private void awbDropListTree_SignalSelected(object sender, XmlDocument tsfDocument) { var signal = sender as dbSignal; _currentSignalModel = sender as SignalModel; try { HourGlass.Start(); Clear(); if (!LoadSignalModel(signal)) { if (!LoadSignalModel(_currentSignalModel)) { XmlNode node = SignalManager.Instance.SignalTree.SelectSingleNode(""); //--- ============================================================ ---// //--- TODO: Determine what to do if the Signal Model does not load ---// //--- ============================================================ ---// } } } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } }
private void ValidateToSchema() { HourGlass.Start(); var error = new StringBuilder(1024 * 1024 * 6); InstrumentDescription instrument = InstrumentDescription; try { if (!SchemaManager.ValidateXml(instrument.Serialize(), ATMLCommon.InstrumentNameSpace, error)) { HourGlass.Stop(); string name = GetName(instrument); ATMLErrorForm.ShowValidationMessage( string.Format("The \"{0}\" Instrument has failed validation against the {1} ATML schema.", name, ATMLCommon.InstrumentNameSpace), error.ToString(), "Note: This error will not prevent you from continuing."); } else { HourGlass.Stop(); MessageBox.Show(@"This Instrument generated valid ATML"); } } catch (Exception) { HourGlass.Stop(); } }
private void btnValidate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HourGlass.Start(); var error = new StringBuilder(1024 * 1024 * 6); if (!SchemaManager.ValidateXml(atmlPreviewPanel.Text, ATMLCommon.TestDescriptionNameSpace, error)) { HourGlass.Stop(); ATMLErrorForm.ShowValidationMessage( string.Format("The Test Description has failed validation against the ATML schema."), error.ToString(), "Note: This error will not prevent you from continuing."); } else { HourGlass.Stop(); MessageBox.Show(@"This Test Description has generated a valid ATML document."); } } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } }
/** * Physically remove the project from the project folder. The project must be opened * on order to delete it. If the user accepts the verification to delete the project * the project will be unloaded then all folders and files will be removed. This process * does NOT remove any related files from the document library. */ public static void DeleteProject() { TestProgramSet testSet = Instance.CurrentTestProgramSet; if (testSet != null) { string testSetName = testSet.TestSetName; string fullName = testSet.TestSetDirectory.FullName; if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show( string.Format("Are you sure you want to delete Test Set Project \"{0}\"?", testSetName), @"V E R I F Y", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { HourGlass.Start(); try { CloseProject(); GC.Collect(); if (FileManager.DeleteDirectory(fullName, true)) { LogManager.Trace("Test Set Project \"{0}\" has been deleted.", testSetName); } } catch (Exception err) { LogManager.Error(err.Message); } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } } } }
private void btnTranslateAIXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HourGlass.Start(); _translator.TranslateAIXML(); } catch (Exception err) { LogManager.SourceError(ATMLTranslator.SOURCE, err); throw; } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } }
public static void ImportTestProgramSet() { String testSetPath = ATMLContext.TESTSET_PATH; var dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = ATMLContext.TESTSET_ARCHIVE_EXT; if (DialogResult.OK == dlg.ShowDialog()) { string name = dlg.SafeFileName; name = name.Substring(0, name.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)); string path = Path.Combine(testSetPath, name); bool ok2save = true; bool hasExisting = false; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { hasExisting = true; ok2save = DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show( "Test Program Set \"" + name + "\" already exists. Would you like to over write it?", "V E R I F Y", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); } if (ok2save) { HourGlass.Start(); try { CloseProject(); ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(dlg.FileName); zip.ExtractAll(path, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); LogManager.Trace("The Test Program Set has been unarchived to \"{0}\"", path); OpenProject(name); } catch (Exception exception) { LogManager.Error(exception); } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } } } }
