private void _OrientHorizontal(bool reverse = false) { for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; ++i) { HPane.Add(Items[reverse ? Items.Count - 1 - i : i]); } }
public MapObjectInfoPane(Cursor cursor) { VPane vpMain = new VPane(); vpMain.PercentWidth = vpMain.PercentHeight = 100; vpMain.PPSFactor = 1000; MapCursor = cursor; tiType = new TextItem("", "fonts/game_font1"); tiLife = new TextItem("", "fonts/game_font1"); tiInfo = new TextItem("", "fonts/game_font1"); textItems = new TextItem[] { tiType, tiLife, tiInfo }; foreach (TextItem ti in textItems) { HPane gapL = new HPane(); HPane cent = new HPane(gapL, ti); ti.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; ti.DefaultScale = 0.5f; ti.PPSFactor = 1000; cent.PercentWidth = 100; gapL.PercentWidth = 5; gapL.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vpMain.add(cent); } add(vpMain); }
public DebugPane() { PercentWidth = 40; HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; VAlignment = VAlignment.Top; TextItem[] valueTextItems = { fpsText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), slaveXText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), slaveYText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), mapWidthText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), mapHeightText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), entitiesText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), projectilesText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"), animationsText = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1") }; TextItem[] titleTextItems = { new TextItem("FPS: ", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Slave X: ", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Slave Y: ", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Map Width: ", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Map Height", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Entities: ", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Projectiles: ", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Animations: ", "fonts/menu_font1") }; for (int i = 0; i < valueTextItems.Length; ++i) { HPane leftPad = new HPane(); HPane title = new HPane(titleTextItems[i]); HPane value = new HPane(valueTextItems[i]); HPane row = new HPane(leftPad, title, value); leftPad.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; title.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; value.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; titleTextItems[i].HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; valueTextItems[i].HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; titleTextItems[i].DefaultScale = 0.5f; valueTextItems[i].DefaultScale = 0.5f; titleTextItems[i].Color = Color.Black; valueTextItems[i].Color = Color.Black; leftPad.PercentWidth = 5; title.PercentWidth = 20; row.PercentWidth = 100; row.EffectAlpha = 0.7f; row.Color = i % 2 == 0 ? Color.DarkGray : Color.Gray; add(row); } }
private void InitMapPane(HPane mapPane) { int w = Width / Map.Tiles.Length; int h = Height / Map.Tiles[0].Length; for (int x = 0; x < Map.Tiles.Length; ++x) { ListMenu vList = new ListMenu(); vList.ItemsOrientation = Orientation.Vertical; // vList.KeyBoardEnabled = false; mapPane.Add(vList); for (int y = 0; y < Map.Tiles[0].Length; ++y) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(hiddenTexture, w, h); itemMap.Add(item, new Point(x, y)); vList.AddItem(item); item.FocusGain += (s, a) => item.ImageItem.Color = Color.Silver; item.FocusLoss += (s, a) => item.ImageItem.Color = Color.White; item.Action += (s, a) => { Point p = itemMap[item]; while (Map.RevealedTiles == 0 && Map.Tiles[p.X][p.Y].HasMine) { Map.ShuffleMines(); } if (Map.RevealTile(p.X, p.Y)) { Media.PlaySound(1); } else { Media.PlaySound(0); } if (IsGameOver()) { Manager.Add(CreateGameOverView()); State = ViewState.Suspended; } }; Map.Tiles[x][y].Revealed += (s, a) => { MapTile tile = (MapTile)s; item.IsDisabled = !tile.IsHidden; item.ImageItem.Image = tile.IsHidden ? hiddenTexture : tile.HasMine ? revealedTextures[9] : revealedTextures[tile.GetMineCount()]; // TODO test tile.GetNeighbours().ToList().ForEach(n => CutOutMine(n)); }; } } }
