public void Handle(GameClient session, ClientMessage message) { try { ServerMessage response = new ServerMessage(950u); session.GetHabbo().GetUserDataFactory().UpdateFriendStream(); int streamCount = session.GetHabbo().GetUserDataFactory().GetFriendStream().Rows.Count; response.AppendInt32(streamCount); DataTable dataTable_ = session.GetHabbo().GetUserDataFactory().GetFriendStream(); foreach (DataRow row in dataTable_.Rows) { int type = (int)row["type"]; if (type == 5) { uint id = (uint)row["id"]; int likes = 0; bool canlike = false; using (DatabaseClient @class = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { likes = @class.ReadInt32("SELECT COUNT(friend_stream_id) FROM friend_stream_likes WHERE friend_stream_id = '" + id + "' LIMIT 1", 30); DataRow datarow = @class.ReadDataRow(string.Concat(new object[] { "SELECT id FROM friend_stream_likes WHERE friend_stream_id = '", id, "' AND userid = '", session.GetHabbo().Id, "' LIMIT 1" }), 30); canlike = (datarow == null); } uint userid = (uint)row["userid"]; string username = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetNameById(userid); string gender = row["gender"].ToString().ToLower(); string look = (string)row["look"]; int time = (int)((HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - (double)row["time"]) / 60.0); string data = (string)row["data"]; response.AppendUInt(id); response.AppendInt32(1); // type 1 response.AppendStringWithBreak(userid.ToString()); response.AppendStringWithBreak(username); response.AppendStringWithBreak(gender); response.AppendStringWithBreak("" + look + ".gif"); response.AppendInt32(time); response.AppendInt32(2); response.AppendInt32(likes); response.AppendBoolean(canlike); response.AppendStringWithBreak("1"); response.AppendStringWithBreak(data); } } session.SendMessage(response); } catch (Exception x) { session.SendNotification("Es trat folgender Fehler auf:\r\n" + x); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(x); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } }
public void method_3(int int_1) { AvatarEffect @class = this.method_5(int_1, false); if (@class != null && [email protected]_0 && [email protected]_0 && (this.method_8() != null && this.method_8().GetHabbo() != null)) { Room class2 = this.method_9(); if (class2 != null) { RoomUser class3 = class2.GetRoomUserByHabbo(this.method_8().GetHabbo().Id); if (class3.byte_1 <= 0 && class3.class34_1 == null) { using (DatabaseClient class4 = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class4.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE user_effects SET is_activated = '1', activated_stamp = '", HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(), "' WHERE user_id = '", this.uint_0, "' AND effect_id = '", int_1, "' LIMIT 1" })); } @class.method_0(); ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(462u); Message.AppendInt32(@class.int_0); Message.AppendInt32(@class.int_1); this.method_8().SendMessage(Message); } } } }
public void method_3(string type, int time) { type = type.ToLower(); if (this.Subscriptions.ContainsKey(type)) { Subscription subscription = this.Subscriptions[type]; subscription.AppendTime(time); if (subscription.ExpirationTime <= 0 || subscription.ExpirationTime >= 2147483647) { return; } using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("subcrbr", type); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE user_subscriptions SET timestamp_expire = '", subscription.ExpirationTime, "' WHERE user_id = '", this.UserId, "' AND subscription_id = @subcrbr LIMIT 1" })); return; } } if (!this.Subscriptions.ContainsKey("habbo_vip")) { int now = (int)HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); int expiration = (int)HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() + time; Subscription subscription = new Subscription(type, now, expiration); using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("subcrbr", type); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO user_subscriptions (user_id,subscription_id,timestamp_activated,timestamp_expire) VALUES ('", this.UserId, "',@subcrbr,'", now, "','", expiration, "')" })); } this.Subscriptions.Add(subscription.Type.ToLower(), subscription); } }
public override void OnTrigger(GameClient Session, RoomItem RoomItem_0, int int_0, bool bool_0) { uint num2 = Convert.ToUInt32(1732); Room class3 = HabboIM.GetGame().GetRoomManager().method_15(num2); if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom == class3 && Session.GetHabbo().jailtime > 180) { Room class2 = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; RoomUser Aktuelleruser = class2.GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (Math.Abs(Aktuelleruser.X - 13) < 2 && Math.Abs(Aktuelleruser.Y - 9) < 2) { if (Session.GetHabbo().knastarbeit == false) { Session.GetHabbo().last_gearbeitet = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); Session.GetHabbo().knastarbeit = true; Session.SendNotification("Du hast begonnen zu arbeiten!"); Session.GetHabbo().GetEffectsInventoryComponent().method_2(169, true); var t = Task.Run(async delegate { await Task.Delay(3150); X: await Task.Delay(2025); if (Session.GetHabbo().last_gearbeitet + 1 * 5 < HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()) { Session.GetHabbo().knastarbeit = false; Session.GetHabbo().Whisper("Du hast deine Arbeit beendet und eine Haftverkürzung von 2 Minuten erhalten!"); Session.GetHabbo().jailtime -= 120; Session.GetHabbo().UpdateJailTime(true); Session.GetHabbo().GetEffectsInventoryComponent().method_2(0, true); } return(true); }); } } else { Session.SendNotification("Du bist nicht nah genug am Taler Denkmal um diese Funktion nutzen zu können!"); } } else { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom == class3 && Session.GetHabbo().jail == 0) { Session.SendNotification("Du musst inhaftiert sein um diese Funktion verwenden zu können!"); } if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom == class3 && Session.GetHabbo().jail == 1) { Session.SendNotification("Du musst mindestens 3 Minuten lang inhaftiert sein um deine Haftzeit mit dieser Funktion zu verkürzen!"); } } }