private void btnBuildSignalMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { HourGlass.Start(); var mapper = new SignalMapper(); //var xmlPath = (String) ATMLContext.GetProperty( "translator.parser.xml-path" ); string projectName = ProjectManager.ProjectName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName)) { throw new Exception("You must open a project in order to map signals."); } //string projectPath = Path.Combine( ATMLContext.TESTSET_PATH, projectName ); string xmlPath = Path.Combine(ATMLContext.ProjectTranslatorAixmlPath, projectName + ".aixml.xml"); if (!File.Exists(xmlPath)) { throw new TranslationException("Mapping Failed: Missing AIXML File."); } mapper.Process(FileManager.ReadFile(xmlPath)); var form = new ATMLSignalMappingForm(mapper.UsedSignalsList) { TreeModel = SignalManager.Instance.TSFSignalTree }; HourGlass.Stop(); form.ShowDialog(this); } catch (Exception err) { LogManager.SourceError(ATMLTranslator.SOURCE, err); } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } }
private void awbDropListTree_SignalSelected(object sender, XmlDocument tsfDocument) { var signal = sender as dbSignal; _currentSignalModel = sender as SignalModel; var bscName = sender as string; try { HourGlass.Start(); Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bscName)) { } else if (!LoadSignalModel(signal, tsfDocument)) { LoadSignalModel(_currentSignalModel, tsfDocument); } } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); } }
private void btnAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HourGlass.Start(); try{ ATMLAllocator.Instance.AnalyzeRequiredSignals(edtTestDescription.Text); } finally{ HourGlass.Stop(); } }
protected void EditSelectedObject(Type _type, String dataObjectName) { if (HasSelected) { HourGlass.Start(); ListViewItem lvi = SelectedListViewItem; if (_openForms.ContainsKey(SelectedListViewItem)) { Form f = _openForms[SelectedListViewItem]; if (f.IsDisposed) { _openForms.Remove(SelectedListViewItem); } else { _openForms[SelectedListViewItem].Focus(); HourGlass.Stop(); return; } } object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(_type); if (instance is ATMLForm) { var form = (ATMLForm)instance; form.Tag = SelectedListViewItem; if (!form.IsDisposed) { OnInitializeForm(form); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_formTitle)) { form.Text = @"Change " + _formTitle; } RegisterForm(form); _openForms.Add(SelectedListViewItem, form); PropertyInfo pi = form.GetType().GetProperty(dataObjectName); if (pi == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid Object Name: " + dataObjectName); } if (SelectedObject is BASEBean) { ((BASEBean)SelectedObject).DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT; } else if (SelectedObject is ATMLCommon) { ((ATMLCommon)SelectedObject).DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT; } pi.SetValue(form, SelectedObject, null); form.Saved += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs ee) { try { var f = sndr as Form; if (f != null) { pi = f.GetType().GetProperty(dataObjectName); if (pi == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid Object Name: " + dataObjectName); } object obj = pi.GetValue(f, null); if (obj == null) { throw new Exception( string.Format("Invalid Data Object Value: {0} in form: {1}", dataObjectName, f.Text)); } int idx = 0; foreach (string fieldName in _fieldNames) { Type objType = obj.GetType(); PropertyInfo piField = objType.GetProperty(fieldName); if (piField == null && !"Type".Equals(fieldName) && !"ToString()".Equals(fieldName)) { throw new Exception("Invalid Field Name: " + fieldName); } object fieldValue = "ToString()".Equals(fieldName) ? obj.ToString() : (piField == null && "Type".Equals(fieldName) ? obj.GetType().Name : piField != null ? piField.GetValue(obj, null) : null); string value = GetFieldValue(fieldValue); if (lvi != null) { ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem subItem = lvi.SubItems[idx++]; if (subItem != null) { subItem.Text = value; } } } if (lvi != null) { lvi.Tag = obj; } //ValidateToSchema(obj); OnCompletedEdit(obj); } } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(@"Error: " + err.Message, @"E R R O R"); LogManager.Error(err); } }; form.Closed += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs ee) { _openForms.Remove((ListViewItem)form.Tag); UnRegisterForm((Form)sndr); if (ee is FormClosedEventArgs) { var f = (Form)sndr; pi = f.GetType().GetProperty(dataObjectName); } }; form.Show(); } } HourGlass.Stop(); } }
