private static async Task <bool> executeSNS(string[] args, Credentials credentials) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new SNSHelper(); switch (args[1]) { case "send": { return(true); } case "help": { HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Simple Notificaiton Service", ("send", "Accepts params: topic, data")); return(true); } default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown SNS command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task executeCURL(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]) { case "curl-get": await TestHelper.AwaitSuccessCurlGET( uri : nArgs["uri"], timeout : nArgs["timeout"].ToInt32(), intensity : nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "intensity").Value.ToIntOrDefault(1000)); ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Asmodat Tests", ("curl-get", "Accepts params: uri, timeout, intensity (default: 1000 [ms])")); break; default: throw new Exception($"Unknown test command: '{args[1]}'"); } }
private static async Task <bool> executeSM(string[] args, Credentials credentials) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new SMHelper(credentials); switch (args[1]) { case "get-secret": { var name = nArgs["name"]; var key = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("key", null); var output = nArgs["output"]?.ToFileInfo(); var force = nArgs["force"].ToBoolOrDefault(false); if (!(output?.Directory).TryCreate()) { throw new Exception($"Failed to create output directory '{output?.Directory?.FullName ?? "undefined"}'"); } if (output.Exists && !force) { throw new Exception($"Failed to create secret, output '{output.FullName}' already exists."); } var result = await helper.GetSecret(name : name, key : key); output.WriteAllText(result); WriteLine($"{result ?? "undefined"}"); return(true); } case "show-secret": { var name = nArgs["name"]; var key = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("key", null); var result = await helper.GetSecret(name : name, key : key); Console.Write($"{result ?? "undefined"}"); return(true); } case "help": { HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Secrets Manager", ("get-secret", "Accepts params: name, key (optional), output, silent, force"), ("show-secret", "Accepts params: name, key (optional)")); return(true); } default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown IAM command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeECS(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new ECSHelper(); switch (args[1]) { case "destroy-cluster": helper.DeleteClusterAsync(nArgs["name"]).Wait(); ; break; case "destroy-service": helper.DestroyService( nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "cluster").Value, //optional nArgs["service"]).Wait(); ; break; case "destroy-task-definitions": helper.DestroyTaskDefinitions(nArgs["family"]).Wait(); ; break; case "await-service-start": helper.WaitForServiceToStart( nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "cluster").Value, //optional nArgs["service"], nArgs["timeout"].ToInt32()).Wait(); ; break; case "describe-tasks": { var result = helper.DescribeTasksAsync(nArgs["cluster"], nArgs["tasks"].Split(',')).Result; Console.WriteLine(result.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon S3", ("destroy-cluster", "Accepts params: name"), ("destroy-service", "Accepts params: cluster, service"), ("destroy-task-definitions", "Accepts params: family"), ("await-service-start", "Accepts params: cluster, service, timeout"), ("describe-tasks", "Accepts params: tasks (array, comma separated guid's)")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown ECS command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task executeKMS(string[] args, Credentials credentials) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new KMSHelper(credentials); switch (args[1]) { case "list-grants": { var result = await helper.GetGrantsByKeyNameAsync( keyName : nArgs["key"], grantName : nArgs["name"]); Console.WriteLine($"{result.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)}"); } ; break; case "create-grant": { var grants = nArgs["grants"].Split(',').Where(x => !x.IsNullOrWhitespace()).ToEnum <KMSHelper.GrantType>(); var grant = grants.Aggregate((a, b) => a | b); var result = await helper.CreateRoleGrantByName( keyName : nArgs["key"], grantName : nArgs["name"], roleName : nArgs["role"], grant : grant); Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, grant '{nArgs["name"]}' of key '{nArgs["key"]}' for role '{nArgs["role"]}' was created with privileges: '{grants.Select(x => x.ToString()).JsonSerialize()}'."); } ; break; case "remove-grant": { var result = await helper.RemoveGrantsByName( keyName : nArgs["key"], grantName : nArgs["name"]); Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, {result?.Length ?? 0} grant/s with name '{nArgs["name"]}' of key '{nArgs["key"]}' were removed."); } ; break; case "help": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Identity and Access Management", ("list-grants", "Accepts params: key, name"), ("create-grant", "Accepts params: key, name, role, grants (',' separated: Encrypt, Decrypt)"), ("remove-grant", "Accepts params: key, name")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown IAM command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeECR(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new ECRHelper(); switch (args[1]) { case "list-images-by-tag": Console.WriteLine($"{(helper.GetImagesByTag(imageTag: nArgs["imageTag"], registryId: nArgs["registryId"], repositoryName: nArgs["repositoryName"]).Result.Select(x => x.ImageId).JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented))}"); ; break; case "list-tagged-images": Console.WriteLine($"{(helper.ListTaggedImages(registryId: nArgs["registryId"], repositoryName: nArgs["repositoryName"]).Result.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented))}"); ; break; case "list-untagged-images": Console.WriteLine($"{(helper.ListUntaggedImages(registryId: nArgs["registryId"], repositoryName: nArgs["repositoryName"]).Result.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented))}"); ; break; case "retag": helper.RetagImageAsync( imageTag: nArgs["imageTag"], imageTagNew: nArgs["imageTagNew"], registryId: nArgs["registryId"], repositoryName: nArgs["repositoryName"]).Wait(); ; break; case "delete": helper.BatchDeleteImagesByTag( imageTag: nArgs["imageTag"], registryId: nArgs["registryId"], repositoryName: nArgs["repositoryName"]).Wait(); ; break; case "help": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Elastic Container Registry", ("list-images-by-tag", "Accepts params: imageTag, imageTagNew, registryId, repositoryName"), ("list-tagged-images", "Accepts params: imageTagNew, registryId, repositoryName"), ("list-untagged-images", "Accepts params: imageTagNew, registryId, repositoryName"), ("retag", "Accepts params: imageTag, imageTagNew, registryId, repositoryName"), ("delete", "Accepts params: imageTag, registryId, repositoryName")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown ECS command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Print help for using this executable, including switch usage /// information and descriptions. /// </summary> static void PrintHelp() { HelpPrinter helpPrinter = new HelpPrinter(ExecutableName, Switches, GetHeader()); helpPrinter.Print(); }
/// <summary> /// Finally construct Engine instance when all items are ready /// </summary> /// <param name="console"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ICommandEngine ConstructForConsole(IConsole console) { if (console == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(console)); } if (this._options == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not construct engine without providing Options object."); } if (this._styles == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not construct engine without providing Styles object."); } var printHelper = new HelpPrinter(this._options, this._styles.HelpStyles, console); var commandManager = new CommandManager(this._commands.Distinct().ToArray()); var keywords = printHelper.GetCommandKeyWords(); // TODO: here eventually construct other subsystems with keywords, and then merge them. Also validate different keywords from different subsystems... ValidateKeywords(keywords, commandManager); // TODO: switches too? return(new CommandEngine(commandManager, this._options, this._styles, printHelper, console)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var parameters = new Parameters(new Randomizer(), args); if (parameters.ShowHelp) { var helpPrinter = new HelpPrinter(); helpPrinter.Print(); } else { var verbosePrinter = new VerbosePrinter(parameters.IsVerboseEnabled); var calculator = new Calculator(verbosePrinter, parameters.Target, parameters.Numbers); if (parameters.IsUsingRandomTarget) { Console.WriteLine("No target number specified. Will use random number."); Console.WriteLine($"The random target is {calculator.Target}"); Console.WriteLine(); } if (parameters.IsUsingRandomNumbers) { Console.WriteLine("No numbers specified. Will use random numbers between 1 and 20."); var numbers = string.Join(", ", calculator.InputNumbers.Select(o => o.Integer.ToString())); Console.WriteLine($"The numbers are {numbers}"); Console.WriteLine(); } var result = calculator.FindSolutions(); var printer = new SolutionPrinter(parameters.ShowAllResults, result); printer.Print(); } }
