public void Evaluate(List <IPlayer> players, Settings settings, bool champions, int games)

            var seats = CreateSeats(players, settings.BigBlind * settings.StackSize);

            HandEngine engine = new HandEngine()
                AnalyzeHands = true

            for (int i = 0, handsThisTourney = 0;
                 seats.Count > 3 && handsThisTourney < settings.MaxHandsPerTourney;
                 i = (i + 1) % seats.Count, handsThisTourney++)
                ulong handNumber;
                handNumber = GamesPlayed++;

                HandHistory history = new HandHistory(seats.ToArray(), GamesPlayed, (uint)seats[i].SeatNumber,
                                                      new double[] { settings.SmallBlind, settings.BigBlind },
                                                      0, BettingStructure.Limit);

                if (champions)
                    LogHand(settings, history, handNumber > 1);

                RemoveBrokePlayers(settings, seats);

        private List <double> playRound(List <IPlayer> players, double[] stacks)
            List <double> roi = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)

            HandEngine engine = new HandEngine()
                AnalyzeHands = false

            //bool[] stillIn = new bool[stacks.Length];
            //for (int i = 0; i < stillIn.Length; i++)
            //    stillIn[i] = true;

            //Play one hand in every position
            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
                var seats = getSeats(players, stacks);
                //for (int j = seats.Count() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                //    if (!stillIn[j])
                //        seats.RemoveAt(j);

                //Have the players play a single hand.
                HandHistory history = new HandHistory(seats.ToArray(), GamesPlayed, (uint)seats[i].SeatNumber,
                                                      new double[] { SmallBlind, BigBlind },
                                                      0, BettingStructure.Limit);

                if (GamesPlayed % 100000 == 0)
                    using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(LogFilename, GamesPlayed > 1))

                    for (int j = 0; j < stacks.Length; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Reward {0}: {1}", seats[j].Name, seats[j].Chips - stacks[j]);

                for (int j = 0; j < stacks.Length; j++)
                    roi[j] += seats[j].Chips - stacks[j];

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Seat[] players = new Seat[5];

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
                players[i]            = new Seat();
                players[i].Chips      = 200;
                players[i].Name       = "Test " + i;
                players[i].SeatNumber = i + 1;

            UInt64[]   blinds = new UInt64[] { 1, 2 };
            HandEngine engine = new HandEngine(players, 0, 0, blinds);

            while (!engine.HandOver)
                int firstToAct = engine.GetFirstToAct(true);
                Console.WriteLine("Please act " + firstToAct);

                //var action = new holdem_engine.Action("test1", holdem_engine.Action.ActionTypes.PostSmallBlind, 1);

                //is it valid
                var valid = engine.GetValidActions();

                //engine.AddAction(firstToAct, action);

            //holdem_engine.Action action = new holdem_engine.Action();

            //holdem_engine.Action[] actions0 = new holdem_engine.Action[] {
            //    new holdem_engine.Action("Seq0", holdem_engine.Action.ActionTypes.Raise, 4)

            //seqPlayers[0].Brain = new CryptoPlayer(actions0);

            //seqPlayers[1].Brain = new CryptoPlayer();
            //seqPlayers[2].Brain = new CryptoPlayer();
            //seqPlayers[3].Brain = new CryptoPlayer();

            ////seq2 is on _buttonIdx (seat 3), seq3 is small blind ($1), seq4 is big blind ($2), hand number is 42
            //HandHistory results = new TournamentHandHistory(seqPlayers, 42, 3, blinds, 0, BettingStructure.NoLimit);

            Console.Write("All in");
 public void SetUp()
     engine     = new HandEngine();
     seqPlayers = new Seat[5];
     for (int i = 0; i < seqPlayers.Length; i++)
         seqPlayers[i]            = new Seat();
         seqPlayers[i].Chips      = 200.0;
         seqPlayers[i].Name       = "Seq" + i;
         seqPlayers[i].SeatNumber = i + 1;
     blinds = new double[] { 1, 2 };
        static void Main(string[] args)
            HandEngine engine = new HandEngine();

            Console.WriteLine("Loading cached hands");
            List <CachedHand> cachedHands;
            XmlSerializer     ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CachedHands));

            using (TextReader txt = new StreamReader("test.xml"))
                cachedHands = ((CachedHands)ser.Deserialize(txt)).Hands;

            var seats = new Seat[6];

