        /// <summary>
        /// Place an object on the HoloSurface.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool PlaceOnSurface(UnityEngine.Transform target, bool applyXRotation = false, bool applyYRotation = false, bool applyZRotation = false)
            UnityEngine.RaycastHit hit;
            if (HoloUtils.FindPointOnSurface(50.0f, out hit))
                target.position = hit.point;
                UnityEngine.Quaternion toQuat = UnityEngine.Quaternion.FromToRotation(UnityEngine.Vector3.back, hit.normal);
                if (!applyXRotation)
                    toQuat.x = 0;
                if (!applyYRotation)
                    toQuat.y = 0;
                if (!applyZRotation)
                    toQuat.z = 0;
                if (applyXRotation || applyYRotation || applyZRotation)
                    target.rotation = UnityEngine.Quaternion.Lerp(target.rotation, toQuat, 0.5f);

 /// <summary>
 /// Places this object on a surface.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Update()
     //when user selects this object.
     if (_isSelected)
         //Check if we can place this object on a surface...
         if (HoloUtils.PlaceOnSurface(this.transform) == false)
             //if no surface to place, place this in front of user.
             HoloUtils.PlaceInFrontOfUser(this.transform, 5.0f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Places an object in from of the user at X distance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subject">UnityEngine.Transform</param>
        /// <param name="distance">float</param>
        public static void PlaceInFrontOfUser(UnityEngine.Transform subject, float distance, bool applyXRotation = false, bool applyYRotation = false, bool applyZRotation = false)
            //place window in front of user.
            UnityEngine.Transform  user_transform = UnityEngine.Camera.main.transform;
            UnityEngine.Vector3    user_position  = user_transform.position;
            UnityEngine.Quaternion user_rotation  = user_transform.rotation;
            UnityEngine.Vector3    toPos          = user_position + (user_transform.forward * distance);

            //set location and rotation.
            subject.position = toPos;

            if (!applyXRotation)
                user_rotation.x = 0;
            if (!applyYRotation)
                user_rotation.y = 0;
            if (!applyZRotation)
                user_rotation.z = 0;
            if (applyXRotation || applyYRotation || applyZRotation)
                subject.rotation = user_rotation;

            //check if a surface is present closer than distance,
            // if so... we place the subject on that surface.
            UnityEngine.RaycastHit hit;
            if (HoloUtils.FindPointOnSurface(distance, out hit))
                UnityEngine.Vector3 deltaPosition = user_transform.position - hit.point;
                if (hit.distance < distance)
                    subject.position = hit.point;