        public ScoreDisplay(bool count)
            _value.SetDelta(FloatMath.Max(537, MainGame.Inst.Profile.TotalPoints / 4f));
            if (!count)

            _text = new HUDRawText
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                Text             = ((int)_value.ActualValue).ToString(),
                TextColor        = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                FontSize         = 60f,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10 + 40 + 30, 0),

            _icon = new HUDImage
                Image            = Textures.TexIconScore,
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(40, 40)

            Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT;
            RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 10);
            Size             = new FSize(250, 60);
    /// <summary>
    /// send a new event, to create a new floating text
    /// </summary>
    public GameObject NewText(string text, HUDType hudType, Transform trans, Color color, int size, float speed, float yAcceleration, float yAccelerationScaleFactor, bl_Guidance movement)
        GameObject t = Instantiate(TextPrefab) as GameObject;

        //Create new text info to instatiate
        bl_Text item = t.GetComponent <bl_Text>();

        item.m_Speed     = speed;
        item.m_Color     = color;
        item.m_Transform = trans;
        // text = "";
        item.m_text                = "";
        item.m_Size                = size;
        item.movement              = movement;
        item.Yquickness            = yAcceleration;
        item.YquicknessScaleFactor = yAccelerationScaleFactor;

        t.transform.SetParent(CanvasParent, false);
        //   t.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = Vector2.zero;

        HUDImage hudImage = t.GetComponent <HUDImage>();

        hudImage.Show(text, hudType);

        public void Load(Func <SCCMListPresenter, int, int, Task <LoadFuncResult> > loadFunc, SCCMListScrollbar sb, HUDImage wc, bool async = true)

            _scrollbar  = sb;
            _waitingCog = wc;

            _scrollbar.Presenter = this;

            this.IsVisible        = false;
            _scrollbar.IsVisible  = false;
            _waitingCog.IsVisible = true;

            _loadFunc = loadFunc;

            _mode = PresenterMode.Loading;
            if (async)
                DoLoad(0, _currentRequest, true).RunAsync();
                DoLoad(0, _currentRequest, false).Wait();
        public override void OnInitialize()
            AddElement(_presenter = new SCCMListPresenter
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(Width - 16 - 16 - 48 - 16, Height - 16 - 16),

            AddElement(_scrollbar = new SCCMListScrollbar
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(48, Height - 16 - 16),

            AddElement(_waitingCog = new HUDImage
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,
                Image            = Textures.CannonCogBig,
                RotationSpeed    = 0.35f,
                Color            = FlatColors.Clouds,
                Size             = new FSize(192, 192)

            _presenter.Load(QueryData, _scrollbar, _waitingCog, false);
        public StarsScoreDisplay(bool count)
            _value.SetDelta(FloatMath.Max(37, MainGame.Inst.Profile.ScoreStars / 2f));
            if (!count)

            _text = new HUDRawText
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                Text             = ((int)_value.ActualValue).ToString(),
                TextColor        = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                FontSize         = 60f,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10 + 40 + 30, 0),

            _icon = new HUDImage
                Image            = Textures.TexIconStar,
                Color            = FlatColors.SunFlower,
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(40, 40),

            Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT;
            RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 10);
            Size             = new FSize(250, 60);

            IsVisible = (MainGame.Inst.Profile.ScoreStars > 0 || MainGame.Inst.Profile.HasCreatedLevels);

        private HUDLayoutContainer CreateHeader(int n)
            header1 = new HUDImage
                Alignment = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                Image     = Textures.TexGenericTitle,
                Size      = Textures.TexGenericTitle.Size().ScaleToHeight(3 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),
            header2 = new HUDImage
                Alignment = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT,
                Image     = Textures.TexTitleNumber[n],
                Size      = Textures.TexTitleNumber[n].Size().ScaleToHeight(3 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),

            float w = header1.Size.Width + header2.Size.Width;

