protected override void OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e) { base.OnDoWork(e); HootXmlBuilderStruct hootXmlBuilderStruct = (HootXmlBuilderStruct)e.Argument;[] hootGames = ([]) this.hootGamesArrayList.ToArray(typeof(; if (hootGames.Length > 0) { string outputPath; XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; settings.Indent = true; settings.IndentChars = "\t"; settings.NewLineChars = Environment.NewLine; settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document; // Use to suppress namespace attributes XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaceSerializer = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); namespaceSerializer.Add("", ""); if (hootXmlBuilderStruct.combineOutput) { outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hoot" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "[combined] hootgame.xml"; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(hootGames.GetType()); using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlTextWriter.Create(outputPath, settings)) { serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, hootGames, namespaceSerializer); } } if (hootXmlBuilderStruct.splitOutput) { foreach ( g in hootGames) { outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "hoot" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + g.romlist.rom[0].Value + ".xml"; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(g.GetType()); using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlTextWriter.Create(outputPath, settings)) { serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, g, namespaceSerializer); } } } } }
protected override void DoTaskForDirectory(string pPath, IVgmtWorkerStruct pHootXmlBuilderStruct, DoWorkEventArgs e) { HootXmlBuilderStruct hootXmlBuilderStruct = (HootXmlBuilderStruct)pHootXmlBuilderStruct; // pass control to base class if we are not doing a multifile set if (!hootXmlBuilderStruct.DoMultiFileSet) { base.DoTaskForDirectory(pPath, pHootXmlBuilderStruct, e); } else { //------------------------- // handle a multi-file set //------------------------- string setName = getSetNameForMultiFileSet(pPath); // set set name and process files as usual if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(setName)) { hootXmlBuilderStruct.OverrideSetName = setName; foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(pPath)) { if (!CancellationPending) { if (this.isValidHootFormat(file)) { try { this.DoTaskForFile(file, hootXmlBuilderStruct, e); } catch (Exception ex) { this.progressStruct.Clear(); this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Error processing <{0}>. Error received: ", pPath) + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine; ReportProgress(progress, this.progressStruct); } finally { this.DoFinally(); fileCount += 1; // Report Progress if ((fileCount == maxFiles) || (((fileCount * 100) / maxFiles) > this.progressCounter)) { this.progressCounter += this.progressCounterIncrementer; // output info if (this.outputBuffer.Length > 0) { this.progressStruct.Clear(); progressStruct.GenericMessage = this.outputBuffer.ToString(); ReportProgress(this.Progress, progressStruct); // clear out old info this.outputBuffer.Length = 0; } // output progress this.progress = (fileCount * 100) / maxFiles; this.progressStruct.Clear(); this.progressStruct.FileName = pPath; ReportProgress(this.progress, progressStruct); } } break; } } else { e.Cancel = true; } } } else { this.progressStruct.Clear(); this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Error processing <{0}>: Cannot find set name for .zip file xml creation. Please verfiy your .zip file contains only the following format(s): {1}{2}", pPath, SUPPORTED_MULTI_FILE_FORMATS, Environment.NewLine); ReportProgress(progress, this.progressStruct); } } }
protected override void DoTaskForFile(string pPath, IVgmtWorkerStruct pHootXmlBuilderStruct, DoWorkEventArgs e) { hootGame = null; HootXmlBuilderStruct hootXmlBuilderStruct = (HootXmlBuilderStruct)pHootXmlBuilderStruct; if (CompressionUtil.Is7zSupportedArchive(pPath)) { // get tempfolder string tempFolder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "vgmt" + new Random().Next(100000).ToString()); if (Directory.Exists(tempFolder)) { Directory.Delete(tempFolder, true); } // unzip file to temp folder CompressionUtil.ExtractAllFilesFromArchive(pPath, tempFolder); // process directory hootXmlBuilderStruct.DoMultiFileSet = true; this.DoTaskForDirectory(tempFolder, hootXmlBuilderStruct, e); // delete temp folder