/// <exclude /> public static string EncodeUrlInvalidCharacters(string value) { const char separator = '|'; const char spaceReplacement = '-'; var symbolsToEncode = new Hashset <char>(new[] { '<', '>', '*', '%', '&', '\\', '?', '/' }); symbolsToEncode.Add(separator); symbolsToEncode.Add(spaceReplacement); var sb = new StringBuilder(value.Length); foreach (var ch in value) { if (!symbolsToEncode.Contains(ch)) { sb.Append(ch); continue; } int code = (int)ch; Verify.That(code <= 256, "1 byte ASCII code expected"); sb.Append(separator).Append(code.ToString("X2")); } return(sb.Replace(' ', spaceReplacement).ToString()); }
public void Method1() { var names = new HashSet <string>(); names.Add("abhi"); names.Add("swathi"); names.Add("nish"); names.Add("ashu"); names.Remove("nish"); //creating another hash set Hashset <string> names2 = new Hashset <string>(); names2.Add("abc"); names2.Add("swathi"); names2.Add("ashu"); names2.Add("def"); names2.Add("ghi"); names1.UnionWith(names2); //names1.IntersectWith(names2); // names1.ExceptWith(names2); foreach (var name in names) { Console.WriteLine(name); } }
public void Test_Fine_ShouldKeyWhenContained() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); var keyFound = data.Find(key2); Assert.AreEqual(key2, keyFound, "Hashset Find should return key."); }
public void Test_Containes_ShouldReturnTrueWhenContained() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); var isContained = data.Containes(key2); Assert.IsTrue(isContained, "Hashset Containes should true when contained."); }
public void Test_Containes_ShouldReturnTrueWhenContained() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); var isContained = data.Containes(key2); Assert.IsTrue(isContained, "Hashset Containes should true when contained."); }
public void Test_Fine_ShouldKeyWhenContained() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); var keyFound = data.Find(key2); Assert.AreEqual(key2, keyFound, "Hashset Find should return key."); }
public void Test_Add_ShouldIncreaseCapacityWhenRangeIsMet() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); data.Add(key4); var expectedCapacity = 8; var actualCapacity = data.Capacity; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCapacity, actualCapacity, "Hashset should increase capacity when range is met!"); }
public void Test_Add_ShouldIncreaseCapacityWhenRangeIsMet() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); data.Add(key4); var expectedCapacity = 8; var actualCapacity = data.Capacity; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCapacity, actualCapacity, "Hashset should increase capacity when range is met!"); }
public void Test_Remove_ShouldRemoveAndDecreaseCount() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); data.Remove(key2); var expectedCount = 2; var actualCount = data.Count; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount, "Hashset should decrease count when removed!"); }
public bool Add(T item) { _lock.EnterWriteLock(); try { return(hashset.Add(item)); } finally { if (_lock.IsWriteLockHeld) { _lock.ExitWriteLock(); } } }
/// <summary> /// FindIntersection - Finds nodes common between two binary trees. Uses Breadth-First traversal. /// </summary> /// <param name="rootOne"> Node - Root of first binary tree </param> /// <param name="rootTwo"> Node - Root of second binary tree </param> /// <returns> integer array conataining the values of all common nodes </returns> public static int[] FindIntersection(Node rootOne, Node rootTwo) { Hashset hs = new Hashset(); List <int> ans = new List <int>(); Queue <Node> breadth = new Queue <Node>(); breadth.Enqueue(rootOne); breadth.Enqueue(rootTwo); while (breadth.TryPeek(out rootOne)) { Node front = breadth.Dequeue(); if (!hs.Add(front)) { ans.Add(front.Value); } if (front.LeftChild != null) { breadth.Enqueue(front.LeftChild); } if (front.RightChild != null) { breadth.Enqueue(front.RightChild); } } return(ans.ToArray()); }
public void Test_Intersect_ShouldAddOnlyKeysContainedInBothSets() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); var secondHashSet = new Hashset <int>(); secondHashSet.Add(key2); secondHashSet.Add(key3); var intersectSet = data.Intersect(secondHashSet); var expectedCount = 1; var actualCount = intersectSet.Count; Assert.IsTrue( expectedCount == actualCount && intersectSet.Containes(key2), "Hashset intersect should add only keys contained in both hasjsets."); }
public void Test_Clear_ShouldEmptyAndSetCountToZero() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Clear(); var expectedCount = 0; var actualCount = data.Count; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount, "Hashset should increase capacity when range is met!"); }
public void Test_Clear_ShouldEmptyAndSetCountToZero() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Clear(); var expectedCount = 0; var actualCount = data.Count; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount, "Hashset should increase capacity when range is met!"); }
public void Test_Union_ShouldHaveUniqueKeys() { data = new Hashset <int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); var secondHashSet = new Hashset <int>(); secondHashSet.Add(key2); secondHashSet.Add(key3); var unionSet = data.Union(secondHashSet); var expectedCount = 3; var actualCount = unionSet.Count; Assert.IsTrue( expectedCount == actualCount && unionSet.Containes(key1) && unionSet.Containes(key2) && unionSet.Containes(key3), "Hashset union should have uniqie keys and correct count."); }
