public RestPartNameInfo GetPartyName(string confNumericId, ulong deviceId, HandleErrorMessage hdlErrMsg) { Dictionary <object, object> uriParams = new Dictionary <object, object>(); uriParams.Add("confNumericId", confNumericId); uriParams.Add("deviceId", deviceId); string url = GetFullAcsUrl(REST_GET_PARTY_NAME_API, true, uriParams); return(GetObject <RestPartNameInfo>(url, null, hdlErrMsg)); }
public AcsRest GetAcsInfoByCallNumber(string confNumericId, ulong deviceId, HandleErrorMessage hdlErrMsg) { Dictionary <object, object> uriParams = new Dictionary <object, object>(); uriParams.Add("confNumericId", confNumericId); uriParams.Add("deviceId", deviceId); string url = GetFullDoradoUrl(REST_GET_ACS_API, true, uriParams); log.InfoFormat("Get acs info from {0}", url); return(GetObject <AcsRest>(url, null, hdlErrMsg)); }
private bool DeleteObject(string url, HandleException handleException, HandleErrorMessage handleErrorMessage, bool isDoradoMsg = true) { bool result = true; RestResponse response = null; try { response = restClient.DeleteObject(url); if (response.StatusCode >= HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { log.InfoFormat("Failed to delete, status code: {0}, url: {1}", response.StatusCode, url); if (handleErrorMessage == null) { HandleErrorMessageDefault(response, false, isDoradoMsg); } else { handleErrorMessage(response); } result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Failed to delete object, exception:{0}", ex); log.InfoFormat("Failed to delete, url:{0}", url); if (null == response) { log.Info("The response is null for delete object"); } else { log.InfoFormat("Failed to delete object, the response is {0}", response.Content); } handleException?.Invoke(ex); result = false; } return(result); }
private RESPONSE PostObject <REQUEST, RESPONSE>(string url, REQUEST req, HandleException handleException, HandleErrorMessage handleErrorMessage, bool isDoradoMsg = true) { string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req); RestResponse response = null; try { response = restClient.PostObject(url, jsonData); if (response.StatusCode >= HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { log.InfoFormat("Failed to post, status code: {0}, url: {1}", response.StatusCode, url); if (handleErrorMessage == null) { HandleErrorMessageDefault(response, false, isDoradoMsg); } else { handleErrorMessage(response); } return(default(RESPONSE)); } return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RESPONSE>(response.Content)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Failed to post object, exception:{0}", ex); log.InfoFormat("Failed to post, url:{0}", url); if (null == response) { log.Info("The response is null for post object"); } else { log.InfoFormat("Failed to post object, the response is {0}", response.Content); } handleException?.Invoke(ex); } return(default(RESPONSE)); }
public LoginResultByTokenRest GetDxjcLoginInfo(string serverAddress, string protocol, int port, string token, HandleErrorMessage hdlErrMsg) { log.InfoFormat("GetDxjcLoginInfo, protocol: {0}, port: {1}, token: {2}", protocol, port, token); string url = string.Format(REST_GET_DXJC_LOGIN_INFO_API, token); string curProtocol = protocol; int curPort = port; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol)) { curProtocol = "http"; } if (0 == curPort) { curPort = "http" == curProtocol ? 80 : 443; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(curProtocol) .Append("://") .Append(serverAddress) .Append(":") .Append(string.Format("{0}", curPort)) .Append(url); string fullUrl = sb.ToString(); log.InfoFormat("GetDxjcLoginInfo full url: {0}", fullUrl); return(GetObject <LoginResultByTokenRest>(fullUrl, null, hdlErrMsg)); }
protected override void ErrorMessage(string message) => HandleErrorMessage?.Invoke($"[sttp] ERROR: {message}");