    private static void InitializeHeadless()
        if (initializedHeadless)

        headlessRuntime = Resources.Load("HeadlessRuntime") as HeadlessRuntime;
        if (headlessRuntime != null)
            currentProfile = headlessRuntime.profileName;

                        #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN
            if (headlessRuntime.valueConsole && !Application.isEditor)
                Windows.HeadlessConsole console = new Windows.HeadlessConsole();

                Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog;

            if (headlessRuntime.valueLimitFramerate)
                Application.targetFrameRate = headlessRuntime.valueFramerate;
                QualitySettings.vSyncCount  = 0;
                Debug.Log("Application target framerate set to " + headlessRuntime.valueFramerate);

        initializedHeadless = true;

 static void OnBeforeSceneLoadRuntimeMethod()
     if (IsHeadless())
	// This function cleans a build up in a synchronized fashion
	// and is called regardless of whether the build was successful
	static void FinalizeBuildSync (bool restore)

		if (restore) {
			try {
				RestoreBuild ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				buildError = true;
				UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (e);

			try {
				RevertBuild ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				buildError = true;
				UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (e);

		if (buildError) {
			UnityEngine.Debug.LogError ("Build failed!\nHeadless Builder (v" + Headless.version + ")");
			Headless.SetBuildingHeadless (false, HeadlessProfiles.currentProfile);
			HeadlessCallbacks.InvokeCallbacks ("HeadlessBuildFailed");
            if (manualBuild || debugBuild)
        } else {
			UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Build success!\nHeadless Builder (v" + Headless.version + ")");
            Headless.SetBuildingHeadless(false, HeadlessProfiles.currentProfile);
            if (manualBuild || debugBuild) {
			int finishedBuilds = EditorPrefs.GetInt ("HEADLESSBUILDER_FINISHEDBUILDS", 0);
			if (finishedBuilds < int.MaxValue - 64) { 
				EditorPrefs.SetInt ("HEADLESSBUILDER_FINISHEDBUILDS", finishedBuilds + 1);

		if (queueBuild) {
			if (!buildError) {
				ManualBuildQueue (queueID + 1);

    static void OnAfterSceneLoadRuntimeMethod()
        if (IsHeadless())
            if (headlessRuntime.valueCamera)
                GameObject headlessObject = GameObject.Find("HeadlessBehaviour");
                if (headlessObject == null)
                    headlessObject = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("HeadlessBehaviour"));
                HeadlessBehaviour headlessBehaviour = headlessObject.GetComponent <HeadlessBehaviour> ();
                if (headlessBehaviour == null)
                    headlessBehaviour = headlessObject.AddComponent <HeadlessBehaviour> ();
                Camera.onPreCull += headlessBehaviour.GetComponent <HeadlessBehaviour> ().NullifyCamera;

	public static void Postprocess (string path)

		SetProgress ("POSTPROCESS");

		if (cloudBuild) {
			// If this is a cloud build, rename files and folders
			var subDirs = Directory.GetDirectories (path);
			foreach (var subDir in subDirs) {
				// For Windows and Linux:
				if (subDir.EndsWith ("_Data")) {
					String oldName = NormalizePath (subDir).Replace (NormalizePath (path), "");
					oldName = oldName.Substring (1, oldName.IndexOf ("_data") - 1);
					if (!oldName.Equals (buildName)) {
						if (File.Exists (path + "/" + oldName + buildExtension)) {
							File.Move (path + "/" + oldName + buildExtension, path + "/" + buildExecutable);
							Directory.Move (subDir, path + "/" + buildName + "_Data");
				// For OSX:
				if (subDir.EndsWith (".app")) {
					String oldName = NormalizePath (subDir).Replace (NormalizePath (path), "");
					oldName = oldName.Substring (1, oldName.IndexOf (".app") - 1);
					if (!oldName.Equals (buildName)) {
						if (File.Exists (subDir + "/Contents/MacOS/" + oldName)) {
							File.Move (subDir + "/Contents/MacOS/" + oldName, subDir + "/Contents/MacOS/" + buildExecutable);
							Directory.Move (subDir, path + "/" + buildName + ".app");

        if (!debugBuild)
            string oldBuildExecutable = buildExecutable;
            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.WINDOWS)
                // For Windows builds, rename the executable to prevent direct execution

                if (File.Exists(path + "/" + buildExecutable))

                    string newBuildExecutable = buildName + ".bin";
                    if (File.Exists(path + "/" + newBuildExecutable))
                        File.Delete(path + "/" + newBuildExecutable);
                    File.Move(path + "/" + buildExecutable, path + "/" + newBuildExecutable);