            HUDLayoutContainer c = new HUDLayoutContainer()
                Alignment = HUDAlignment.TOPCENTER,
                Size      = new FSize(w, 4 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),


        public SCCMScoreDisplay(bool count)
            _value.SetDelta(FloatMath.Max(37, MainGame.Inst.Profile.ScoreSCCM / 4f));
            if (!count)

            _text = new HUDRawText
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                Text             = ((int)_value.ActualValue).ToString(),
                TextColor        = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                FontSize         = 60f,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10 + 40 + 30, 0),

            _img = new HUDImage
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(40, 40),

                Image = Textures.TexCircle,
                Color = FlatColors.WetAsphalt * 0.4f,

            _ani = new HUDTetroAnimation
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10 + 1, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(38, 38),

                Foreground = FlatColors.Alizarin,

            Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT;
            RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 10);
            Size             = new FSize(250, 60);

            IsVisible = (MainGame.Inst.Profile.ScoreSCCM > 0);

        public HUDIconMessageBox(int depth = 0)
            Depth = depth;

            Alignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER;

            internalImage = new HUDImage
                Alignment      = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                ImageAlignment = HUDImageAlignment.UNDERSCALE,
                Size           = new FSize(96, 96),

            internalLabel = new HUDLabel
                Alignment     = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                FontSize      = 96,
    private void Start()

        for (int i = 0; i < LevelManager.instance.Crystals.Length; i++)
            HUDImage hudImage = Instantiate(CrystalHUDPrefab, playerUI.HUDParent.transform).GetComponent <HUDImage>();
            hudImage.Setup(playerUI.GetComponent <RectTransform>(),
                           LevelManager.instance.Crystals[i].Mesh.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial.color,

        for (int i = 0; i < LevelManager.instance.CrystalDocks.Length; i++)
            HUDImage hudImage = Instantiate(CrystalDockHUDPrefab, playerUI.HUDParent.transform).GetComponent <HUDImage>();
            hudImage.Setup(playerUI.GetComponent <RectTransform>(),
                           LevelManager.instance.Crystals[i].Mesh.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial.color);
        public MultiplayerScoreDisplay(ScoreDisplay reference, bool count)
            _ref = reference;
            _value.SetDelta(FloatMath.Max(37, MainGame.Inst.Profile.MultiplayerPoints / 4f));
            if (!count)

            _text = new HUDRawText
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                Text             = ((int)_value.ActualValue).ToString(),
                TextColor        = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                FontSize         = 60f,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10 + 40 + 30, 0),

            _icon = new HUDImage
                Image            = Textures.TexIconMPScore,
                Color            = FlatColors.Amethyst,
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(40, 40),

            Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT;
            RelativePosition = new FPoint(10, 10);
            Size             = new FSize(250, 60);

            IsVisible = MainGame.Inst.Profile.HasMultiplayerGames;

        public override void OnInitialize()

            #region Footer

            AddElement(new HUDRectangle(0)
                Alignment = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                Size      = new FSize(WIDTH, FOOTER_HEIGHT - 10),

                Definition = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.BackgroundHUD2, 16, false, false, true, true),

            AddElement(new HUDRectangle(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, FOOTER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_COLBAR_HEIGHT),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, FOOTER_COLBAR_HEIGHT),

                Definition = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimple(FlatColors.Nephritis),

            AddElement(new HUDRectangle(1)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, FOOTER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_COLBAR_HEIGHT),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 2f, FOOTER_COLBAR_HEIGHT),

                Definition = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimple(FlatColors.PeterRiver),

            AddElement(new HUDRectangle(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, FOOTER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_COLBAR_HEIGHT),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, FOOTER_COLBAR_HEIGHT),

                Definition = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimple(FlatColors.Pomegranate),

            AddElement(new HUDSeperator(HUDOrientation.Vertical, 3)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(WIDTH / 3f, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(1, FOOTER_HEIGHT),