public static string RepeatedWord(string input) { string[] allwords = input.ToLower().Split(" "); Hashset wordSet = new Hashset(); foreach (string word in allwords) { if (!wordSet.Add(word)) { return(word); } } return("no duplicates"); }
private static void EnsureSubscribtion(Type type) { if (!_subscribedTo.Contains(type)) { lock (_subscribedTo) { if (!_subscribedTo.Contains(type)) { _subscribedTo.Add(type); DataEventSystemFacade.SubscribeToStoreChanged(type, (sender, storeEventArgs) => IncreaseTableVersion(type, DataScopeIdentifier.FromPublicationScope(storeEventArgs.PublicationScope), storeEventArgs.Locale), false); } } } }
/// <exclude /> public static string EncodeUrlInvalidCharacters(string value) { const char separator = '|'; const char spaceReplacement = '-'; var symbolsToEncode = new Hashset<char>(new[] { '<', '>', '*', '%', '&', '\\', '?' }); symbolsToEncode.Add(separator); symbolsToEncode.Add(spaceReplacement); var sb = new StringBuilder(value.Length); foreach (var ch in value) { if (!symbolsToEncode.Contains(ch)) { sb.Append(ch); continue; } int code = (int)ch; Verify.That(code <= 256, "1 byte ASCII code expected"); sb.Append(separator).Append(code.ToString("X2")); } return sb.Replace(' ', spaceReplacement).ToString(); }
public void Test_Intersect_ShouldAddOnlyKeysContainedInBothSets() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); var secondHashSet = new Hashset<int>(); secondHashSet.Add(key2); secondHashSet.Add(key3); var intersectSet = data.Intersect(secondHashSet); var expectedCount = 1; var actualCount = intersectSet.Count; Assert.IsTrue( expectedCount == actualCount && intersectSet.Containes(key2), "Hashset intersect should add only keys contained in both hasjsets."); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { LinkedList<KeyValuePair<string, int>> list = new LinkedList<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(); Person person1 = new Person("Pesho", "Peshov", 21); Person person2 = new Person("Gosho", "Peshov", 22); Person person3 = new Person("Tosho", "Peshov", 23); // Console.WriteLine(person1.GetHashCode()); // Console.WriteLine(person2.GetHashCode()); // Console.WriteLine(person3.GetHashCode()); // Console.WriteLine(person1.CompareTo(person2)); // Console.WriteLine(person1.CompareTo(person3)); var hashTable = new HashTable<Person, int>(); hashTable.Add(person1, 1); hashTable.Add(person2, 1); hashTable.Add(person3, 2); foreach (KeyValuePair<Person, int> person in hashTable) { Console.WriteLine("Key\n{0}Value: {1}", person.Key, person.Value); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("=====FIND====="); Console.WriteLine(hashTable.Find(person1)); Console.WriteLine("=====REMOVE====="); Console.WriteLine(hashTable.Remove(person1)); Console.WriteLine(hashTable.Remove(person1)); Console.WriteLine("=====FIND====="); Console.WriteLine(hashTable.Find(person1)); var keys = hashTable.Keys(); foreach (var item in keys) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("=====INDEXER====="); Person person4 = new Person("Rosho", "Peshov", 55); // set hashTable[person4] = 777; // get Console.WriteLine(hashTable[person4]); Console.WriteLine("=====CLEAR====="); hashTable.Clear(); Person person5 = new Person("Josh", "Goshov", 33); hashTable.Add(person5, 1234); Person person6 = new Person("Losh", "Goshov", 66); hashTable.Add(person6, 126); foreach (KeyValuePair<Person, int> person in hashTable) { Console.WriteLine("Key\n{0}Value: {1}", person.Key, person.Value); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(hashTable.ContainesKey(person6)); Console.WriteLine("================================================="); Console.WriteLine("=====HashSet====="); Hashset<Person> hashSet = new Hashset<Person>(); hashSet.Add(person1); hashSet.Add(person2); Console.WriteLine(hashSet.Find(person1)); Console.WriteLine(hashSet.Remove(person1)); Console.WriteLine(hashSet.Find(person1)); Console.WriteLine(hashSet.Find(person2)); Console.WriteLine(hashSet.Remove(person2)); Console.WriteLine("=====FOREACH====="); hashSet.Clear(); hashSet.Add(person1); hashSet.Add(person2); foreach (var item in hashSet) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("=====UNION====="); var secondHashSet = new Hashset<Person>(); secondHashSet.Add(person2); secondHashSet.Add(person3); var unionHashset = hashSet.Union(secondHashSet); foreach (var item in unionHashset) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("=====INTERSECT ===="); var intersectionHashset = hashSet.Intersect(secondHashSet); foreach (var item in intersectionHashset) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
public void Test_Union_ShouldHaveUniqueKeys() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); var secondHashSet = new Hashset<int>(); secondHashSet.Add(key2); secondHashSet.Add(key3); var unionSet = data.Union(secondHashSet); var expectedCount = 3; var actualCount = unionSet.Count; Assert.IsTrue( expectedCount == actualCount && unionSet.Containes(key1) && unionSet.Containes(key2) && unionSet.Containes(key3), "Hashset union should have uniqie keys and correct count."); }
public void AddTag(String tag) { tags.Add(tag); }
public void Test_Remove_ShouldRemoveAndDecreaseCount() { data = new Hashset<int>(4); data.Add(key1); data.Add(key2); data.Add(key3); data.Remove(key2); var expectedCount = 2; var actualCount = data.Count; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount, "Hashset should decrease count when removed!"); }