private static void executeCLI(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "command": { var file = nArgs["file"]; var argsuments = nArgs["args"]; var directory = nArgs["dir"]; var timeout = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("timeout").ToIntOrDefault(0); var output = CLIHelper.Command( fileName: file, args: argsuments, workingDirectory: directory, timeout: timeout); Console.WriteLine(output.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); Console.WriteLine($"Success, command was executed."); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Execute command", ("command", "Accepts params: file, args, dir, timeout)") ); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown CLI command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeGithub(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "on-change-process": { GithubOnChangeProcess( branch: nArgs["branch"], user: nArgs["user"], repository: nArgs["repository"], file: nArgs["file"], arguments: nArgs["arguments"], wait: nArgs["wait"].ToInt32(), intensity: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("intensity").ToIntOrDefault(60000), userAgent: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("user-agent", "Asmodat Deployment Toolkit"), accessToken: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("access_token")); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Github API Control", ("on-change-process", "Accepts params: branch, user, repository, file, arguments, wait, intensity")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown AES command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeConsole(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "prompt-read-line": { var prompts = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("prompts", "").Split(","); var output = new List <string>(); foreach (var prompt in prompts) { Console.Write(prompt); output.Add(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine(output.ToArray().JsonSerialize()); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Execute command", ("prompt-read-line", "Accepts params: input)") ); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown console command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeBitbucket(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "pull-approve": { var key = nArgs["key"]; var secret = nArgs["secret"]; var username = nArgs["username"]; var slug = nArgs["slug"]; var source = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("source", "develop"); var destination = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("destination", "master"); var state = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("state", "OPEN"); var bc = new BitbucketClient(key, secret); var pullRequest = bc.GetPullRequest(username, slug, source, destination, state).Result; if (pullRequest == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning, could not pull-approve because no pull request was found for source: {source}, destination: {destination}, state: {state} in {username}/{slug} repository."); } if (bc.PullRequestApprove(pullRequest).Result) { Console.WriteLine($"Success, Pull request {source} => {destination} in {username}/{slug} repository was approved."); } Console.WriteLine($"Failure, Pull request {source} => {destination} in {username}/{slug} repository was NOT approved."); } ; break; case "pull-unapprove": { var key = nArgs["key"]; var secret = nArgs["secret"]; var username = nArgs["username"]; var slug = nArgs["slug"]; var source = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("source", "develop"); var destination = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("destination", "master"); var state = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("state", "OPEN"); var bc = new BitbucketClient(key, secret); var pullRequest = bc.GetPullRequest(username, slug, source, destination, state).Result; if (pullRequest == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning, could not pull-unapprove because no pull request was found for source: {source}, destination: {destination}, state: {state} in {username}/{slug} repository."); } if (bc.PullRequestUnApprove(pullRequest).Result) { Console.WriteLine($"Success, Pull request {source} => {destination} in {username}/{slug} repository was unpproved."); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Failure, Pull request {source} => {destination} in {username}/{slug} repository was NOT unapproved."); } ; break; case "pull-comment": { var key = nArgs["key"]; var secret = nArgs["secret"]; var username = nArgs["username"]; var slug = nArgs["slug"]; var source = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("source", "develop"); var destination = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("destination", "master"); var state = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("state", "OPEN"); var content = nArgs["content"]; var bc = new BitbucketClient(key, secret); var pullRequest = bc.GetPullRequest(username, slug, source, destination, state).Result; if (pullRequest == null) { Console.WriteLine($"Warning, could not comment because no pull request was found for source: {source}, destination: {destination}, state: {state} in {username}/{slug} repository."); } bc.PullRequestComment(pullRequest, content).Await(); Console.WriteLine($"Success, Commented Pull request {source} => {destination} in {username}/{slug} repository with text: '{content}'."); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Bitbucket API Control", ("pull-approve", "Accepts params: key, secret, username, slug, source (default: develop), destination (default: master), state (default: OPEN)"), ("pull-unapprove", "Accepts params: key, secret, username, slug, source (default: develop), destination (default: master), state (default: OPEN)"), ("pull-comment", "Accepts params: key, secret, username, slug, source (default: develop), destination (default: master), state (default: OPEN), content")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown AES command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeRSA(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "create-pem-key": { var dir = nArgs["output"].ToDirectoryInfo(); var size = nArgs["size"].ToInt32(); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } var keys = RSA.GeneratePemKeyPair(size); Console.WriteLine($"Public Key:\n{keys.Public}"); var pubFile = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, $"{dir.Name}.pub.pem").ToFileInfo(); var prvFile = Path.Combine(dir.FullName, $"{dir.Name}.prv.pem").ToFileInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Saving RSA Public Key to: '{pubFile.FullName}'."); pubFile.WriteAllText(keys.Public); Console.WriteLine($"Saving RSA private Key to: '{prvFile.FullName}'."); prvFile.WriteAllText(keys.Private); } ; break; case "sign": { var key = nArgs["key"].ToFileInfo(); var input = nArgs["input"].ToFileInfo(); var output = nArgs["output"].ToFileInfo(); var algo = EnumEx.ToEnum <RSA.Algorithm>(nArgs["algorithm"]); Console.WriteLine($"Signing: '{input.FullName}' with Algorithm: '{algo.ToString()}'."); var sig = RSA.SignWithPemKey(input: input, pem: key, algorithm: algo); Console.WriteLine($"Signature:\n{sig.ToHexString()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Saving Signature to: '{output.FullName}'."); output.WriteAllBytes(sig); } ; break; case "verify": { var key = nArgs["key"].ToFileInfo(); var input = nArgs["input"].ToFileInfo(); var signature = nArgs["signature"].ToFileInfo(); var algo = EnumEx.ToEnum <RSA.Algorithm>(nArgs["algorithm"]); var @throw = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("throw").ToBoolOrDefault(true); Console.WriteLine($"Veryfying: '{input.FullName}' with Algorithm: '{algo.ToString()}' and Public Key: {key.FullName}."); var success = RSA.VerifyWithPemKey(input: input, signature: signature, pem: key, algorithm: algo); if (success) { Console.WriteLine("Veryfication Suceeded."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Veryfication Failed."); if (@throw) { throw new Exception($"Signature verification failed, input: '{input?.FullName}'"); } } } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", $"Rivest–Shamir–Adleman Algoritm, with following allowed algorithms: '{EnumEx.ToStringArray<RSA.Algorithm>().JsonSerialize()}'.", ("create-key", "Accepts params: output, size"), ("sign", "Accepts params: key, input, output, algorithm"), ("verify", "Accepts params: key, input, signature, algorithm, throw (optional, default: true)")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown RSA command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeDocker(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "gen": { var tmpOutp = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("output"); if (tmpOutp.IsNullOrWhitespace() || tmpOutp == "./" || tmpOutp == "\\" || tmpOutp == "/") { tmpOutp = Environment.CurrentDirectory; Console.WriteLine($"Output is set to be the current console directory: {tmpOutp}"); } var output = tmpOutp.ToDirectoryInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Directory output is set to: {output.FullName}"); var configInfo = nArgs["config"].ToFileInfo(); if (!configInfo.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Can't find config file: '{configInfo.FullName}'."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Config file set to: {configInfo.FullName}"); } var config = configInfo.ReadAllText().JsonDeserialize <DockergenConfig>(); config.workingDirectory = config.workingDirectory.CoalesceNullOrWhitespace($"/{Guid.NewGuid()}"); config.relativePath = config.relativePath.CoalesceNullOrWhitespace("/"); if (config.version != 1) { throw new Exception($"Incompatible config version, was: {config.version}, but expected 1"); } var imageName = nArgs["image-name"]; var force = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("force", "false").ToBoolOrDefault() || config.force; var exposedPort = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("exposed-port", "80").ToIntOrDefault(80); if (force) { output.Create(); } if (!output.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Directory not found: '{output.FullName}'."