public ActionResult HighstockYAxisPlotLines()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "USD to EUR exchange rate",
                              .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                Title = new YAxisTitle {
                    Text = "Exchange rate"
                PlotLines = new []
                    new YAxisPlotLines
                        Value     = 0.6738,
                        Color     = Color.Green,
                        DashStyle = DashStyles.ShortDash,
                        Width     = 2,
                        Label     = new YAxisPlotLinesLabel {
                            Text = "Last quarter minimum"
                    new YAxisPlotLines
                        Value     = 0.7419,
                        Color     = Color.Red,
                        DashStyle = DashStyles.ShortDash,
                        Width     = 2,
                        Label     = new YAxisPlotLinesLabel {
                            Text = "Last quarter maximum"
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 4,
                new Series {
                    Name = "USD to EUR"

        public ActionResult HighstockCandlestickVolume()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                ClassName  = "chart",
                AlignTicks = false
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Historical",
                              .SetYAxis(new [] { new YAxis
                                                     Title = new YAxisTitle {
                                                         Text = "OHLC"
                                                     LineWidth = 2,
                                                     Height    = 200,
                                                 }, new YAxis
                                                     Title = new YAxisTitle {
                                                         Text = "Volume"
                                                     Offset    = 0,
                                                     LineWidth = 2,
                                                     Height    = 100,
                                                     Top       = 300,
                                                 } })
                              .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Series = new PlotOptionsSeries
                    DataGrouping = new DataGrouping
                        Units = new object[]
                            new object[] { "week", new[] { 1 } },
                            new object[] { "month", new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } }
                new Series
                    Name = "AAPL",
                    Type = ChartTypes.Candlestick,
                new Series
                    Name  = "Volume",
                    Type  = ChartTypes.Column,
                    YAxis = "1"

        public ActionResult HighstockNavigatorDisabled()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetNavigator(new Navigator
                Enabled = false,
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                new Series {
                    Name = "AAPL"

        public ActionResult HighstockSpline()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                ClassName = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                new Series
                    Name = "AAPL",
                    Type = ChartTypes.Spline

        public ActionResult HighstockCompare()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                ClassName = "chart",
                              .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                //labels, plotlines?
                              //plot options => series => compare?
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                PointFormat   = "<span style=\"color:{series.color}\">{}</span>: <b>{point.y}</b> ({point.change}%)<br/>",
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                new Series
                    Name = "MSFT",
                new Series
                    Name = "AAPL",
                new Series
                    Name = "GOOG",

        public ActionResult HighstockColumnRange()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Columnrange,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 2,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "Temperature variation by day",
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueSuffix = "°C"
                new Series {
                    Name = "Temperatures"

        public ActionResult HighstockDynamicUpdate()
            List <object> points = new List <object>(1000);
            DateTime      now    = DateTime.Now;
            Random        rand   = new Random();

            for (int i = -999; i <= 0; i++)
                points.Add(new { X = now.AddSeconds(i), Y = rand.NextDouble() });

            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .SetOptions(new GlobalOptions {
                Global = new Global {
                    UseUTC = false
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                Events = new ChartEvents
                    Load = "ChartEventsLoad"
                                                    @"// set up the updating of the chart each second
                                       var series = this.series[0];
                                       setInterval(function() {
                                          var x = (new Date()).getTime(), // current time
                                             y = Math.round(Math.random()*100);
                                          series.addPoint([x, y], true, true);
                                       }, 1000);")

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  // buttons?
                               *  InputEnabled = false,
                               *  Selected = 0,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title {
                Text = "Live random data"
                              .SetExporting(new Exporting {
                Enabled = false
                              .SetSeries(new Series
                Name = "Random data",
                Data = new Data(points.ToArray())

        public ActionResult HighstockYAxisReversed()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Area,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                Reversed       = true,
                ShowFirstLabel = false,
                ShowLastLabel  = true
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                              .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Area = new PlotOptionsArea
                    FillColor = new Gradient
                        LinearGradient = new[] { 0, 300, 0, 0 },
                        Stops          = new object[, ] {
                            { 0, Color.Blue }, { 1, Color.White }
                new Series {
                    Name = "AAPL Stock Price"