protected override void Init() { revealedTextures = new Texture2D[10]; hiddenTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/tile_hid_0"); font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("fonts/menu_font"); blank = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/blank"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { revealedTextures[i] = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/tile_rev_" + i); } ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(); itemMap = new Dictionary <MenuItem, Point>(); Map = new GameMap(mapTemplate.Width, mapTemplate.Height, mapTemplate.Density); HPane mapPane = new HPane(); mapPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; mapPane.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; mapPane.HGrow = Width / (float)Graphics.Viewport.Width; mapPane.VGrow = Height / (float)Graphics.Viewport.Height; StackPane sPane = new StackPane(mapPane); sPane.HGrow = sPane.VGrow = 1; InfoPane iPane = new InfoPane(Map, Game, font, blank); iPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; iPane.HGrow = 0.5f; ImageItem iBack = new ImageItem(blank); iBack.HGrow = iBack.VGrow = 1; iBack.Color = Color.Black; iBack.Alpha = 0.42f; StackPane iStack = new StackPane(iBack, iPane); iStack.HGrow = 1; VPane vPane = new VPane(iStack, sPane); vPane.HGrow = vPane.VGrow = 1; ImageItem backItem = new ImageItem(Parent.Background); backItem.HGrow = backItem.VGrow = 1; StackPane sBack = new StackPane(backItem, vPane); sBack.HGrow = sBack.VGrow = 1; InitMapPane(mapPane); ViewPane.Clear(); ViewPane.Add(RootPane = sBack); }
private TabPane CreateScoresPane(List <Highscore> scores) { int p = Int32.MaxValue; int i = 1; List <VPane> pages = new List <VPane>(); VPane page = null; scores.ForEach(score => { if (p > EntriesPerPage) { page = new VPane(); page.HGrow = page.VGrow = 1; pages.Add(page); p = 1; } TextItem index = new TextItem(font, i.ToString("D3") + ": "); TextItem diff = new TextItem(font, score.Difficulty.ToString()); TextItem name = new TextItem(font, score.Name); TextItem time = new TextItem(font, score.Time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss\.ff")); TextItem hits = new TextItem(font, score.MinesHit.ToString("D2")); TextItem total = new TextItem(font, "/" + score.TotalMines.ToString("D2")); index.HAlign = diff.HAlign = name.HAlign = time.HAlign = hits.HAlign = total.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; HPane hIndex = new HPane(index); HPane hDiff = new HPane(diff); HPane hName = new HPane(name); HPane hTime = new HPane(time); HPane hHits = new HPane(hits, total); hDiff.HGrow = hName.HGrow = hTime.HGrow = hHits.HGrow = 2; hIndex.HGrow = 1; HPane hPane = new HPane(hIndex, hDiff, hName, hTime, hHits); hPane.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; hPane.HGrow = 1; page.Add(hPane); ++p; ++i; }); TabPane tPane = new TabPane(pages.ToArray()); tPane.HGrow = tPane.VGrow = 1; return(tPane); }
private LayoutPane CreateTextInputPane(string msg) { MenuItem confirm = new MenuItem("Confirm", font); TextItem message = new TextItem(font, msg); TextField textField = new TextField(Game.Window, font, blank); confirm.HAlign = message.HAlign = textField.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; confirm.VAlign = message.VAlign = textField.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; textField.TextAlignment = HAlignment.Center; textField.HGrow = 0.8f; confirm.IsDisabled = textField.Text.Length < Minestory.MIN_NAME_LEN; confirm.Alpha = confirm.IsDisabled ? 0.5f : 1; HPane hConfirm = new HPane(confirm); HPane hMessage = new HPane(message); HPane hTextField = new HPane(textField); VPane vPane = new VPane(hMessage, hTextField, hConfirm); hConfirm.HGrow = hMessage.HGrow = hTextField.HGrow = 1; vPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; vPane.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; vPane.HGrow = vPane.VGrow = 1; textField.TextInput += (s, a) => { confirm.IsDisabled = textField.Text.Length < Minestory.MIN_NAME_LEN; confirm.Alpha = confirm.IsDisabled ? 0.5f : 1; int cx = (int)(confirm.X + confirm.Width / 2); int cy = (int)(confirm.Y + confirm.Height / 2); Mouse.SetPosition(cx, cy + (confirm.IsDisabled ? +1 : 0)); // forces focus gain if (textField.Text.Length > Minestory.MAX_NAME_LEN) { textField.Text = textField.Text.Remove(Minestory.MAX_NAME_LEN); } }; confirm.FocusGain += (s, a) => confirm.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; confirm.FocusLoss += (s, a) => confirm.TextItem.Color = Color.White; confirm.Action += (s, a) => SaveScores(textField, vPane); return(vPane); }
private LayoutPane CreateNavPane() { MenuItem newGame = new MenuItem("New Game", font); MenuItem mainMenu = new MenuItem("Main Menu", font); newGame.HAlign = mainMenu.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; HPane hNewGame = new HPane(newGame); HPane hMainMenu = new HPane(mainMenu); hNewGame.VAlign = hMainMenu.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; hNewGame.HGrow = hMainMenu.HGrow = 1; HPane hPane = new HPane(hNewGame, hMainMenu); hPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; hPane.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; hPane.HGrow = hPane.VGrow = 1; newGame.FocusGain += (s, a) => newGame.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; newGame.FocusLoss += (s, a) => newGame.TextItem.Color = Color.White; mainMenu.FocusGain += (s, a) => mainMenu.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; mainMenu.FocusLoss += (s, a) => mainMenu.TextItem.Color = Color.White; newGame.Action += (s, a) => { Manager.Add(Game.CreateMapView(Parent.Parent)); Parent.Close(); Close(); }; mainMenu.Action += (s, a) => { Parent.Close(); Close(); }; return(hPane); }
