        public async Task AnalyzerExceptionDiagnosticsWithDifferentContext()
            var exceptionDiagnostics = new HashSet <Diagnostic>();

            await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
public class C
public class C1
public class C2
                                    new[] { new ThrowExceptionForEachNamedTypeAnalyzer() },
                                    onAnalyzerException : (ex, a, d) => exceptionDiagnostics.Add(d));

            var diagnostic = Diagnostic("AD0001", null)
                "ThrowExceptionAnalyzer exception")
                             .WithLocation(1, 1);

            // expect 3 different diagnostics with 3 different contexts.
            exceptionDiagnostics.Verify(diagnostic, diagnostic, diagnostic);
        public async Task SuppressDuplicateAnalyzerExceptionDiagnostics()
            var exceptionDiagnostics = new HashSet <Diagnostic>();

            await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
public class C
public class C1
public class C2
                                    new[] { new ThrowExceptionForEachNamedTypeAnalyzer() },
                                    onAnalyzerException : (ex, a, d) => exceptionDiagnostics.Add(d));

                Diagnostic("AD0001", null)
                    "ThrowExceptionAnalyzer exception")
                .WithLocation(1, 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all connected nodes for include set, excludeNodes will stop the edge tracing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="includeNodeKeys">nodes to focus on</param>
        /// <param name="includeDependentNodes">true to trace dependencies</param>
        /// <param name="excludedNodeKeys">exclude nodes, will stop trace dependencies (edges) on these nodes</param>
        /// <param name="ownEdge">true to trace own edges</param>
        /// <param name="dependsOnEdge">true to trace depends on edges</param>
        /// <returns>List of linked nodes</returns>
        public IReadOnlyList <TNode> GetLinkedNodes(HashSet <TKey> includeNodeKeys, bool includeDependentNodes, HashSet <TKey> excludedNodeKeys, bool ownEdge, bool dependsOnEdge)

            var visitedKeys  = excludedNodeKeys ?? new HashSet <TKey>(KeyCompare);
            var childrenKeys = new HashSet <TKey>(KeyCompare);
            var focusedKeys  = new List <TKey>(includeNodeKeys);

            bool IsOwnEdge(IGraphEdge <TKey> edge) => ownEdge && typeof(GraphEdge <TKey>).IsAssignableFrom(edge.GetType());
            bool IsDependsOnEdge(IGraphEdge <TKey> edge) => dependsOnEdge && typeof(GraphDependOnEdge <TKey>).IsAssignableFrom(edge.GetType());

            var focusedEdges = includeDependentNodes ?
                               Edges.Values.Where(x => IsOwnEdge(x) || IsDependsOnEdge(x)).ToList() :
                               Enumerable.Empty <TEdge>().ToList();

            while (true)
                var children = focusedKeys
                               .Where(x => !visitedKeys.Contains(x))
                               .Join(focusedEdges, x => x, x => !dependsOnEdge ? x.FromNodeKey : x.ToNodeKey, (o, i) => i, KeyCompare)

                if (children.Count == 0)
                           .Concat(focusedKeys.Where(x => !includeNodeKeys.Contains(x)))
                           .Join(Nodes.Values, x => x, x => x.Key, (o, i) => i, KeyCompare)


                .Select(x => !dependsOnEdge ? x.ToNodeKey : x.FromNodeKey)
                .Where(x => !visitedKeys.Contains(x))
                .ForEach(x => focusedKeys.Add(x));

                .ForEach(x => childrenKeys.Add(x));

                .ForEach(x => visitedKeys.Add(!dependsOnEdge ? x.FromNodeKey : x.ToNodeKey));
        public void SuppressDuplicateAnalyzerExceptionDiagnostics()
            var exceptionDiagnostics = new HashSet<Diagnostic>();

public class C
public class C1
public class C2
                new[] { new ThrowExceptionForEachNamedTypeAnalyzer() },
                onAnalyzerException: (ex, a, d) => exceptionDiagnostics.Add(d));

                Diagnostic("AD0001", null)
                        "ThrowExceptionAnalyzer exception")
                    .WithLocation(1, 1));
        public async Task AnalyzerExceptionDiagnosticsWithDifferentContext()
            var exceptionDiagnostics = new HashSet<Diagnostic>();

            await VerifyCSharpAsync(@"
public class C
public class C1
public class C2
                new[] { new ThrowExceptionForEachNamedTypeAnalyzer() },
                onAnalyzerException: (ex, a, d) => exceptionDiagnostics.Add(d));

            var diagnostic = Diagnostic("AD0001", null)
                        "ThrowExceptionAnalyzer exception")
                    .WithLocation(1, 1);

            // expect 3 different diagnostics with 3 different contexts.
            exceptionDiagnostics.Verify(diagnostic, diagnostic, diagnostic);