 // Constructor
 public CommandInfo(Haxxit.Maps.Point newSource, Haxxit.Maps.Point newTarget, Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode newTargetProgram, Stack<Haxxit.Maps.Point> newPath)
     source = newSource;
     target = newTarget;
     targetProgram = newTargetProgram;
     path = newPath;
 // Constructor
 public AINodeData(int column, int row)
     coordinate = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(column, row);
     isAvailable = false;
     hasSilicoin = false;
     hasData = false;
     isSpawn = false;
     occupiedBy = null;
     aStarTrackStatus = AStarStatus.Unlisted;
     parent = null;
     f = int.MaxValue;
     g = int.MaxValue;
     h = int.MaxValue;
 // This is a recursive helper function for finding all of the valid nodes which are within a specified range
 // of the target node.  Since programs can traverse their own nodes a program object is passed for this
 // validity check.
 private List<Haxxit.Maps.Point> FindNodesInRange(Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode program, Haxxit.Maps.Point target, int range)
     List<Haxxit.Maps.Point> nodesInRange;
     if (range == 0) // Base case instantiates the actual list object
         nodesInRange = new List<Haxxit.Maps.Point>();
         return nodesInRange;
     else // Find all of the valid nodes in the current range ring (each recursive call handles a smaller ring)
         nodesInRange = FindNodesInRange(program, target, range - 1);
         for (int negativeX = range * -1; negativeX < 0; negativeX++) // Find options in lower left quadrant from target
             Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(target.X + negativeX, target.Y + range + negativeX);
             if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                 if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
         for (int positiveY = range; positiveY > 0; positiveY--) // Find options in lower right quadrant from target
             Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(target.X + range - positiveY, target.Y + positiveY);
             if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                 if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
         for (int positiveX = range; positiveX > 0; positiveX--) // Find options in upper right quadrant from target
             Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(target.X + positiveX, target.Y - range + positiveX);
             if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                 if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
         for (int negativeY = range * -1; negativeY < 0; negativeY++) // Find options in upper left quadrant from target
             Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(target.X - range - negativeY, target.Y + negativeY);
             if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                 if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
     return nodesInRange;
        // Finds the closest enemy node from the specified program's head node.  This is used as
        // part a fallback for pathfinding when no paths to valid attack positions can be found
        // for a program on this turn.
        private Haxxit.Maps.Point FindClosestEnemy(Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode program)
            Haxxit.Maps.Point closestEnemyPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(-1, -1);
            int closestEnemyDistance = int.MaxValue;

             // For every enemy program...
            if (enemyPrograms.Any())
                foreach (Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode enemyProgram in enemyPrograms)
                    // For every node in that enemy program...
                    foreach (Haxxit.Maps.ProgramNode node in enemyProgram.GetAllNodes())
                        // Determine the distance to that enemy node
                        int xDistanceToEnemy = Math.Abs(node.coordinate.X - program.coordinate.X);
                        int yDistanceToEnemy = Math.Abs(node.coordinate.Y - program.coordinate.Y);
                        int distanceToEnemy = xDistanceToEnemy + yDistanceToEnemy;

                        // Determine if the distance is shorter than any others yet calculated
                        if (distanceToEnemy < closestEnemyDistance)
                            closestEnemyPoint = node.coordinate;
                            closestEnemyDistance = distanceToEnemy;
            return closestEnemyPoint;
 // Moves the program directly left if possible.  This was implemented as a proof of concept.
 // May be useful for future testing.
 private void BehaviorMoveLeft(Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode program)
     Haxxit.Maps.Point head = program.coordinate;
     Haxxit.Maps.Point moveLeft = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(-1, 0);
     for (int moves = 0; program.Program.Moves.MovesLeft > moves; moves++)
         Haxxit.Maps.Point movedHead = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(head.X - moves, head.Y);
         if (movedHead.X - 1 < 0) // Can't move off edge of Map
         if (mapData[movedHead.X - 1, head.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
             Haxxit.Maps.MoveEventArgs moveHeadLeft = new Haxxit.Maps.MoveEventArgs(movedHead, moveLeft);
             turnActions.Enqueue(new NotifyArgs("haxxit.map.move", this, moveHeadLeft, NotifyArgs.ArgType.Move));
        // Locates the nearest move/attack combination and attempts to use it
        private void BehaviorAttackNearest(Haxxit.Maps.ProgramHeadNode program)
            List<Commands.Command> commands = GetActualCommands(program);
            List<PrioritizedCommand> prioritizedCommands = new List<PrioritizedCommand>();

            // For each of the current program's available commands...
            foreach(Commands.Command command in commands)
                // Record all potential options for using that command
                PrioritizedCommand newPrioritizedCommand = FindCommandOptions(program, command);

            // Sort the different commands (and their lists of usage options) by usefulness priority (IE: Damage & range).
            // The PrioritizedCommand class has an internal comparable interface for performing this sort.