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Output directory: {output.FullName}"); } var nginxConfigInfo = PathEx.RuntimeCombine( output.FullName, config.relativePath, "nginx.conf").ToFileInfo(); if (force) { nginxConfigInfo.TryDelete(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Nginx config directory: {nginxConfigInfo.FullName}"); } var useEnginx = config.port != exposedPort && !nginxConfigInfo.Exists; if (useEnginx) { Console.WriteLine($"Generating nginx configuration in: '{nginxConfigInfo.FullName}'"); var nginxConfig = NginxConfigGenerator.GetSinglePortProxy( sourcePort: exposedPort, destinationPort: config.port); nginxConfigInfo.WriteAllText(nginxConfig); Console.WriteLine($"Nginx Config: \n'{nginxConfig}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Nginx configuration will not be set because defined application port ({config.port}) is the same as exposed port ({exposedPort}) and request proxy is not needed or nginx config is already defined ({nginxConfigInfo.Exists})."); } var dockerComposeInfo = PathEx.RuntimeCombine( output.FullName, config.relativePath, "").ToFileInfo(); if (force) { dockerComposeInfo.TryDelete(); } if (!dockerComposeInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Generating docker compose file in: '{dockerComposeInfo.FullName}'"); var dockerCompose = DockerfileConfigGenerator.GetDockerCompose( imageName: imageName, port: exposedPort, exposedPorts: config.exposedPorts, portsMap: config.portsMap); dockerComposeInfo.WriteAllText(dockerCompose); Console.WriteLine($"Docker Compose: \n'{dockerCompose}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Docker Compose file was not creaed because it already existed."); } var envFileInfo = PathEx.RuntimeCombine( output.FullName, config.relativePath, ".env").ToFileInfo(); if (force) { envFileInfo.TryDelete(); } if (!envFileInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Generating Env file: '{envFileInfo.FullName}'"); if (!envFileInfo.Exists) { envFileInfo.Create().Close(); } if (!config.env.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var text = envFileInfo.ReadAllText() + "\r\n"; foreach (var line in config.env) { text += line.Trim() + "\r\n"; } text = text.Trim("\r\n"); envFileInfo.WriteAllText(text, System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel.NoCompression, mode: FileMode.Create); } Console.WriteLine($"Env file: \n'{envFileInfo.ReadAllText()}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Env file was not creaed because it already existed."); } var dockerfileInfo = PathEx.RuntimeCombine( output.FullName, config.relativePath, "Dockerfile").ToFileInfo(); if (force) { dockerfileInfo.TryDelete(); } if (!dockerfileInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Generating dockerfile in: '{dockerfileInfo.FullName}'"); var dockerfile = DockerfileConfigGenerator.GetDockerfile( baseImage: config.baseImage, port: config.port, exposedPorts: config.exposedPorts, workingDirectory: config.workingDirectory, buildpackId: config.buildpackId, customBuildCommand: config.customBuildCommand, customStartCommand: config.customStartCommand, enginx: useEnginx, env: config.env); dockerfileInfo.WriteAllText(dockerfile); Console.WriteLine($"Dockerfile: \n'{dockerfile}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Docker Compose file was not creaed because it already existed."); } Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS, dockergen finished running."); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Docker Helper", ("gen", "Accepts params: config, output, image-name, force (optional/false), exposed-port (optional/80)")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown docker command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeCopy(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "local": { var config = nArgs["config"].ToFileInfo(); Console.WriteLine($"Local Copy Execution according to '{config.FullName}'."); var configs = config.DeserialiseJson <CopyConfig[]>(); foreach (var cfg in configs) { string src, dst; if (!RuntimeEx.IsWindows()) { Console.WriteLine($"Detected OS is NOT Windows, paths containing '\\' and ':' will be replaced with '/'"); src = cfg.Source.ToLinuxPath(); dst = cfg.Destination.ToLinuxPath(); } else { src = cfg.Source; dst = cfg.Destination; } if (src.IsFile()) { Console.WriteLine($"Detected, that Source is a FILE"); var srcInfo = src.ToFileInfo(); var dstInfo = dst.ToFileInfo(); if (!srcInfo.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Source file: '{srcInfo.FullName}' does not exit."); } if (!dstInfo.Directory.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Destination directory '{dstInfo.Directory.FullName}' does not exist, creating..."); dstInfo.Directory.Create(); } Console.WriteLine($"Copying Files '{srcInfo.FullName}' => '{dstInfo.FullName}' (Override: {cfg.Override})."); srcInfo.Copy(dstInfo, cfg.Override); } else if (src.IsDirectory()) { Console.WriteLine($"Detected, that Source is a DIRECTORY"); var srcInfo = src.ToDirectoryInfo(); var dstInfo = dst.ToDirectoryInfo(); if (!srcInfo.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Source directory: '{srcInfo.FullName}' does not exit."); } if (!dstInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Destination directory '{dstInfo.FullName}' does not exist, creating..."); dstInfo.Create(); } if (!dst.IsDirectory()) { throw new Exception("If source is a directory then destination also must be a directory."); } Console.WriteLine($"Recursive Copy: '{cfg.Recursive}'"); foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(srcInfo.FullName, "*.*", cfg.Recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { Console.WriteLine($"Copying Files '{srcInfo.FullName}' => '{dstInfo.FullName}' (Override: {cfg.Override})."); File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(srcInfo.FullName, dstInfo.FullName), cfg.Override); } } else { throw new Exception($"Source '{src}' is neither a file or a directory."); } } } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Copy", ("local", "Accepts params: config, override")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown Copy command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeSSH(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "execute-shell": { string host; var ec2InstanceName = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("ec2-instance-name"); if (!ec2InstanceName.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var ec2Helper = new EC2Helper(); var instance = ec2Helper.ListInstancesByName(name: ec2InstanceName).Result .SingleOrDefault(x => (x.State.Name != Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName.Terminated) && (x.State.Name != Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName.ShuttingDown)); host = instance.PublicIpAddress; } else { host = nArgs["host"]; } var user = nArgs["user"]; var key = nArgs["key"].ToFileInfo(); var commands = nArgs.ContainsKey("cmd[]") ? nArgs["cmd[]"].JsonDeserialize <string[]>() : new string[] { nArgs["cmd"] }; var ssh = new SSHManaged(host, user, key); if (commands.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Command/s parameter/s 'cmd'/'cmd-<nr.>' was/were not specified, coudn't execute."); } var maxConnectionRetry = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("max-reconnections").ToIntOrDefault(24); var maxConnectionRetryDelay = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("max-reconnection-delay").ToIntOrDefault(2500); Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to '{host}'... (Max Retries: {maxConnectionRetry}, Max Retry Delay: {maxConnectionRetryDelay})"); ssh.Connect(maxConnectionRetry: maxConnectionRetry, maxConnectionRetryDelay: maxConnectionRetryDelay); var checkDelay = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("check-delay").ToIntOrDefault(500); Console.WriteLine($"Sucessfully connected, executing {commands.Length} command/s..."); var results = ssh.ExecuteShellCommands(commands, commandTimeout_ms: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("command-timeout").ToIntOrDefault(60 * 1000), outputStream: Console.OpenStandardOutput(), checkDelay: checkDelay); Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS"); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Secure Shell", ("execute-shell", "Accepts params: host, user, key, cmd")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown AES command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task executeEmail(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "send": { var to = nArgs["to"]; var body = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("body", @default: ""); var subject = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("subject", @default: ""); var attachments = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("attachments")?.Split(","); var secret = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("aws-secret"); var envSecret = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("env-secret", @default: "SMTP_SECRET"); var html = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("html").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var recursive = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("recursive").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var throwIfAttachementNotFound = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("throwIfAttachementNotFound").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var throwIfAttachementTooBig = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("throwIfAttachementTooBig").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var attachementMaxSize = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("throwIfAttachementTooBig").ToIntOrDefault(25 * 1024 * 1024); SmtpMailSetup smtpSecret = null; if (secret.IsNullOrEmpty()) { secret = envSecret.ContainsAll("{", "}", "host", "port") ? envSecret : Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envSecret); if (!secret.IsNullOrEmpty()) { smtpSecret = secret.JsonDeserialize <SmtpMailSetup>(); } } else { var sm = new SMHelper(); var sgs = await sm.GetSecret(name : secret); smtpSecret = sgs.JsonDeserialize <SmtpMailSetup>(); } if (smtpSecret == null) { throw new Exception("SMTP secret (aws-secret or env-secret) was NOT specified"); } var from = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("from", @default: null) ?? smtpSecret.login; if (!from.IsValidEmailAddress()) { throw new Exception($"From property ({from ?? "null"}) is not a valid email addess"); } var smtpm = new SmtpMail(smtpSecret); if (!body.