public void Reset(TimeSpan totalGameTime, HelicopterScenario scenario, NavigationMap heightmap)
            Console.WriteLine(@"Resetting helicopter.");

            _scenario = scenario;

            // TODO We would rather want to do Autopilot.Reset() than this fugly code
            Autopilot.IsAtDestination = false;
            Autopilot      = Autopilot.Clone();
            Autopilot.Task = scenario.Task.Clone();
            Autopilot.Map  = heightmap;

            Vector3    startPosition     = scenario.StartPosition;
            Vector3    startVelocity     = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3    startAcceleration = Vector3.Zero;
            Quaternion startOrientation  = Quaternion.Identity;

            if (Task.HoldHeightAboveGround > 0)
                startPosition.Y = Autopilot.Map.GetAltitude(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(startPosition)) + Task.HoldHeightAboveGround;

            var startPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(
                startOrientation, startPosition, startVelocity, startAcceleration);
            var initialState = new SimulationStepResults(startPhysicalState, totalGameTime);

            _physicalState = startPhysicalState;

            // Re-create the state provider when resetting because some sensors will have to re-initialize.
            _physics = new HeliPhysics(_collision, UseTerrainCollision);
            _sensors = new SensorModel(_sensorSpecifications, Autopilot.Map, startPosition, startOrientation);
            _perfectStateProvider   = new PerfectState();
            _estimatedStateProvider = new SensorEstimatedState(_sensors, startPhysicalState);

            // Wait for state to become stable.
//            while (!_perfectStateProvider.Ready)
//            {
            // TODO GPS will require N seconds of startup time
//                _perfectStateProvider.Update(initialState, 0, 0, new JoystickOutput());
//                Sensors.Update(initialState, new JoystickOutput());
            //                Thread.Sleep(100);
//            }

            // When resetting, use perfect state as starting point.
            // TODO It should not be necessary to create this waypoint since it should never be used for navigation! Delete if safe.
            // Use start position and start orientation instead.
            const float defaultWaypointRadius = 5;
            var         startWaypoint         = new Waypoint(startPosition, 0, WaypointType.Intermediate, defaultWaypointRadius);

            _trueState      = StateHelper.ToHeliState(startPhysicalState, GetHeightAboveGround(startPhysicalState.Position), startWaypoint, new JoystickOutput());
            _estimatedState = _trueState;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userInput"></param>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="ticks">TimeSpan ticks (100ns).</param>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JoystickOutput GetAssistedOutput(JoystickOutput userInput, HeliState s, long ticks,
                                                out ControlGoal control)
            Navigation = NavigationState.AssistedAutopilot;
            JoystickOutput result = GetOutput_AssistedAutopilot(userInput, s, ticks, out control);

            ProcessNavigation(s, ticks);

        public static PhysicalHeliState ToPhysical(HeliState state)
            // TODO Why is roll angle inverted?
//            var orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(
//                state.Radians.HeadingAngle,
//                state.Radians.PitchAngle,
//                -state.Radians.RollAngle);

            return(new PhysicalHeliState(state.Orientation, state.Position, state.Velocity, state.Acceleration));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="ticks">TimeSpan ticks (100ns).</param>
        private void ProcessNavigation(HeliState s, long ticks)
            // Note: Changing current waypoint must be done after input processing, because
            // modifying the waypoint will not update the helicopter state until next time -
            // including states about angle and distance to waypoint.

            // Make sure we use 2D position (map) when holding height above terrain, in order to pass waypoints.
            if (Task.HoldHeightAboveGround > 0)
                float groundHeightAtWaypoint = Map.GetAltitude(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(CurrentWaypoint.Position));
                CurrentWaypoint.Position.Y = groundHeightAtWaypoint + Task.HoldHeightAboveGround;

            bool isWithinRadius = IsTestMode
                                      ? IsTruePositionWithinRadius
                                      : CurrentWaypoint.IsWithinRadius(s.Position);

            if (isWithinRadius)
                CurrentWaypoint.SecondsWaited += ticks / 1000.0f;
                CurrentWaypoint.SecondsWaited = 0; // Seconds waited should be in an uninterrupted sequence
            // Progress to next waypoint if currently at start point or have been sufficiently long at a stop point
            if ( //CurrentWaypoint.Type == WaypointType.Start ||
                CurrentWaypoint.Type == WaypointType.Hover && CurrentWaypoint.DoneWaiting ||
                CurrentWaypoint.Type == WaypointType.Intermediate && isWithinRadius)
            else if (CurrentWaypoint.Type == WaypointType.TestDestination &&
                if (Task.Loop)
                    IsAtDestination = true;

            if (Task.Current == null)
                throw new Exception("Waypoint should never be null! Always end task with an end-waypoint.");