        public ActionResult HighstockColumn()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column,
                AlignTicks        = false,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Volume",
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                              .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Series = new PlotOptionsSeries
                    DataGrouping = new DataGrouping
                        Units = new object[]
                            new object[] { "week", new[] { 1 } },
                            new object[] { "month", new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } }
                new Series {
                    Name = "AAPL Stock Volume"
                // Lacks datagrouping

        public ActionResult HighstockYAxisPlotBands()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "USD to EUR exchange rate",
                              .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                Title = new YAxisTitle {
                    Text = "Exchange rate"
                PlotBands = new[] { new YAxisPlotBands
                                        From  = 0.6738,
                                        To    = 0.7419,
                                        Color = Color.FromArgb(51, 68, 170, 213),
                                        Label = new YAxisPlotBandsLabel {
                                            Text = "Last quarter's value range"
                                    } }
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 4,
                new Series {
                    Name = "USD to EUR"

        public ActionResult HighstockAreaSpline()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                ClassName = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                              .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Area = new PlotOptionsArea    //missing spline
                    FillColor = new Gradient
                        LinearGradient = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 200 },
                        Stops          = new object[, ] {
                            { 0, Color.LightBlue }, { 1, Color.Transparent }
                new Series
                    Name = "AAPL",
                    Type = ChartTypes.Areaspline

        public ActionResult HighstockStyledScrollbar()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetScrollbar(new Scrollbar
                BarBackgroundColor    = Color.Gray,
                BarBorderRadius       = 7,
                BarBorderWidth        = 0,
                ButtonBackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
                ButtonBorderWidth     = 0,
                ButtonBorderRadius    = 7,
                TrackBackgroundColor  = Color.Transparent,
                TrackBorderWidth      = 1,
                TrackBorderRadius     = 8,
                TrackBorderColor      = Color.Gray,
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                new Series {
                    Name = "AAPL"

        public ActionResult HighstockLineMarkers()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                              .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Series = new PlotOptionsSeries
                    Marker = new PlotOptionsSeriesMarker
                        Enabled = true,
                        Radius  = 3
                    Shadow = true
                new Series {
                    Name = "AAPL"

        public ActionResult HighstockStepLine()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "AAPL Stock Price",
                              .SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
                Line = new PlotOptionsLine {
                    Step = "true"
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 2,
                new Series {
                    Name = "AAPL"

        public void OnGet()
            HttpContext.Request.Cookies.TryGetValue("timezone", out var timezone);

            MeasuresApiConnector.GetMeasures(HttpContext, out IEnumerable <Measure> measures);

            foreach (Measure measure in measures)
                string device = "ESP32_CAM" + measure.LocationID.ToString() + ":1.8." + measure.MeasureTypeID.ToString();

                List <LineSeriesData> data = ViewData[device] as List <LineSeriesData>;

                if (data == null)
                    ViewData[device] = new List <LineSeriesData>();

                (ViewData[device] as List <LineSeriesData>).Add(new LineSeriesData
                    X = measure.TimeStamp
                        .Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc))
                    Y  = measure.Value,
                    Id = measure.Id.ToString()

            var chartOptions = new Highstock
                ID = "chart",

                Chart = new Chart
                    Type            = ChartType.Line,
                    ZoomType        = ChartZoomType.X,
                    BackgroundColor = "transparent"

                /*Title = new Title
                 * {
                 *  Text = "Snow depth at Vikjafjellet, Norway"
                 * },*/

                RangeSelector = new RangeSelector
                    Enabled           = true,
                    AllButtonsEnabled = true,
                    Selected          = 3,
                    Buttons           = new List <RangeSelectorButton>
                        new RangeSelectorButton
                            Type  = "week",
                            Count = 2,
                            Text  = "2" + _modelLocalizer["w"].Value
                        new RangeSelectorButton
                            Type  = "week",
                            Count = 1,
                            Text  = "1" + _modelLocalizer["w"].Value
                        new RangeSelectorButton
                            Type  = "day",
                            Count = 3,
                            Text  = "3" + _modelLocalizer["d"].Value
                        new RangeSelectorButton
                            Type  = "day",
                            Count = 1,
                            Text  = "1" + _modelLocalizer["d"].Value
                        new RangeSelectorButton
                            Type  = "hour",
                            Count = 6,
                            Text  = "6" + _modelLocalizer["hr"].Value
                        new RangeSelectorButton
                            Type  = "hour",
                            Count = 1,
                            Text  = "1" + _modelLocalizer["hr"].Value

