/// <summary> /// Populate <see cref="HierarchyType"/> from <paramref name="buildFrom"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="hierarchyType"> /// The hierarchy type. /// </param> /// <param name="buildFrom"> /// The build from. /// </param> public void BuildList(HierarchyType hierarchyType, ILevelObject buildFrom) { int order = 1; do { var builtObj = new LevelType(); hierarchyType.Level.Add(builtObj); string value = buildFrom.Id; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { builtObj.id = buildFrom.Id; } if (ObjectUtil.ValidString(buildFrom.Urn)) { builtObj.urn = buildFrom.Urn; } IList<ITextTypeWrapper> names = buildFrom.Names; if (ObjectUtil.ValidCollection(names)) { builtObj.Name = this.GetTextType(names); } IList<ITextTypeWrapper> descriptions = buildFrom.Descriptions; if (ObjectUtil.ValidCollection(descriptions)) { builtObj.Description = this.GetTextType(descriptions); } if (this.HasAnnotations(buildFrom)) { builtObj.Annotations = this.GetAnnotationsType(buildFrom); } builtObj.Order = order; if (buildFrom.CodingFormat != null) { var textFormatType = new TextFormatType(); this.PopulateTextFormatType(textFormatType, buildFrom.CodingFormat); builtObj.CodingType = textFormatType; } buildFrom = buildFrom.ChildLevel; order++; } while (buildFrom != null); }
public HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchyType, string rootPath, bool forceImport) { m_Ptr = Internal_Create(hierarchyType, rootPath, forceImport); }
#pragma warning restore 169 public HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchyType) : this(hierarchyType, "Assets", true) { }
public FilteredHierarchy(HierarchyType type) { m_HierarchyType = type; }
extern public HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchyType, string rootPath, bool forceImport);
public Callback(ref Application onenoteApplication, HierarchyType hierarchyType) { _onenoteApp = onenoteApplication; _hierarchyType = hierarchyType; }
public HierarchyAttribute(HierarchyType itemType, string referencePath) { ItemType = itemType; ReferencePath = referencePath; CreateInstance = true; }
private void RefreshHierarchy(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool foldersFirst) { this.m_FilteredHierarchy = new FilteredHierarchy(hierarchyType); this.m_FilteredHierarchy.foldersFirst = foldersFirst; this.m_FilteredHierarchy.searchFilter = searchFilter; this.m_FilteredHierarchy.RefreshVisibleItems(this.m_Owner.m_State.m_ExpandedInstanceIDs); }
public Hierarchy(string name, string code, long spId, long?parentId, long customerId, HierarchyType hierarchyType) : this(name, code, spId, hierarchyType) { this.ParentId = parentId; this.CustomerId = customerId; }
public static object ObjectListArea(string searchFilter, string requiredType, HierarchyType hierarchy) { var assembly = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly; var objectListAreaType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.ObjectListArea"); var objectListArea = Activator.CreateInstance(objectListAreaType, new object[] { null, null, true }); var init = objectListAreaType.GetMethod("Init", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); init.Invoke(objectListArea, new object[] { searchFilter, requiredType, null, hierarchy }); return(objectListArea); }
public static List <AssetResult> GetAssetsInProjectOfType <T>(HierarchyType assets = HierarchyType.Assets) where T : Object { return(GetAssetsInProjectOfType(typeof(T), assets)); }
public static List <AssetResult> GetAssetsInProjectOfType(Type type, HierarchyType assets = HierarchyType.Assets) { try { var assembly = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly; var filteredHierarchyType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.FilteredHierarchy"); var filteredHierarchy = Activator.CreateInstance(filteredHierarchyType, new object[] { assets }); #if UNITY_3_4 || UNITY_3_5 var objectListAreaType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.ObjectListArea"); var filterProperty = filteredHierarchyType.GetProperty("filter", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); var searchModeProperty = filteredHierarchyType.GetProperty("searchMode", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); var createFilterString = objectListAreaType.GetMethod("CreateFilterString", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); var filterString = createFilterString.Invoke(null, new object[] { "", type.Name, null }); filterProperty.SetValue(filteredHierarchy, filterString, null); searchModeProperty.SetValue(filteredHierarchy, 0, null); #else var searchFilterType = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.SearchFilter"); var classNames = searchFilterType.GetProperty("classNames", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); var searchFilterProperty = filteredHierarchyType.GetProperty("searchFilter", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); var sfilter = Activator.CreateInstance(searchFilterType); classNames.SetValue(sfilter, new[] { type.ToString() }, null); searchFilterProperty.SetValue(filteredHierarchy, sfilter, null); #endif var resultField = filteredHierarchyType.GetField("m_Results", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); var results = (Array)resultField.GetValue(filteredHierarchy); var list = new List <AssetResult>(); foreach (var r in results) { var assetResult = ObjToFilterResult(r); list.Add(assetResult); } return(list); } catch (Exception) { if (!