        private static void ShowHTMLFile(Control parent, string url, HelpNavigator command, object param)
            Debug.WriteLineIf(Help.WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "Help:: ShowHTMLHelp:: " + url + ", " + command.ToString("G") + ", " + param);

            Uri file = Resolve(url);

            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.HelpInvalidURL, url), "url");

            switch (command)
            case HelpNavigator.TableOfContents:
            case HelpNavigator.Find:
            case HelpNavigator.Index:
                // nothing needed...

            case HelpNavigator.Topic:
                if (param != null && param is string)
                    file = new Uri(file.ToString() + "#" + (string)param);

            HandleRef handle;

            if (parent != null)
                handle = new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle);
                handle = new HandleRef(null, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow());

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Help.WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "\tExecuting '" + file.ToString() + "'");
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ShellExecute_NoBFM(handle, null, file.ToString(), null, null, NativeMethods.SW_NORMAL);
        /// <include file='doc\Help.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Help.ShowHTML10Help"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Displays HTML 1.0 Help with the specified parameters
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <internalonly/>
        private static void ShowHTML10Help(Control parent, string url, HelpNavigator command, object param)
            Debug.WriteLineIf(Help.WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "Help:: ShowHTML10Help:: " + url + ", " + command.ToString("G") + ", " + param);

            // See if we can get a full path and file name and if that will
            // resolve the out of memory condition with file names that include spaces.
            // If we can't, though, we can't assume that the path's no good: it might be in
            // the Windows help directory.
            Uri    file            = null;
            string pathAndFileName = url; //This is our best guess at the path yet.

            file = Resolve(url);
            if (file != null)   // Can't assume we have a good url
                pathAndFileName = file.AbsoluteUri;
            if (file == null || file.IsFile)
                StringBuilder newPath   = new StringBuilder();
                string        localPath = (file != null && file.IsFile) ? file.LocalPath : url;

                // If this is a local path, convert it to a short path name.  Pass 0 as the length the first time
                uint requiredStringSize = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetShortPathName(localPath, newPath, 0);
                if (requiredStringSize > 0)
                    //It's able to make it a short path.  Happy day.
                    newPath.Capacity   = (int)requiredStringSize;
                    requiredStringSize = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetShortPathName(localPath, newPath, requiredStringSize);
                    //If it can't make it a  short path, just leave the path we had.
                    pathAndFileName = newPath.ToString();

            HandleRef handle;

            if (parent != null)
                handle = new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle);
                handle = new HandleRef(null, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow());

            object htmlParam;
            string stringParam = param as string;

            if (stringParam != null)
                int htmlCommand = MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, stringParam, out htmlParam);

                string stringHtmlParam = htmlParam as string;
                if (stringHtmlParam != null)
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, stringHtmlParam);
                else if (htmlParam is int)
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, (int)htmlParam);
                else if (htmlParam is NativeMethods.HH_FTS_QUERY)
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, (NativeMethods.HH_FTS_QUERY)htmlParam);
                else if (htmlParam is NativeMethods.HH_AKLINK)
                    // According to MSDN documentation, we have to ensure that the help window is up
                    // before we call ALINK lookup.
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, pathAndFileName, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, (string)null);
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, (NativeMethods.HH_AKLINK)htmlParam);
                    Debug.Fail("Cannot handle HTML parameter of type: " + htmlParam.GetType());
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, (string)param);
            else if (param == null)
                SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, null, out htmlParam), 0);
            else if (param is NativeMethods.HH_POPUP)
                SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(handle, pathAndFileName, HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP, (NativeMethods.HH_POPUP)param);
            else if (param.GetType() == typeof(int))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, "param", "Integer"));
        private unsafe static void ShowHTML10Help(Control parent, string url, HelpNavigator command, object param)
            Debug.WriteLineIf(WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "Help:: ShowHTML10Help:: " + url + ", " + command.ToString("G") + ", " + param);

            // See if we can get a full path and file name and if that will
            // resolve the out of memory condition with file names that include spaces.
            // If we can't, though, we can't assume that the path's no good: it might be in
            // the Windows help directory.
            Uri    file            = null;
            string pathAndFileName = url; //This is our best guess at the path yet.

            file = Resolve(url);
            if (file != null)
            { // Can't assume we have a good url
                pathAndFileName = file.AbsoluteUri;
            if (file == null || file.IsFile)
                string localPath = (file != null && file.IsFile) ? file.LocalPath : url;

                // If this is a local path, convert it to a short path name. Pass 0 as the length the first time
                uint requiredStringSize = Kernel32.GetShortPathNameW(localPath, null, 0);
                if (requiredStringSize > 0)
                    // It's able to make it a short path.
                    char[] shortName = ArrayPool <char> .Shared.Rent((int)requiredStringSize);
                    fixed(char *pShortName = shortName)
                        requiredStringSize = Kernel32.GetShortPathNameW(localPath, pShortName, requiredStringSize);
                        // If it can't make it a  short path, just leave the path we had.
                        pathAndFileName = new string(pShortName, 0, (int)requiredStringSize);

