public HexBomb RefillBoardWitBombs(Color[] p_colors, HexBomb p_bombPrefab, Action <HexTile> p_callback) { HexTile newTile = null; HexBomb newBomb = null; int randomColorIndex = -1; bool bombPlaced = false; for (int i = 0; i < GameTiles.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GameTiles[i].Length; j++) { if (GameTiles[i][j] == null) { if (!bombPlaced) { newTile = Instantiate(p_bombPrefab); newBomb = (HexBomb)newTile; bombPlaced = true; } else { newTile = Instantiate(_hexTilePrefab); } newTile.SetBoardPosition(new Vector2Int(i, j)); newTile.transform.SetParent(_boardParentGO.transform); randomColorIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, p_colors.Length); if (newTile is HexBomb) { newTile.Init(p_colors[randomColorIndex], randomColorIndex, p_callback); } else { newTile.Init(p_colors[randomColorIndex], randomColorIndex, null); } newTile.transform.position = Vector3.left * GameTiles.Length / 2f + Vector3.down * GameTiles[i].Length / 2f + Vector3.right * HEX_TILE_WIDTH / 2f + Vector3.up * HEX_TILE_HEIGTH / 2f + (Vector3.right * i * 0.79f) * HEX_TILE_WIDTH + (Vector3.up * j) * HEX_TILE_HEIGTH + (Vector3.down * (HEX_TILE_HEIGTH - 1f)) + (Vector3.left * (HEX_TILE_WIDTH - 1f)) + (i % 2 == 0 ? : Vector3.up * HEX_TILE_HEIGTH * 0.49f); GameTiles[i][j] = newTile; } } } SetTileConnections(GameTiles); return(newBomb); }
private void RefillBoard() { if (ScoreC.Score > GRM.BombScoreThreshold * _bombCount) { _bombCount++; HexBomb newBomb = BC.RefillBoardWitBombs(GRM.HexTileColors, GRM.HexBombPrefab, _hexTileExplosionCallback); _playerMadeMove += newBomb.DecrementCounter; } else { BC.RefillBoard(GRM.HexTileColors); } }
public void FloorCheck(List <Vector3> positions, int currentPositionIndex) { bool changed = false; int count = positions.Count; //Debug.Log("positions to check: " + count); overlapSphereCollider.transform.position = positions[count - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { Vector3 top = positions[j]; Vector3 bottom = positions[j] + new Vector3(0, -3, 0); Collider[] overlappingColliders = Physics.OverlapCapsule (bottom, top, overlapSphereCollider.radius); //Debug.Log("positions[j]: " + positions[j]); // Debug.Log("overlapSphereCollider.radius: " + overlapSphereCollider.radius); //Debug.Log("overlappingColliders.Length: " + overlappingColliders.Length); for (int i = 0; i < overlappingColliders.Length; i++) { Transform t = overlappingColliders[i].transform; //if (t.parent != null) { Hex hex = t /*.parent*/.GetComponent <Hex>(); if (hex != null) { HexStates hexState = hex.State; if (hexState != HexStates.Full)//TODO: I dont like the full/enemy deal here { if (hex.Specialty == HexSpecialties.Enemy) { Debug.Log("An enemy is touching a sensitive hexagon..."); HexMap.InfectPlayerPath(hex); return; } switch (hexState) { /* case HexStates.AwaitingFill: * isOnAPotentialWall = true; break;*/ /*case HexStates.Full: * Collide(); break;*/ case HexStates.Empty: { hex.ChangeState(HexStates.Path); changed = true; } break; } Vector3 hexPosition = hex.transform.position; hexPosition.y = Hex.HEX_PRESSED_Y; hex.transform.position = hexPosition; } } else { HexBomb bomb = t /*.parent*/.GetComponent <HexBomb>(); if (bomb != null) { bomb.Explode(); } } } } } if (changed) { SoundManager.PlayOneShotSoundAt(SoundNames.HexPressed, positions[currentPositionIndex]);// t.position); if (HexMap.CalculateFill()) { SoundManager.PlayOneShotSoundAt(SoundNames.AllGlocken, positions[currentPositionIndex]); } } }
