public override void InitPopulation() { maxNumberOfEvaluations = Mathf.Min(maxNumberOfEvaluations, populationSize); populationRed = new List <Individual> (); populationBlue = new List <Individual>(); while (populationRed.Count < populationSize) { HillClimberIndividual new_ind_red = new HillClimberIndividual(NNTopology, maxNumberOfEvaluations, mutationMethod); HillClimberIndividual new_ind_blue = new HillClimberIndividual(NNTopology, maxNumberOfEvaluations, mutationMethod); if (seedPopulationFromFile) { NeuralNetwork nnRed = getRedIndividualFromFile(); NeuralNetwork nnBlue = getBlueIndividualFromFile(); new_ind_red.Initialize(nnRed); new_ind_blue.Initialize(nnBlue); //only the first individual is an exact copy. the other are going to suffer mutations if (populationRed.Count != 0 && populationBlue.Count != 0) { new_ind_red.Mutate(mutationProbabilityRedPopulation); new_ind_blue.Mutate(mutationProbabilityBluePopulation); } } else { new_ind_red.Initialize(); new_ind_blue.Initialize(); } populationRed.Add(new_ind_red); populationBlue.Add(new_ind_blue); } }
private void SwapGenes(HillClimberIndividual partner, int num) { float aux; aux = partner.genotype[num]; partner.genotype[num] = this.genotype[num]; this.genotype[num] = aux; }
public override Individual Clone() { HillClimberIndividual new_ind = new HillClimberIndividual(this.topology); genotype.CopyTo(new_ind.genotype, 0); = this.Fitness; new_ind.evaluated = false; return(new_ind); }
public override void InitPopulation() { population = new List <Individual> (); while (population.Count < populationSize) { HillClimberIndividual new_ind = new HillClimberIndividual(topology); new_ind.Initialize(); population.Add(new_ind); } }
public override Individual Clone() { HillClimberIndividual new_ind = new HillClimberIndividual(this.topology, this.maxNumberOfEvaluations, this.mutation); genotype.CopyTo(new_ind.genotype, 0); = this.Fitness; new_ind.evaluated = false; new_ind.completedEvaluations = 0; return(new_ind); }
public override void InitPopulation() { Debug.Log("Estou a inicializar no HillClimber"); population = new List <Individual> (); // jncor while (population.Count < populationSize) { HillClimberIndividual new_ind = new HillClimberIndividual(topology); new_ind.Initialize(); population.Add(new_ind); } }
//The Step function assumes that the fitness values of all the individuals in the population have been calculated. public override void Step() { List <Individual> new_pop = new List <Individual> (); updateReport(); //called to get some stats // fills the rest with mutations of the best ! for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { HillClimberIndividual tmp = (HillClimberIndividual)overallBest.Clone(); tmp.Mutate(mutationProbability); new_pop.Add(tmp.Clone()); } population = new_pop; generation++; }
//The Step function assumes that the fitness values of all the individuals in the population have been calculated. public override void Step() { List<Individual> newPopRed = new List<Individual> (); List<Individual> newPopBlue = new List<Individual>(); updateReport (); //called to get some stats // fills the rest with mutations of the best ! for (int i = 0; i < populationSize ; i++) { HillClimberIndividual tmpRed = (HillClimberIndividual) overallBestRed.Clone (); HillClimberIndividual tmpBlue = (HillClimberIndividual) overallBestBlue.Clone(); tmpRed.Mutate (mutationProbabilityRedPopulation); tmpBlue.Mutate(mutationProbabilityBluePopulation); newPopRed.Add (tmpRed.Clone()); newPopBlue.Add(tmpBlue.Clone()); } populationRed = newPopRed; populationBlue = newPopBlue; generation++; }