                Color = FlatColors.SeperatorHUD,

            AddElement(new HUDSeperator(HUDOrientation.Vertical, 3)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(WIDTH / 3f, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(1, FOOTER_HEIGHT),

                Color = FlatColors.SeperatorHUD,

            AddElement(new HUDLabel(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 77),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, 40),

                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_HSP_LEVEL,
                TextColor     = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                FontSize      = 35,

            AddElement(new HUDLabel(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 15),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, 60),

                Text          = Level.Name,
                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                TextColor     = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize      = 57,

            AddElement(new HUDLabel(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 77),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, 40),

                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_HSP_MPPOINTS,
                TextColor     = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                FontSize      = 35,

            AddElement(new HUDIncrementIndicatorLabel(profile.MultiplayerPoints.ToString(), (successScreen ? "+" : "-") + Math.Abs(_deltaPoints), 2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 15),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, 60),

                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMCENTER,
                TextColor     = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize      = 57,

            AddElement(_loadingCog = new HUDImage(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 16),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH / 3f, 80),

                Image          = Textures.CannonCogBig,
                RotationSpeed  = 0.3f,
                Color          = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                ImageAlignment = HUDImageAlignment.UNDERSCALE,

                IsVisible = false,


            #region Buttons

            AddElement(new HUDIconTextButton(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(24, FOOTER_HEIGHT + 24),
                Size             = new FSize(3.5f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 60),

                L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_HSP_BACK,
                TextColor     = Color.White,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                FontSize      = 55,
                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                TextPadding   = 8,
                Icon          = Textures.TexIconBack,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.ButtonHUD, 16),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.ButtonPressedHUD, 16),

                Click = (s, a) => { _server.KillSession(); _server.Stop(); GDScreen.ExitToMap(); },

            if (_server.SessionUserID == 0 && _server.Mode != SAMNetworkConnection.ServerMode.Stopped && _server.Mode != SAMNetworkConnection.ServerMode.Error)
                AddElement(_btnRand = new HUDIconTextButton(2)
                    Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                    RelativePosition = new FPoint(24, FOOTER_HEIGHT + 90),
                    Size             = new FSize(6f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 60),

                    L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_HSP_RANDOMGAME,
                    TextColor     = Color.White,
                    Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                    FontSize      = 55,
                    TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                    TextPadding   = 8,
                    Icon          = Textures.TexIconDice,

                    BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.Wisteria, 16),
                    BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.Amethyst, 16),

                    Click = (s, a) => OnRandomLevel(),

                AddElement(_btnNext = new HUDIconTextButton(2)
                    Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                    RelativePosition = new FPoint(24, FOOTER_HEIGHT + 24),
                    Size             = new FSize(6f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 60),

                    L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_HSP_NEWGAME,
                    TextColor     = Color.White,
                    Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                    FontSize      = 55,
                    TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                    TextPadding   = 8,
                    Icon          = Textures.TexIconRedo,

                    BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.SunFlower, 16),
                    BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.Orange, 16),

                    Click = (s, a) => OnNextLevel(),


            #region Icons

            AddElement(new HUDMultiplayerDifficultyButton(2, successScreen, 0)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                Size             = new FSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE),
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(1 * ICON_MARGIN + 0 * ICON_SIZE, ICON_MARGIN),
                IsEnabled        = false,

            AddElement(new HUDMultiplayerDifficultyButton(2, successScreen, 1)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                Size             = new FSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE),
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(3 * ICON_MARGIN + 1 * ICON_SIZE, ICON_MARGIN),
                IsEnabled        = false,

            AddElement(new HUDMultiplayerDifficultyButton(2, successScreen, 2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                Size             = new FSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE),
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(5 * ICON_MARGIN + 2 * ICON_SIZE, ICON_MARGIN),
                IsEnabled        = false,