                    StreamWriter binaryWriter = new StreamWriter(path + "/" + buildExecutable, false);

                    buildExecutable = newBuildExecutable;


            string consoleSuffix = "";
            if (headlessSettings.valueConsole)
                consoleSuffix = " -logFile";

            // Create readme file
            String nl = "";
            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.WINDOWS)
                nl = "\r\n";
                nl = "\n";

            StreamWriter readmeWriter = new StreamWriter(path + "/" + "Readme_" + headlessSettings.profileName + ".txt", false);
            readmeWriter.Write("This build only supports headless mode." + nl);

            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform != HeadlessEditor.LINUX)
                readmeWriter.Write("Do not run " + oldBuildExecutable + " directly." + nl);

            readmeWriter.Write("" + nl);
            readmeWriter.Write("INSTRUCTIONS" + nl);
            readmeWriter.Write("To start " + PlayerSettings.productName + " in headless mode, run:" + nl);

            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.WINDOWS)
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + packageName + ".bat" + nl);
            else if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.OSX)
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + "sh " + packageName + ".sh" + nl);
            else if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.LINUX)
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + "./" + packageName + ".sh" + nl);
            readmeWriter.Write("or run:" + nl);
            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.WINDOWS)
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + buildExecutable + " -batchmode -nographics" + consoleSuffix + nl);
            else if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.OSX)
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + "./" + buildExecutable + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" + buildExecutable + " -batchmode -nographics" + consoleSuffix + nl);
            else if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.LINUX)
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + "./" + buildExecutable + " -batchmode -nographics" + consoleSuffix + nl);

            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.LINUX)
                readmeWriter.Write("" + nl);
                readmeWriter.Write("You might have to grant execute permissions first by running:" + nl);
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + "sudo chmod +x " + packageName + ".sh" + nl);
                readmeWriter.Write("\t" + "sudo chmod +x " + buildExecutable + nl);


            // Create script files
            if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.WINDOWS)

                StreamWriter scriptWriter = new StreamWriter(path + "/" + packageName + ".bat", false);
                scriptWriter.Write("@ECHO OFF\r\n");
                scriptWriter.Write(buildExecutable + " -batchmode -nographics" + consoleSuffix + "\r\n");

            else if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.OSX || headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.LINUX)

                StreamWriter scriptWriter = new StreamWriter(path + "/" + packageName + ".sh", false);
                if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.OSX)
                    scriptWriter.Write("./" + buildExecutable + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" + buildExecutable + " -batchmode -nographics" + consoleSuffix + "\n");
                else if (headlessSettings.valuePlatform == HeadlessEditor.LINUX)
                    scriptWriter.Write("./" + buildExecutable + " -batchmode -nographics" + consoleSuffix + "\n");

                /*if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.LinuxEditor) {
				    ProcessStartInfo procBasic = new ProcessStartInfo ();
				    procBasic.FileName = "open";
				    procBasic.WorkingDirectory = path;
				    procBasic.Arguments = "chmod +x " + packageName + ".sh";
				    procBasic.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
				    procBasic.CreateNoWindow = true;
				    Process.Start (procBasic);

				    ProcessStartInfo procSudo = new ProcessStartInfo ();
				    procSudo.FileName = "open";
				    procSudo.WorkingDirectory = path;
				    procSudo.Arguments = "sudo chmod +x " + packageName + ".sh";
				    procSudo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
				    procSudo.CreateNoWindow = true;
				    Process.Start (procSudo);


		if (manualBuild) {
			// If this is a manual build, open the target folder
			HeadlessExplore.Open (path);