public void GenerateMap() { if (mapWasGenerated) { Debug.LogError("Someone's trying to regenerate the map!"); } hexes = new Hex[numberOfColumns, numberOfRows]; Bounds zoneBounds = mapZone.bounds; List <Hex> realHexesList = new List <Hex>(32); Wall[] walls = FindObjectsOfType <Wall>(); for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row++) { Vector3 hexPosition = Hex.PositionInWorld(column, row); bool hexIsInBounds = zoneBounds.Contains(hexPosition); /* (hexPosition.x >= bounds.min.x && * hexPosition.x <= bounds.max.x && * hexPosition.z >= bounds.min.z && * hexPosition.z <= bounds.max.z);*/ if (hexIsInBounds) { bool isAWall = false; for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++) { Bounds wallBounds = walls[i].collider.bounds; if (wallBounds.Contains(hexPosition)) { isAWall = true; break; } } Hex hex = Instantiate(hexPreFab); hex.Construct(column, row, hex.GetComponent <HexComponent>()); hex.transform.position = hexPosition; hexes[column, row] = hex; realHexesList.Add(hex); if (isAWall) { hex.ChangeState(HexStates.Full); } else { if (Random.Range(0, bombGenerationChance) == 0) { HexBomb hexBomb = Instantiate (hexBombPreFab, hexPosition, Quaternion.identity); hexBomb.hex = hex; } else if (Random.Range(0, hardHexGenerationChance) == 0) { hex.ChangeState(HexStates.Hard); } } } //Material hexMaterial = GetMaterialForHex(hex); //hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>().material = hexMaterial; //hexComponent.SetHex(hex); /* if (hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshPro>()) * { * hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshPro>().text = column + "," + row; * }*/ // if(column == 0 && row == 0) /* { * GameObject hexModel = Instantiate(hexModelPreFab, hex.PositionInWorld(), Quaternion.identity); * hexModel.transform.parent = transform; * }*/ // hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshPro>().enabled=false; } } realHexes = realHexesList.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++) { Destroy(walls[i].gameObject);////0; } Destroy(mapZone.gameObject); #region irrelevant //StaticBatchingUtility.Combine(gameObject); //waterHexMesh = Instantiate(combineableMeshPreFab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity,transform); /*mildClimateHexMeshes = new CombineableMesh[mildClimateMaterials.Length]; * for (int i = 0; i < mildClimateHexMeshes.Length; i++) * { * mildClimateHexMeshes[i] = Instantiate(combineableMeshPreFab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); * } * * for (int i = 0; i < mildClimateHexMeshes.Length; i++) * { * mildClimateHexMeshes[i].CombineMeshes(mildClimateMaterials[i]); * }*/ #endregion mapWasGenerated = true; }
public void GenerateMap() { if (mapWasGenerated) { Debug.LogError("Someone's trying to regenerate the map!"); } mapCentre = mapZone.transform.position; hexes = new Hex[numberOfColumns, numberOfRows]; Transform myTransform = transform; Bounds zoneBounds = mapZone.bounds; List <Hex> realHexesList = new List <Hex>(32); lowHexesTransforms = new List <Transform>(32); Wall[] walls = FindObjectsOfType <Wall>(); for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row++) { Vector3 hexPosition = Hex.PositionInWorld(column, row); bool hexIsInBounds = zoneBounds.Contains(hexPosition); /* (hexPosition.x >= bounds.min.x && * hexPosition.x <= bounds.max.x && * hexPosition.z >= bounds.min.z && * hexPosition.z <= bounds.max.z);*/ if (hexIsInBounds) { HexTypes modifiedType = HexTypes.Floor; for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++) { Bounds wallBounds = walls[i].collider.bounds; if (wallBounds.Contains(hexPosition)) { modifiedType = walls[i].hexType; break; } } //Find Mat ushort bestMatIndex; { Color32 bestColour = GetBackgroundColourFromBounds(hexPosition, zoneBounds, backGroundTexture); if (useDynamicColours) { ushort?index = FindClosestDynamicMaterial(bestColour); if (index == null) { Material mat = new Material(dynamicColourMat); mat.color = bestColour; dynamicHexColouredMaterials.Add(mat); bestMatIndex = (ushort)(dynamicHexColouredMaterials.Count - 1); } else { bestMatIndex = (ushort)index; } } else { bestMatIndex = FindClosestMaterialIndex(bestColour); } } byte bestFailureMatIndex; { Color32 bestColour = GetBackgroundColourFromBounds(hexPosition, zoneBounds, FailureTexture); byte?index = FindClosestFailureDynamicMaterial(bestColour); if (index == null) { Material mat = new Material(dynamicColourMat); mat.color = bestColour; dynamicFailureColouredMaterials.Add(mat); bestFailureMatIndex = (byte)(dynamicFailureColouredMaterials.Count - 1); } else { bestFailureMatIndex = (byte)index; } } Hex hex = Instantiate(hexPreFab); hex.transform.parent = myTransform; hex.Construct(bestMatIndex, bestFailureMatIndex); hex.transform.position = hexPosition; if (modifiedType != HexTypes.Floor) { hex.ModifyType(modifiedType); } else if (generateRandomThings) { if (Random.Range(0, bombGenerationChance) == 0) { HexBomb hexBomb = Instantiate (hexBombPreFab, hexPosition, Quaternion.identity); hexBomb.hex = hex; } else if (Random.Range(0, hardHexGenerationChance) == 0) { hex.ModifyType(HexTypes.Hard); } else if (Random.Range(0, enemyHexGenerationChance) == 0) { hex.ModifyType(HexTypes.Enemy); } } hexes[column, row] = hex; realHexesList.Add(hex); if (hex.State == HexStates.Empty && hex.Specialty == HexSpecialties.None) { lowHexesTransforms.Add(hex.transform); } } //Material hexMaterial = GetMaterialForHex(hex); //hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>().material = hexMaterial; //hexComponent.SetHex(hex); /* if (hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshPro>()) * { * hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshPro>().text = column + "," + row; * }*/ // if(column == 0 && row == 0) /* { * GameObject hexModel = Instantiate(hexModelPreFab, hex.PositionInWorld(), Quaternion.identity); * hexModel.transform.parent = transform; * }*/ // hexComponent.GetComponentInChildren<TMPro.TextMeshPro>().enabled=false; } } //Nesssary stuff for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row++) { if (hexes[column, row] != null) { Hex hex = hexes[column, row]; hex.SetNeighbours(column, row); /*bool isFillable = (hex.State == HexStates.Empty); * hex.fillMark = isFillable ? UNFILLED : FILLED;*/ } } } //FloodFillMapIsClear = true; realHexes = realHexesList.ToArray(); Debug.Log("Hexes Count: " + realHexes.Length); for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++) { Destroy(walls[i].gameObject);////0; } Destroy(mapZone.gameObject); #region irrelevant //StaticBatchingUtility.Combine(gameObject); //waterHexMesh = Instantiate(combineableMeshPreFab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity,transform); /*mildClimateHexMeshes = new CombineableMesh[mildClimateMaterials.Length]; * for (int i = 0; i < mildClimateHexMeshes.Length; i++) * { * mildClimateHexMeshes[i] = Instantiate(combineableMeshPreFab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); * } * * for (int i = 0; i < mildClimateHexMeshes.Length; i++) * { * mildClimateHexMeshes[i].CombineMeshes(mildClimateMaterials[i]); * }*/ #endregion HexBomb[] bombs = FindObjectsOfType <HexBomb>(); for (int i = 0; i < bombs.Length; i++) { HexBomb bomb = bombs[i]; Vector3 bombPosition = bomb.transform.position; Hex hexAtPosition = GetHex(Hex.GetHexCoordinates(bombPosition)); if (hexAtPosition != null) { bomb.transform.position = new Vector3 (hexAtPosition.transform.position.x, bombPosition.y, hexAtPosition.transform.position.z); bomb.hex = hexAtPosition; //TODO: not elegant at allllkl } } mapWasGenerated = true; }