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var file = PathEx.ToRuntimePath(body); if (File.Exists(file)) { var fileBody = File.ReadAllText(file); if (!fileBody.IsNullOrEmpty()) { body = fileBody; } } } await smtpm.Send( from, to, body, subject, isBodyHTML : html, attachments : attachments, recursive : recursive, throwIfAttachementNotFound : throwIfAttachementNotFound, throwIfAttachementTooBig : throwIfAttachementTooBig, attachementMaxSize : attachementMaxSize); WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Email was send to {to ?? "undefined"}. "); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Emailing", ("sent", "Accepts params: aws-secret, from, to, subject, body, html (default: false), recursive (default: false), throwIfAttachementNotFound (default: false), throwIfAttachementTooBig (default: false), attachementMaxSize (default: 26214400)")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown Email command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void ExecuteBatchMode(CommandLineArgs args, BenchmarkRunner runner) { try { if (args.ShowHelp) { HelpPrinter.Print(); return; } // Load assemblies foreach (string assemblyFile in args.Assemblies) { runner.Benchmarks.AddSuitesFromAssembly(assemblyFile); } // Load configuration if (args.ConfigurationFile != null) { runner.Parameters.LoadFromFile(args.ConfigurationFile); } // Set parameters if (args.Parameters.Count > 0) { runner.Parameters.Set(args.Parameters); } if (args.ShowBenchmarks) { PrintBenchmarks(runner); return; } if (args.ShowParameters) { PrintParameters(runner); return; } // Benchmark the environment if (args.BenchmarkEnvironment) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Benchmarking Environment (wait up to 2 mins)..."); runner.Environment.Measure(true, true, true); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("CPU: {0}, Video: {1}, Disk: {2}", runner.Environment.CpuMeasurement.ToString("0.##"), runner.Environment.VideoMeasurement.ToString("0.##"), runner.Environment.DiskMeasurement.ToString("0.##") ); } // Configure benchmarking runner.Configuration.ForceContinue = true;//args.IsForceContinue; runner.Configuration.MeasurementType = args.MeasurementType; runner.Configuration.NominalRate = args.NominalRate; runner.Configuration.ExecutionType = args.ExecutionType; runner.Configuration.NumberOfThreads = 1; runner.Configuration.Duration = 600000; // Enable benchmarks if (args.Benchmarks.Count == 0) { runner.Benchmarks.SelectAll(); } else { foreach (var benchmark in args.Benchmarks) { runner.Benchmarks.SelectByName(new string[] { benchmark }); } } // Perform benchmarking runner.Start(); if (runner.Configuration.ExecutionType == ExecutionType.Proportional) { Thread.Sleep(runner.Configuration.Duration); runner.Stop(); } if (runner.Results.All.Count > 0) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Average Perfomance: {0}", runner.Results.All[0].PerformanceMeasurement.AverageValue); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Average Memory Usage: {0}", runner.Results.All[0].MemoryUsageMeasurement.AverageValue); } // Generate report if (args.ReportFile != null) { using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(args.ReportFile)) { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) writer.Write(runner.Report.Generate()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
private static void executeText(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "vereq": // this function allows to check if software versions are equal { var old = nArgs["old"].RemoveNonDigits(exceptions: new char[] { '.' }); var @new = nArgs["new"].RemoveNonDigits(exceptions: new char[] { '.' }); int[] Split(string s) { var values = new List <int>(); var splits = s.Split('.'); bool firstDigitFound = false; foreach (var split in splits) { var i = split.ToIntOrDefault(-1); if (firstDigitFound && i <= 0) { continue; } if (!firstDigitFound && i > 0) { firstDigitFound = true; } values.Add(i); } return(values.ToArray()); } var ovar = Split(old); var nvar = Split(@new); WriteLine($"INFO: Comparing 'v{ovar.StringJoin(".")}' and 'v{nvar.StringJoin(".")}' ..."); if (ovar.Length <= 0 && ovar.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception($"Both '{old}' and '{@new}' are NOT valid versions"); } for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(ovar.Length, nvar.Length); i++) { var o = ovar.Length > i ? ovar[i] : 0; var n = nvar.Length > i ? nvar[i] : 0; if (o == n) { continue; } Console.WriteLine(o > n ? "1" : "-1"); return; } Console.WriteLine("0"); } ; break; case "lineswap": { var insert = nArgs["insert"]; var appendIfFoundNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("append-if-found-not").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var prependIfFoundNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("prepend-if-found-not").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var dryRun = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("dry-run").ToBoolOrDefault(false); var prefix = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("prefix", ""); var suffix = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("suffix", ""); var regex = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("regex", ""); var contains = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("contains", ""); // mach only after given regex sequence is found var after = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("after-regex", ""); // mach only before given regex sequence is found var before = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("before-regex", ""); var prefixNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("prefix-not", ""); var suffixNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("suffix-not", ""); var regexNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("regex-not", ""); var containsNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("contains-not", ""); var andPrefix = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-prefix", ""); var andSuffix = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-suffix", ""); var andRegex = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-regex", ""); var andContains = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-contains", ""); var andPrefixNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-prefix-not", ""); var andSuffixNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-suffix-not", ""); var andRegexNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-regex-not", ""); var andContainsNot = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("and-contains-not", ""); var path = nArgs["path"]; var files = FileHelper.GetFiles(path, pattern: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("path-pattern") ?? "*", recursive: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("path-recursive").ToBoolOrDefault(false), split: ','); var rx = regex.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : new Regex(regex); var rxNot = regexNot.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : new Regex(regexNot); var rxAnd = andRegex.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : new Regex(andRegex); var rxAndNot = andRegexNot.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : new Regex(andRegexNot); var rxAfter = after.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : new Regex(after); var rxBefore = before.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : new Regex(before); if (!after.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AFTER regex: '{after}'"); } if (!before.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching BEFORE regex: '{before}'"); } if (!regex.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR regex: '{regex}'"); } if (!prefix.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR prefix: '{prefix}'"); } if (!suffix.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR suffix: '{suffix}'"); } if (!contains.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR contains: '{contains}'"); } if (!regexNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR NOT regex: '{regexNot}'"); } if (!prefixNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR NOT prefix: '{prefixNot}'"); } if (!suffixNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR NOT suffix: '{suffixNot}'"); } if (!containsNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching OR NOT contains: '{containsNot}'"); } if (!andPrefix.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND prefix: '{andPrefix}'"); } if (!andSuffix.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND suffix: '{andSuffix}'"); } if (!andRegex.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND regex: '{andRegex}'"); } if (!andContains.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND contains: '{andContains}'"); } if (!andPrefixNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND NOT prefix: '{andPrefixNot}'"); } if (!andSuffixNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND NOT suffix: '{andSuffixNot}'"); } if (!andRegexNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND NOT regex: '{andRegexNot}'"); } if (!andContainsNot.IsNullOrEmpty()) { WriteLine($"Matching AND NOT conatins: '{andContainsNot}'"); } if (appendIfFoundNot) { WriteLine($"Appending if NOT matching"); } if (prependIfFoundNot) { WriteLine($"Prepending if NOT matching"); } WriteLine($"Swapping matched lines with: '{insert}'"); int count = 0; files.ParallelForEach(file => { if (!file.