public void Set(HasPresenceOptions other)
     if (other != null)
         m_ApiVersion = PresenceInterface.HaspresenceApiLatest;
         LocalUserId  = other.LocalUserId;
         TargetUserId = other.TargetUserId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if we already have presence for a user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">Object containing properties related to who is requesting presence and for what user</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if we have presence for the requested user, or false if the request was invalid or we do not have cached data
        /// </returns>
        public bool HasPresence(HasPresenceOptions options)
            System.IntPtr optionsAddress = new System.IntPtr();
            Helper.TryMarshalSet <HasPresenceOptionsInternal, HasPresenceOptions>(ref optionsAddress, options);

            var funcResult = EOS_Presence_HasPresence(InnerHandle, optionsAddress);

            Helper.TryMarshalDispose(ref optionsAddress);

            bool funcResultReturn;

            Helper.TryMarshalGet(funcResult, out funcResultReturn);