public void method_1(GameClient Session, uint uint_0, int int_0) { UserItem @class = Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().GetItemById(uint_0); if (@class == null || int_0 > ServerConfiguration.MarketplacePriceLimit || !this.method_0(@class)) { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(610u); Message.AppendBoolean(false); Session.SendMessage(Message); } else { int num = this.method_2((float)int_0); int num2 = int_0 + num; int num3 = 1; if (@class.method_1().Type == 'i') { num3++; } using (DatabaseClient class2 = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class2.AddParamWithValue("public_name", @class.method_1().PublicName); class2.AddParamWithValue("extra_data", @class.string_0); class2.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO catalog_marketplace_offers (furni_id, item_id,user_id,asking_price,total_price,public_name,sprite_id,item_type,timestamp,extra_data) VALUES ('", uint_0, "','", @class.uint_1, "','", Session.GetHabbo().Id, "','", int_0, "','", num2, "',@public_name,'", @class.method_1().Sprite, "','", num3, "','", HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(), "',@extra_data)" })); } Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_12(uint_0, 0u, true); ServerMessage Message2 = new ServerMessage(610u); Message2.AppendBoolean(true); Session.SendMessage(Message2); } }
public int CalculateHCSubscription(Habbo habbo) { if (habbo.GetSubscriptionManager().HasSubscription("habbo_club")) { return(((int)HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - habbo.GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType("habbo_club").StartingTime) / 2678400); } else { if (habbo.GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType(habbo.Id.ToString()) != null) { return((habbo.GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType("habbo_club").ExpirationTime - habbo.GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType("habbo_club").StartingTime) / 2678400); } return(0); } }
public MessengerBuddy(uint uint_1, string string_4, string string_5, string string_6, string string_7) { this.uint_0 = uint_1; this.string_0 = string_4; this.string_1 = string_5; this.string_2 = string_6; double timestamp; if (double.TryParse(string_7, NumberStyles.Any, CustomCultureInfo.GetCustomCultureInfo(), out timestamp)) { this.string_3 = HabboIM.TimestampToDate(timestamp).ToString(); } else { this.string_3 = HabboIM.TimestampToDate(HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()).ToString(); } this.bool_0 = false; }
public void PlaySong() { if (this.mSongQueuePosition >= this.mPlaylist.Count) { this.mSongQueuePosition = 0; } if (this.mPlaylist.Count == 0) { this.Stop(); } else { if (!this.mPlaylist.ContainsKey(this.mSongQueuePosition)) { this.mSongQueuePosition = 0; } this.mSong = this.mPlaylist[this.mSongQueuePosition]; this.mSongLength = this.mSong.SongData.Length / 1000; this.mStartedPlayingTimestamp = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); mBroadcastNeeded = true; } }
public void method_3(GameClient Session) { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().InRoom) { RoomUser @class = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (@class.int_1 <= ServerConfiguration.SleepTimer) { double double_ = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); Session.GetHabbo().LastActivityPointsUpdate = double_; if (ServerConfiguration.PointingAmount > 0 && (Session.GetHabbo().ActivityPoints < ServerConfiguration.PixelLimit || ServerConfiguration.PixelLimit == 0)) { Session.GetHabbo().ActivityPoints += ServerConfiguration.PointingAmount; Session.GetHabbo().method_16(ServerConfiguration.PointingAmount); } if (ServerConfiguration.CreditingAmount > 0 && (Session.GetHabbo().Credits < ServerConfiguration.CreditLimit || ServerConfiguration.CreditLimit == 0)) { Session.GetHabbo().Credits += ServerConfiguration.CreditingAmount; if (Session.GetHabbo().IsVIP) { Session.GetHabbo().Credits += ServerConfiguration.CreditingAmount; } Session.GetHabbo().UpdateCredits(true); } if (ServerConfiguration.PixelingAmount > 0 && (Session.GetHabbo().VipPoints < ServerConfiguration.PointLimit || ServerConfiguration.PointLimit == 0)) { Session.GetHabbo().VipPoints += ServerConfiguration.PixelingAmount; Session.GetHabbo().UpdateVipPoints(false, true); } } } } catch { } }
public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { if (Session != null) { uint num = Event.PopWiredUInt(); DataRow dataRow = null; using (DatabaseClient @class = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dataRow = @class.ReadDataRow("SELECT furni_id, item_id, user_id, extra_data, offer_id, state, timestamp FROM catalog_marketplace_offers WHERE offer_id = '" + num + "' LIMIT 1"); } if (dataRow != null) { int num2 = (int)Math.Floor(((double)dataRow["timestamp"] + 172800.0 - HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()) / 60.0); int num3 = int.Parse(dataRow["state"].ToString()); if (num2 <= 0) { num3 = 3; } if ((uint)dataRow["user_id"] == Session.GetHabbo().Id&& num3 != 2) { Item class2 = HabboIM.GetGame().GetItemManager().method_2((uint)dataRow["item_id"]); if (class2 != null) { HabboIM.GetGame().GetCatalog().method_9(Session, class2, 1, (string)dataRow["extra_data"], false, (uint)dataRow["furni_id"]); using (DatabaseClient @class = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM catalog_marketplace_offers WHERE offer_id = '" + num + "' LIMIT 1"); } ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(614u); Message.AppendUInt((uint)dataRow["offer_id"]); Message.AppendBoolean(true); Session.SendMessage(Message); } } } } }
public void Handle(GameClient Session, ClientMessage Event) { string text = Event.PopFixedString(); ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(7u); Message.AppendStringWithBreak(text.ToLower()); if (Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().HasSubscription("habbo_vip")) { double num = (double)Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType("habbo_vip").ExpirationTime; double num2 = num - HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); int num3 = (int)Math.Ceiling(num2 / 86400.0); int num4 = num3 / 31; if (num4 >= 1) { num4--; } Message.AppendInt32(num3 - num4 * 31); Message.AppendBoolean(true); Message.AppendInt32(num4); Message.AppendBoolean(true); Message.AppendBoolean(true); Message.AppendBoolean(Session.GetHabbo().IsVIP); Message.AppendInt32(0); Message.AppendInt32(0); } else { if (Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().HasSubscription(text)) { double num = (double)Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType(text).ExpirationTime; double num2 = num - HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); int num3 = (int)Math.Ceiling(num2 / 86400.0); int num4 = num3 / 31; if (num4 >= 1) { num4--; } Message.AppendInt32(num3 - num4 * 31); Message.AppendBoolean(true); Message.AppendInt32(num4); if (Session.GetHabbo().Rank >= 2u) { Message.AppendInt32(1); Message.AppendInt32(1); Message.AppendInt32(2); } else { Message.AppendInt32(1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Message.AppendInt32(0); } } } Session.SendMessage(Message); }