            AddElement(new HUDMultiplayerDifficultyButton(2, successScreen, 3)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                Size             = new FSize(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE),
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(7 * ICON_MARGIN + 3 * ICON_SIZE, ICON_MARGIN),
                IsEnabled        = false,

        public GDMultiplayerGameHUD(GDGameScreen scrn, GDMultiplayerCommon mp) : base(scrn, Textures.HUDFontRegular)
            AddElement(new HUDPauseButton(false, false, true));

            _backgroundRect = new HUDRectangle(-10)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,
                Definition       = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimple(Color.Black * 0.3f),
                Size             = new FSize(100, 100),

            var mpcsc = new MultiplayerConnectionStateControl(mp)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(4, 4),
                TextColor        = FlatColors.Clouds,


            if (mp.SessionUserID == 0)
                if (mp.SessionCapacity == 2)
                    var lbl = new HUDLambdaLabel
                        Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                        RelativePosition = new FPoint(4, 44),
                        Font             = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                        FontSize         = 32,
                        Size             = new FSize(200, 32),
                        TextColor        = FlatColors.Clouds,
                        AutoSize         = true,

                        Lambda = () => (mp.ConnState == SAMNetworkConnection.ConnectionState.Offline) ? "Ping: -" : $"Ping: {(int) (mp.UserConn[1].InGamePing.Value * 1000)}ms",
                    int idx = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < mp.SessionCapacity; i++)
                        int uid = i;

                        var lbl = new HUDLambdaLabel
                            Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                            RelativePosition = new FPoint(4, 44 + 40 * idx),
                            Font             = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                            FontSize         = 32,
                            Size             = new FSize(200, 32),
                            TextColor        = Color.White,
                            AutoSize         = true,

                            Lambda = () => $"Ping[{uid}]: {(int) (mp.UserConn[uid].InGamePing.Value * 1000)}ms",

                var lbl = new HUDLambdaLabel
                    Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                    RelativePosition = new FPoint(4, 44),
                    Font             = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                    FontSize         = 32,
                    Size             = new FSize(200, 32),
                    TextColor        = Color.White,
                    AutoSize         = true,

                    Lambda = () => $"Ping: {(int) (mp.UserConn[0].InGamePing.Value * 1000)}ms",


            _countdown = new HUDImage(100)
                Alignment      = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Image          = Textures.TexTitleNumber[3],
                ImageAlignment = HUDImageAlignmentAlgorithm.CENTER,
                ImageScale     = HUDImageScaleAlgorithm.UNDERSCALE,

                Size = new FSize(320, 320),

            var x = _cornerElements.Max(e => e.Right);
            var y = _cornerElements.Max(e => e.Bottom);

            _backgroundRect.Size = new FSize(x + 4f, y + 4f);
        public override void OnInitialize()

            AddElement(new HUDLabel
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPCENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH, 48),

                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Text          = _level.FullName,
                TextColor     = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize      = 48,

            AddElement(_cannonCog = new HUDImage(1)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Size             = new FSize(4.5f * TW, 4.5f * TW),
                RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,

                Rotation      = 0f,
                RotationSpeed = 0.5f,

                Image = Textures.CannonCogBig,
                Color = FlatColors.BackgroundHUD.Lighten(0.9f),

            AddElement(_centerLabel = new HUDLabel(3)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH, 2 * TW),
                RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,

                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                FontSize      = 128,

                L10NText = L10NImpl.STR_LVLED_UPLOADING,

                TextColor = FlatColors.Clouds,

                Font = Textures.HUDFontBold,

            AddElement(new HUDIconTextButton(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(24, 24),
                Size             = new FSize(3.5f * TW, 60),

                L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_LVLED_BTN_ABORT,
                TextColor     = Color.White,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                FontSize      = 55,
                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                TextPadding   = 8,
                Icon          = Textures.TexIconError,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.Alizarin, 16),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.Pomegranate, 16),