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Input file does not exists '{file.FullName}'"); } WriteLine($"Reading Text File '{file.FullName}' ..."); var lines = new List <string>(); int cntr = 0; int nr = 0; using (var s = new StreamReader(file.FullName)) { string line; bool match; bool afterMatch = false; bool beforeMatch = false; while ((line = s.ReadLine()) != null) { ++nr; if (!afterMatch && !after.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (rxAfter.Match(line).Success) { afterMatch = true; // after match found } lines.Add(line); continue; } if (!beforeMatch && !before.IsNullOrEmpty() && rxBefore.Match(line).Success) { beforeMatch = true; // before match found } if (beforeMatch) { // do not match, nothing left to process as before regex was hit lines.Add(line); continue; } match = !prefix.IsNullOrEmpty() && line.StartsWith(prefix); match = match || (!suffix.IsNullOrEmpty() && line.EndsWith(suffix)); match = match || (!regex.IsNullOrEmpty() && rx.Match(line).Success); match = match || (!contains.IsNullOrEmpty() && line.Contains(contains)); match = match || (!prefixNot.IsNullOrEmpty() && !line.StartsWith(prefixNot)); match = match || (!suffixNot.IsNullOrEmpty() && !line.EndsWith(suffixNot)); match = match || (!regexNot.IsNullOrEmpty() && !rxNot.Match(line).Success); match = match || (!containsNot.IsNullOrEmpty() && !line.Contains(containsNot)); if (match) { match = match && !andPrefix.IsNullOrEmpty() ? line.StartsWith(andPrefix) : match; match = match && !andSuffix.IsNullOrEmpty() ? line.EndsWith(andSuffix) : match; match = match && !andRegex.IsNullOrEmpty() ? rxAnd.Match(line).Success : match; match = match && !andContains.IsNullOrEmpty() ? line.Contains(andContains) : match; match = match && !andPrefixNot.IsNullOrEmpty() ? !line.StartsWith(andPrefixNot) : match; match = match && !andSuffixNot.IsNullOrEmpty() ? !line.EndsWith(andSuffixNot) : match; match = match && !andRegexNot.IsNullOrEmpty() ? !rxAndNot.Match(line).Success : match; match = match && !andContainsNot.IsNullOrEmpty() ? !line.Contains(andContainsNot) : match; } if (match) { ++cntr; WriteLine($"Match {cntr} found for line {nr}: '{line}' in '{file.FullName}'"); lines.Add(insert); } else { lines.Add(line); } } s.Close(); } appendIfFoundNot = cntr <= 0 && appendIfFoundNot; prependIfFoundNot = cntr <= 0 && prependIfFoundNot; if (cntr > 0 || appendIfFoundNot || prependIfFoundNot) { WriteLine($"Writing changes to '{file.FullName}' ..."); if (!_dryRun) // used for command testing { using (var s = new StreamWriter(file.FullName, false)) { if (prependIfFoundNot) { s.WriteLine(insert); } foreach (var line in lines) { s.WriteLine(line); } if (appendIfFoundNot) { s.WriteLine(insert); } s.Close(); } } Interlocked.Increment(ref count); } }); if (count > 0) { WriteLine($"SUCCESS: Replaced or Added text in {count} file/s. "); } else { WriteLine($"WAFNING: No lines were matched in any of the files specified by path {path}"); } } ; break; case "replace": { var @new = nArgs["new"]; var old = nArgs["old"]; var files = FileHelper.GetFiles(nArgs["input"], pattern: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("pattern") ?? "*", recursive: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("recursive").ToBoolOrDefault(false)); int count = 0; files.ParallelForEach(file => { if (!file.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Input file does not exists '{file.FullName}'"); } WriteLine($"Reading Text File '{file.FullName}' ..."); var text = file.ReadAllText(); if (text?.Contains(old) == true) { WriteLine($"Replacing text '{old}' with '{@new}' in file '{file.FullName}' ..."); text = text.Replace(old, @new); file.WriteAllText(text); Interlocked.Increment(ref count); WriteLine($"Success, Replaced text in file '{file.FullName}' [{file?.Length ?? 0}]"); } else { WriteLine($"File '{file.FullName}' does NOT contain text '{old}', skipping replacement."); } }); WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Replaced text in {count} files. "); } ; break; case "dos2unix": { var files = FileHelper.GetFiles(nArgs["input"], pattern: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("pattern") ?? "*", recursive: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("recursive").ToBoolOrDefault(false)); files.ParallelForEach(file => { WriteLine($"Converting '{file?.FullName}' [{file?.Length ?? 0}] from dos to unix format..."); file.ConvertDosToUnix(); file.Refresh(); WriteLine($"Success, Converted '{file?.FullName}' [{file?.Length ?? 0}]"); }); WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Converted {files?.Length ?? 0} files to unix format. "); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "String Manipulation", ("lineswap", "Accepts: insert, path, (and-)prefix(-not), (and-)suffix(-not), (and-)regex(-not), (after-/before-)regex, (and-)contains(-not), (append-/prepend-)if-found-not (optiona: False)"), ("replace", "Accepts: old, new, input"), ("dos2unix", "Accepts: input"), ("vereq", "Accepts: old, new | Returns: 0 if equal, -1 if old is smaller, 1 if old is greater")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown String command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeAES(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "create-key": { var path = nArgs["path"].ToFileInfo(); if (path.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Can't create key file: '{path.FullName}' because it already exists."); } path.WriteAllText(AES.CreateAesSecret().JsonSerialize()); } ; break; case "encrypt": { var key = FileHelper.DeserialiseJson <AesSecret>(nArgs["key"]); var path = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("path"); var @override = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("override").ToBoolOrDefault(); void Encrypt(FileInfo src, FileInfo dst) { if (!dst.Directory.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Creating directory '{dst.Directory.FullName}' for secret located at '{src.FullName}'."); dst.Directory.Create(); } else if (dst.Exists) { if (@override) { dst.Delete(); } else { throw new Exception($"Could NOT encrypt file '{src.FullName}', because destination '{dst.FullName}' already exists and override flag is not set."); } } Console.WriteLine($"Encrypting '{src.FullName}' => '{dst.FullName}'."); src.EncryptAsync(key, dst).Await(); } if (path != null) { var src = path.ToFileInfo(); var output = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("output"); var dst = (output.IsNullOrEmpty() ? (path + ".aes") : Path.Combine(output.ToDirectoryInfo().FullName, src.FullName + ".aes")).ToFileInfo(); Encrypt(src, dst); } else { var config = nArgs["config"].ToFileInfo(); var configs = config.DeserialiseJson <SecretConfig[]>(); foreach (var cfg in configs) { var src = cfg.Source.ToFileInfo(); var dst = cfg.Destination.ToFileInfo(); Encrypt(src, dst); } } Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS"); } ; break; case "decrypt": { var key = FileHelper.DeserialiseJson <AesSecret>(nArgs["key"]); var path = nArgs["path"]; var files = FileHelper.GetFiles(path, pattern: "*.aes", recursive: true); if (files.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine($"No '.aes' files were found for path: '{path}'"); } foreach (var f in files) { var newFile = Path.Combine(f.Directory.FullName, f.NameWithoutExtension()).ToFileInfo(); if (newFile.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"Decrypted file '{newFile}' was already present, removing."); newFile.Delete(); } Console.WriteLine($"Decrypting '{f.FullName}' => '{newFile.FullName}'"); f.DecryptAsync(key, newFile).Await(); } } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "AES Encryption", ("create-key", "Accepts params: path"), ("encrypt", "Accepts params: key, config, path, override"), ("decrypt", "Accepts params: key, path")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown AES command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task Execute(string[] args) { switch (args[0]?.ToLower().TrimStart("-")) { case "ssh": executeSSH(args); break; case "curl": executeCURL(args); break; case "hash": executeHash(args); break; case "aes": executeAES(args); break; case "rsa": executeRSA(args); break; case "bitbucket": executeBitbucket(args); break; case "github": executeGithub(args); break; case "email": await executeEmail(args); break; case "scheduler": await executeScheduler(args); break; case "console": executeConsole(args); break; case "copy": executeCopy(args); break; case "cli": executeCLI(args); break; case "text": executeText(args); break; case "time": executeTime(args); break; case "docker": executeDocker(args); break; case "version": case "ver": case "v": Console.WriteLine($"v{_version}"); break; case "help": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "CDHelper List of available commands", ("ssh", "Accepts params: command"), ("cli", "Accepts params: command"), ("console", "Accepts params: prompt-read-line"), ("copy", "Accepts params: local"), ("curl", "Accepts params: GET, GET-FILE"), ("docker", "Accepts params: gen"), ("email", "Accepts params: send"), ("github", "Accepts params: on-change-process"), ("hash", "Accepts params: SHA256"), ("scheduler", "Accepts params: github"), ("text", "Accepts params: lineswap, replace, dos2unix"), ("time", "Accepts params: add, unix2timestamp"), ("AES", "Accepts params: create-key, encrypt, decrypt"), ("RSA", "Accepts params: create-key, sign, verify"), ("bitbucket", "Accepts params: pull-approve, pull-unapprove, pull-comment"), ("[flags]", "Allowed Syntax: key=value, --key=value, -key='v1 v2 v3', -k, --key"), ("--execution-mode=silent-errors", "[All commands] Don't throw errors, only displays exception message."), ("--execution-mode=debug", "[All commands] Throw instantly without reporting a failure."), ("--silent=<bool>", "[All commands] quiets console output"), ("--dry-run=<bool>", "[All commands] comand testing")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine("Try 'help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown command: '{args[0]}'."); } } }