public void BanUser(GameClient Session, string string_0, double length, string reason, bool banIp, bool banStatic) { if (!Session.GetHabbo().IsJuniori) { ModerationBanType enum4_ = ModerationBanType.USERNAME; string text = Session.GetHabbo().Username; string object_ = "user"; double timestamp = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() + length; if (banIp) { enum4_ = ModerationBanType.IP; if (!ServerConfiguration.IPLastBan) { text = Session.GetConnection().String_0; } else { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { text = dbClient.ReadString("SELECT ip_last FROM users WHERE Id = " + Session.GetHabbo().Id + " LIMIT 1;"); } } object_ = "ip"; } if (banStatic) { enum4_ = ModerationBanType.STATICID; text = Session.GetHabbo().static_id; object_ = "static_id"; } this.Bans.Add(new ModerationBan(enum4_, text, reason, timestamp)); using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("rawvar", object_); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("var", text); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("reason", reason); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("mod", string_0); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO bans (bantype,value,reason,expire,added_by,added_date,appeal_state) VALUES (@rawvar,@var,@reason,'", timestamp, "',@mod,'", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), "', '1')" })); } if (banIp) { DataTable dataTable = null; using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("var", text); dataTable = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT Id FROM users WHERE ip_last = @var"); } if (dataTable != null) { IEnumerator enumerator = dataTable.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow = (DataRow)enumerator.Current; using (DatabaseClient @class = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE user_info SET bans = bans + 1 WHERE user_id = '" + (uint)dataRow["Id"] + "' LIMIT 1"); } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } } if (banStatic) { DataTable dataTable = null; using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("var", text); dataTable = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT Id FROM users WHERE static_id_last = @var AND static_id_last != ''"); } if (dataTable != null) { IEnumerator enumerator = dataTable.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow = (DataRow)enumerator.Current; using (DatabaseClient @class = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { @class.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE user_info SET bans = bans + 1 WHERE user_id = '" + (uint)dataRow["Id"] + "' LIMIT 1"); } } } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } } using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE user_info SET bans = bans + 1 WHERE user_id = '" + Session.GetHabbo().Id + "' LIMIT 1"); } Session.NotifyBan("Du bist gebannt: " + reason); Session.method_12(); } }
public void method_9(GameClient Session, Item Item, int int_0, string string_0, bool bool_0, uint uint_1) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null) { return; } string str = Item.Type.ToString(); if (str != null) { if (str == "i" || str == "s") { for (int index = 0; index < int_0; ++index) { uint num = bool_0 || uint_1 <= 0U ? this.method_14() : uint_1; switch (Item.InteractionType.ToLower()) { case "pet": string[] strArray = string_0.Split('\n'); Pet pet = this.method_11(Session.GetHabbo().Id, strArray[0], Convert.ToInt32(Item.Name.Split('t')[1]), strArray[1], strArray[2]); Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().AddPet(pet); Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_11(num, 320U, "0", bool_0); break; case "teleport": uint uint_1_1 = this.method_14(); using (DatabaseClient client = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { client.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO tele_links (tele_one_id,tele_two_id) VALUES ('" + (object)num + "','" + (object)uint_1_1 + "')", 30); client.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO tele_links (tele_one_id,tele_two_id) VALUES ('" + (object)uint_1_1 + "','" + (object)num + "')", 30); } Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_11(uint_1_1, Item.UInt32_0, "0", bool_0); Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_11(num, Item.UInt32_0, "0", bool_0); break; case "dimmer": using (DatabaseClient client = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) client.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO room_items_moodlight (item_id,enabled,current_preset,preset_one,preset_two,preset_three) VALUES ('" + (object)num + "','0','1','#000000,255,0','#000000,255,0','#000000,255,0')", 30); Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_11(num, Item.UInt32_0, string_0, bool_0); break; default: Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_11(num, Item.UInt32_0, string_0, bool_0); break; } ServerMessage Message5_0 = new ServerMessage(832U); Message5_0.AppendInt32(1); if (Item.InteractionType.ToLower() == "pet") { Message5_0.AppendInt32(3); ++Session.GetHabbo().NewPetsBuyed; Session.GetHabbo().CheckPetCountAchievements(); } else if (Item.Type.ToString() == "i") { Message5_0.AppendInt32(2); } else { Message5_0.AppendInt32(1); } Message5_0.AppendInt32(1); Message5_0.AppendUInt(num); Session.SendMessage(Message5_0); } Session.