                    ArrayPool <char> .Shared.Return(shortName);

            HandleRef handle;

            if (parent != null)
                handle = new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle);
                handle = new HandleRef(null, User32.GetActiveWindow());

            object htmlParam;

            if (param is string stringParam)
                HH htmlCommand = MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, stringParam, out htmlParam);
                if (htmlParam is string stringHtmlParam)
                    HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, stringHtmlParam);
                else if (htmlParam is int intParam)
                    HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, (IntPtr)intParam);
                else if (htmlParam is HH_FTS_QUERYW query)
                    fixed(char *pszSearchQuery = stringParam)
                        query.pszSearchQuery = pszSearchQuery;
                        HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, ref query);
                else if (htmlParam is HH_ALINKW aLink)
                    // According to MSDN documentation, we have to ensure that the help window is up
                    // before we call ALINK lookup.
                    HtmlHelpW(IntPtr.Zero, pathAndFileName, HH.DISPLAY_TOPIC, IntPtr.Zero);

                    fixed(char *pszKeywords = stringParam)
                        aLink.pszKeywords = pszKeywords;
                        HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, ref aLink);
                    Debug.Fail("Cannot handle HTML parameter of type: " + htmlParam.GetType());
                    HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, htmlCommand, (string)param);
            else if (param == null)
                HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, null, out htmlParam), IntPtr.Zero);
            else if (param is HH_POPUPW popup)
                HtmlHelpW(handle, pathAndFileName, HH.DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP, ref popup);
            else if (param.GetType() == typeof(int))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.InvalidArgument, nameof(param), "Integer"), nameof(param));
 public override string ToString()
     return("{HelpFilePath=" + helpFilePath + ", keyword =" + keyword + ", navigator=" + navigator.ToString() + "}");
        /// <include file='doc\Help.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Help.ShowHTMLFile"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Displays HTMLFile with the specified parameters
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <internalonly/>
        private static void ShowHTMLFile(Control parent, string url, HelpNavigator command, object param)
            Debug.WriteLineIf(Help.WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "Help:: ShowHTMLHelp:: " + url + ", " + command.ToString("G") + ", " + param);

            Uri file = Resolve(url);

            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.HelpInvalidURL, url), "url");

            switch (file.Scheme)
            case "http":
            case "https":
                Debug.WriteLineIf(IntSecurity.SecurityDemand.TraceVerbose, "WebPermission Demanded");
                new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, url).Demand();

                Debug.WriteLineIf(IntSecurity.SecurityDemand.TraceVerbose, "UnmanagedCode Demanded");

            switch (command)
            case HelpNavigator.TableOfContents:
            case HelpNavigator.Find:
            case HelpNavigator.Index:
                // nothing needed...

            case HelpNavigator.Topic:
                if (param != null && param is string)
                    file = new Uri(file.ToString() + "#" + (string)param);

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Help.WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "\tExecuting '" + file.ToString() + "'");
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ShellExecute_NoBFM(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), null, file.ToString(), null, null, NativeMethods.SW_NORMAL);
        /// <include file='doc\Help.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Help.ShowHTML10Help"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Displays HTML 1.0 Help with the specified parameters
        /// </devdoc>
        /// <internalonly/>
        private static void ShowHTML10Help(Control parent, string url, HelpNavigator command, object param)
            Debug.WriteLineIf(Help.WindowsFormsHelpTrace.TraceVerbose, "Help:: ShowHTML10Help:: " + url + ", " + command.ToString("G") + ", " + param);

            object htmlParam;

            if (param is string)
                int htmlCommand = MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, (string)param, out htmlParam);

                if (htmlParam is string)
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, htmlCommand, (string)htmlParam);
                else if (htmlParam is NativeMethods.HH_FTS_QUERY)
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, htmlCommand, (NativeMethods.HH_FTS_QUERY)htmlParam);
                else if (htmlParam is NativeMethods.HH_AKLINK)
                    // According to MSDN documentation, we have to ensure that the help window is up
                    // before we call ALINK lookup.
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, (string)null);
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, htmlCommand, (NativeMethods.HH_AKLINK)htmlParam);
                    Debug.Fail("Cannot handle HTML parameter of type: " + htmlParam.GetType());
                    SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, htmlCommand, (string)param);
            else if (param == null)
                SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, null, out htmlParam), 0);
            else if (param is NativeMethods.HH_POPUP)
                SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP, (NativeMethods.HH_POPUP)param);
            else if (param.GetType() == typeof(Int32))
                SafeNativeMethods.HtmlHelp(new HandleRef(parent, parent.Handle), url, MapCommandToHTMLCommand(command, null, out htmlParam), (int)param);