            //            s.Waypoint = Task.Current;
            //            s.HPositionToGoal = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Waypoint.Position - s.Position);
        public JoystickOutput MoveRelatively(HeliState s, float wantedHVelocityForward,
                                             float wantedHVelocityRight, float wantedYawAngleDeg, float wantedHeightAboveGround,
                                             long totalTicks, out ControlGoal control)
            // Max degrees to tilt the cyclic when accelerating/decelerating
            const float maxCyclicAngleDeg = 10.0f;

            Vector2 hVelocityVector  = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Velocity);
            Vector2 hForwardNorm     = Vector2.Normalize(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Forward));
            Vector2 hRightNorm       = Vector2.Normalize(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Right));
            float   hVelocityForward = VectorHelper.Project(hVelocityVector, hForwardNorm);
            float   hVelocityRight   = VectorHelper.Project(hVelocityVector, hRightNorm);

            // Errors in velocity (derivative of position)
            float hVelocityForwardError = hVelocityForward - wantedHVelocityForward;
            float hVelocityRightError   = hVelocityRight - wantedHVelocityRight;

            // Too much velocity should trigger deceleration and vice versa.
            // Forwards acceleration means pitching nose down, and rightwards acceleration means rolling right.
            // -1 == max deceleration, +1 == max acceleration
            float wantedForwardsAcceleration   = PIDSetup.ForwardsAccel.ComputeExplicit(0, 0, hVelocityForwardError);
            float wantedRightwardsAcceleration = PIDSetup.RightwardsAccel.ComputeExplicit(0, 0, hVelocityRightError);

            // Determine the pitching/rolling angles to achieve wanted acceleration/deceleration in either direction
            // Invert pitch; negative angle (nose down) to accelerate.
            float wantedPitchAngleDeg = -wantedForwardsAcceleration * maxCyclicAngleDeg;
            float wantedRollAngleDeg  = wantedRightwardsAcceleration * maxCyclicAngleDeg;

            // Determine the current errors in pitch and roll
            // Then adjust the inputs accordingly
            var moveToTargetInput = new JoystickOutput();

            moveToTargetInput.Pitch    = Pitch(s.Degrees.PitchAngle, wantedPitchAngleDeg, totalTicks);
            moveToTargetInput.Roll     = Roll(s.Degrees.RollAngle, wantedRollAngleDeg, totalTicks);
            moveToTargetInput.Yaw      = Yaw(s.Degrees.HeadingAngle, wantedYawAngleDeg, totalTicks);
            moveToTargetInput.Throttle = (wantedHeightAboveGround > 0)
                ? Throttle(s.HeightAboveGround, wantedHeightAboveGround, totalTicks)
                : Throttle(s.Position.Y, s.Waypoint.Position.Y, totalTicks);

            // This is used for debugging and visual feedback
            control = new ControlGoal
                HVelocity    = 0,//wantedVelocity,
                PitchAngle   = MathHelper.ToRadians(wantedPitchAngleDeg),
                RollAngle    = MathHelper.ToRadians(wantedRollAngleDeg),
                HeadingAngle = 0,
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userInput"></param>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="totalTicks">TimeSpan ticks (100ns).</param>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private JoystickOutput GetOutput_AssistedAutopilot(JoystickOutput userInput, HeliState s, long totalTicks,
                                                           out ControlGoal control)
            // Command the output controller based on the user input.
            // Joystick commands:
            // Forward/backward - Move forwards/backwards
            // Right/left - Move rightwards/leftwards
            // Throttle  - Set the height above the ground to hold
            float heightAboveGroundToHold = MyMathHelper.Lerp(userInput.Throttle, 0, 1, 1, 10);
            float forwardsVelocity        = MyMathHelper.Lerp(-userInput.Pitch, -1, 1, -10, 10);
            float rightwardsVelocity      = MyMathHelper.Lerp(userInput.Roll, -1, 1, -10, 10);
            float headingDeg = s.Degrees.HeadingAngle - 15 * userInput.Yaw;

