        // Create
        // Given a partially composed config object (possibly null)
        // and some input from the config system, return a
        // further partially composed config object
        public override object Create(Object parent, Object configContext, XmlNode section)
            // start res off as a shallow clone of the parent

            // process XML
            foreach (XmlNode child in section.ChildNodes)
                // skip whitespace and comments
                if (HandlerBase.IsIgnorableAlsoCheckForNonElement(child))

                // reject nonelements

                string listName = child.Name;
                bool   result   = false;
                string attribute;

                if (listName == "proxy")
                    // read usersystemdefault="true/false"
                    attribute = HandlerBase.RemoveAttribute(child, "usesystemdefault");

                    // If an earlier config entry specified a usersystemdefault,
                    //   that meant that we would pick up our config settings
                    //   from IE.  If someone later on, wants to turn that off,
                    //   we need to recreate a blank WebProxy entry to override
                    //   the orginial IE settings

                    if (ReadBoolValue(attribute, ref result))
                        if (result)
                            m_IWebProxy = ProxyRegBlob.GetIEProxy();
                            m_IWebProxy = new WebProxy();

                    WebProxy webProxy = m_IWebProxy as System.Net.WebProxy;
                    if (webProxy != null)
                        // read bypassonlocal="true/false"
                        attribute = HandlerBase.RemoveAttribute(child, "bypassonlocal");

                        if (ReadBoolValue(attribute, ref result))
                            webProxy.BypassProxyOnLocal = result;

                        // read proxyaddress="http://sampleproxy"
                        attribute = HandlerBase.RemoveAttribute(child, "proxyaddress");

                        if (attribute != null)
                            try {
                                webProxy.Address = new Uri(attribute);
                            } catch (Exception) {}
                else if (listName == "bypasslist")
                    if (IsNormalWebProxy(m_IWebProxy))
                else if (listName == "module")
                    WebProxy webProxy = m_IWebProxy as System.Net.WebProxy;
                    attribute = HandlerBase.RemoveAttribute(child, "type");
                    if (ReadModuleType(attribute, ref m_IWebProxy))
                        WebProxy webProxyNew = m_IWebProxy as System.Net.WebProxy;
                        if (webProxy != null && webProxyNew != null)
                            webProxyNew.Address            = webProxy.Address;
                            webProxyNew.BypassProxyOnLocal = webProxy.BypassProxyOnLocal;
                            webProxyNew.BypassList         = webProxy.BypassList;