                Click = (s, a) => MainGame.Inst.SetOverworldScreen(),

            AddElement(_btnReupload = new HUDIconTextButton(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(24, 24),
                Size             = new FSize(3.5f * TW, 60),

                L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_LVLED_BTN_RETRY,
                TextColor     = Color.White,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                FontSize      = 55,
                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                TextPadding   = 8,
                Icon          = Textures.TexIconError,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.Orange, 16),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.SunFlower, 16),

                IsVisible = false,

                Click = (s, a) => StartUpload(),

        public override void OnInitialize()

            AddElement(new HUDLabel(1)
                TextAlignment    = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(WIDTH, 96),

                Font     = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize = 64,

                L10NText  = L10NImpl.STR_MENU_CAP_SEARCH,
                TextColor = FlatColors.Clouds,

            AddElement(new MultiplayerConnectionStateControl(_server)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16, 16)

            AddElement(_cog = new HUDImage
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, (-FOOTER_HEIGHT / 2) + (96 / 2f)),
                Image            = Textures.CannonCogBig,
                RotationSpeed    = 0.35f,
                Color            = FlatColors.Clouds,
                Size             = new FSize(192, 192)

            AddElement(new HUDRectangle(0)
                Alignment = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                Size      = new FSize(WIDTH, FOOTER_HEIGHT),

                Definition = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.BackgroundHUD2, 16, false, false, true, true),

            AddElement(new HUDTextButton(2)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0.5f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 0.5f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),
                Size             = new FSize(5.5f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 1.0f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),

                L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_MENU_CANCEL,
                TextColor     = Color.White,
                Font          = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize      = 55,
                TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                TextPadding   = 8,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRoundedBlur(FlatColors.Asbestos, 16),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRoundedBlur(FlatColors.MidnightBlue, 16),

                Click = OnClickCancel,
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        walkinganim = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
        player = GetComponentInChildren<Player> ();
        PlayerSprite = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").transform;
        PlayerControlledObjects [0] = transform;

        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HUD") != null)
            textureswap = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("HUD").GetComponent<HUDImage>();
        public override void OnInitialize()

            string txt = "?";

            if (_showMultiplayer)
                txt = L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_MULTIPLAYERRANKING);
            else if (_focus == null)
                txt = L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_GLOBALRANKING);
                txt = L10N.TF(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_RANKINGFOR, L10N.T(Levels.WORLD_NAMES[_focus.ID]));

            AddElement(new HUDLabel(1)
                TextAlignment    = (_showMultiplayer || _focus == null) ? HUDAlignment.CENTER : HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT,
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPCENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(TAB_WIDTH, TEXT_HEIGHT_REAL),

                Font     = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize = 64,

                Text      = txt,
                TextColor = FlatColors.Clouds,

            if (MainGame.Inst.Profile.HasMultiplayerGames)
                if (!_showMultiplayer)
                    AddElement(_btn = new HUDTextButton(1)
                        Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT,
                        RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,
                        Size             = new FSize(3.5f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 48),

                        L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_WORLD_MULTIPLAYER,
                        TextColor     = FlatColors.Foreground,
                        Font          = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                        FontSize      = 42,
                        TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                        TextPadding   = 8,

                        BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRoundedBlur(FlatColors.Amethyst, 16, false, true, false, false),
                        BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRoundedBlur(FlatColors.Wisteria, 16, false, true, false, false),

                        Click = ShowMultiplayer,

                        IsVisible = false,
                    AddElement(_btn = new HUDTextButton(1)
                        Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT,
                        RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,
                        Size             = new FSize(3.5f * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 48),

                        L10NText      = L10NImpl.STR_WORLD_SINGLEPLAYER,
                        TextColor     = FlatColors.Foreground,
                        Font          = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                        FontSize      = 42,
                        TextAlignment = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                        TextPadding   = 8,