		HeadlessCallbacks.InvokeCallbacks ("HeadlessBuildSuccess");

	static bool InitializeBuild ()
		try {

			HeadlessCallbacks.InvokeCallbacks ("HeadlessBuildBefore");

            if (manualBuild || debugBuild)
                // Hide progress window if visible

            if (manualBuild) {
				// If this is a manual build, store the currently selected build target
				// so we can revert to that later
				regularTarget = EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget;
				regularTargetGroup = BuildPipeline.GetBuildTargetGroup (regularTarget);

			if (!batchBuild) {
				// Get the current build path for regular builds so we can use it as a default value
				try {
					buildPath = Directory.GetParent (EditorUserBuildSettings.GetBuildLocation (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget)).ToString ();
				} catch (Exception e) {
					if (e.Message.Equals ("never")) {
						// These errors are no problem at all, so we use this workaround to supress them
						UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning (e);

			if (manualBuild || debugBuild) {

                if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Headless Builder",
                        "You can't build while the editor is compiling.\n\n" +
                        "Please wait for compilation to finish and try again.", "OK");

                    return false;

                if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                    EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Headless Builder",
                        "You can't build while the editor is in play mode.\n\n" +
                        "Please exit play mode by clicking the stop button and try again.", "OK");

                    return false;

				if (headlessSettings.valueDummy && !headlessSettings.valueSkipConfirmation) {

					if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Headless Builder",
						"You have enabled a feature that replaces your visual and audio assets with dummies.\n\n" +
						"This will greatly enhance your build's performance,\n" + 
						"but will also force Unity to re-import all assets, which might take a long time.\n\n" + 
						"Are you sure you want to continue?", "Yes", "Cancel")) {
						return false;


				if (headlessSettings.valueGI && 
					UnityEditor.EditorSettings.serializationMode != UnityEditor.SerializationMode.ForceText) {

					if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Headless Builder",
						"You have enabled a feature that requires Unity's serialization mode to be set to 'Force Text',\n" + 
						"but your current serialization mode is something else.\n\n" +
						"Should we change the serialization mode for you?\n" + 
						"This might take a long time.\n\n" + 
						"If you choose to not change the serialization mode, the relevant features will be skipped.", "Change to 'Force Text'", "Ignore")) {

						UnityEditor.EditorSettings.serializationMode = UnityEditor.SerializationMode.ForceText;


				// If this is a manual build, make sure the scene is saved, because we'll reload it later
				EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo ();

				for (int i = 0; i < EditorSceneManager.sceneCount; i++) {
					if (EditorSceneManager.GetSceneAt (i).isDirty) {
						UnityEngine.Debug.LogError ("Any changes to scenes must be changed before doing a headless build\nHeadless Builder (v" + Headless.version + ")");
						return false;

                if (manualBuild)
                    // Get the build path used for previous headless builds and use it as a default, if there is any
                    bool foundPreviousPath = false;
                    if (headlessSettings.buildPath != null && headlessSettings.buildPath.Length > 3)
                        if (Directory.Exists(headlessSettings.buildPath))
                            buildPath = headlessSettings.buildPath;
                            foundPreviousPath = true;

                    // Ask output folder
                    if (!foundPreviousPath || !headlessSettings.valueRememberPath)
                        buildPath = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Destination For Headless Build (" + headlessSettings.profileName + ")", buildPath, "");
                        if (buildPath.Length == 0)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("You must choose a destination path for the headless build\nHeadless Builder (v" + Headless.version + ")");
                            return false;


			// Set the build number
			headlessSettings.buildPath = buildPath;
            if (!debugBuild)
                if (headlessSettings.buildID < int.MaxValue - 128)

            if (manualBuild || debugBuild)
                // If this is a manual build, show the progress bar window
                progressWindow = HeadlessProgress.Init();

            SetProgress ("INIT");

			return true;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			UnityEngine.Debug.LogError (e);
			return false;