private void SaveSelectedSignalModel() { HourGlass.Start(); try { SignalDAO dao = DataManager.getSignalDAO(); if (_signalModelLibrary != null) { dao.DeleteTSFLibrary(_signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.uuid, _signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.targetNamespace); var library = new dbTSFLibrary(); library.IncludeKeyOnInsert = true; library.lastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow; = Guid.Parse(_signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.uuid); library.content = _signalModelLibrary.XmlContent; library.targetNamespace = _signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.targetNamespace; library.libraryName =; library.DataState = (!dao.hasTSFLibrary(_signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.uuid)) ? BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD : BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT;; foreach (SignalModel sm in _signalModelLibrary.SignalModels.Values) { TSFType tsf = sm.TSF; dbSignal dataSignal = dao.getSignal(sm.Name, library.targetNamespace); if (dataSignal == null) { //Add Signal to the database string baseSignalName = sm.BaseSignalName; dbSignal baseSignal = dao.getSignal(baseSignalName, sm.BaseSignalNameSpace); dataSignal = new dbSignal(); dataSignal.ParentSignal = baseSignal; dataSignal.signalName = sm.Name; dataSignal.uuid = Guid.Parse(tsf.uuid); dataSignal.xmlns = library.targetNamespace; foreach (SignalAttribute attribute in sm.Attributes) { var a = new dbSignalAttribute(); a.attributeName = attribute.Name; a.defaultValue = attribute.DefaultValue; a.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD; a.type = attribute.SchemaType; a.fixedValue = attribute.FixedValue; if (dataSignal.Attributes == null) { dataSignal.Attributes = new List <dbSignalAttribute>(); } dataSignal.Attributes.Add(a); } dataSignal.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD; } else { dataSignal.xmlns = library.targetNamespace; dataSignal.uuid = Guid.Parse(tsf.uuid); List <dbSignalAttribute> attributes = dataSignal.Attributes; var attrMap = new Dictionary <string, SignalAttribute>(); var dbAttrMap = new Dictionary <string, dbSignalAttribute>(); foreach (SignalAttribute sa in sm.Attributes) { attrMap.Add(sa.Name, sa); } foreach (dbSignalAttribute dbAttribute in attributes) { string an = dbAttribute.attributeName; dbAttrMap.Add(an, dbAttribute); if (attrMap.ContainsKey(an)) { SignalAttribute sa = attrMap[an]; dbAttribute.type = sa.SchemaType; dbAttribute.defaultValue = sa.DefaultValue; dbAttribute.fixedValue = sa.FixedValue; dbAttribute.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT; } else { dbAttribute.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_DELETE; } } foreach (SignalAttribute sa in sm.Attributes) { if (!dbAttrMap.ContainsKey(sa.Name)) { var dbAttribute = new dbSignalAttribute(); dbAttribute.type = sa.SchemaType; dbAttribute.defaultValue = sa.DefaultValue; dbAttribute.fixedValue = sa.FixedValue; dbAttribute.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD; dataSignal.Attributes.Add(dbAttribute); } } dataSignal.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT; } dataSignal.xmlns = _signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.targetNamespace;; } foreach (ListViewItem item in lvSignals.Items) { var model = item.Tag as SignalModel; if (model != null) { var signal = new dbTSFSignal(); signal.signalName = model.Name; = Guid.Parse(model.TSF.uuid); signal.signalContent = model.TSF.Serialize(); signal.libraryUuid = _signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.uuid; signal.DataState = (!dao.hasTSFSignal(model.TSF.uuid) ? BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD : BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT); signal.lastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow; try {; } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message.ToLower().Contains("duplicate")) { TestSignalBean otherSignal = dao.getTSFSignal(model.Name, _signalModelLibrary.TSFLibrary.uuid); LogManager.Error("UUID Conflict between document data and the database for Signal {0} in Signal Library {1} ", model.Name, library.libraryName); if (otherSignal != null) { LogManager.Error("\tDocument signal uuid {0}, Database signal uuid {{{1}}} ", model.TSF.uuid,; if (dao.changeTSFSignalId(, Guid.Parse(model.TSF.uuid))) { LogManager.Info( "The Database signal uuid has been changed to reflect the Document signal uuid"); signal.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT;; } } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LogManager.Error(e, "An error has occured saving the signal model library: {0}", e.Message); } finally { HourGlass.Stop(); if (_signalModelLibrary == null) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.A_Signal_Model_must_be_selected_to_save_); } else { LogManager.Trace(Resources.Completed_Saving_Selected_Signal_Model); MessageBox.Show(Resources.Completed_Saving_Selected_Signal_Model); } } }