public ViewResult Index(CandidateSearchVm model, string output) { CurrentPage = PageTypes.Find; model.ApplyFilters(Request.Form); if (output == "mail") { var html = new HtmlComposer(); foreach (var item in model.Filters.Skip(3).Take(2)) { html.AppendRaw("<table border='1' style='text-align:left' cellpadding:'2'>"); html.AppendRaw("<tr>"); html.AppendRaw("<th style='width:100px;'>" + item.Name + "</th><th style='width:100px;'>Count</th>"); html.AppendRaw("</tr>"); foreach (var fItem in item.FilterItems) { html.AppendRaw("<tr>"); html.AppendDiv("<td>" + fItem.ValueText + "</td><td>" + fItem.Count + "</td>"); html.AppendRaw("</tr>"); } html.AppendRaw("</table>"); html.AppendBr(); } ViewBag.Stat = html.Text; return(View("Mail")); } return(View(model)); }
public string ReminderMail() { var date = string.Format("Due Date : {0}", DueDate.ToString("ddd, dd MMM yyyy")); var composer = new HtmlComposer(); composer.AppendDiv("This is gentle reminder for the task assigned to you.") .AppendHead("Task : " + Title) .AppendDiv(date) .AppendDiv("Click the below link for more details") .AppendLink(Routes.ActivityUrl(ActivityId), Routes.ActivityUrl(ActivityId)); return(composer.Text.ToString()); }