public void WhenHeightRangeIsLowerThanAnotherHeightRangeThenTheyAreNotOverlapping()
        HeightRange heightRangeOne = new HeightRange(10, 20, 15);
        HeightRange heightRangeTwo = new HeightRange(2, 6, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRangeTwo.IsOverlappingWith(heightRangeOne), Is.False);
    public void WhenHeightRangeIsEncompassedByAnotherHeightRangeThenTheyAreOverlapping()
        HeightRange heightRangeOne = new HeightRange(1, 20, 15);
        HeightRange heightRangeTwo = new HeightRange(2, 6, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRangeTwo.IsOverlappingWith(heightRangeOne), Is.True);
    public void WhenHeightRangeHasMaxEqualToMinOfOtherHeightRangeThenTheyAreOverlapping()
        HeightRange heightRangeOne = new HeightRange(6, 20, 15);
        HeightRange heightRangeTwo = new HeightRange(2, 6, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRangeTwo.IsOverlappingWith(heightRangeOne), Is.True);
    public void WhenHeightRangeHasMaxInBetweenMinAndMaxOfOtherHeightRangeThenTheyAreOverlapping()
        HeightRange heightRangeOne = new HeightRange(6, 20, 15);
        HeightRange heightRangeTwo = new HeightRange(2, 8, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRangeTwo.IsOverlappingWith(heightRangeOne), Is.True);
    public void WhenValuesAreSetInConstructorThenTheyCanBeRetrieved()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 5, 3);

        Assert.That(heightRange.Min, Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.That(heightRange.Max, Is.EqualTo(5));
        Assert.That(heightRange.GroundHeight, Is.EqualTo(3));
    public void HeightRangeCanBeOneUnitLong()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 2, 2);

        Assert.That(heightRange.Min, Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.That(heightRange.Max, Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.That(heightRange.GroundHeight, Is.EqualTo(2));
 private void RemoveOverlaps(List <HeightRange> ranges, HeightRange newHeightRange)
     ranges.FindAll(newHeightRange.IsOverlappingWith).ForEach(range =>
         newHeightRange.Min = Math.Min(newHeightRange.Min, range.Min);
         newHeightRange.Max = Math.Max(newHeightRange.Max, range.Max);
    private bool FindHeightInRangesForPosition(List <HeightRange> ranges, int positionHeight, out int recordedHeight)
        HeightRange range = ranges.Find(r => r.IsHeightInRange(positionHeight));

        if (range != null)
            recordedHeight = range.GroundHeight;
        recordedHeight = 0;
    /// <summary>
    /// This method will record <paramref name="height"/> as the ground level for all positions in between <paramref name="position"/> and <paramref name="height"/> inclusive.
    /// <para>If <paramref name="height"/> is -1, indicating no ground level was found, then the results will be recorded for all positions with the same x,z coordinates.</para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position">The starting position, that maps to this ground height.</param>
    /// <param name="height">The ground height for the given position, and all positions in between</param>
    public void CacheGroundPositionForLocation(Vector3i position, int height)
        Vector2i           queryPosition = new Vector2i(position.x, position.z);
        List <HeightRange> ranges        = GetRangesForPosition(queryPosition);

        HeightRange newHeightRange = GenerateHeightRangeFor(position.y, height);

        RemoveOverlaps(ranges, newHeightRange);

        groundForPosition[queryPosition] = ranges;
                    public static HeightRange FromBaseObject(BaseObject baseObj)
                        if (baseObj == null || baseObj.NativeObject == IntPtr.Zero)
                        HeightRange obj = baseObj as  HeightRange;

                        if (object.Equals(obj, null))
                            obj = new HeightRange(CreatedWhenConstruct.CWC_NotToCreate);
                            obj.BindNativeObject(baseObj.NativeObject, "CHeightRange");

        protected override void WriteDataXML(XElement ele, ElderScrollsPlugin master)
            XElement subEle;

            ele.TryPathTo("Density", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = Density.ToString();

            ele.TryPathTo("Slope/Min", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = MinSlope.ToString();

            ele.TryPathTo("Slope/Max", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = MaxSlope.ToString();

            WriteUnused1XML(ele, master);

            ele.TryPathTo("UnitFromWater/Amount", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = UnitFromWaterAmount.ToString();

            WriteUnused2XML(ele, master);

            ele.TryPathTo("UnitFromWater/Type", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = UnitFromWaterType.ToString();

            ele.TryPathTo("PositionRange", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = PositionRange.ToString("G15");

            ele.TryPathTo("HeightRange", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = HeightRange.ToString("G15");

            ele.TryPathTo("ColorRange", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = ColorRange.ToString("G15");

            ele.TryPathTo("WavePeriod", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = WavePeriod.ToString("G15");

            ele.TryPathTo("Flags", true, out subEle);
            subEle.Value = Flags.ToString();

