }
/// <summary> /// Reads the query string to populate a /// yes/no search criteria control /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldName">The name of the parameter in the query string that has the search criteria</param> /// <param name="searchControl">The control to populate with the search criteria</param> /// <returns>zero if no criteria was found, or one if criteria is specified</returns> protected int LoadSearchBoolean(string fieldName, HtmlSelect searchControl) { if (HasQueryStringParameter(fieldName)) { string SearchValue = Request.QueryString[fieldName]; if ((SearchValue != null && SearchValue.Length > 0) || AllowSearchAll) { searchControl.Value = SearchValue; return 1; } } return 0; }
private void checkedCheckList(string condition, string id, HtmlSelect control) { //ListItem li; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) //{ // li = control.Items.FindByText(condition); // if (li != null) // { // li.Selected = true; // } //} //else //{ // control.Value = id; //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // EntityFactory.CheckEntityAndDB("WEC"); if (Request["preUrl"] != null) { preUrl = Request["preUrl"]; } //系统帐套 if (MyConfigurationSettings.GetValue<string>("CloudSystem")=="1") { if (DataBase.Factory(BasePage.cloudConn).Exist("A8Account")) { A8Account val = new A8Account(); List<A8Account> list1 = BLLTable<A8Account>.Factory(BasePage.cloudConn).Select(val); if (list1.Count > 0) { HtmlSelect sel1 = new HtmlSelect(); sel1.Items.AddRange(FormHelper.GetListItem(A8Account.Attribute.ConnectStr, A8Account.Attribute.ConnectStr, A8Account.Attribute.FullName)); //sel1.InnerHtml; } } } //系统皮肤 SYS_THEME theme = BLLTable<SYS_THEME>.Factory(conn).GetRowData(SYS_THEME.Attribute.THEME_NAME, _ThemeName); if (theme != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(theme.LOGIN_HTML)) { Literal lll = new Literal(); if (Request.Cookies["SYS_USER_USER_NAME"] != null) { name = Request.Cookies["SYS_USER_USER_NAME"].Value; } if (MyDebugger.IsAttached)//调试时加快速度 { theme.LOGIN_HTML = theme.LOGIN_HTML.Replace("<%=name %>", "sys"); theme.LOGIN_HTML = theme.LOGIN_HTML.Replace("name=\"password\"", "name=\"password\" value='123456'"); } theme.LOGIN_HTML = theme.LOGIN_HTML.Replace("<%=name %>", name); //原模版有个脚本错误,屏蔽此问题 //ie下密码为明文 theme.LOGIN_HTML = theme.LOGIN_HTML.Replace("name=\"password\" type=\"text\"", "name=\"password\" type=\"password"); lll.Text = theme.LOGIN_HTML; phLogin.Controls.Add(lll); string appPath = WebHelper.GetAppPath(); HtmlLink css = new HtmlLink(); css.Href = appPath + "Themes/" + _ThemeName + "/index.css"; css.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet"); css.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css"); this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(css); if (AgileFrame.Core.MyConfigurationSettings.GetValue("User_IsRunMode") == "Developer") { css = new HtmlLink(); css.Href = appPath + "Themes/" + _ThemeName + "/dev_index.css"; css.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet"); css.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css"); this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(css); } } else { phLogin.Controls.Add(TemplateControl.LoadControl("~/Themes/" + _ThemeName + "/Login.ascx")); } //string strIdentity = User.Identity.Name; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIdentity)) //{ // SYS_USER user = new SYS_USER(); // user = BLLTable<SYS_USER>.Factory(conn).GetRowData(SYS_USER.Attribute.USER_NAME, strIdentity); // if (user != null) // { // bool tostaff = PowerHelper.SetCurLoginUser(user); // if (tostaff == true) // { // Response.Redirect("Index.aspx"); // } // else // { // AgileFrame.Core.ScriptHelper.Alert(Page, "您的用户未与员工信息关联,请联系管理员处理。"); // } // } //} //if (MyDebugger.IsAttached) //{ // Response.Redirect("LoginBack.aspx?username=sys&password=123456"); //} }
private HtmlSelect CreateSelect(Configuration.SearchInputFieldRow searchInputFieldRow) { HtmlSelect select = new HtmlSelect(); using (OleDbCommand command = searchInputFieldRow.GetDatabaseCommand()) { if (command.Parameters.Count > 0) { command.Parameters[0].Value = AppUser.GetRole(); } using (OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable list = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(list); select.DataSource = list; select.DataValueField = list.Columns[0].ColumnName; select.DataBind(); } command.Connection.Dispose(); } select.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "")); return select; }