if (Directory.Exists(tempFolder)) { Directory.Delete(tempFolder, true); } } else { try { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(pPath)) { Type dataType = FormatUtil.getHootObjectType(fs); if (dataType != null) { IHootFormat vgmData = (IHootFormat)Activator.CreateInstance(dataType); vgmData.Initialize(fs, pPath); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(vgmData.GetHootDriver())) { hootGame = new; string setName = "GAME NAME"; string jpName = "(JP PLACE HOLDER)"; string companyName = "COMPANY"; if (hootXmlBuilderStruct.parseFileName) { HootXmlFilenameStruct hootXmlFilenameStruct; hootXmlFilenameStruct = getFilenameStruct(pPath); setName = hootXmlFilenameStruct.GameName; jpName = hootXmlFilenameStruct.JpGameName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hootXmlFilenameStruct.Company)) { companyName = hootXmlFilenameStruct.Company; } else { companyName = "Unknown"; } } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hootXmlBuilderStruct.OverrideSetName)) { setName = hootXmlBuilderStruct.OverrideSetName; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(vgmData.GetSongName())) { setName = vgmData.GetSongName(); } = String.Format("[{0}] {1} {2} ({3})", vgmData.GetHootDriverAlias(), setName, jpName, vgmData.GetHootChips()).Replace(" ", " "); hootGame.driver = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.driver(); hootGame.driver.type = vgmData.GetHootDriverType(); hootGame.driver.Value = vgmData.GetHootDriver(); hootGame.driveralias = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.driveralias(); hootGame.driveralias.type = vgmData.GetHootDriverAlias(); hootGame.driveralias.Value = companyName; hootGame.romlist = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.romlist(); hootGame.romlist.archive = "INSERT ARCHIVE NAME HERE"; hootGame.romlist.rom = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.rom[1]; hootGame.romlist.rom[0] = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.rom(); hootGame.romlist.rom[0].type = "code"; hootGame.romlist.rom[0].Value = Path.GetFileName(pPath); int totalSongs; // get song count if (hootXmlBuilderStruct.DoMultiFileSet) { totalSongs = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(pPath)).Length; } else { totalSongs = vgmData.GetTotalSongs(); } hootGame.titlelist = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.title[totalSongs]; int j = 0; VGMToolbox.format.hoot.title hootTitle; if (vgmData.UsesPlaylist() || File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(vgmData.FilePath, NezPlugUtil.M3U_FILE_EXTENSION))) { NezPlugM3uEntry[] entries = vgmData.GetPlaylistEntries(); foreach (NezPlugM3uEntry en in entries) { if (en.songNumber != NezPlugUtil.EMPTY_COUNT) { hootTitle = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.title(); hootTitle.code = "0x" + en.songNumber.ToString("X2"); hootTitle.Value = en.title; hootGame.titlelist[j] = hootTitle; j++; } } } else if (hootXmlBuilderStruct.DoMultiFileSet) { // set value for this file hootTitle = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.title(); hootTitle.code = "0x00"; hootTitle.Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(vgmData.GetSongName()) ? ("BGM #" + j.ToString("X2")) : vgmData.GetSongName(); hootGame.titlelist[j++] = hootTitle; // loop through remaining files foreach (string hootFile in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(pPath))) { if (hootFile != pPath) // this file has already been added { using (FileStream hfs = File.OpenRead(hootFile)) { Type titleType = FormatUtil.getHootObjectType(hfs); if (titleType != null) { IHootFormat titleData = (IHootFormat)Activator.CreateInstance(titleType); titleData.Initialize(hfs, hootFile); hootTitle = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.title(); hootTitle.code = "0x" + j.ToString("X2");; hootTitle.Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleData.GetSongName()) ? ("BGM #" + j.ToString("X2")) : titleData.GetSongName(); hootGame.titlelist[j++] = hootTitle; } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < totalSongs; i++) { hootTitle = new VGMToolbox.format.hoot.title(); hootTitle.code = "0x" + i.ToString("X2"); hootTitle.Value = "BGM #" + i.ToString("X2"); hootGame.titlelist[j] = hootTitle; j++; } } hootGamesArrayList.Add(hootGame); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.progressStruct.Clear(); this.progressStruct.ErrorMessage = String.Format("Error processing <{0}>. Error received: ", pPath) + ex.Message; ReportProgress(this.Progress, this.progressStruct); } } }