            WriteUnused3XML(ele, master);
        internal void Clear()
            Profiler.BeginSample("Clear Index");
            int index_size = m_IndexDim.x * (m_IndexDim.y + 1) * m_IndexDim.z;

            NativeArray <int> arr = m_IndexBuffer.BeginWrite <int>(0, index_size);
            for (int i = 0; i < index_size; i++)
                arr[i] = -1;
            m_IndexBuffer.EndWrite <int>(index_size);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_TmpUpdater.Length; i++)
                m_TmpUpdater[i] = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_IndexBuffer.count; i += m_TmpUpdater.Length)
                UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, 0, i, Mathf.Min(m_TmpUpdater.Length, m_IndexBuffer.count - i));

            HeightRange hr = new HeightRange()
                min = -1, cnt = 0
            for (int i = 0; i < m_HeightRanges.Length; i++)
                m_HeightRanges[i] = hr;


    public void WhenHeightIsGreaterThanMaxThenItIsNotInRange()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 8, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRange.IsHeightInRange(10), Is.False);
    public void WhenHeightIsLessThanMinThenItIsNotInRange()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 8, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRange.IsHeightInRange(1), Is.False);
    public void WhenGroundHeightIsChangedToBeHigherThanMaxThenExceptionIsThrown()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 5, 3);

        Assert.That(() => heightRange.GroundHeight = 6, Throws.ArgumentException);
                    public BaseObject Create()
                        HeightRange emptyInstance = new HeightRange(CreatedWhenConstruct.CWC_NotToCreate);

    public void WhenMaxIsChangedToExcludeGroundHeightThenExceptionIsThrown()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 5, 3);

        Assert.That(() => heightRange.Max = 2, Throws.ArgumentException);
    public void WhenMaxIsChangedToBeSmallerThanMinThenExceptionIsThrown()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 5, 3);

        Assert.That(() => heightRange.Max = 1, Throws.ArgumentException);
    public void WhenMinIsChangedToBeGreaterThanMaxThenExceptionIsThrown()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 5, 3);

        Assert.That(() => heightRange.Min = 6, Throws.ArgumentException);
 /// <summary>
 /// This method can be used to quickly check whether or not any part of this height range is intersecting/overlapping with another height range.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">A height range to test against.</param>
 /// <returns>True IFF this height range is intersecting/overlapping with <paramref name="other"/></returns>
 public bool IsOverlappingWith(HeightRange other)
     return(IsHeightInRange(other.min) || IsHeightInRange(other.max) || other.IsHeightInRange(min) || other.IsHeightInRange(max));
    public void WhenHeightIsInBetweenMinAndMaxThenItIsInRange()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 8, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRange.IsHeightInRange(4), Is.True);
    public void WhenHeightIsEqualToMaxThenItIsInRange()
        HeightRange heightRange = new HeightRange(2, 8, 5);

        Assert.That(heightRange.IsHeightInRange(8), Is.True);
        void UpdateIndex(Vector3Int voxel, List <ReservedBrick> bricks, List <ushort> indices)
            int base_offset = m_IndexDim.x * m_IndexDim.z;

            // clip voxel to index space
            Vector3Int vx_min, vx_max;

            ClipToIndexSpace(voxel, m_VoxelSubdivLevel, out vx_min, out vx_max);

            foreach (var rbrick in bricks)
                // clip brick to clipped voxel
                int        brick_cell_size = ProbeReferenceVolume.CellSize(rbrick.brick.subdivisionLevel);
                Vector3Int brick_min       = rbrick.brick.position;
                Vector3Int brick_max       = rbrick.brick.position + * brick_cell_size;
                brick_min.x = Mathf.Max(vx_min.x, brick_min.x - m_CenterRS.x);
                brick_min.y = Mathf.Max(vx_min.y, brick_min.y);
                brick_min.z = Mathf.Max(vx_min.z, brick_min.z - m_CenterRS.z);
                brick_max.x = Mathf.Min(vx_max.x, brick_max.x - m_CenterRS.x);
                brick_max.y = Mathf.Min(vx_max.y, brick_max.y);
                brick_max.z = Mathf.Min(vx_max.z, brick_max.z - m_CenterRS.z);

                int bsize_x = brick_max.x - brick_min.x;
                int bsize_z = brick_max.z - brick_min.z;

                if (bsize_x <= 0 || bsize_z <= 0)

                for (int idx = 0; idx < brick_cell_size; idx++)
                    m_TmpUpdater[idx] = rbrick.flattenedIdx;

                int posIS_x = m_CenterIS.x + brick_min.x;
                int posIS_z = m_CenterIS.z + brick_min.z;
                // iterate over z then x, as y needs special handling for updating the base offset
                for (int z = 0; z < bsize_z; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bsize_x; x++)
                        int mx = (posIS_x + x) % m_IndexDim.x;
                        int mz = (posIS_z + z) % m_IndexDim.z;