private static void executeTime(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "now": { Console.WriteLine(DateTimeEx.UnixTimestampNow()); } ; break; case "add": { var time = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("unix").ToLongOrDefault(0); var unit = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("unit", "s").Trim(); var value = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("value").ToDoubleOrDefault(0); if (time <= 0) { time = DateTimeEx.UnixTimestampNow(); } var dt = time.ToDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp(); var unitLow = unit.ToLower(); if (unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("f", "ms", "milisecond", "milisec", "milisecs", "miliseconds")) { dt = dt.AddMilliseconds(value); } else if (unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("s", "second", "sec", "secs", "seconds")) { dt = dt.AddSeconds(value); } else if (unit == "m" || unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("min", "minut", "minute", "minutes")) { dt = dt.AddMinutes(value); } else if (unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("h", "hour", "hours")) { dt = dt.AddHours(value); } else if (unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("d", "day", "days")) { dt = dt.AddDays(value); } else if (unit == "M" || unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("month", "months")) { dt = dt.AddMonths((int)value); } else if (unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("y", "year", "years", "annum", "annums")) { dt = dt.AddYears((int)value); } else if (unitLow.EquailsAny <string>("tick", "ticks")) { dt = dt.AddTicks((long)value); } else { throw new Exception($"Unknown unit '{unit ?? "undefined"}'"); } Console.WriteLine(dt.ToUnixTimestamp()); } ; break; case "unix2timestamp": { var time = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("unix").ToLongOrDefault(0); Console.WriteLine(time.ToDateTimeFromUnixTimestamp().ToTimestamp()); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Date Time Manipulation", ("now", "No Params, returns unix UTC timestamp"), ("add", "Accepts params: unix, value, unit (f,s,m,h,d,w,M,y)"), ("unix2timestamp", "Accepts params: unix")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown String command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeCURL(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "get": { var uri = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "uri").Value.CoalesceNullOrWhitespace(args[2]); var intensity = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "intensity").Value.ToIntOrDefault(1000); var requestTimeout = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "request-timeout").Value.ToIntOrDefault(5 * 1000); var timeout = Math.Max( requestTimeout, nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "timeout").Value.ToIntOrDefault(15 * 1000)); var showResponse = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("show-response", "false").ToBoolOrDefault(); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine($"Executing Curl GET command... timeout will occur if execution takes longer then {timeout} [ms]"); var response = CurlHelper.AwaitSuccessCurlGET( uri: uri, timeout: timeout, intensity: intensity, requestTimeout: requestTimeout).Result; Console.WriteLine($"Curl GET commend executed sucessfully, elapsed {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} [ms]"); if (showResponse) { Console.WriteLine("Response: " + (response?.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented) ?? "null")); } } ; break; case "get-file": { var uri = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "uri").Value.CoalesceNullOrWhitespace(args[2]); var intensity = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "intensity").Value.ToIntOrDefault(1000); var requestTimeout = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "request-timeout").Value.ToIntOrDefault(5 * 1000); var output = nArgs["output"].ToFileInfo(); var @override = nArgs["override"].ToBool(); var basicAuth = nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "basic-auth").Value; if (!output.Directory.Exists) { throw new Exception($"Output directory was NOT found: {output.Directory}"); } if (!@override && output.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"File will not be downloaded because it already exists at: {output.FullName}"); return; } var timeout = Math.Max( requestTimeout, nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "timeout").Value.ToIntOrDefault(15 * 1000)); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); List <(string, string)> headers = new List <(string, string)>(); BasicAuthSecret basicAuthSecret = null; if (!basicAuth.IsNullOrEmpty() && File.Exists(basicAuth) && basicAuth.ToFileInfo().Extension == ".json") { Console.WriteLine($"Basic Auth file was found at: {basicAuth}"); var secret = FileHelper.ReadAllAsString(basicAuth.ToFileInfo().FullName); basicAuthSecret = secret.JsonDeserialize <BasicAuthSecret>(); if (basicAuthSecret.login == null || basicAuthSecret.password == null) { throw new Exception("Login or password was not defined within BasicAuthSecret json config file."); } headers.Add(("Authorization", $"Bearer {($"{basicAuthSecret.login}:{basicAuthSecret.password}").Base64Encode()}")); } else if (!basicAuth.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new NotSupportedException("Basic Auth Config file was not found, and no other authorization methods are supported."); } Console.WriteLine($"Executing Curl GET command... timeout will occur if execution takes longer then {timeout} [ms]"); var response = CurlHelper.AwaitSuccessCurlGET( uri: uri, timeout: timeout, intensity: intensity, requestTimeout: requestTimeout, headers: headers.ToArray()).Result; var fileContent = response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result; Console.WriteLine($"Curl GET commend executed sucessfully, elapsed {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} [ms], read: {fileContent.Length} bytes, writing result to: '{output.FullName}'."); if (!output.Exists) { var stream = output.Create(); stream.Write(fileContent, 0, fileContent.Length); stream.Close(); } else { output.WriteAllBytes(fileContent); } Console.WriteLine($"Success, fileContent was saved."); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Curl Like Web Requests", ("GET", "Accepts params: uri, timeout (optional [ms], 15s default), intensity (default 1000 [ms]), request-timeout (optional [ms], 5s default)"), ("GET-FILE", "Accepts params: uri, timeout (15s), intensity (1s), request-timeout (5s), output, override, basic-auth (.json file with login & password props)") ); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown ECS command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeFargate(string[] args, Credentials credentials) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var elb = new ELBHelper(); var r53 = new Route53Helper(); var ecs = new ECSHelper(); var cw = new CloudWatchHelper(); var kms = new KMSHelper(credentials); var iam = new IAMHelper(credentials); var acm = new ACMHelper(); switch (args[1]) { case "create-resources": { bool catchDisable = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("catch-disable", "false").ToBool(); int resourceCreateTimeout = nArgs["resource-create-timeout"].ToInt32(); var resource = new FargateResourceV2(nArgs); string prefix_new = "a-"; string prefix_old = "b-"; bool setRoutes = true; Console.WriteLine("Determining Temporary Resource Naming Conventions..."); var record = r53.GetCNameRecordSet(resource.IsPublic ? resource.ZonePublic : resource.ZonePrivate, resource.DNSCName, failover: "PRIMARY", throwIfNotFound: false).Result; if (record?.ResourceRecords.IsNullOrEmpty() == false) { var a_alb = elb.GetLoadBalancersByName(loadBalancerName: $"a-{resource.LoadBalancerName}", throwIfNotFound: false).Result.SingleOrDefault(); var b_alb = elb.GetLoadBalancersByName(loadBalancerName: $"b-{resource.LoadBalancerName}", throwIfNotFound: false).Result.SingleOrDefault(); if (a_alb != null && record.ResourceRecords.Any(r => r.Value == a_alb.DNSName)) { prefix_new = "b-"; prefix_old = "a-"; setRoutes = false; } else if (b_alb != null && record.ResourceRecords.Any(r => r.Value == b_alb.DNSName)) { prefix_new = "a-"; prefix_old = "b-"; setRoutes = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("WARNING!!! Record was present, but could NOT find any associated loadbalancers."); } } var resourceNew = resource.DeepCopy(); resourceNew.SetName($"{prefix_new}{resource.Name}"); resourceNew.SetDNSCName($"{prefix_new}{resource.DNSCName}"); var resourceOld = resource.DeepCopy(); resourceOld.SetName($"{prefix_old}{resource.Name}"); resourceOld.SetDNSCName($"{prefix_old}{resource.DNSCName}"); Console.WriteLine("Destroying Temporary Resources..."); FargateResourceHelperV2.Destroy(resourceNew, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, throwOnFailure: true, catchDisable: catchDisable).Await(); try { Console.WriteLine("Creating New Resources..."); FargateResourceHelperV2.Create(resourceNew, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, acm); Console.WriteLine($"Awaiting up to {resourceCreateTimeout} [s] for Tasks Desired Status..."); ecs.WaitForServiceToStart(resourceNew.ClusterName, resourceNew.ServiceName, resourceCreateTimeout).Await(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed New Resource Deployment with exception: {ex.JsonSerializeAsPrettyException(Formatting.Indented)}"); Console.WriteLine("Destroying New Resources..."); FargateResourceHelperV2.Destroy(resourceNew, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, throwOnFailure: true, catchDisable: catchDisable).Await(); throw new Exception("New Resource Deployment Failure", ex); } if (setRoutes || record?.HealthCheckId == null || record.HealthCheckId != r53.GetHealthCheckAsync(resource.HealthCheckName, throwIfNotFound: false).Result?.Id) { Console.WriteLine("DNS Route Initialization..."); FargateResourceHelperV2.SetRoutes(resource, resourceNew, elb, r53, cw); } else { Console.WriteLine("DNS Route