protected virtual void OnBtnQueueSongClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        HTreeNode theNode = tvLibrary.SelectedNode;

        // Check if node has children
        if (theNode.Nodes.Count > 0)
            // Will add all children to queue
            // Node is a leaf (song)
            SubsonicItem theItem = GetNodeItem(theNode);

            // Confirm that the item is  asong
            if (theItem.itemType == SubsonicItem.SubsonicItemType.Song)

                Dictionary <string, string> songId = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string streamURL = Subsonic.BuildDirectURL("download.view", songId);

                System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
                proc.StartInfo.FileName  = "vlc";
                proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "--one-instance --playlist-enqueue " + streamURL;
        private void OnBtnEditClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
            //change the text/icon to the selected node
            HTreeNode node = tree.SelectedNode;

            if (node != null)
                node.Text = "new and shiny modified value!";
                node.Icon = GraphUtil.pixbufFromStock("gtk-add", IconSize.Button);
 private void OnBtnAddChildClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
     //add a new child node
     if (cmb.Tree.SelectedNode != null)
         HTreeNode  father_node = cmb.Tree.SelectedNode;
         Gdk.Pixbuf icon        = GraphUtil.pixbufFromStock("gtk-remove", IconSize.Button);
         HTreeNode  new_node    = new HTreeNode("gigi kent", icon);
    private SubsonicItem GetNodeItem(HTreeNode theNode)
        // Get path to the selected node
        Queue <string> nodePath = GetNodePath(theNode);

        // Dive into library to selected node
        SubsonicItem thisItem = Subsonic.MyLibrary;

        while (nodePath.Count > 0)
            thisItem = thisItem.GetChildByName(nodePath.Dequeue());

        private void OnBtnRemoveClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
            //remove the selected node
            HTreeNode node = tree.SelectedNode;

            if (node != null)
                if (node.ParentNode == null)
        private void OnBtnAddClicked(object sender, EventArgs args)
            //make a icon from a stock image
            Gdk.Pixbuf icon = GraphUtil.pixbufFromStock("gtk-yes", IconSize.Button);
            //create the new node
            HTreeNode node = new HTreeNode("new node!", icon);
            //check if there is a node selected
            HTreeNode selected_node = tree.SelectedNode;

            //if no node is selected, add the new node directly to the base
            if (selected_node == null)
    private Queue <string> GetNodePath(HTreeNode theNode)
        // Create a queue that will hold the name of all parent objects
        Queue <string> nodePath;

        if (theNode.ParentNode != null)
            // If this node has a parent, then recurse
            nodePath = GetNodePath(theNode.ParentNode);
            // If the praent, then initialize the path
            nodePath = new Queue <string>();

        // Add enqueue this item in the path

    protected virtual void OnBtnLogin2Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        string server    = tbServer.Text;
        string user      = tbUsername.Text;
        string passw0rdd = tbPaassw0rd.Text;

        string loginResult = Subsonic.LogIn(server, user, passw0rdd);

        Console.WriteLine("Login Result: " + loginResult);

        SubsonicItem thisLibrary = Subsonic.MyLibrary;

        foreach (SubsonicItem artist in thisLibrary.children)
            HTreeNode artistNode = new HTreeNode(;

            // Adding a dummy node for the artist
            artistNode.Nodes.Add(new HTreeNode(""));
    void tvLibraryNodeExpanded(object sender, NodeEventArgs args)
        // Fetch any items inside the node...
        HTreeNode thisNode = args.Node;

        // Check to see if it has any children
        if (thisNode.Nodes.Count == 1 && thisNode.Nodes[0].Text == "")
            // Node child is a dummy
            thisNode.Nodes[0].Text = "Loading...";

            // Get path to the selected node to expandsimp
            Queue <string> nodePath = GetNodePath(thisNode);

            // Dive into library to selected node
            SubsonicItem thisItem = Subsonic.MyLibrary;
            while (nodePath.Count > 0)
                thisItem = thisItem.GetChildByName(nodePath.Dequeue());

            // Should now have the correct selected item
            foreach (SubsonicItem child in thisItem.children)
                HTreeNode childNode = new HTreeNode(;

                // Adding a dummy node for any Folders
                if (child.itemType == SubsonicItem.SubsonicItemType.Folder)
                    childNode.Nodes.Add(new HTreeNode(""));

            // Remove dummy node