public void GetCommaSeparatedValues_WorksForUnquotedHeaderValuesEndingWithSpace()
        var headers = new HeaderDictionary
            { "Via", "value " },

        var result = headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues("Via");

        Assert.Equal(new[] { "value " }, result);
    public void EmptyQuotedHeaderSegmentsAreIgnored()
        var headers = new HeaderDictionary(
            new Dictionary <string, StringValues>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            { "Header1", "Value1,\"\",,Value2" },

        var result = headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues("Header1");

        Assert.Equal(new[] { "Value1", "Value2" }, result);
    public void EmptyHeaderSegmentsAreIgnored(IEnumerable <string> segments)
        var header = string.Join(",", segments);

        var headers = new HeaderDictionary(
            new Dictionary <string, StringValues>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            { "Header1", header },

        var result         = headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues("Header1");
        var expectedResult = segments.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

        Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
    /// <summary>
    ///     Overrides the default order of compression from Smidge, since Brotli is super slow (~10 seconds for backoffice.js)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="headers"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public CompressionType GetClientCompression(IDictionary <string, StringValues> headers)
        CompressionType type = CompressionType.None;

        if (headers is not IHeaderDictionary headerDictionary)
            headerDictionary = new HeaderDictionary(headers.Count);
            foreach ((var key, StringValues stringValues) in headers)
                headerDictionary[key] = stringValues;

        var acceptEncoding = headerDictionary.GetCommaSeparatedValues(HeaderNames.AcceptEncoding);

        if (acceptEncoding.Length > 0)
            // Prefer in order: GZip, Deflate, Brotli.
            for (var i = 0; i < acceptEncoding.Length; i++)
                var encoding = acceptEncoding[i].Trim();

                var parsed = CompressionType.Parse(encoding);

                // Not pack200-gzip.
                if (parsed == CompressionType.GZip)

                if (parsed == CompressionType.Deflate)
                    type = CompressionType.Deflate;

                // Brotli is typically last in the accept encoding header.
                if (type != CompressionType.Deflate && parsed == CompressionType.Brotli)
                    type = CompressionType.Brotli;