Swap..."); FargateResourceHelperV2.SwapRoutes(resource, resourceNew, elb, r53, cw); } Console.WriteLine("Destroying Old Resources..."); FargateResourceHelperV2.Destroy(resourceOld, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, throwOnFailure: true, catchDisable: catchDisable).Await(); } ; break; case "destroy-resources": { bool catchDisable = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("catch-disable", "false").ToBool(); var resource = new FargateResourceV2(nArgs); var resourceA = resource.DeepCopy(); resourceA.SetName($"a-{resource.Name}"); resourceA.SetDNSCName($"a-{resource.DNSCName}"); var resourceB = resource.DeepCopy(); resourceB.SetName($"b-{resource.Name}"); resourceB.SetDNSCName($"b-{resource.DNSCName}"); var t0 = FargateResourceHelperV2.Destroy(resource, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, throwOnFailure: true, catchDisable: catchDisable); var t1 = FargateResourceHelperV2.Destroy(resourceA, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, throwOnFailure: true, catchDisable: catchDisable); var t2 = FargateResourceHelperV2.Destroy(resourceB, elb, r53, ecs, cw, kms, iam, throwOnFailure: true, catchDisable: catchDisable); var result = Task.WhenAll(t0, t1, t2).Result; Console.WriteLine($"Destroying Health Check'{resource.ELBHealthyMetricAlarmName}'..."); r53.DeleteHealthCheckByNameAsync(resource.HealthCheckName, throwIfNotFound: false) .CatchExceptionAsync(catchDisable: catchDisable).Result.PrintResult(); } break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Fargate", ("create-service", "Accepts params:")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown Fargate command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task <bool> executeScheduler(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); switch (args[1]?.ToLower()) { case "github": { if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("test_connection").ToBoolOrDefault(false)) { Console.WriteLine($"Your Internet Connection is {(SilyWebClientEx.CheckInternetAccess(timeout: 5000) ? "" : "NOT")} available."); } var userWhitelist = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("users")?.Split(','); var repositoriesWhitelist = nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("repositories")?.Split(','); Console.WriteLine($"Fetching scheduler info."); var workingDirectory = (await GetVariableByKey("working_directory", nArgs: nArgs)).ToDirectoryInfo(); var githubSchedule = await GetVariableByKey("github_schedule", nArgs : nArgs); var user = GITWrapper.GitHubHelperEx.GetUserFromUrl(githubSchedule); if (!userWhitelist.IsNullOrEmpty() && !userWhitelist.Any(x => x == user)) { throw new Exception($"User was specified but, user '{user ?? "undefined"}' was not present among whitelisted users: {userWhitelist.JsonSerialize()}"); } var accessToken = await GetSecretHexToken("github_token", nArgs); var repo = GITWrapper.GitHubHelperEx.GetRepoFromUrl(githubSchedule); if (!repositoriesWhitelist.IsNullOrEmpty() && !repositoriesWhitelist.Any(x => x == user)) { throw new Exception($"Repository was specified but, repo '{repo ?? "undefined"}' was not present among whitelisted repositories: {repositoriesWhitelist.JsonSerialize()}"); } var branch = GITWrapper.GitHubHelperEx.GetBranchFromUrl(githubSchedule); var scheduleLocation = GITWrapper.GitHubHelperEx.GetFileFromUrl(githubSchedule); var git = new GITWrapper.GitHubHelper(new GITWrapper.Models.GitHubRepoConfig() { accessToken = accessToken, user = user, repository = repo, branch = branch }); var contentDirectory = PathEx.RuntimeCombine(workingDirectory.FullName, repo).ToDirectoryInfo(); var statusDirectory = PathEx.RuntimeCombine(workingDirectory.FullName, "status").ToDirectoryInfo(); var logsDirectory = PathEx.RuntimeCombine(workingDirectory.FullName, "logs").ToDirectoryInfo(); var scheduleFileInfo = PathEx.RuntimeCombine(contentDirectory.FullName, scheduleLocation).ToFileInfo(); contentDirectory.TryDelete(recursive: true, exception: out var contentDirectoryException); Console.WriteLine($"Removing git directory '{contentDirectory.FullName}' {(contentDirectory.Exists ? $"did NOT suceeded, error: {contentDirectoryException.JsonSerializeAsPrettyException()}" : "succeded")}."); statusDirectory.TryCreate(); CommandOutput result; var pullCommand = $"git clone https://{accessToken}{user}/{repo}.git --branch {branch}"; result = CLIHelper.Console(pullCommand, workingDirectory: workingDirectory.FullName); Console.WriteLine(result.JsonSerialize()); var gitDirectory = PathEx.RuntimeCombine(contentDirectory.FullName, ".git").ToDirectoryInfo(); gitDirectory.TryDelete(recursive: true); Console.WriteLine($"Removing git directory '{gitDirectory.FullName}' {(gitDirectory.Exists ? "did NOT" : "")} succeded."); if (!RuntimeEx.IsWindows()) { result = CLIHelper.Console($"chmod 777 -R ./{repo}", workingDirectory: workingDirectory.FullName); Console.WriteLine(result.JsonSerialize()); } if (!scheduleFileInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine($"FAILURE, schedule file '{scheduleFileInfo.FullName}' does not exist or was not defined."); return(false); } var deploymentConfig = scheduleFileInfo.DeserialiseJson <DeploymentConfig>(); var deploymentConfigOld = deploymentConfig.LoadDeploymentConfig(statusDirectory); if (deploymentConfig?.enable != true || deploymentConfig.schedules.IsNullOrEmpty()) { Console.WriteLine($"Deployment config '{scheduleFileInfo.FullName}' was not enabled or schedules were not defined."); return(false); } //Defines if schedule executuions should be triggered var masterTrigger = deploymentConfig.IsTriggered(deploymentConfigOld); var serialSchedules = deploymentConfig.schedules .Where(x => !(x?.id).IsNullOrEmpty() && x.parallelizable == false) ?.OrderBy(x => x.priority)?.DistinctBy(x =>; var parallelSchedules = deploymentConfig.schedules .Where(x => !(x?.id).IsNullOrEmpty() && x.parallelizable == true) ?.OrderBy(x => x.priority)?.DistinctBy(x =>; var breakAll = false; async Task TryCatchExecute(ExecutionSchedule s) { var sOld = s.LoadExecutionSchedule(statusDirectory); if (s == null || sOld == null) { Console.WriteLine($"New or old schedule could not be found."); return; } if (!s.IsTriggered(sOld, masterTrigger)) { Console.WriteLine($"WARNING, schedule '{s?.id ?? "undefined"}' execution was not triggered."); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Processing executioon schedule '{}', parralelized: {s.parallelizable}, cron: {s.cron ?? "null"}, trigger: {s.trigger}/{sOld.trigger}."); if (s.delay > 0) { await Task.Delay(s.delay); } if (_debug) { Console.WriteLine($"WARNING! github schedule will be processed in DEBUG mode"); await ProcessSchedule(s, sOld, contentDirectory, statusDirectory, logsDirectory, masterTrigger : masterTrigger); return; } try { await ProcessSchedule(s, sOld, contentDirectory, statusDirectory, logsDirectory, masterTrigger : masterTrigger); breakAll = s.breakAllOnFinalize; if (s.sleep > 0) { await Task.Delay(s.sleep); } } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (deploymentConfig.throwOnFailure == true) { if (deploymentConfig.finalizeOnFailure) { deploymentConfig.UpdateDeploymentConfig(statusDirectory); breakAll = s.breakAllOnFinalize; } throw; } Console.WriteLine($"FAILED! execution of schedule '{}', parralelized: {s.parallelizable}, error: {ex.JsonSerializeAsPrettyException()}."); } finally { var logPath = PathEx.Combine(logsDirectory.FullName, $"{s.GetFileSafeId() ?? "tmp.log"}.log").ToFileInfo(); if (logPath.TryCreate()) { logPath.AppendAllText(ex.JsonSerializeAsPrettyException()); } } } } if (deploymentConfig.delay > 0) { await Task.Delay(deploymentConfig.delay); } var sum = 0; if (!serialSchedules.IsNullOrEmpty()) { sum += serialSchedules.Length; foreach (var s in serialSchedules) { await TryCatchExecute(s); } } if (!parallelSchedules.IsNullOrEmpty()) { sum += serialSchedules.Length; await ParallelEx.ForEachAsync(parallelSchedules, s => TryCatchExecute(s), maxDegreeOfParallelism : parallelSchedules.Count()); } deploymentConfig.UpdateDeploymentConfig(statusDirectory); Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, {sum} github schedule/s was/were executed out of {deploymentConfig.schedules.Length}."); if (deploymentConfig.sleep > 0) { await Task.Delay(deploymentConfig.sleep); } return(true); } case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": { HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Command Deployment", ("github", "Accepts params: working_directory, github_schedule, github_token")); return(true); } default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown String command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task executeR53(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new Route53Helper(); switch (args[1]) { case "destroy-record": await helper.DestroyRecord( zoneId : nArgs["zone"], recordName : nArgs["name"], recordType : nArgs["type"], throwIfNotFound : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("throw-if-not-foud").ToBoolOrDefault(true)); ; break; case "upsert-cname-record": { var result = await helper.UpsertCNameRecordAsync( zoneId : nArgs["zone"], name : nArgs["name"], value : nArgs["value"], ttl : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("ttl").ToIntOrDefault(60), failover : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("failover"), healthCheckId : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("health-check-id"), setIdentifier : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("set-identifier")); WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Result: '{result}'"); } ; break; case "upsert-a-record": { var result = await helper.UpsertARecordAsync( zoneId : nArgs["zone"], name : nArgs["name"], value : nArgs["value"], ttl : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("ttl").ToIntOrDefault(60), failover : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("failover"), healthCheckId : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("health-check-id"), setIdentifier : nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("set-identifier")); WriteLine($"SUCCESS, Result: '{result}'"); } ; break; case "get-record-sets": { WriteLine("Loading Route53 Record Sets..."); var result = await helper.GetRecordSets(); WriteLine("SUCCESS, Result:"); Console.WriteLine(result.Select(x => (x.Key.Name, x.Value.Select(y => y))).JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); } ; break; case "list-resource-record-sets": { WriteLine("Loading Route53 Resource Record Sets..."); var result = await helper.ListResourceRecordSetsAsync(nArgs["zone"]); WriteLine("SUCCESS, Result:"); Console.WriteLine(result.