            return(Output.MoveRelatively(s, forwardsVelocity, rightwardsVelocity, headingDeg, heightAboveGroundToHold,
                                         totalTicks, out control));
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO Temporary. We might later distinguish between physical state and navigation state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="heightAboveGround"></param>
        /// <param name="waypoint"></param>
        /// <param name="output"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static HeliState ToHeliState(PhysicalHeliState s, float heightAboveGround, Waypoint waypoint, JoystickOutput output)
            // Update state
            var r = new HeliState
                HeightAboveGround = heightAboveGround,
                Orientation       = s.Orientation,
                Forward           = s.Axes.Forward,
                Up              = s.Axes.Up,
                Right           = s.Axes.Right,
                Output          = output,
                Position        = s.Position,
                Velocity        = s.Velocity,
                Acceleration    = s.Acceleration,
                Waypoint        = waypoint,
                HPositionToGoal = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(waypoint.Position - s.Position),

            // Update angles from current state
            var radians = new Angles
                PitchAngle   = VectorHelper.GetPitchAngle(s.Orientation),
                RollAngle    = VectorHelper.GetRollAngle(s.Orientation),
                HeadingAngle = VectorHelper.GetHeadingAngle(s.Orientation),

            // Velocity can be zero, and thus have no direction (NaN angle)
            radians.BearingAngle = (s.Velocity.Length() < 0.001f)
                                       ? radians.HeadingAngle
                                       : VectorHelper.GetHeadingAngle(s.Velocity);

            radians.GoalAngle         = VectorHelper.GetAngle(r.HPositionToGoal);
            radians.BearingErrorAngle = VectorHelper.DiffAngle(radians.BearingAngle, radians.GoalAngle);

            // Store angles as both radians and degrees for ease-of-use later
            r.Radians = radians;
            r.Degrees = ToDegrees(radians);
        public HelicopterBase(Game game, TestConfiguration testConfiguration, TerrainCollision collision,
                              ICameraProvider cameraProvider, BasicEffect effect, SunlightParameters skyParams, HelicopterScenario scenario,
                              bool playEngineSound, bool isPlayerControlled, bool drawText)
            : base(game)
            if (game == null || cameraProvider == null || effect == null || skyParams == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("", @"One or several of the necessary arguments were null!");

            _game = game;
            _testConfiguration    = testConfiguration;
            _sensorSpecifications = testConfiguration.Sensors;
            _collision            = collision;
            _flyBySensors         = testConfiguration.FlyBySensors;

            if (_collision != null)
                _collision.CollidedWithTerrain += gameTime => Crashed(gameTime);

            _basicEffect       = effect;
            _skyParams         = skyParams;
            _scenario          = scenario;
            _drawText          = drawText;
            _cameraProvider    = cameraProvider;
            IsPlayerControlled = isPlayerControlled;

            _playEngineSound = playEngineSound;

            _estimatedState = new HeliState();

            PIDSetup pidSetup = SimulatorResources.GetPIDSetups()[0];

            Autopilot = new Autopilot(_scenario.Task, pidSetup);
            Log       = new List <HelicopterLogSnapshot>();
        private JoystickOutput GetOutput_Recovery(HeliState s, long totalTicks, out ControlGoal control)
            Actions |= Actions.Hover;

            Log("Crash imminent, trying to recover!");

            control = new ControlGoal
                HVelocity    = 0,
                PitchAngle   = 0,
                RollAngle    = 0,
                HeadingAngle = 0

            return(new JoystickOutput
                Throttle = 1.0f,
                Roll = Output.Roll(s.Degrees.RollAngle, control.RollAngle, totalTicks),
                Pitch = Output.Pitch(s.Degrees.PitchAngle, control.PitchAngle, totalTicks),
                Yaw = 0.0f
        public JoystickOutput GetHoverOutput(HeliState s, long totalTicks, out ControlGoal control)
            Actions |= Actions.Hover;


            control = new ControlGoal
                HVelocity    = 0,
                PitchAngle   = 0,
                RollAngle    = 0,
                HeadingAngle = 0

            return(new JoystickOutput
                // TODO We need to store an initial s.Position.Y instead of using the most current one, so we need a "Hover" command that does this
                Throttle = Output.Throttle(s.Position.Y, s.Position.Y, totalTicks),
                Roll = Output.Roll(s.Degrees.RollAngle, control.RollAngle, totalTicks),
                Pitch = Output.Pitch(s.Degrees.PitchAngle, control.PitchAngle, totalTicks),
                Yaw = 0.0f
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (_playEngineSound && _engineSoundInst != null && _engineSoundInst.State != SoundState.Playing)

            long           totalTicks = gameTime.TotalGameTime.Ticks;
            JoystickOutput output     = GetJoystickInput(totalTicks);

