/// <summary> /// Writes a Pac1 file. [Useable by scripts and interface components alike.] /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The location of the final saved file...</param> /// <param name="Direct_Data">Array of Completed Direct Sound Simulations Required</param> /// <param name="IS_Data">Array of Completed Image Source Simulations. Enter null if opted out.</param> /// <param name="Receiver">Array of Completed Ray-Tracing Simulation Receivers. Enter null if opted out.</param> public static void Write_Pac1(string filename, ref Direct_Sound[] Direct_Data, ref ImageSourceData[] IS_Data, ref Environment.Receiver_Bank[] Receiver) { if (Direct_Data == null && IS_Data == null && IS_Data == null && Receiver != null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("There is no simulated data to save."); return; } Pachyderm_Acoustic.UI.PachydermAc_PlugIn plugin = Pachyderm_Acoustic.UI.PachydermAc_PlugIn.Instance; //use StreamWriter to write to csv files System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.CreateText(filename); //1. Date & Time sw.WriteLine("Current Date and Time"); sw.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); //2. Plugin Version... if less than 1.1, assume only 1 source. sw.WriteLine("Plugin Version"); sw.WriteLine(plugin.Version); //3. Cut off Time (seconds) and SampleRate sw.WriteLine("Cut off Time"); sw.WriteLine((double)Receiver[0].CO_Time);//CO_TIME.Value); sw.WriteLine("Sample Rate"); sw.WriteLine(Receiver[0].SampleRate); //4.0 Source Count(int) Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] SRC; plugin.SourceOrigin(out SRC); sw.WriteLine("Source Count"); sw.WriteLine(SRC.Length); //4 Source Location x,y,z (double) sw.WriteLine("Source Location : x y z"); for (int i = 0; i < SRC.Length; i++) { sw.WriteLine(Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString(SRC[i].X, SRC[i].Y, SRC[i].Z)); } //5. No of Receivers sw.WriteLine("Number of Receivers"); sw.WriteLine(Receiver[0].Rec_List.Length); //6. Write the coordinates of each receiver point //6b. Write the environmental characteristics at each receiver point (Rho * C); V2.0 only... for (int q = 0; q < Receiver[0].Rec_List.Length; q++) { string origin_and_rhoC = Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString( Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].H_Origin.x, Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].H_Origin.y, Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].H_Origin.z, Receiver[0].Rec_List[q].Rho_C); sw.WriteLine(origin_and_rhoC); } for (int s = 0; s < SRC.Length; s++) { if (Direct_Data != null) { //7. Write Direct Sound Data Direct_Data[s].Write_Data(ref sw); } if (IS_Data[0] != null) { //8. Write Image Source Sound Data IS_Data[s].Write_Data(ref sw); } if (Receiver != null) { //9. Write Ray Traced Sound Data Receiver[s].Write_Data(ref sw); } } sw.Write("End"); sw.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes pachyderm mapping file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The location the new file is to be written to.</param> /// <param name="Rec_List">The list of receivers to be written.</param> public static void Write_pachm(string filename, ref Mapping.PachMapReceiver[] Rec_List) { // use Streamwriter to write to csv files System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.CreateText(filename); //1. Write calculation type. (string) sw.WriteLine("Calculation Tyle:"); sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[0].Data_Type()); Boolean Directional = Rec_List[0].Data_Type() == "Type;Map_Data"; //2. Write the number of samples in each histogram. (int) sw.WriteLine("Number of samples in each histogram:"); sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].SampleCT); //3. Write the sample rate. (int) sw.WriteLine("Sample Rate:"); sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].SampleRate); //4. Write the number of Receivers (int) int Rec_Ct = Rec_List[0].Rec_List.Length; sw.WriteLine("Number of Receivers:"); sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_Ct); //4.5 Announce the Version sw.WriteLine("Version"); sw.WriteLine(UI.PachydermAc_PlugIn.Instance.Version); //5. Announce that the following data pertains to the form of the analysis mesh. (string) sw.WriteLine("Mesh Information:"); //6. Announce Mesh Vertices (string) sw.WriteLine("Mesh Vertices:"); //Write the number of vertices (int) (int) sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices.Count); for (int i = 0; i < Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices.Count; i++) { //Write Vertex: (double) (double) (double) /*sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices[i].X); * sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices[i].Y); * sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices[i].Z); */ string meshvertice = Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString( Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices[i].X, Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices[i].Y, Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Vertices[i].Z); sw.WriteLine(meshvertice); } //7. Announce Mesh Faces (string) sw.WriteLine("Mesh Faces:"); // Write the number of faces sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces.Count); for (int i = 0; i < Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces.Count; i++) { // Write mesh vertex indices: (int) (int) (int) (int) /*sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][0]); * sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][1]); * sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][2]); * sw.WriteLine((UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][3]);*/ string meshfaces = Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString( (UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][0], (UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][1], (UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][2], (UInt32)Rec_List[0].Map_Mesh.Faces[i][3]); sw.WriteLine(meshfaces); } //7.5: Announce the number of sources. //sw.WriteLine("Sources"); sw.WriteLine("Number of Receivers:"); sw.WriteLine(Rec_List.Length); //7.5a: Announce the Type of Source sw.WriteLine("Source Coordinate, Type, and delaytime in ms:"); for (int i = 0; i < Rec_List.Length; i++) { /* * sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[i].Src.X); * sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[i].Src.Y); * sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[i].Src.Z); * //////////////////////*/ sw.WriteLine(Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString(Rec_List[i].Src.X, Rec_List[i].Src.Y, Rec_List[i].Src.Z)); sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[i].SrcType); sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[i].delay_ms);//v. } //8. Announce that the following data pertains to the receiver histograms (string) sw.WriteLine("Receiver Hit Data:"); //8a. Announce whether or not data is linked to vertices rather than faces (bool) sw.WriteLine("True: data is linked to vertices; False:data is linked to faces;"); sw.WriteLine(Rec_List[0].Rec_Vertex); // this part need to be rewritten for readability// for (int s = 0; s < Rec_List.Length; s++) { for (int i = 0; i < Rec_Ct; i++) { //Write Receiver Index (int), direct sound arrival time,Impedance of Air sw.WriteLine("Receiver Index, Direct Sound Arrival Time, Air Impedance:"); sw.WriteLine(Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString((UInt32)i, (Rec_List[s].Rec_List[i] as Mapping.PachMapReceiver.Map_Receiver).Direct_Time, Rec_List[0].Rec_List[i].Rho_C)); sw.WriteLine("Octave band; energy histogram of each receiver:"); for (int Octave = 0; Octave < 8; Octave++) { double[] Hist = Rec_List[s].Rec_List[i].GetEnergyHistogram(Octave); //directional or not directional string temp = (UInt32)Octave + ","; for (int e = 0; e < Rec_List[s].SampleCT; e++) { //foreach should be here foreach (double histe in Hist) { if (Directional) { //Write octave band (int); each directional value in the histogram (double) (double) (double), and each energy value in the histogram (double) Hare.Geometry.Vector DirPos = Rec_List[s].Directions_Pos(Octave, e, i); Hare.Geometry.Vector DirNeg = Rec_List[s].Directions_Neg(Octave, e, i); temp += Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString( DirPos.x, DirPos.y, DirPos.z, DirNeg.x, DirNeg.y, DirNeg.z); temp += ","; temp += Hist[e]; temp += ","; /*sw.Write(Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString((UInt32)Octave, (Hist[e]))); * sw.WriteLine(Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString( * DirPos.x, DirPos.y, DirPos.z, * DirNeg.x, DirNeg.y, DirNeg.z));*/ } else { //Write Octave (int) & each energy value in the histogram (double)... //sw.WriteLine(Helper_Functions.ConvertToCSVString((UInt32)Octave, (Hist[e]))); { temp += Hist[e]; temp += ","; } } } } sw.WriteLine(temp); } sw.WriteLine("End_Receiver_Hits"); } } sw.WriteLine("End_of_File"); sw.Close(); }