                        BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRoundedBlur(FlatColors.Amethyst, 16, false, true, false, false),
                        BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRoundedBlur(FlatColors.Wisteria, 16, false, true, false, false),

                        Click = ShowSingleplayer,

                        IsVisible = false,

            _loader = new HUDImage
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, TEXT_HEIGHT / 2f),
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Size             = new FSize(2 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 2 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),
                Color            = FlatColors.Clouds,
                Image            = Textures.CannonCogBig,

                RotationSpeed = 0.1f,

                IsVisible = true,

            _table = new HUDScrollTable
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, TEXT_HEIGHT / 2f),
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Size             = new FSize(TAB_WIDTH, TAB_HEIGHT),

                Background       = FlatColors.BackgroundHUD2,
                Foreground       = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                LineColor        = Color.Black,
                HeaderBackground = FlatColors.Asbestos,
                HeaderForeground = Color.Black,
                ScrollThumbColor = FlatColors.Silver,
                ScrollWidth      = 16,
                ScrollHeight     = 64,
                LineWidth        = 2 * HUD.PixelWidth,
                FontSize         = 32,

                IsVisible = false,

            _table.AddColumn("", 100);
            _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_NAME), null);
            _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_POINTS), 100);
            if (!_showMultiplayer)
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_TIME), 175);

        public override void OnInitialize()
            AddElement(_textbox = new HUDSimpleTextBox
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16, 16),
                Size             = new FSize(Width - 16 - 16 - 64, 64),

                ColorText = Color.Black,
                Font      = Textures.HUDFontRegular,
                FontSize  = 48,

                MaxLength = SCCMLevelData.MaxNameLength,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimpleOutline(FlatColors.Clouds, Color.Black, HUD.PixelWidth),
                BackgroundFocused = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimpleOutline(FlatColors.Clouds, Color.Black, HUD.PixelWidth),

                EnterKey = (s, e) => StartSearch(),

                CloseKeyboard = (s, e) => StartSearch(),

            AddElement(new HUDImageButton
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16 + HUD.PixelWidth, 16),
                Size             = new FSize(64, 64),

                Image        = Textures.TexHUDButtonIconMagnifier,
                ImagePadding = 8,
                ImageColor   = FlatColors.Asbestos,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimpleOutline(FlatColors.Clouds, Color.Black, HUD.PixelWidth),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateSimpleOutline(FlatColors.Concrete, Color.Black, HUD.PixelWidth),

                Click = (s, e) => StartSearch(),

            AddElement(_presenter = new SCCMListPresenter
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMLEFT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16, 16),
                Size             = new FSize(Width - 16 - 16 - 48 - 16, Height - 16 - 16 - 16 - 64),

                IsVisible = true,

            AddElement(_scrollbar = new SCCMListScrollbar
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.BOTTOMRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(16, 16),
                Size             = new FSize(48, Height - 16 - 16 - 16 - 64),

                IsVisible = true,

            AddElement(_waitingCog = new HUDImage
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 16 + 32),
                Image            = Textures.CannonCogBig,
                RotationSpeed    = 0.35f,
                Color            = FlatColors.Clouds,
                Size             = new FSize(192, 192),

                IsVisible = false,

            _presenter.Load(QueryData, _scrollbar, _waitingCog);
        public override void OnInitialize()

            string txt = "?";

            switch (_mode)
            case HighscoreCategory.GlobalPoints:
                txt = L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_GLOBALRANKING);

            case HighscoreCategory.WorldPoints:
                txt = L10N.TF(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_RANKINGFOR, L10N.T(Levels.WORLD_NAMES[_focus.ID]));

            case HighscoreCategory.MultiplayerPoints:
                txt = L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_MULTIPLAYERRANKING);

            case HighscoreCategory.CustomLevelStars:
                txt = L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_STARRANKING);

            case HighscoreCategory.CustomLevelPoints:
                txt = L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_HSP_SCCMRANKING);