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Route53", ("destroy-record", "Accepts params: zone, name, type, throw-if-not-foud (optional)"), ("get-record-sets", "Accepts params: no params"), ("list-resource-record-sets", "Accepts params: zone"), ("upsert-cname-record", "Accepts: zone, name, value, ttl (optional:60), failover (optional), health-check-id (optional), set-identifier (optional)"), ("upsert-a-record", "Accepts: zone, name, value, ttl (optional:60), failover (optional), health-check-id (optional), set-identifier (optional)")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown Route53 command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static async Task Execute(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); Credentials credentials = null; if (nArgs.ContainsKey("assume-role")) { var role = await(new IAMHelper(null)).GetRoleByNameAsync(name: nArgs["assume-role"]); var result = await(new STHelper(null)).AssumeRoleAsync(role.Arn); credentials = result.Credentials; } switch (args[0]?.ToLower()?.TrimStart("-")) { case "ec2": await executeEC2(args, credentials); break; case "ecs": executeECS(args); break; case "ecr": executeECR(args); break; case "elb": executeELB(args); break; case "cloud-watch": executeCW(args); break; case "route53": await executeR53(args); break; case "iam": executeIAM(args, credentials); break; case "s3": await executeS3(args, credentials); break; case "kms": await executeKMS(args, credentials); break; case "sm": await executeSM(args, credentials); break; case "fargate": executeFargate(args, credentials); break; case "test": await executeCURL(args); break; case "version": case "ver": case "v": Console.Write($"v{_version}"); break; case "help": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "AWSHelper List of available commands", ("ec2", "Accepts params: create-instance, help"), ("ecs", "Accepts params: destroy-cluster, destroy-service, destroy-task-definitions, await-service-start"), ("ecr", "Accepts params: retag, delete, help"), ("elb", "Accepts params: destroy-load-balancer, register-target-instance, deregister-target-instance"), ("cloud-watch", "Accepts params: destroy-log-group"), ("route53", "Accepts params: destroy-record, get-record-sets, list-resource-record-sets, upsert-cname-record"), ("iam", "Accepts params: create-policy, create-role, delete-policy, delete-role, help"), ("s3", "Accepts params: upload-text, hash-upload, hash-download, help"), ("kms", "Accepts params: create-grant, remove-grant, help"), ("sm", "Accepts params: get-secret, show-secret"), ("fargate", "Accepts params: "), ("test", "Accepts params: curl-get"), ("version", "Accepts params: none"), ("[flags]", "Allowed Syntax: key=value, --key=value, -key='v1 v2 v3', -k, --key"), ("--execution-mode=silent-errors", "[All commands] Don't throw errors, only displays exception message."), ("--execution-mode=debug", "[All commands] Throw instantly without reporting a failure."), ("--execution-mode=retry", "[All commands] Repeats command at least once in case it fails. [Sub Flags] retry-times (default 1), retry-delay (default 1000 ms), retry-throws (default true)")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine("Try 'help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown command: '{args[0]}'."); } } }
private static void executeIAM(string[] args, Credentials credentials) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var helper = new IAMHelper(credentials); switch (args[1]) { case "create-policy": { if (!nArgs.ContainsKey("permissions")) { throw new NotSupportedException("permissions parameter was not specified"); } if (!nArgs.ContainsKey("paths")) { throw new NotSupportedException("paths parameter was not specified"); } var paths = nArgs["paths"].Split(',').Where(x => !x.IsNullOrWhitespace()).ToArray(); if (paths.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new Exception("At least one path must be specified in the paths parameter."); } var permissions = nArgs["permissions"].Split(',').Where(x => !x.IsNullOrWhitespace()) .ToArray().ToEnum <AWSWrapper.S3.S3Helper.Permissions>(); if (permissions.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new Exception("No permissions were found!"); } var result = helper.CreatePolicyS3Async( name: nArgs["name"], paths: paths, permissions: permissions, description: nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "description").Value ?? $"Admin S3 Access Policy to '{nArgs["paths"].JsonSerialize()}' auto generated by AWSHelper").Result; Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, {nArgs["name"]} policy was created for path {nArgs["paths"].JsonSerialize()}, Arn: {result.Arn}."); } ; break; case "delete-policy": { var result = helper.DeletePolicyByNameAsync( name: nArgs["name"]).Result; Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, {nArgs["name"]} policy was removed."); } ; break; case "create-role": { if (!nArgs.ContainsKey("policies")) { throw new NotSupportedException("policies parameter was not specified"); } var policies = nArgs["policies"].Split(',').Where(x => !x.IsNullOrWhitespace()).ToArray(); if (policies.IsNullOrEmpty()) { throw new Exception($"No policies were found although flag was present, {nArgs["policies"]}, verify that names are separated by ','"); } var result = helper.CreateRoleWithPoliciesAsync( roleName: nArgs["name"], policies: policies, createInstanceProfile: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("create-instance-profile").ToBoolOrDefault(false), roleDescription: nArgs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "description").Value ?? $"Role '{nArgs["name"]}' auto generated by AWSHelper").Result; Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, {nArgs["name"]} role was created, Result:\n{result.JsonSerialize(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented)}."); } ; break; case "delete-role": { var result = helper.DeleteRoleAsync( roleName: nArgs["name"], detachPolicies: true, deleteInstanceProfiles: nArgs.GetValueOrDefault("delete-instance-profiles").ToBoolOrDefault(false) ).Result; Console.WriteLine($"SUCCESS, {nArgs["name"]} role was removed and all policies detatched."); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Identity and Access Management", ("create-policy", "Accepts params: permissions (',' separated, allowed: Read,Write,Delete,All,<s3-specyfic without 's3:', case sensitive>), name, paths (',' separated), description (optional)"), ("create-role", "Accepts params: name, policies (',' separated), description (optional)"), ("delete-policy", "Accepts params: name"), ("delete-role", "Accepts params: name")); break; default: { Console.WriteLine($"Try '{args[0]} help' to find out list of available commands."); throw new Exception($"Unknown IAM command: '{args[0]} {args[1]}'"); } } }
private static void executeELB(string[] args) { var nArgs = CLIHelper.GetNamedArguments(args); var elb = new ELBHelper(); var ec2 = new EC2Helper(); switch (args[1]) { case "destroy-load-balancer": elb.DestroyLoadBalancer(nArgs["name"], throwIfNotFound: true).Wait(); ; break; case "register-target-instance": { var tgName = nArgs["tg-name"]; var instanceName = nArgs["instance"]; var port = nArgs["port"].ToInt32(); var tg = elb.GetTargetGroupByNameAsync( targetGroupName: tgName, throwIfNotFound: true).Result; var instance = ec2.ListInstancesByName(name: instanceName, stateExclude: new List <Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName>() { Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName.ShuttingDown, Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName.Terminated } ).Result.SingleOrDefault(); if (instance == null) { throw new Exception($"Could not find instance with name '{instanceName}' or found more then one."); } var result = elb.RegisterTargetAsync(tg, instance, port: port).Result; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully Registered Instance '{instance.InstanceId}' into Target Group '{tg.TargetGroupArn}', response metadata: {result.ResponseMetadata?.JsonSerialize() ?? "undefined"}"); } ; break; case "deregister-target-instance": { var tgName = nArgs["tg-name"]; var instanceName = nArgs["instance"]; var tg = elb.GetTargetGroupByNameAsync( targetGroupName: tgName, throwIfNotFound: true).Result; var instance = ec2.ListInstancesByName(name: instanceName, stateExclude: new List <Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName>() { Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName.ShuttingDown, Amazon.EC2.InstanceStateName.Terminated } ).Result.SingleOrDefault(); if (instance == null) { throw new Exception($"Could not find instance with name '{instanceName}' or found more then one."); } var result = elb.DeregisterTargetAsync(tg, instance).Result; Console.WriteLine($"Successfully Deregistered Instance '{instance.InstanceId}' from Target Group '{tg.TargetGroupArn}', response metadata: {result.ResponseMetadata?.JsonSerialize() ?? "undefined"}"); } ; break; case "help": case "--help": case "-help": case "-h": case "h": HelpPrinter($"{args[0]}", "Amazon Elastic Load Balancer", ("destroy-load-balancer", "Accepts params: name"), ("register-target-instance", "Accepts params: tg-name, instance, port"), ("deregister-target-instance", "Accepts params: tg-name, instance")); break; default: throw new Exception($"Unknown ELB command: '{args[1]}'"); } }