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_9(false); return; } if (str == "e") { for (int index = 0; index < int_0; ++index) { Session.GetHabbo().GetEffectsInventoryComponent().method_0(Item.Sprite, 3600); } return; } if (str == "h") { for (int index = 0; index < int_0; ++index) { Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().method_3("habbo_club", 2678400); Session.GetHabbo().CheckHCAchievements(); } ServerMessage Message5_0_1 = new ServerMessage(7U); Message5_0_1.AppendStringWithBreak("habbo_club"); if (Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().HasSubscription("habbo_club")) { int num = (int)Math.Ceiling(((double)Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().GetSubscriptionByType("habbo_club").ExpirationTime - HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()) / 86400.0); int i = num / 31; if (i >= 1) { --i; } Message5_0_1.AppendInt32(num - i * 31); Message5_0_1.AppendBoolean(true); Message5_0_1.AppendInt32(i); } else { for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index) { Message5_0_1.AppendInt32(0); } } Session.SendMessage(Message5_0_1); ServerMessage Message5_0_2 = new ServerMessage(2U); if (Session.GetHabbo().IsVIP || ServerConfiguration.HabboClubForClothes) { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(2); } else if (Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().HasSubscription("habbo_club")) { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(1); } else { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(0); } if (Session.GetHabbo().HasFuse("acc_anyroomowner")) { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(7); } else if (Session.GetHabbo().HasFuse("acc_anyroomrights")) { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(5); } else if (Session.GetHabbo().HasFuse("acc_supporttool")) { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(4); } else if (Session.GetHabbo().IsVIP || ServerConfiguration.HabboClubForClothes || Session.GetHabbo().GetSubscriptionManager().HasSubscription("habbo_club")) { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(2); } else { Message5_0_2.AppendInt32(0); } Session.SendMessage(Message5_0_2); return; } } Session.SendNotification("Something went wrong! The item type could not be processed. Please do not try to buy this item anymore, instead inform support as soon as possible."); }
public void method_0() { this.bool_0 = true; this.double_0 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); }
internal double method_3() { return(HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - 172800.0); }
public ServerMessage method_9(uint uint_0) { int int_ = 0; using (DatabaseClient @class = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { DataTable dataTable = @class.ReadDataTable("SELECT timestamp, state, offer_id, item_type, sprite_id, total_price FROM catalog_marketplace_offers WHERE user_id = '" + uint_0 + "'"); string text = @class.ReadDataRow("SELECT SUM(asking_price) FROM catalog_marketplace_offers WHERE state = '2' AND user_id = '" + uint_0 + "'")[0].ToString(); if (text.Length > 0) { int_ = int.Parse(text); } ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(616u); Message.AppendInt32(int_); if (dataTable != null) { Message.AppendInt32(dataTable.Rows.Count); IEnumerator enumerator = dataTable.Rows.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { DataRow dataRow = (DataRow)enumerator.Current; int num = (int)Math.Floor(((double)dataRow["timestamp"] + 172800.0 - HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()) / 60.0); int num2 = int.Parse(dataRow["state"].ToString()); if (num <= 0 && num2 != 2) { num2 = 3; num = 0; } Message.AppendUInt((uint)dataRow["offer_id"]); Message.AppendInt32(num2); Message.AppendInt32(int.Parse(dataRow["item_type"].ToString())); Message.AppendInt32((int)dataRow["sprite_id"]); Message.AppendStringWithBreak(""); Message.AppendInt32((int)dataRow["total_price"]); Message.AppendInt32(num); Message.AppendInt32((int)dataRow["sprite_id"]); } goto IL_1DE; } finally { IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } } Message.AppendInt32(0); IL_1DE: return(Message); } }
public bool HasExpired() { return((double)this.ExpirationTime > HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()); }
public static void Initialise() { double lastDatabaseUpdate = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); double lastDatabaseUpdate2 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); while (true) { try { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeSpan = now - HabboIM.ServerStarted; new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total"); int Status = 1; int UsersOnline = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().ClientCount; int RoomsLoaded = HabboIM.GetGame().GetRoomManager().LoadedRoomsCount; try { if (HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server"] != null) { DateTime shutdown_server_time = Convert.ToDateTime(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server"]); var time = shutdown_server_time.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; string s = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.ParseExact(s, "HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var time2 = dt2.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; try { if (HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-warning-alert"] != null) { if (time - time2 <= 60 && time - time2 >= 50) { try { if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) < UsersOnline || int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) <= 0) { string str = HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-warning-alert"]; ServerMessage Message2 = new ServerMessage(808u); Message2.AppendStringWithBreak(HabboIMEnvironment.GetExternalText("cmd_ha_title")); Message2.AppendStringWithBreak(str + "\r\n- " + "Hotel"); ServerMessage Message3 = new ServerMessage(161u); Message3.AppendStringWithBreak(str + "\r\n- " + "Hotel"); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_15(Message2, Message3); } } catch { } } } } catch { } if (time - time2 <= 11 && time - time2 >= 0) { try { if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) < UsersOnline || int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["shutdown-server-player-limit"]) <= 0) { HabboIM.Destroy("SERVER SHUTDOWN! YOU HAVE SETUP TO CONFIG.CONF FILE SHUTDOWN TIME!", true); } } catch { HabboIM.Destroy("SERVER SHUTDOWN! YOU HAVE SETUP TO CONFIG.CONF FILE SHUTDOWN TIME!", true); } } } } catch { } double timestamp = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - lastDatabaseUpdate; if (timestamp >= 5) { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE server_status SET stamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), status = '", Status, "', users_online = '", UsersOnline, "', rooms_loaded = '", RoomsLoaded, "', server_ver = '", HabboIM.Version, "' LIMIT 1" })); uint num3 = (uint)dbClient.ReadInt32("SELECT users FROM system_stats ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"); if ((long)UsersOnline > (long)((ulong)num3)) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE system_stats SET users = '", UsersOnline, "', rooms = '", RoomsLoaded, "' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1" })); } } lastDatabaseUpdate = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); } double timestamp2 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - lastDatabaseUpdate2; if (timestamp2 >= 30.0) { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO online_statistik (`useronline`,`rooms_loaded`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('", UsersOnline, "','", RoomsLoaded, "', '", HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(), "');" }), 30); } lastDatabaseUpdate2 = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); } HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_23(); Console.Title = string.Concat(new object[] { "HabboIM Emulator | Spieler: ", UsersOnline, " | Räume: ", RoomsLoaded, " | Online: ", timeSpan.Days, " Tage, ", timeSpan.Hours, " Stunden und ", timeSpan.Minutes, " Minuten" }); if (HabboIM.hour_lastlotto != now.Hour) { HabboIM.hour_lastlotto = now.Hour; //ServerMessage Message2 = new ServerMessage(808u); //Message2.AppendStringWithBreak("MyHuBBa Lotterie"); //Message2.AppendStringWithBreak("Aufgepasst, nun könnt ihr an unserer Lotterie teilnehmen. Verwende hierzu den Befehl :lotto ZAHL und schon nimmst du teil. Die Zahl darf zwischen 1 & 50 liegen. Kosten für Teilnahme beträgt 3.500 Taler!\r\n- System"); ServerMessage Message3 = new ServerMessage(161u); //Message3.AppendStringWithBreak("Aufgepasst, nun könnt ihr an unserer Lotterie teilnehmen. Verwende hierzu den Befehl :lotto ZAHL und schon nimmst du teil. Die Zahl darf zwischen 1 & 50 liegen. Kosten für Teilnahme beträgt 3.500 Taler!\r\n- System"); //HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_15(Message2, Message3); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Lotto: Sende jetzt eine Zahl von 0-50 mit :lotto Zahl ein. Kosten: 3.500 Taler."); = true; Random rand = new Random(); int lottozahl = rand.Next(1, 50); // Lottozahlen definieren Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: Ziehung gestartet! Die Zahl lautet " + lottozahl); HabboIM.lottozahl = lottozahl; HabboIM.lottowinner = 0; HabboIM.lotto_end = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() + 5 * 60; //Info für den dummen Hazed: // 5 * 60 steht für 5 Minuten, da 5 Minuten 5 mal 60 Sekunden sind. HabboIM.lotto_einsatz = 3500; } if (HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() >= HabboIM.lotto_end && == true) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: Ziehung gestoppt!"); = false; HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().resetlotto(); GameClients.GameClient client; try { client = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_2(HabboIM.lottowinner); client.GetHabbo().Credits += HabboIM.lotto_einsatz; client.GetHabbo().UpdateCredits(true); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("" + client.GetHabbo().Username + " hat den Jackpot in Höhe von " + HabboIM.lotto_einsatz.ToString() + " Talern geknackt! (Zahl: " + HabboIM.lottozahl + ")"); HabboIM.lotto_einsatz = 3500; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: " + client.GetHabbo().Username + " hat den Jackpot geknackt."); } catch { HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Lotto: Heute hat leider keiner den Jackpot geknackt!"); HabboIM.lotto_einsatz = 3500; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; Console.WriteLine("Lotto: Keiner konnte den Jackpot knacken."); } } var minimum_users = int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["habboim.zufallsrare_minimum_spieler"]); if (HabboIM.hour_lastrr + HabboIM.nxt_rr * 60 < HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp()) { HabboIM.hour_lastrr = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["habboim.zufallsrare"]) == 1) { //Wenn genug Habbos Online if (UsersOnline >= minimum_users) { //Ausgabe in Konsole Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine("____________________________________________________________________________________________________"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write("["); string time1 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Console.Write(time1 + "] "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("Zufallsrare: Verteilt!"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write("["); string time2 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Console.Write(time2 + "] "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("Nächste Zufallsrare wird in " + HabboIM.nxt_rr + " Minuten verteilt!"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { if (UsersOnline < minimum_users) { string time3 = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("____________________________________________________________________________________________________"); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Write("["); Console.Write(time3 + "] "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("Zufallsrare nicht verteilt. Grund: Nicht genug Online! Minimum: " + minimum_users + " Habbos."); Console.WriteLine(); HabboIM.zufallsrare = false; } } if (UsersOnline >= minimum_users) { //Ermittle über Websocket den Gewinner des Zufallsrare HabboIM.zufallsrare = false; string random_rare = "9307620"; HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().SendMessageToEveryConnection(random_rare); } } //string random_rare = "5|ZUFALLSRARE|Baumstamm|15180"; //HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().SendMessageToEveryConnection(random_rare); /* using (DatabaseClient stafflist = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) * { * //DataTable start = stafflist.ReadDataTable("SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY desc LIMIT 1") * //DataTable Staffs = stafflist.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '" + testst + "' LIMIT 1"); * StringBuilder StringStaff = new StringBuilder(); * DataTable Staffs = stafflist.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id desc"); * foreach(DataRow testRow in Staffs.Rows) * { * int dreiund = rand.Next(Staffs.Rows.Count, Staffs.Rows.Count); * Console.WriteLine("ZUFALL (MIT FOREACH) " + dreiund); * } * int testst = rand.Next(Staffs.Rows.Count, Staffs.Rows.Count); * Console.WriteLine("STAFF ROW " + Staffs.Rows.Count); * * Console.WriteLine("ZUFALL (OHNE FOREACH) " + testst); * * * //Console.WriteLine("User gefunden ID:" + testst); * foreach (DataRow baumstammRow in Staffs.Rows) * { * //Console.WriteLine("User gefunden ID:" + testst); * // Console.WriteLine((string)baumstammRow["username"]); * Console.WriteLine(testst); * } * //Console.WriteLine((string)baumstammRow["username"]); * * }*/ } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.DeleteMenu(Program.GetSystemMenu(Program.GetConsoleWindow(), true), Program.SC_CLOSE, Program.MF_BYCOMMAND); Logging.LogThreadException(ex.ToString(), "Server status update task"); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } }
public WebSocketServerManager(string SocketURL) { FleckLog.Level = LogLevel.Error; allSockets = new List <IWebSocketConnection>(); socketbyName = new Dictionary <string, IWebSocketConnection>(); namebySocket = new Dictionary <IWebSocketConnection, string>(); server = new WebSocketServer(SocketURL); server.Start(socket => { socket.OnOpen = () => { if (allSockets.Contains(socket)) { allSockets.Remove(socket); } allSockets.Add(socket); }; socket.OnClose = () => { string name = ""; if (namebySocket.ContainsKey(socket)) { name = namebySocket[socket].ToString(); namebySocket.Remove(socket); } if (socketbyName.ContainsKey(name) && name != "") { socketbyName.Remove(name); } if (allSockets.Contains(socket)) { allSockets.Remove(socket); } if (name != "") { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("name", name); dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET websocket='0' WHERE username=@name"); } } }; socket.OnMessage = message => { var msg = message; int pId = 0; if (!int.TryParse(msg.Split('|')[0], out pId)) { return; } if (msg.Length > 1024) { return; } if (msg.StartsWith("1|")) { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("auth", msg.Substring(2)); DataRow drow = null; drow = dbClient.ReadDataRow("SELECT username FROM users WHERE auth_ticket= @auth LIMIT 1"); if (drow == null) { socket.Close(); } else { if (socketbyName.ContainsKey((string)drow["username"])) {/* socketbyName[(string)drow["username"]].Close();*/ socketbyName.Remove((string)drow["username"]); } socketbyName.Add(drow["username"].ToString(), socket); if (namebySocket.ContainsKey(socket)) { namebySocket.Remove(socket); } namebySocket.Add(socket, drow["username"].ToString()); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("name", drow["username"].ToString()); } } } else { GameClient Session = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByHabbo(GetNameByWebSocket(socket)); Room room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom; string[] args = msg.Split('|'); switch (int.Parse(args[0])) { case 88: { GameClient class4 = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_2(Convert.ToUInt32(args[1])); if (class4 == null) { Session.GetHabbo().Whisper("Diese Person ist bereits offline. Du kannst die Anfrage deshalb nicht mehr annehmen."); break; } if (class4.GetHabbo().sexanfrage != Session.GetHabbo().Id) { Session.GetHabbo().Whisper("Ooops, da lief wohl etwas schief."); break; } if (class4.GetHabbo().boyfriend != 0 || Session.GetHabbo().boyfriend != 0) { Session.GetHabbo().Whisper("Du bist noch mit wem zusammen."); break; } if (args[2] == "1") { class4.GetHabbo().lovepoints = 0; class4.GetHabbo().kissed = 0; class4.GetHabbo().lovedate = 0; class4.GetHabbo().hugged = 0; class4.GetHabbo().hugtime = 0; class4.GetHabbo().kisstime = 0; class4.GetHabbo().boyfriend = 0; Session.GetHabbo().lovepoints = 0; Session.GetHabbo().kissed = 0; Session.GetHabbo().lovedate = 0; Session.GetHabbo().hugged = 0; Session.GetHabbo().hugtime = 0; Session.GetHabbo().kisstime = 0; Session.GetHabbo().lovedate = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); class4.GetHabbo().lovedate = HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(); class4.GetHabbo().boyfriend = Convert.ToInt32(Session.GetHabbo().Id); Session.GetHabbo().boyfriend = Convert.ToInt32(class4.GetHabbo().Id); try { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE users SET boyfriend = '", Session.GetHabbo().Id, "', love_date = '", class4.GetHabbo().lovedate, "' WHERE Id = '", class4.GetHabbo().Id, "' LIMIT 1;" })); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE users SET boyfriend = '", class4.GetHabbo().Id, "', love_date = '", Session.GetHabbo().lovedate, "' WHERE Id = '", Session.GetHabbo().Id, "' LIMIT 1;" })); } HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(Session.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Beziehung|Du bist jetzt in einer Beziehung mit " + class4.GetHabbo().Username + "."); HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(class4.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Beziehung|Du bist jetzt in einer Beziehung mit " + Session.GetHabbo().Username + "."); } catch { } } if (args[2] == "2") { HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(Session.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Beziehungsanfrage|Die Beziehungsanfrage wurde abgelehnt."); HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(class4.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Beziehungsanfrage|Die Beziehungsanfrage wurde abgelehnt."); } class4.GetHabbo().sexanfrage = 0; Session.GetHabbo().sexanfrage = 0; break; } case 74: { try { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE users SET lastkiss_time = '0', lasthug_time = '0', lovepoints = '0', kisses_bf = '0', hugs_bf = '0', boyfriend = '0' WHERE Id = '", Session.GetHabbo().Id, "' OR Id = '", Session.GetHabbo().boyfriend, "' LIMIT 2;" })); } Session.GetHabbo().lovepoints = 0; Session.GetHabbo().kissed = 0; Session.GetHabbo().lovedate = 0; Session.GetHabbo().hugged = 0; Session.GetHabbo().hugtime = 0; Session.GetHabbo().kisstime = 0; GameClient class4 = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_2(Convert.ToUInt32(Session.GetHabbo().boyfriend)); if (class4 != null) { class4.GetHabbo().lovepoints = 0; class4.GetHabbo().kissed = 0; class4.GetHabbo().lovedate = 0; class4.GetHabbo().hugged = 0; class4.GetHabbo().hugtime = 0; class4.GetHabbo().kisstime = 0; class4.GetHabbo().boyfriend = 0; HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(Session.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Trennung|Du hast mit " + class4.GetHabbo().Username + " Schluss gemacht."); HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(class4.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Trennung|" + Session.GetHabbo().Username + " hat mit dir Schluss gemacht."); } Session.GetHabbo().boyfriend = 0; if (class4 == null) { HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().getWebSocketByName(Session.GetHabbo().Username).Send("textosteron|Trennung|Du hast Schluss gemacht."); } } catch (Exception x) { } break; } case 6: { try { room = HabboIM.