_errorMajor) { Debug.LogError( "For some reason it appears something went wrong with Tilers Asset Search. Tiler is unable to operate properly." + "\nYour version is: " + Application.unityVersion + " Please report this on the forums and I'll try fix it asap."); _errorMajor = true; } return(new List <AssetResult>()); } }
public void Init(Rect rect, HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool checkThumbnails) { this.m_VisibleRect = rect; this.m_TotalRect = rect; this.m_LocalAssets.UpdateFilter(hierarchyType, searchFilter, this.foldersFirst); foreach (ObjectListArea.AssetStoreGroup current in this.m_StoreAssets) { current.UpdateFilter(hierarchyType, searchFilter, this.foldersFirst); } bool flag = searchFilter.GetState() == SearchFilter.State.FolderBrowsing; if (flag) { this.m_LastAssetStoreQuerySearchFilter = string.Empty; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryClassName = new string[0]; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryLabels = new string[0]; } else { this.m_LastAssetStoreQuerySearchFilter = ((searchFilter.nameFilter != null) ? searchFilter.nameFilter : string.Empty); bool flag2 = searchFilter.classNames == null || Array.IndexOf<string>(searchFilter.classNames, "Object") >= 0; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryClassName = ((!flag2) ? searchFilter.classNames : new string[0]); this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryLabels = ((searchFilter.assetLabels != null) ? searchFilter.assetLabels : new string[0]); } this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryChangeTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; this.m_RequeryAssetStore = true; this.m_ShowLocalAssetsOnly = (flag || searchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.SearchingInAssetStore); this.m_AssetStoreError = string.Empty; if (checkThumbnails) { this.m_AllowThumbnails = this.ObjectsHaveThumbnails(hierarchyType, searchFilter); } else { this.m_AllowThumbnails = true; } this.Repaint(); this.ClearCroppedLabelCache(); this.SetupData(true); }
public void SetType(HierarchyType type, Guid clsid, bool isProject) { Type = type; CLSID = clsid; IsProject = isProject; }
public HierarchyAttribute(HierarchyType itemType) : this(itemType, null) { }
public override void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool showFoldersFirst) { this.ItemsWantedShown = !this.ListMode ? 3 * this.m_Grid.columns : 10; this.Assets.Clear(); }
public void Init(Rect rect, HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool checkThumbnails) { this.m_TotalRect = this.m_VisibleRect = rect; this.m_LocalAssets.UpdateFilter(hierarchyType, searchFilter, this.foldersFirst); this.m_LocalAssets.UpdateAssets(); using (List<ObjectListArea.AssetStoreGroup>.Enumerator enumerator = this.m_StoreAssets.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) enumerator.Current.UpdateFilter(hierarchyType, searchFilter, this.foldersFirst); } bool flag = searchFilter.GetState() == SearchFilter.State.FolderBrowsing; if (flag) { this.m_LastAssetStoreQuerySearchFilter = string.Empty; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryClassName = new string[0]; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryLabels = new string[0]; } else { this.m_LastAssetStoreQuerySearchFilter = searchFilter.nameFilter != null ? searchFilter.nameFilter : string.Empty; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryClassName = searchFilter.classNames != null && Array.IndexOf<string>(searchFilter.classNames, "Object") < 0 ? searchFilter.classNames : new string[0]; this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryLabels = searchFilter.assetLabels != null ? searchFilter.assetLabels : new string[0]; } this.m_LastAssetStoreQueryChangeTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; this.m_RequeryAssetStore = true; this.m_ShowLocalAssetsOnly = flag || searchFilter.GetState() != SearchFilter.State.SearchingInAssetStore; this.m_AssetStoreError = string.Empty; this.m_AllowThumbnails = !checkThumbnails || this.ObjectsHaveThumbnails(hierarchyType, searchFilter); this.Repaint(); this.ClearCroppedLabelCache(); this.SetupData(true); }
public Hierarchy(string name, string code, long spId, long?industryId, long?parentId, long customerId, HierarchyType hierarchyType) : this(name, code, spId, parentId, customerId, hierarchyType) { this.IndustryId = industryId; }