            Stack<Haxxit.Maps.Point> chosenPath = null;
            Haxxit.Maps.Point chosenSource = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(-1, -1);
            Haxxit.Maps.Point chosenTarget = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(-1, -1);
            Commands.Command chosenCommand = null;
            bool optionChosen = false;

            // For each of the current program's prioritized commands...
            foreach(PrioritizedCommand prioritizedCommand in prioritizedCommands)
                if (optionChosen)
                if (prioritizedCommand.TargetOptions.Count != 0) // If the command has any potential usages...
                    CommandInfo closestOption = prioritizedCommand.TargetOptions.First();
                    if (closestOption.Path.Count <= program.Program.Moves.MovesLeft)
                        // We can use the command this turn, so we queue up the moves!
                        chosenPath = closestOption.Path;
                        chosenSource = closestOption.Source;
                        chosenTarget = closestOption.Target;
                        chosenCommand = prioritizedCommand.Command;
                        optionChosen = true;

            // If the program isn't close enough to use any commands this turn after moving...
            if (!optionChosen)
                // For each of the current program's prioritized commands...
                foreach (PrioritizedCommand prioritizedCommand in prioritizedCommands)
                    if (optionChosen)
                    if (prioritizedCommand.TargetOptions.Count != 0) // If the command has any potential usages...
                        // We begin moving towards usage points for next turn.
                        CommandInfo closestOption = prioritizedCommand.TargetOptions.First();
                        chosenPath = closestOption.Path;
                        optionChosen = true;

            // If there are no accessible positions from which to use a command anywhere on the Map...
            if (!optionChosen)
                // Find the first reachable point in expanding circles from the nearest enemy and move towards it instead
                Haxxit.Maps.Point closestEnemy = FindClosestEnemy(program);
                int checkRange = 1; // First circle to try will have a range of 1 from target
                while (chosenPath == null)
                    for (int negativeX = checkRange * -1; negativeX < 0; negativeX++) // Find options in lower left quadrant from target
                        if (optionChosen)
                        Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(closestEnemy.X + negativeX, closestEnemy.Y + checkRange + negativeX);
                        if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                            if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
                                chosenPath = AStar(program, checkPoint);
                                if (chosenPath != null)
                                    optionChosen = true;
                    for (int positiveY = checkRange; positiveY > 0; positiveY--) // Find options in lower right quadrant from target
                        if (optionChosen)
                        Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(closestEnemy.X + checkRange - positiveY, closestEnemy.Y + positiveY);
                        if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                            if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
                                chosenPath = AStar(program, checkPoint);
                                if (chosenPath != null)
                                    optionChosen = true;
                    for (int positiveX = checkRange; positiveX > 0; positiveX--) // Find options in upper right quadrant from target
                        if (optionChosen)
                        Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(closestEnemy.X + positiveX, closestEnemy.Y - checkRange + positiveX);
                        if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                            if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
                                chosenPath = AStar(program, checkPoint);
                                if (chosenPath != null)
                                    optionChosen = true;
                    for (int negativeY = checkRange * -1; negativeY < 0; negativeY++) // Find options in upper left quadrant from target
                        if (optionChosen)
                        Haxxit.Maps.Point checkPoint = new Haxxit.Maps.Point(closestEnemy.X - checkRange - negativeY, closestEnemy.Y + negativeY);
                        if (IsInBounds(checkPoint))
                            if (mapData[checkPoint.X, checkPoint.Y].canHoldCurrentProgram(program))
                                chosenPath = AStar(program, checkPoint);
                                if (chosenPath != null)
                                    optionChosen = true;
                    checkRange++; // Try next circle from target
            Queue<Haxxit.Maps.Point> finalPath = new Queue<Haxxit.Maps.Point>();
            if (chosenPath.Count < program.Program.Moves.MovesLeft)
                for (int i = chosenPath.Count; i > 0; i--)
                for (int i = program.Program.Moves.MovesLeft; i > 0; i--)
            MoveCode moveCode = MoveCode.Success;
            if (finalPath != null && finalPath.Any())
                moveCode = PerformMoves(program, finalPath);
            if (moveCode != MoveCode.Success) // For debugging AI movement
                #if DEBUG
                throw new Exception();
            CommandCode commandCode = CommandCode.Success;
            if(chosenCommand != null)
                commandCode = PerformCommand(chosenTarget, chosenSource, chosenCommand);
            if (commandCode != CommandCode.Success) // For debugging AI commands
                #if DEBUG
                throw new Exception();