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GetRoom(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (Session != null && room != null) { ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(286u); Message.AppendBoolean(room.IsPublic); Message.AppendUInt(room.Id); Session.SendMessage(Message); } } catch { } break; } case 9: { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, false)) { int ItemId = int.Parse(args[1]); double newZ = double.Parse(args[2]); RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28((uint)ItemId); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "stackfield") { ri.setHeight(newZ); ri.method_8().method_80(ri); ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(94u); Message.AppendRawUInt(ri.uint_0); Message.AppendStringWithBreak(""); Message.AppendBoolean(false); Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.SendMessage(Message, null); ServerMessage Message5_ = new ServerMessage(95u); ri.SerializeStackField(Message5_); Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.SendMessage(Message5_, null); ServerMessage Message1_ = new ServerMessage(93u); ri.SerializeStackField(Message1_); Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.SendMessage(Message1_, null); } } } catch { } break; } case 10: { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, false)) { uint itemid = uint.Parse(args[1]); int handitemId = int.Parse(args[2]); RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(itemid); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_has_handitem") { ri.string_2 = handitemId.ToString(); ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } } catch { } break; } case 12: { try { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, false)) { uint itemid = uint.Parse(args[1]); string team = args[2]; RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(itemid); if (ri != null && (ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_actor_in_team" || ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_not_in_team") && Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.IsValidTeam(team)) { ri.string_2 = team; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } } catch { } break; } case 14: { try { Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_56(Session.GetHabbo().Username).CarryItem(int.Parse(args[1])); } catch { } break; } case 32: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_yt") { string ytlink = args[2].Split('=')[1]; ri.string_2 = ytlink; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } case 35: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && (ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_has_purse" || ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_hasnot_purse")) { string currency = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.IsValidCurrency(args[2]) ? args[2] : "credits"; int number = 1337; int.TryParse(args[3], out number); ri.string_2 = currency + ";" + number; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } case 36: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_act_img" && IsValidFile(args[2])) { ri.string_2 = args[2]; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } case 93076201: { if (HabboIM.zufallsrare == false) { HabboIM.zufallsrare = true; uint item = uint.Parse(args[1]); uint user = uint.Parse(args[2]); uint id = uint.Parse(args[3]); uint geschenk = 169; var geschenkmsg = "!HabboIM Zufallsrare - Was hier wohl drin sein mag?"; uint amount = 1; using (DatabaseClient dbclient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbclient.AddParamWithValue("spieler", uint.Parse(args[2])); dbclient.AddParamWithValue("raum", '0'); dbclient.AddParamWithValue("moebel", uint.Parse(args[1])); dbclient.AddParamWithValue("geschenk", geschenk); dbclient.AddParamWithValue("geschenkmsg", geschenkmsg); dbclient.AddParamWithValue("amount", amount); StringBuilder StringGetiditem = new StringBuilder(); DataTable Getiditem = dbclient.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); foreach (DataRow StaffRow in Getiditem.Rows) { uint num5 = HabboIM.GetGame().GetCatalog().method_14(); dbclient.AddParamWithValue("id", num5); Console.WriteLine(StaffRow["id"]); dbclient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO items (Id,user_id,base_item,wall_pos) VALUES ('", (object)num5, "','", uint.Parse(args[2]), "','169','')" })); dbclient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO items_extra_data (item_id,extra_data) VALUES ('", (object)num5, "','", "!HabboIM Zufallsrare - Was hier wohl drin sein mag?", "')" })); dbclient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "INSERT INTO user_presents (item_id,base_id,amount,extra_data) VALUES ('", (object)num5, "','", uint.Parse(args[1]), "','1','')" })); /* * dbclient.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO items (id, user_id, room_id, base_item) VALUES ('" + (object)num5 + "', @spieler, @raum, @geschenk)"); * dbclient.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO items_extra_data (item_id, extra_data) VALUES ('" + (object)num5 + "', @geschenkmsg)"); * dbclient.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO user_presents (item_id, base_id, amount) VALUES ('" + (object)num5 + "', @moebel, @amount)");*/ } } //Staffchat Ausgabe ServerMessage Logging = new ServerMessage(134u); Logging.AppendUInt(0u); Logging.AppendString("INFO: Der Spieler " + args[4] + " hat eine Zufallsrarität erhalten!"); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_16(Logging, Logging); if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["habboim.customdesign"]) == 1) { string rmessage = "rndrmsg"; HabboIM.GetWebSocketManager().SendMessageToEveryConnection(rmessage); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Nächste Zufallsrare wird in " + HabboIM.nxt_rr + " Minuten verteilt!"); } else { HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Die Zufallsrare wurde soeben verteilt!"); HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_WHISPER("Nächste Zufallsrare wird in " + HabboIM.nxt_rr + " Minuten verteilt!"); } GameClient gameClient = HabboIM.GetGame().GetClientManager().method_2(uint.Parse(args[2])); if (gameClient != null) { gameClient.SendNotification("Überprüfe dein Inventar, denn du hast eine Zufallsrarität erhalten!"); gameClient.GetHabbo().GetInventoryComponent().method_9(true); ++gameClient.GetHabbo().RandomRares; gameClient.GetHabbo().CheckRandomRares(); } return; } break; } case 51: { if (Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.CheckRights(Session, true)) { try { RoomItem ri = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.method_28(uint.Parse(args[1])); if (ri != null && (ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wf_cnd_user_count_in" || ri.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == "wfc_cnd_not_user_count") && IsValidFile(args[2])) { int min = 1; int max = 50; int.TryParse(args[2], out min); int.TryParse(args[3], out max); ri.string_3 = min + ";" + max; ri.UpdateState(true, false); } } catch { } } break; } default: break; } } }; }); }