            // Invert yaw because we want yaw rotation positive as clockwise seen from above
            output.Yaw *= -1;

            // Update physics and sensors + state estimators
            PhysicalHeliState trueState, observedState, estimatedState, blindEstimatedState;

            UpdatePhysicalState(gameTime, output, out trueState);
            UpdateStateEstimators(_simulationState, gameTime, output, out estimatedState, out blindEstimatedState, out observedState);

            float trueGroundAltitude           = GetGroundAltitude(trueState.Position);
            float estimatedGroundAltitude      = GetGroundAltitude(trueState.Position);
            float trueHeightAboveGround        = GetHeightAboveGround(trueState.Position);
            float gpsinsHeightAboveGround      = GetHeightAboveGround(estimatedState.Position);
            float rangefinderHeightAboveGround = _sensors.GroundRangeFinder.FlatGroundHeight;

            float estimatedHeightAboveGround;

            if (!_testConfiguration.UseGPS)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            else if (!_testConfiguration.UseINS)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (_testConfiguration.UseGPS && _testConfiguration.UseINS)
                if (!_testConfiguration.UseRangeFinder)
                    estimatedHeightAboveGround = gpsinsHeightAboveGround;
                    // The range finder may be out of range (NaN) and typically requires <10 meters.
                    // In this case we need to fully trust INS/GPS estimate.
                    // Note GPS is easily out-bested by range finder, so no need to weight
                    estimatedHeightAboveGround = float.IsNaN(rangefinderHeightAboveGround)
                                                     ? gpsinsHeightAboveGround
                                                     : rangefinderHeightAboveGround;
                    //                                                   : 0.2f*gpsinsHeightAboveGround + 0.8f*rangefinderHeightAboveGround;
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            // Override Kalman Filter estimate of altitude by the more accurate range finder.
            // However, there is a problem that the estimated map altitude depends on the estimated horizontal position; which is inaccurate.
            estimatedState.Position.Y = estimatedHeightAboveGround + estimatedGroundAltitude;

            _physicalState  = trueState;
            _trueState      = StateHelper.ToHeliState(trueState, trueHeightAboveGround, Autopilot.CurrentWaypoint, output);
            _estimatedState = StateHelper.ToHeliState(estimatedState, estimatedHeightAboveGround, Autopilot.CurrentWaypoint, output);

            // _observedState = observedState;

            // Calculate current error in estimated state
            _estimatedStateError = StateHelper.GetError(_physicalState, StateHelper.ToPhysical(_estimatedState));

            // Add current simulation step to log
            ForwardRightUp accelerometerData = _sensors.IMU.AccelerationLocal;

            Log.Add(new HelicopterLogSnapshot(trueState, observedState, estimatedState, blindEstimatedState, accelerometerData, trueGroundAltitude, gameTime.TotalGameTime));

            // Update visual appearances


            // If we have disabled Jitter we must detect collisions ourselves for test scenarios
            if (!UseTerrainCollision)
                if (IsCollidedWithTerrain())
                    if (Crashed != null)

            // Handle crashes, user input etc.. that cause the helicopter to reset

 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="s"></param>
 /// <param name="totalTicks">TimeSpan ticks (100ns).</param>
 /// <param name="control"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private JoystickOutput GetOutput_EnRoute(HeliState s, long totalTicks, out ControlGoal control)
     return(Output.MoveTowardsGoal(MaxHVelocity, out control, s, totalTicks, Task.HoldHeightAboveGround));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="ticks">TimeSpan ticks (100ns).</param>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JoystickOutput GetOutput(HeliState s, long ticks, out ControlGoal control)
            JoystickOutput result;

            // Re-fill the list of actions that are being performed in this input
            Actions = Actions.None;