private static void ConvertHierarchy(ArticyData articyData, HierarchyType hierarchy) { articyData.hierarchy.node = ConvertNode(hierarchy.Node); }
/* Function: FromParameters * Creates a ClassString from the passed parameters. */ static public ClassString FromParameters(HierarchyType hierarchy, int languageID, bool caseSensitive, SymbolString symbol) { if (symbol == null) { throw new NullReferenceException(); } // SymbolString plus hierarchy, language ID, and separator. It's almost definitely only going to use one char for the // language ID, but getting room for a second one just to be certain isn't a big deal when we're already paying for the // allocation. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(symbol.ToString().Length + 4); if (hierarchy == HierarchyType.Class) { if (caseSensitive) { stringBuilder.Append('C'); } else { stringBuilder.Append('c'); } } else // (hierarchy == HierarchyType.Database) { if (caseSensitive) { stringBuilder.Append('D'); } else { stringBuilder.Append('d'); } } do { int value = languageID & 0x0000003F; if (value < 10) { stringBuilder.Append((char)('0' + value)); } else if (value < 36) { stringBuilder.Append((char)('A' + (value - 10))); } else if (value < 62) { stringBuilder.Append((char)('a' + (value - 36))); } else if (value == 62) { stringBuilder.Append('!'); } else // (value == 63) { stringBuilder.Append('@'); } languageID >>= 6; }while (languageID > 0); stringBuilder.Append(SeparatorChar); string symbolString = symbol.ToString(); stringBuilder.Append(symbolString); string classString = stringBuilder.ToString(); string lookupKey; if (caseSensitive) { lookupKey = classString; } else { stringBuilder.Remove(stringBuilder.Length - symbolString.Length, symbolString.Length); stringBuilder.Append(symbolString.ToLower()); lookupKey = stringBuilder.ToString(); } return(new ClassString(classString, lookupKey)); }
public override void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool showFoldersFirst) { ItemsWantedShown = ListMode ? kDefaultRowsShownListMode : (kDefaultRowsShown * m_Grid.columns); Assets.Clear(); }
// Called when the filter has changed abstract public void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool showFoldersFirst);
public HierarchyInfo(SelectQuery masterQuery, HierarchyType hierarchyType, IQueryElement?parentElement) { MasterQuery = masterQuery; HierarchyType = hierarchyType; ParentElement = parentElement; }
public HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchytType);
public HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType type) { }
// Called when the filter has changed abstract public void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool showFoldersFirst, SearchService.SearchSessionOptions searchSessionOptions);
public FilteredHierarchy(HierarchyType type) { this.m_HierarchyType = type; }
public void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool showFoldersFirst) { UpdateFilter(hierarchyType, searchFilter, showFoldersFirst, SearchService.SearchSessionOptions.Default); }
public HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchyType, bool forceImport) : this(hierarchyType, "Assets", forceImport) { }
public extern HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchytType);
static extern IntPtr Internal_Create(HierarchyType hierarchyType, string rootPath, bool forceImport);
public extern HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType hierarchyType, bool forceImport);
public abstract void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool showFoldersFirst);
public Callback(HierarchyType hierarchyType, ref MindmanagerApplication mindManager) { _hierarchyType = hierarchyType; _mindManager = mindManager; }
public override void UpdateFilter(HierarchyType hierarchyType, SearchFilter searchFilter, bool foldersFirst) { this.RefreshHierarchy(hierarchyType, searchFilter, foldersFirst); this.RefreshBuiltinResourceList(searchFilter); }
public FilteredHierarchy(HierarchyType type) { m_HierarchyType = type; m_SearchSessionOptions = SearchService.SearchSessionOptions.Default; }
private bool ObjectsHaveThumbnails(HierarchyType type, SearchFilter searchFilter) { if (this.m_LocalAssets.HasBuiltinResources) return true; IHierarchyProperty propertyForFilter = FilteredHierarchyProperty.CreateHierarchyPropertyForFilter(new FilteredHierarchy(type) { searchFilter = searchFilter }); int[] expanded = new int[0]; if (propertyForFilter.CountRemaining(expanded) == 0) return true; propertyForFilter.Reset(); while (propertyForFilter.Next(expanded)) { if (propertyForFilter.hasFullPreviewImage) return true; } return false; }
public FilteredHierarchy(HierarchyType type, SearchService.SearchSessionOptions searchSessionOptions) { m_HierarchyType = type; m_SearchSessionOptions = searchSessionOptions; }