            seats[0] = new Seat(1, "AlwaysRaise", 100000, new AlwaysRaisePlayer());
            seats[1] = new Seat(2, "AwaysCall", 100000, new AlwaysCallPlayer());
            seats[2] = new Seat(3, "AwaysCall2", 100000, new AlwaysCallPlayer());
            seats[3] = new Seat(4, "AwaysCall3", 100000, new AlwaysCallPlayer());
            seats[4] = new Seat(5, "AwaysCall4", 100000, new AlwaysCallPlayer());
            seats[5] = new Seat(6, "AwaysCall5", 100000, new AlwaysCallPlayer());
            var    blinds        = new double[] { 1, 2 };
            uint   handNumber    = 0;
            double maxDifference = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Starting simulation");
            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            for (; handNumber < 100; handNumber++)
                HandHistory results = new HandHistory(seats, handNumber, handNumber % (uint)seats.Length + 1, blinds, 0, BettingStructure.NoLimit);
                engine.PlayHand(results, cachedHands[(int)handNumber]);
                double difference = Math.Abs(seats[0].Chips - seats[1].Chips);
                if (difference > maxDifference)
                    maxDifference = difference;
                if (seats[0].Chips == 0 || seats[1].Chips == 0)
            int time = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).Milliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Time: {0}", time);
            Console.WriteLine("Hands: {0}", handNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("AlwaysRaise Bankroll: {0}", seats[0].Chips);
            Console.WriteLine("AlwaysCall Bankroll: {0}", seats[1].Chips);
            Console.WriteLine("Max Difference: {0}", maxDifference);
        public void EvaluatePopulation(Population pop, EvolutionAlgorithm ea)
            var count = pop.GenomeList.Count;

            #region Reset the genomes

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                pop.GenomeList[i].TotalFitness    = EvolutionAlgorithm.MIN_GENOME_FITNESS;
                pop.GenomeList[i].EvaluationCount = 0;
                pop.GenomeList[i].Fitness         = EvolutionAlgorithm.MIN_GENOME_FITNESS;


            //TODO: Parallelize/Distribute this loop
            //Ideally we should have a distributed method which returns an array of
            //doubles to add to the genome fitnesses of each individual.
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Individual #{0}", i + 1);
                var g = pop.GenomeList[i];

                var network = g.Decode(ActivationFunction);
                if (network == null)
                    // Future genomes may not decode - handle the possibility.
                    g.Fitness         = EvolutionAlgorithm.MIN_GENOME_FITNESS;
                    g.TotalFitness    = g.Fitness;
                    g.EvaluationCount = 1;

                HandEngine engine = new HandEngine();
                //Run multiple hands per individual
                for (var curGame = 0; curGame < GamesPerEvaluation; curGame++)
                    #region Setup the players for this game

                    var field    = new List <Seat>();
                    var stacks   = GetStacks(PlayersPerGame);
                    var networks = new int[PlayersPerGame];
                    networks[0] = i;
                    IPlayer hero = null;//new NeuralNetworkPlayer(InputGenerator, OutputInterpreter,
                    //                        network, Rand);
                    field.Add(new Seat(1, "Net_" + i, stacks[0], hero));

                    for (var curPlayer = 1; curPlayer < PlayersPerGame; curPlayer++)
                        INetwork nextNetwork = null;
                        var      next        = 0;
                        while (nextNetwork == null)
                            next        = Rand.Next(0, count);
                            nextNetwork = pop.GenomeList[next].Decode(ActivationFunction);
                        networks[curPlayer] = next;
                        //"NeuralNet" + next, stacks[curPlayer],
                        IPlayer villain = null; // new NeuralNetworkPlayer(InputGenerator,
                                                //          OutputInterpreter, nextNetwork, Rand);
                        field.Add(new Seat(curPlayer + 1, "Net" + next + "_Seat+ " + (curPlayer + 1), stacks[curPlayer], villain));


                    //Have the players play a single hand.
                    HandHistory history = new HandHistory(field.ToArray(), (ulong)curGame + 1, (uint)(curGame % PlayersPerGame + 1),
                                                          new double[] { 1, 2 }, 0, BettingType);
                    CachedHand hand = CachedHands[Rand.Next(CachedHands.Count)];

                    #region Add the results to the players' fitness scores

                    //We'll use the profit as the fitness function.
                    //Alternatively, we could in the future experiment with using profit
                    //as a percentage of the original stacks. Or we could use the square
                    //of the profit (multiplying by -1 if the player lost money).
                    for (var curResult = 0; curResult < PlayersPerGame; curResult++)
                        var curGenome = pop.GenomeList[networks[curResult]];
                        curGenome.TotalFitness += field[curResult].Chips - stacks[curResult];


                    if (GamesPlayed % 10000 == 0)
                        using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter("game_" + GamesPlayed + ".txt"))

                    //increment the game counter

            //Normalize the fitness scores to use the win-rate
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                pop.GenomeList[i].Fitness = Math.Max(pop.GenomeList[i].Fitness,
                pop.GenomeList[i].TotalFitness = Math.Max(pop.GenomeList[i].Fitness,
        private List <double> playSemiTourney(List <IPlayer> players, double[] stacks)
            List <double> roi = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)

            HandEngine engine = new HandEngine()
                AnalyzeHands = false
            var seats = getSeats(players, stacks);

            for (int i = 0, handsThisTourney = 0;
                 seats.Count > 3 && handsThisTourney < MaxHandsPerTourney;
                 i = (i + 1) % seats.Count, GamesPlayed++, handsThisTourney++)
                HandHistory history = new HandHistory(seats.ToArray(), GamesPlayed, (uint)seats[i].SeatNumber,
                                                      new double[] { SmallBlind, BigBlind },
                                                      0, BettingStructure.Limit);
                    if (AnalyzeHands)
                        engine.PlayHand(history, cachedHands[random.Next(cachedHands.Count)]);
                catch (Exception e)
                    using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter("error_log.txt", true))

                if (GamesPlayed % 100000 == 0)
                    using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(LogFilename, GamesPlayed > 1))