                XAxis = new List <XAxis>
                    new XAxis
                        Title = new XAxisTitle
                            Text = _modelLocalizer["Date"].Value
                        DateTimeLabelFormats = new Hashtable

                YAxis = new List <YAxis>
                    new YAxis
                        Title = new YAxisTitle
                            Text = _modelLocalizer["Consumption"].Value + " [kWh]"

                Legend = new Legend
                    Enabled = true

                Tooltip = new Tooltip
                    HeaderFormat = "<b>{}</b>",
                    PointFormat  = "{point.x:%H:%M %e/%m} <b>{point.y: .0f} kWh<b>"

                PlotOptions = new PlotOptions
                    Series = new PlotOptionsSeries
                        Marker = new PlotOptionsSeriesMarker
                            Enabled = true
                        ShowInLegend   = true,
                        TurboThreshold = 5000,
                        Selected       = true,
                        StickyTracking = false,
                        Visible        = true

                Series = new List <Series>(),

                Credits = new Credits
                    Enabled = false

                Lang = new Lang
                    RangeSelectorFrom = _modelLocalizer["From"].Value,
                    RangeSelectorTo   = _modelLocalizer["To"].Value,
                    ViewFullscreen    = _modelLocalizer["View in full screen"].Value,
                    PrintChart        = _modelLocalizer["Print chart"].Value,
                    DownloadPNG       = _modelLocalizer["Download PNG image"].Value,
                    DownloadJPEG      = _modelLocalizer["Download JPEG image"].Value,
                    DownloadPDF       = _modelLocalizer["Download PDF document"].Value,
                    DownloadSVG       = _modelLocalizer["Download SVG vector image"].Value,

                Exporting = new Exporting
                    Buttons = new ExportingButtons
                        ContextButton = new ExportingButtonsContextButton
                            Theme = new ExportingButtonsContextButtonTheme
                                Fill = "none"

            foreach (var x in ViewData.Select((Data, idx) => new { idx, Data }))
                chartOptions.Series.Add(new LineSeries
                    Name            = x.Data.Key,
                    Data            = x.Data.Value as List <LineSeriesData>,
                    ShowInLegend    = true,
                    ShowInNavigator = true,
                    LegendIndex     = x.idx

            var renderer = new HighstockRenderer(chartOptions).RenderHtml();

            ViewData["renderer"] = renderer.Replace("var ChartOptions = {", "var ChartOptions = {\"legend\":{\"enabled\": true},");
        public ActionResult HighstockFlagsPlacement()
            Highstock chart = new Highstock("chart")
                              .InitChart(new Chart
                DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Line,
                ClassName         = "chart"
                              // range selector seems to have problems in highstock.

                              /*.SetRangeSelector(new RangeSelector
                               * {
                               *  Selected = 1,
                               * })*/
                              .SetTitle(new Title
                Text = "USD to EUR exchange rate",
                              .SetYAxis(new YAxis
                Title = new YAxisTitle {
                    Text = "Exchange rate"
                              .SetTooltip(new Tooltip
                ValueDecimals = 4,
                new Series {
                    Name = "USD to EUR", PlotOptionsFlags = new PlotOptionsFlags {
                        Id = "dataseries"
                new Series
                    Type             = ChartTypes.Flags,
                    Name             = "Flags on series",
                    PlotOptionsFlags = new PlotOptionsFlags {
                        OnSeries = "dataseries"
                    Data = new Data(new Flag[]
                        new Flag
                            X     = new DateTime(2011, 1, 14).Ticks,
                            Title = "On series",
                        new Flag
                            X     = new DateTime(2011, 3, 28).Ticks,
                            Title = "On series",
                new Series
                    Type             = ChartTypes.Flags,
                    Name             = "Flags on axis",
                    PlotOptionsFlags = new PlotOptionsFlags {
                        OnSeries = "dataseries"
                    Data = new Data(new Flag[]
                        new Flag
                            X     = new DateTime(2011, 2, 1).Ticks,
                            Title = "On axis",
                        new Flag
                            X     = new DateTime(2011, 3, 1).Ticks,
                            Title = "On axis",

 public HighstockRenderer(Highstock chart)
     _chart = chart;