                SAMLog.Error("HP::EnumSwitch_OI", "_mode: " + _mode);

            AddElement(new HUDLabel(1)
                TextAlignment    = (txt.Length > 24) ? HUDAlignment.CENTERLEFT : HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPCENTER,
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, 0),
                Size             = new FSize(TAB_WIDTH, TEXT_HEIGHT_REAL),

                Font     = Textures.HUDFontBold,
                FontSize = 64,

                Text      = txt,
                TextColor = FlatColors.Clouds,

            AddElement(_btnPrev = new HUDImageButton(1)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPLEFT,
                RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,
                Size             = new FSize(72, 72),

                Image          = GetModeIcon(NextCategory(_mode, false)),
                ImageColor     = GetModeColor(NextCategory(_mode, false)),
                ImagePadding   = 8,
                ImageAlignment = HUDImageAlignmentAlgorithm.CENTER,
                ImageScale     = HUDImageScaleAlgorithm.UNDERSCALE,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.ButtonHUD, 16, true, false, false, false),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.ButtonPressedHUD, 16, true, false, false, false),

                Click = (s, e) => SwitchMode(false),

                IsVisible = false,

            AddElement(_btnNext = new HUDImageButton(1)
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.TOPRIGHT,
                RelativePosition = FPoint.Zero,
                Size             = new FSize(72, 72),

                Image          = GetModeIcon(NextCategory(_mode, true)),
                ImageColor     = GetModeColor(NextCategory(_mode, true)),
                ImagePadding   = 8,
                ImageAlignment = HUDImageAlignmentAlgorithm.CENTER,
                ImageScale     = HUDImageScaleAlgorithm.UNDERSCALE,

                BackgroundNormal  = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.ButtonHUD, 16, false, true, false, false),
                BackgroundPressed = HUDBackgroundDefinition.CreateRounded(FlatColors.ButtonPressedHUD, 16, false, true, false, false),

                Click = (s, e) => SwitchMode(true),

                IsVisible = false,

            _loader = new HUDImage
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, TEXT_HEIGHT / 2f),
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Size             = new FSize(2 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH, 2 * GDConstants.TILE_WIDTH),
                Color            = FlatColors.Clouds,
                Image            = Textures.CannonCogBig,

                RotationSpeed = 0.1f,

                IsVisible = true,

            _table = new HUDScrollTable
                RelativePosition = new FPoint(0, TEXT_HEIGHT / 2f),
                Alignment        = HUDAlignment.CENTER,
                Size             = new FSize(TAB_WIDTH, TAB_HEIGHT),

                Background       = FlatColors.BackgroundHUD2,
                Foreground       = FlatColors.TextHUD,
                LineColor        = Color.Black,
                HeaderBackground = FlatColors.Asbestos,
                HeaderForeground = Color.Black,
                ScrollThumbColor = FlatColors.Silver,
                ScrollWidth      = 16,
                ScrollHeight     = 64,
                LineWidth        = 2 * HUD.PixelWidth,
                FontSize         = 32,

                IsVisible = false,

            switch (_mode)
            case HighscoreCategory.GlobalPoints:
                _table.AddColumn("", 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_NAME), null);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_POINTS), 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_TIME), 175);

            case HighscoreCategory.WorldPoints:
                _table.AddColumn("", 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_NAME), null);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_POINTS), 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_TIME), 175);

            case HighscoreCategory.MultiplayerPoints:
                _table.AddColumn("", 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_NAME), null);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_POINTS), 100);

            case HighscoreCategory.CustomLevelStars:
                _table.AddColumn("", 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_NAME), null);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_STARS), 100);

            case HighscoreCategory.CustomLevelPoints:
                _table.AddColumn("", 100);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_NAME), null);
                _table.AddColumn(L10N.T(L10NImpl.STR_TAB_POINTS), 100);

                SAMLog.Error("HP::EnumSwitch_OI2", "_mode: " + _mode);