                        int         hoff_idx = mz * m_IndexDim.x + mx;
                        HeightRange hr       = m_HeightRanges[hoff_idx];

                        if (hr.min == -1) // untouched column
                            hr.min = brick_min.y;
                            hr.cnt = Mathf.Min(brick_cell_size, m_IndexDim.y);
                            UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, 0, base_offset + TranslateIndex(mx, 0, mz), hr.cnt);
                            // shift entire column upwards, but without pushing out existing indices
                            int lowest_limit = hr.min - (m_IndexDim.y - hr.cnt);
                            lowest_limit = Mathf.Max(brick_min.y, lowest_limit);
                            int shift_cnt     = Mathf.Max(0, hr.min - lowest_limit);
                            int highest_limit = hr.min + m_IndexDim.y;

                            if (shift_cnt == 0)
                                hr.cnt = Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Min(m_IndexDim.y, brick_min.y + brick_cell_size - hr.min));
                                UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, 0, base_offset + TranslateIndex(mx, brick_min.y - hr.min, mz), Mathf.Min(brick_cell_size, highest_limit - brick_min.y));
                                int indexTrans = TranslateIndex(mx, 0, mz);
                                GetIndexData(ref m_TmpUpdater, shift_cnt, base_offset + indexTrans, hr.cnt);

                                hr.min  = lowest_limit;
                                hr.cnt += shift_cnt;

                                UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, 0, base_offset + indexTrans, hr.cnt);

                                // restore pool idx array
                                for (int cidx = shift_cnt; cidx < brick_cell_size; cidx++)
                                    m_TmpUpdater[cidx] = rbrick.flattenedIdx;

                        // update the column offset
                        m_HeightRanges[hoff_idx] = hr;
                        m_TmpUpdater[m_TmpUpdater.Length - 1] = hr.min;
                        UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, m_TmpUpdater.Length - 1, hoff_idx, 1);
        void ClearVoxel(Vector3Int pos)
            // clip voxel to index space
            Vector3Int volMin, volMax;

            ClipToIndexSpace(pos, m_VoxelSubdivLevel, out volMin, out volMax);

            int base_offset = m_IndexDim.x * m_IndexDim.z;
            int volCellSize = ProbeReferenceVolume.CellSize(m_VoxelSubdivLevel);

            int bsize_x = volMax.x - volMin.x;
            int bsize_z = volMax.z - volMin.z;

            if (bsize_x <= 0 || bsize_z <= 0)

            for (int idx = 0; idx < volCellSize; idx++)
                m_TmpUpdater[idx] = -1;

            int posIS_x = m_CenterIS.x + volMin.x;
            int posIS_z = m_CenterIS.z + volMin.z;

            // iterate over z then x, as y needs special handling for updating the base offset
            for (int z = 0; z < bsize_z; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < bsize_x; x++)
                    int mx = (posIS_x + x) % m_IndexDim.x;
                    int mz = (posIS_z + z) % m_IndexDim.z;

                    int         hoff_idx = mz * m_IndexDim.x + mx;
                    HeightRange hr       = m_HeightRanges[hoff_idx];

                    if (hr.min == -1)

                    int indexTrans = TranslateIndex(mx, 0, mz);

                    GetIndexData(ref m_TmpUpdater, 0, base_offset + indexTrans, hr.cnt);
                    int start = volMin.y - hr.min;
                    int end   = Mathf.Min(start + volCellSize, m_IndexDim.y);
                    start = Mathf.Max(start, 0);
                    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                        m_TmpUpdater[i] = -1;

                    int hmin = m_IndexDim.y, hmax = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_IndexDim.y; i++)
                        if (m_TmpUpdater[i] != -1)
                            hmin = Mathf.Min(hmin, i);
                            hmax = Mathf.Max(hmax, i);
                    bool all_cleared = hmin == m_IndexDim.y;
                    if (all_cleared)
                        hr.min = -1;
                        hr.cnt = 0;
                        UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, 0, base_offset + indexTrans, m_IndexDim.y);
                        hr.min += hmin;
                        hr.cnt  = hmax - hmin;
                        UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, hmin, base_offset + indexTrans, m_IndexDim.y - hmin);
                        UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, 0, base_offset + indexTrans, hmin);

                    // update the column offset
                    m_HeightRanges[hoff_idx] = hr;
                    m_TmpUpdater[m_TmpUpdater.Length - 1] = hr.min;
                    UpdateIndexData(m_TmpUpdater, m_TmpUpdater.Length - 1, hoff_idx, 1);