                //remove broke players
                for (var j = seats.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    if (seats[j].Chips < 24 * BigBlind)

            seats.Sort((a, b) => b.Chips.CompareTo(a.Chips));

            for (var i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < seats.Count; j++)
                    if (seats[j].Brain == players[i])
                        if (j == 0)
                            roi[i] = 10;
                        else if (j == 1)
                            roi[i] = 7;
                        else if (j == 2)
                            roi[i] = 5;
                        else if (j == 3)
                            roi[i] = 3;
                        else if (j == 4)
                            roi[i] = 2;

                        //if you made it this far, you don't lose more than 20 big blinds
                        //if you did really well though, you can win as much as you can take
                        //roi[i] = Math.Max(-20 * BigBlind, seats[j].Chips - stacks[i]);

 public void Should_Get()
     BitPoker.Engine.HandEngine engine = new HandEngine();
        public void Evaluate(List <IPlayer> players, Settings settings, bool champions, int games)
            int[]      handsPlayed      = new int[players.Count];
            List <int> availablePlayers = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++)

            double startingChips = settings.BigBlind * settings.StackSize;

            HandEngine engine = new HandEngine()
                AnalyzeHands = false

            int handsThisGeneration = 0;

            while (availablePlayers.Count >= settings.PlayersPerGame)
                ulong handNumber = GamesPlayed++;

                List <int> playerIndices = champions ?
                                           CreateShuffledChampionsList(settings) :
                                           availablePlayers.RandomSubset(settings.PlayersPerGame, random);
                var seats = CreateSeats(players, startingChips, playerIndices);

                HandHistory history = new HandHistory(seats, GamesPlayed, (uint)settings.PlayersPerGame,
                                                      new double[] { settings.SmallBlind, settings.BigBlind },
                                                      0, BettingStructure.Limit);

                if (champions)
                    LogHand(settings, history, handNumber > 1);

                if (handNumber % 100000 == 0)
                    lock (LogLock)
                        Console.WriteLine("Hand: {0}", handNumber);

                AddScores(startingChips, playerIndices, seats);
                IncrementHandsPlayedAndRemoveDone(games, handsPlayed, availablePlayers, playerIndices, champions);

            //normalize win rates
            for (int i = 0; i < Scores.Count; i++)
                Scores[i] /= (double)handsPlayed[i];
                Scores[i] /= settings.BigBlind;
                if (Scores[i] > 2)
                    Scores[i] = 2;
                else if (Scores[i] < -5)
                    Scores[i] = -5;
        public void SetUp()
            engine = new HandEngine();

            #region Setup the actions
            Action[] jcloub = new Action[] {
                new Action("jcloub", Action.ActionTypes.Raise, 15),
                new Action("jcloub", Action.ActionTypes.Bet, 10),
                new Action("jcloub", Action.ActionTypes.Bet, 20),
                new Action("jcloub", Action.ActionTypes.Bet, 20),

            Action[] makelgrus = new Action[] {
                new Action("MakelGrus", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 10),
                new Action("MakelGrus", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 10),
                new Action("MakelGrus", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 20),
                new Action("MakelGrus", Action.ActionTypes.Fold),

            Action[] hustler_ed = new Action[] {
                new Action("Hustler_Ed", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 10),
                new Action("Hustler_Ed", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 10),
                new Action("Hustler_Ed", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 10),
                new Action("Hustler_Ed", Action.ActionTypes.Call, 20),
                new Action("Hustler_Ed", Action.ActionTypes.Fold),

            Action[] shammybaby = new Action[] {
                new Action("Shammybaby", Action.ActionTypes.Fold),

            Action[] marine0193 = new Action[] {
                new Action("marine0193", Action.ActionTypes.Fold),

            Action[] teejayortj5 = new Action[] {
                new Action("TeeJayorTJ5", Action.ActionTypes.Fold),

            #region Setup players
            SequencePlayer[] brains = new SequencePlayer[] {
                new SequencePlayer(jcloub),
                new SequencePlayer(makelgrus),
                new SequencePlayer(hustler_ed),
                new SequencePlayer(shammybaby),
                new SequencePlayer(marine0193),
                new SequencePlayer(teejayortj5)

            var seqPlayers = new Seat[] {
                new Seat(1, "jcloub", 2044.5, brains[0]),
                new Seat(3, "MakelGrus", 498, brains[1]),
                new Seat(5, "Hustler_Ed", 470, brains[2]),
                new Seat(6, "Shammybaby", 551, brains[3]),
                new Seat(8, "marine0193", 538, brains[4]),
                new Seat(10, "TeeJayorTJ5", 484, brains[5])

            var blinds = new double[] { 5, 10 };

            engine = new HandEngine();
            hist   = new HandHistory(seqPlayers, 1, 10, blinds, 0, BettingStructure.Limit);