            //            float hDistanceToGoal = Vector2.Distance(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Position),
            //                                                     VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(CurrentWaypoint.Position));

            // Simplified: Is the position in one second from now a crash?
            // If not, are we at the destination?
            //            HeliState nextState = GetEstimatedState(s, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
            //            Navigation = nextState.Position.Y < 0
            //                ? NavigationState.Recovery
            //                : NavigationState.EnRoute;

            // TODO Insert some recovery code as well, commented out now because it triggers too often
            Navigation = NavigationState.EnRoute;
            //                Navigation = (hDistanceToGoal < GoalDistanceTolerance)
            //                                 ? NavigationState.AtDestination
            //                                 : NavigationState.EnRoute;

            //            if (CurrentWaypoint.Type != WaypointType.Start) //&&
//            if (CurrentWaypoint.Type == WaypointType.Land)
//            {
//                result = new JoystickInput();
//                control = new ControlGoal();
//            }
//            else
                switch (Navigation)
                case NavigationState.Recovery:
                    Log("Nav: Recovery");
                    result = GetOutput_Recovery(s, ticks, out control);

                case NavigationState.EnRoute:
                    Log("Nav: EnRoute");
                    result = GetOutput_EnRoute(s, ticks, out control);

                case NavigationState.AtDestination:
                    Log("Nav: AtDestination");
                    result = GetHoverOutput(s, ticks, out control);

                    throw new NotImplementedException("Should return before here.");

                Log("Actions: " + ActionsToString(Actions));

                Log(String.Format("Input: PRYT {0},{1},{2},{3}",
                                  (int)(result.Pitch * 100),
                                  (int)(result.Roll * 100),
                                  (int)(result.Yaw * 100),
                                  (int)(result.Throttle * 100)));

            ProcessNavigation(s, ticks);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxHVelocity"></param>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="totalTicks">TimeSpan ticks (100ns).</param>
        /// <param name="holdHeightAboveGround">If larger than zero, this will override the throttle to hold an altitude above ground.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JoystickOutput MoveTowardsGoal(float maxHVelocity, out ControlGoal control, HeliState s, long totalTicks, float holdHeightAboveGround)
//            Vector2 bearing = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Velocity);

            float       hGoalDistance   = s.HPositionToGoal.Length();//VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Position - s.Waypoint.Position).Length();
            const float secondsToStop   = 1.0f;
            float       metersToStop    = secondsToStop * maxHVelocity;
            float       wantedHVelocity = MathHelper.Lerp(0, maxHVelocity, MathHelper.Clamp(hGoalDistance / metersToStop, 0, 1));

            // When flying in sloped terrains we risk crashing if the terrain altitude changes quicker than
            // the autopilot can follow at the current horizontal velocity.
            // If that is the case, stop horizontal motion while trying to stabilize height above ground.
//            if (moveToTargetInput.Throttle == 1 || moveToTargetInput.Throttle == 0)
//                wantedHVelocity = 0;

            Vector2 hForwardNorm = Vector2.Normalize(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Forward));
            Vector2 hRightNorm   = Vector2.Normalize(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Right));

            Vector2 wantedHVelocityVector  = wantedHVelocity * Vector2.Normalize(s.HPositionToGoal);
            float   wantedHVelocityForward = (wantedHVelocity != 0)
                ? VectorHelper.Project(wantedHVelocityVector, hForwardNorm) : 0;
            float wantedHVelocityRight = (wantedHVelocity != 0)
                ? VectorHelper.Project(wantedHVelocityVector, hRightNorm) : 0;

            // If helicopter is nearing a waypoint at which it should hover for a while, then
            // let the helicopter yaw to the waypoint heading angle while hovering.
            // Otherwise we want the helicopter to head in the bearing direction.
            Vector2 hVelocityVector   = VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(s.Velocity);
            float   hVelocity         = hVelocityVector.Length();
            float   wantedYawAngleDeg = (s.Waypoint.Type == WaypointType.Hover && hVelocity < 1)
                                          ? MathHelper.ToDegrees(s.Waypoint.HeadingAngle)
                                          : s.Degrees.GoalAngle;

            return(MoveRelatively(s, wantedHVelocityForward, wantedHVelocityRight,
                                  wantedYawAngleDeg, holdHeightAboveGround, totalTicks, out control));