public UserDataFactory(string ssoTicket, string ipAddress, bool getAllData) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ssoTicket)) { this.Validated = false; } else { using (DatabaseClient dbClient = HabboIM.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { dbClient.AddParamWithValue("auth_ticket", ssoTicket); string str = ""; if (ServerConfiguration.EnableSSO) { str = "AND ip_last = '" + ipAddress + "' "; } try { if (int.Parse(HabboIM.GetConfig().data["debug"]) == 1) { str = ""; } } catch { } this.UserData = dbClient.ReadDataRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE auth_ticket = @auth_ticket " + str + " LIMIT 1;"); if (this.UserData != null) { this.Validated = true; uint id = (uint)this.UserData["Id"]; if (getAllData) { this.Achievements = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT achievement_id,achievement_level FROM user_achievements WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Favorites = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT room_id FROM user_favorites WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Ignores = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT ignore_id FROM user_ignores WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Tags = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT tag FROM user_tags WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Subscriptions = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT subscription_id, timestamp_activated, timestamp_expire FROM user_subscriptions WHERE user_id = '" + id + "'"); this.Badges = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT user_badges.badge_id,user_badges.badge_slot FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = " + id); this.Items = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT items.Id,items.base_item,items_extra_data.extra_data FROM items LEFT JOIN items_extra_data ON items_extra_data.item_id = items.Id WHERE room_id = 0 AND user_id = " + id); this.Effects = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT user_effects.effect_id,user_effects.total_duration,user_effects.is_activated,user_effects.activated_stamp FROM user_effects WHERE user_id = " + id); this.Friends = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT users.Id,users.username,users.motto,users.look,users.last_online FROM users JOIN messenger_friendships ON users.Id = messenger_friendships.user_two_id WHERE messenger_friendships.user_one_id = '" + id + "'"); this.FriendStream = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT, friend_stream.type, friend_stream.userid, friend_stream.gender, friend_stream.look, friend_stream.time,, friend_stream.data_extra FROM friend_stream JOIN messenger_friendships ON friend_stream.userid = messenger_friendships.user_two_id WHERE ( messenger_friendships.user_one_id = '" + id + "' OR friend_stream.userid = '" + id + "' ) AND type = '5' group by ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 15"); dbClient.AddParamWithValue("name", (string)this.UserData["username"]); this.Rooms = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE owner = @name ORDER BY Id ASC LIMIT " + ServerConfiguration.RoomUserLimit); this.Pets = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT Id, user_id, room_id, name, type, race, color, expirience, energy, nutrition, respect, createstamp, x, y, z FROM user_pets WHERE user_id = " + id + " AND room_id = 0"); this.FriendStream = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT, friend_stream.type, friend_stream.userid, friend_stream.gender, friend_stream.look, friend_stream.time,, friend_stream.data_extra FROM friend_stream JOIN messenger_friendships ON friend_stream.userid = messenger_friendships.user_two_id WHERE messenger_friendships.user_one_id = '" + id + "' OR friend_stream.userid = '" + id + "' group by ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 15"); Random rnd = new Random(); int rnd1 = rnd.Next(1000, 9999); int rnd2 = rnd.Next(1000, 9999); int rnd3 = rnd.Next(1000, 9999); int rnd4 = rnd.Next(1000, 9999); int rnd5 = rnd.Next(1000, 9999); dbClient.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE users SET auth_ticket = CONCAT('HABBOIM-" + rnd1 + "-" + rnd2 + "-" + rnd3 + "-" + rnd4 + "-" + rnd5 + "'), online = '1' WHERE Id = '", id, "' LIMIT 1; UPDATE user_info SET login_timestamp = '", HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(), "' WHERE user_id = '", id, "' LIMIT 1;" })); } } else { this.Validated = false; } } } }
public void Initialise(DatabaseClient dbClient) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Logging.Write("Lädt bans.."); this.Bans.Clear(); DataTable dataTable = dbClient.ReadDataTable("SELECT bantype,value,reason,expire FROM bans WHERE expire > '" + HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() + "'"); if (dataTable != null) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) { ModerationBanType Type = ModerationBanType.IP; if ((string)dataRow["bantype"] == "user") { Type = ModerationBanType.USERNAME; } if ((string)dataRow["bantype"] == "static_id") { Type = ModerationBanType.STATICID; } this.Bans.Add(new ModerationBan(Type, (string)dataRow["value"], (string)dataRow["reason"], (double)dataRow["expire"])); } Logging.WriteLine("Fertig!", ConsoleColor.Green); } }
public Pet method_11(uint uint_1, string string_0, int int_0, string string_1, string string_2) { return(new Pet(this.method_14(), uint_1, 0U, string_0, (uint)int_0, string_1, string_2, 0, 100, 100, 0, HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp(), 0, 0, 0.0) { DBState = DatabaseUpdateState.NeedsInsert }); }
public bool method_2(GameClient Session) { double num = (HabboIM.GetUnixTimestamp() - Session.GetHabbo().LastActivityPointsUpdate) / 60.0; return(num >= (double)ServerConfiguration.CreditingInterval); }