private void ListViewConfig(ObjectListView olv) { olv.View = View.Details; olv.FullRowSelect = false; olv.GridLines = false; olv.AllowColumnReorder = false; olv.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); olv.HideSelection = false; //olv.UseFiltering = true; olv.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable; olv.ShowItemToolTips = true; olv.HeaderWordWrap = true; olv.UseHotItem = true; olv.UseTranslucentHotItem = true; olv.HeaderMaximumHeight = 80; olv.HeaderMinimumHeight = 0; HeaderFormatStyle HeaderStyle = new HeaderFormatStyle(); HeaderStyle.SetFont(new Font(olv.Font.FontFamily, olv.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold)); olv.HeaderFormatStyle = HeaderStyle; //olv.AlwaysGroupByColumn = GetGroupColumn(); olv.CellEditActivation = ObjectListView.CellEditActivateMode.SingleClickAlways; olv.ShowGroups = false; olv.CellEditUseWholeCell = true; olv.CellEditEnterChangesRows = true; }
private void InitializeModListView() { headerStyle.SetFont(fontBold); headerStyle.Hot.Font = fontUnderline; headerStyleEmoji.SetFont(fontEmoji); modListView.EmptyListMsg = "Nothing for now"; // This is changed in form but I keep track of what has changed from default. modListView.GridLines = true; modListView.ShowGroups = false; modListView.FullRowSelect = true; modListView.UseHyperlinks = true; // No context menu filter on column right click. modListView.SelectColumnsOnRightClick = false; modListView.SelectColumnsOnRightClickBehaviour = BrightIdeasSoftware.ObjectListView.ColumnSelectBehaviour.None; modListView.TintSortColumn = true; // Textbox search filter. modListView.UseFiltering = true; // Cell format events, so we can apply different colors and wonts modListView.UseCellFormatEvents = true; // Drag and drop support modListView.DragSource = dragSource; modListView.DropSink = dropSink; // Apply header style to exch column foreach (OLVColumn item in modListView.Columns) { item.HeaderFormatStyle = headerStyle; if (item.AspectName.Equals("Enabled")) { item.HeaderFormatStyle = headerStyleEmoji; } } // Set objects source. modListView.SetObjects(modList); // Load mods LoadMods(); ApplyProfileData(); // Build final listview. modListView.BuildList(); // Check achievements and mod conflicts in background. BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); modLoadComplete = true; }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); HeaderFormatStyle hs = new HeaderFormatStyle(); hs.SetBackColor(Color.FromArgb(241, 199, 22)); hs.SetFont(new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10, FontStyle.Bold)); listView.HeaderFormatStyle = hs; }
private void SetColumnHeaderStyles() { ObjectListGpus.HeaderUsesThemes = false; HeaderFormatStyle headerStyle = new HeaderFormatStyle(); headerStyle.SetBackColor(ThemeColors.ListHeaderNormalBackground); headerStyle.SetForeColor(ThemeColors.ListHeaderNormalForeground); headerStyle.SetFont(this.Font); ObjectListGpus.HeaderWordWrap = true; ObjectListGpus.HeaderFormatStyle = headerStyle; }
private void InitializeListView() { headerStyle.SetFont(fontBold); headerStyle.Hot.Font = fontUnderline; headerStyleEmoji.SetFont(fontEmoji); olvLootList.EmptyListMsg = "Nothing for now"; // This is changed in form but I keep track of what has changed from default. olvLootList.GridLines = true; olvLootList.ShowGroups = false; olvLootList.FullRowSelect = true; olvLootList.UseHyperlinks = false; // No context menu filter on column right click. olvLootList.SelectColumnsOnRightClick = false; olvLootList.SelectColumnsOnRightClickBehaviour = BrightIdeasSoftware.ObjectListView.ColumnSelectBehaviour.None; olvLootList.TintSortColumn = false; // Textbox search filter. olvLootList.UseFiltering = true; // Cell format events, so we can apply different colors and wonts olvLootList.UseCellFormatEvents = true; olvLootList.ShowSortIndicators = true; olvLootList.MultiSelect = true; olvLootList.UseCustomSelectionColors = true; olvLootList.HasCollapsibleGroups = true; olvLootList.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8, FontStyle.Bold); // Declare what columns are searchable columnName.Searchable = true; columnEnabled.Searchable = true; // Get Lootables list. olvLootList.SetObjects(LootListView.GetLootLists()); // Use always on every change like drawing stuff etc. Olv_ParseEntries(); olvLootList.Sort(olvLootList.GetColumn(0), SortOrder.Ascending); }
public static OLVColumn CreateColumn(string name, string text, string aspect, int width) { HeaderFormatStyle style = new HeaderFormatStyle(); //style.SetBackColor(Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240)); style.SetForeColor(Color.FromArgb(63, 130, 242)); style.SetFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", 10, FontStyle.Bold)); OLVColumn column = new OLVColumn() { Name = name, Text = text, AspectName = aspect, Width = width, HeaderFormatStyle = style, }; if (name.Equals("Detected")) { column.AspectGetter = delegate(object obj) { if (obj is Detection detection) { if (detection.Detected) { return("Detected"); } else { return("Undetected"); } } else { return(null); } }; } return(column); }
private void ListViewConfig(TreeListView olv) { olv.View = View.Details; olv.FullRowSelect = true; olv.GridLines = true; olv.AllowColumnReorder = false; olv.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); olv.HideSelection = false; olv.UseFiltering = true; olv.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Clickable; olv.ShowItemToolTips = true; olv.HeaderWordWrap = true; olv.UseHotItem = true; olv.UseTranslucentHotItem = true; olv.HeaderMaximumHeight = 80; olv.HeaderMinimumHeight = 50; HeaderFormatStyle HeaderStyle = new HeaderFormatStyle(); HeaderStyle.SetFont(new Font(olv.Font.FontFamily, olv.Font.Size, FontStyle.Bold)); olv.HeaderFormatStyle = HeaderStyle; }