protected virtual void PrepareHopDongKhachHang(HopDongModel model) { model.KhachHang = new HopDongModel.KhachHangModel(); if (model.KhachHangID > 0) { var custommer = _customerService.GetCustomerById(model.KhachHangID); model.KhachHang.Id = custommer.Id; model.KhachHang.Email = custommer.Email; model.KhachHang.Fullname = custommer.GetFullName(); } }
public ActionResult TaoHopDong() { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.QLHopDong)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } var model = new HopDongModel(); //default values PrepareListLoaiHopDong(model); PrepareListNhaXe(model); PrepareHopDongKhachHang(model); return(View(model)); }
protected virtual void PrepareListNhaXe(HopDongModel model) { var nhaxes = _nhaxeService.GetAllNhaXe("", 0, 100, false, _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id); if (nhaxes.Count > 0) { foreach (var s in nhaxes) { model.ListNhaXe.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = string.Format("{0} - {1}", s.MaNhaXe, s.TenNhaXe), Value = s.Id.ToString(), Selected = (s.Id == model.NhaXeID) }); } } }
private void loadComboBoxHopDong() { //Variable HopDongModel hopDong = new HopDongModel(); DataTable td = new DataTable(); ComboboxItem comboboxItem = new ComboboxItem(); td = hopDong.getAllTable(); foreach (DataRow row in td.Rows) { comboboxItem = new ComboboxItem(); comboboxItem.Text = row[1].ToString(); //Gan ten chuc vu comboboxItem.Value = row[0].ToString(); //Gan ma chuc vu cbLoaiHopDong.Items.Add(comboboxItem); //Add item moi vao trong comboBox } }
public ActionResult SuaHopDong(HopDongModel model, bool continueEditing) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.QLHopDong)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } var hopdong = _chonveService.GetHopDongById(model.Id); if (hopdong == null || hopdong.TrangThai != Core.Domain.Chonves.ENTrangThaiHopDong.Moi || hopdong.NguoiTaoID != _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id) { //No manufacturer found with the specified id return(RedirectToAction("ListHopDong")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { hopdong = model.ToEntity(hopdong); //var customer = _customerService.GetCustomerByEmail(model.KhachHang.Email); //if (customer != null && !customer.Deleted) //{ // hopdong.KhachHangID = customer.Id; //} hopdong.NgayCapNhat = DateTime.UtcNow; _chonveService.UpdateHopDong(hopdong); if (continueEditing) { //selected tab SaveSelectedTabIndex(); return(RedirectToAction("SuaHopDong", hopdong.Id)); } return(RedirectToAction("ListHopDong")); } return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult TaoHopDong(HopDongModel model, bool continueEditing) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.QLHopDong)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var hopdong = new HopDong(); hopdong = model.ToEntity(hopdong); hopdong.NguoiTaoID = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id; hopdong.NgayTao = DateTime.UtcNow; hopdong.NgayCapNhat = null; hopdong.NgayHetHan = null; hopdong.NgayKichHoat = null; hopdong.TrangThai = Core.Domain.Chonves.ENTrangThaiHopDong.Moi; _chonveService.InsertHopDong(hopdong); return(continueEditing ? RedirectToAction("SuaHopDong", new { id = hopdong.Id }) : RedirectToAction("ListHopDong")); } return(View(model)); }
protected virtual void PrepareListLoaiHopDong(HopDongModel model) { model.ListLoaiHopDong = GetEnumSelectList <ENLoaiHopDong>(model.LoaiHopDongID); }
public static HopDong ToEntity(this HopDongModel model, HopDong destination) { return(model.MapTo(destination)); }
public static HopDong ToEntity(this HopDongModel model) { return(model.MapTo <HopDongModel, HopDong>()); }