public ImportHospitalsDataStep(GeographicContext dataContextObject)
            : base(dataContextObject)
            HospitalImporter      = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IEntityFileImporter>(ImporterContract.Hospital);
            ImportDataFileCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteOpenFileDialog);

            EventAggregator = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IEventAggregator>();

            HospitalImporter.Imported += delegate
                EventAggregator.GetEvent <ResumeNormalProcessingEvent>().Publish(Empty.Value);

            HospitalImporter.Importing += delegate
                EventAggregator.GetEvent <PleaseStandByEvent>().Publish(HospitalImporter.CreatePleaseStandByEventPayload());
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a part's imports have been satisfied and it is safe to use.
 /// </summary>
 public void OnImportsSatisfied()
     ImportHospitalsCommand = new DelegateCommand(() => HospitalImporter.Execute());
     ImportRegionsCommand   = new DelegateCommand(() => RegionImporter.Execute());
        //todo bad code alert, why can we use MSFT parsers and a descent . The type should be injected, and not used by inheretence , it makes it harder to reuse
        //todo 1. 1 commom lib for this action
        //todo 1. Messaging interface on methods, with interceptors to handle : exceptions and notifificatios
        //todo 2. Read Castle project expception handling. SINGLE RESPONSOBILITY PRINCIPLE
        //TODO: WHAT IS THE DIFFRENCE BETWEEN WINDOWS.FORM VERSUS WIN.32 ON WPF APP? HOW will it affect RT, can u writte your own dialog, the default ones are ugly

        private void ExecuteOpenFileDialog()