 public static ZohoContact Map(ZohoContact contact, HSBuyer buyer, IList <HSUser> users,
                               ZohoCurrency currency, HSBuyerLocation location)
     contact.company_name     = $"{buyer.Name} - {location.Address?.xp.LocationID}";
     contact.contact_name     = $"{location.Address?.AddressName} - {location.Address?.xp.LocationID}";
     contact.contact_type     = "customer";
     contact.billing_address  = ZohoAddressMapper.Map(location.Address);
     contact.shipping_address = ZohoAddressMapper.Map(location.Address);
     contact.contact_persons  = ZohoContactMapper.Map(users, contact);
     contact.currency_id      = currency.currency_id;
     contact.notes            = $"Franchise ID: {buyer.ID} ~ Location ID: {location.Address?.xp.LocationID}";
 public static ZohoContact Map(HSBuyer buyer, IList <HSUser> users, ZohoCurrency currency,
                               HSBuyerLocation location)
     return(new ZohoContact()
         company_name = $"{buyer.Name} - {location.Address?.xp.LocationID}",
         contact_name = $"{location.Address?.AddressName} - {location.Address?.xp.LocationID}",
         contact_type = "customer",
         billing_address = ZohoAddressMapper.Map(location.Address),
         shipping_address = ZohoAddressMapper.Map(location.Address),
         contact_persons = ZohoContactMapper.Map(users),
         currency_id = currency.currency_id,
         notes = $"Franchise ID: {buyer.ID} ~ Location ID: {location.Address?.xp.LocationID}"
        public async Task <HSBuyer> CreateBuyerAndRelatedFunctionalResources(HSBuyer buyer, VerifiedUserContext user, bool isSeedingEnvironment = false)
            var token = isSeedingEnvironment ? user.AccessToken : null;

            buyer.ID     = "{buyerIncrementor}";
            buyer.Active = true;
            var ocBuyer = await _oc.Buyers.CreateAsync(buyer, user.AccessToken);

            buyer.ID = ocBuyer.ID;
            var ocBuyerID = ocBuyer.ID;

            // create base security profile assignment
            await _oc.SecurityProfiles.SaveAssignmentAsync(new SecurityProfileAssignment
                BuyerID           = ocBuyerID,
                SecurityProfileID = CustomRole.MPBaseBuyer.ToString()
            }, token);

            // list message senders
            var msList = await _oc.MessageSenders.ListAsync(accessToken : token);

            // create message sender assignment
            var assignmentList = msList.Items.Select(ms =>
                return(new MessageSenderAssignment
                    MessageSenderID = ms.ID,
                    BuyerID = ocBuyerID
            await Throttler.RunAsync(assignmentList, 100, 5, a => _oc.MessageSenders.SaveAssignmentAsync(a, token));

            await _oc.Incrementors.CreateAsync(new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 5, Name = "User Incrementor" }, token);

            await _oc.Incrementors.CreateAsync(new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 4, Name = "Location Incrementor" }, token);

            await _oc.Catalogs.SaveAssignmentAsync(new CatalogAssignment()
                BuyerID           = ocBuyer.ID,
                CatalogID         = ocBuyer.ID,
                ViewAllCategories = true,
                ViewAllProducts   = false
            }, token);

        public async Task <HSBuyer> CreateBuyerAndRelatedFunctionalResources(HSBuyer buyer, string accessToken, IOrderCloudClient oc)
            // if we're seeding then use the passed in oc client
            // to support multiple environments and ease of setup for new orgs
            // else used the configured client
            var token    = oc == null ? null : accessToken;
            var ocClient = oc ?? _oc;

            buyer.ID = buyer.ID ?? "{buyerIncrementor}";
            var ocBuyer = await ocClient.Buyers.CreateAsync(buyer, accessToken);

            var ocBuyerID = ocBuyer.ID;

            buyer.ID = ocBuyerID;

            // create base security profile assignment
            await ocClient.SecurityProfiles.SaveAssignmentAsync(new SecurityProfileAssignment
                BuyerID           = ocBuyerID,
                SecurityProfileID = CustomRole.HSBaseBuyer.ToString()
            }, token);

            // assign message sender
            await ocClient.MessageSenders.SaveAssignmentAsync(new MessageSenderAssignment
                MessageSenderID = "BuyerEmails",
                BuyerID         = ocBuyerID
            }, token);

            await ocClient.Incrementors.SaveAsync($"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor",
                                                  new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 5, Name = "User Incrementor" }, token);

            await ocClient.Incrementors.SaveAsync($"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor",
                                                  new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 4, Name = "Location Incrementor" }, token);

            await ocClient.Catalogs.SaveAssignmentAsync(new CatalogAssignment()
                BuyerID           = ocBuyerID,
                CatalogID         = ocBuyerID,
                ViewAllCategories = true,
                ViewAllProducts   = false
            }, token);

        public async Task <HSBuyer> CreateBuyerAndRelatedFunctionalResources(HSBuyer buyer, string accessToken, bool isSeedingEnvironment = false)
            var token = isSeedingEnvironment ? accessToken : null;

            buyer.ID     = "{buyerIncrementor}";
            buyer.Active = true;
            var ocBuyer = await _oc.Buyers.CreateAsync(buyer, accessToken);

            buyer.ID = ocBuyer.ID;
            var ocBuyerID = ocBuyer.ID;

            // create base security profile assignment
            await _oc.SecurityProfiles.SaveAssignmentAsync(new SecurityProfileAssignment
                BuyerID           = ocBuyerID,
                SecurityProfileID = CustomRole.HSBaseBuyer.ToString()
            }, token);

            // assign message sender
            await _oc.MessageSenders.SaveAssignmentAsync(new MessageSenderAssignment
                MessageSenderID = "BuyerEmails",
                BuyerID         = ocBuyer.ID
            }, token);

            await _oc.Incrementors.SaveAsync($"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor",
                                             new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 5, Name = "User Incrementor" }, token);

            await _oc.Incrementors.SaveAsync($"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor",
                                             new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 4, Name = "Location Incrementor" }, token);

            await _oc.Catalogs.SaveAssignmentAsync(new CatalogAssignment()
                BuyerID           = ocBuyer.ID,
                CatalogID         = ocBuyer.ID,
                ViewAllCategories = true,
                ViewAllProducts   = false
            }, token);

 public async Task <HSBuyer> PostBuyer([FromBody] HSBuyer obj)
     return(await _command.SaveToQueue(obj, this.VerifiedUserContext, obj.ID));