protected override void Init() { font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("fonts/menu_font"); blank = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/blank"); background = new ImageItem(blank); background.HGrow = background.VGrow = 1; background.Color = Color.Black; background.Alpha = 0.5f; TextItem gameOver = new TextItem(font, "Game Over"); gameOver.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; gameOver.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; gameOver.IsSizeScaled = true; gameOver.Scale = 2; HPane hGameOver = new HPane(gameOver); hGameOver.HGrow = hGameOver.VGrow = 1; ImageItem bTop = new ImageItem(blank); bTop.HGrow = bTop.VGrow = 1; bTop.Color = Color.DarkGray; bTop.Alpha = 0.5f; ImageItem bBot = new ImageItem(blank); bBot.HGrow = bBot.VGrow = 1; bBot.Color = Color.Black; bBot.Alpha = 0.5f; StackPane sTop = new StackPane(bTop, hGameOver); sTop.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; sTop.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; sTop.HGrow = 0.5f; sTop.VGrow = 1; mainPane = new StackPane(bBot); mainPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; mainPane.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; mainPane.HGrow = 0.5f; mainPane.VGrow = 1; VPane vPane = new VPane(sTop, mainPane); vPane.HGrow = vPane.VGrow = 1; ViewPane.Clear(); RootPane = new StackPane(background, vPane); RootPane.HGrow = RootPane.VGrow = 1; ViewPane.Add(RootPane); Task.Run(() => { Game.Scores = FileManager.LoadHighscores(Game.ScoresPath); int pos = Game.AddHighscore(score, out kicked); if (score.MinesHit < score.TotalMines && pos <= Minestory.MAX_SCORES_PER_DIFF) { message = "New Highscore! Rank " + pos + ". Enter your Name:"; mainPane.Add(CreateTextInputPane(message)); } else { mainPane.Add(CreateNavPane()); } }); }
public GameplaySettingsPane(GameConfig gameConfig) { hlLang = new HList(); foreach (Language lang in GameConfig.SupportedLanguages) { hlLang.add(new TextItem(lang.Title, "fonts/menu_font1")); } VList vlNames = new VList(new TextItem(gameConfig.Language.translate("Language"), "fonts/menu_font1")); VPane vpSettings = new VPane(hlLang); hlLang.VisibleRange = 2; vlNames.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => hlLang.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 0; vlNames.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => { hlLang.IsFocused = false; hide(0.5f); }; hlLang.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => gameConfig.Language = GameConfig.SupportedLanguages[args.SelectedIndex]; Language[] langs = GameConfig.SupportedLanguages; int index = langs.Length - 1; for (; index >= 0 && gameConfig.Language.ID != langs[index].ID; --index) { ; } < 0 ? 0 : index); hlLang.SelectedColor = Color.White; vlNames.PercentWidth = 30; vlNames.PercentHeight = 100; vlNames.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlNames.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vlNames.Color = Color.Black; vpSettings.PercentWidth = 70; vpSettings.PercentHeight = 100; vpSettings.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vpSettings.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vpSettings.Color = Color.Gray; FocusRequestEvent += (s, a) => {; vlNames.IsFocused = true; }; FocusLossEvent += (s, a) => { vlNames.IsFocused = false; vlNames.SelectedIndex = -1; }; HPane hpMain = new HPane(vlNames, vpSettings); hpMain.PercentWidth = 100; hpMain.PercentHeight = 100; add(hpMain); }
public BattlePane(BattleManager battleManager) { BattleManager = battleManager; StackPane spMain = new StackPane(); spMain.PercentWidth = spMain.PercentHeight = 100; PercentWidth = PercentHeight = 100; hlThumbs = new HList(); hlThumbs.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; hlThumbs.VAlignment = VAlignment.Top; hlThumbs.PercentWidth = 15; hlThumbs.PercentHeight = 15; hlThumbs.VisibleRange = 5; hlThumbs.Color = Color.Black; hlThumbs.Alpha = 0.5f; hpApCost = new HPane(); hpApCost.VAlignment = VAlignment.Top; hpApCost.PercentWidth = 100; hpApCost.Color = Color.Gray; hpApCost.Alpha = 0.5f; vlSkills = new VList(); vlSkills.PercentWidth = 100; vlSkills.VisibleRange = 3; vlSkills.IsStatic = false; vlSkills.Color = Color.Gray; vlSkills.Alpha = 0.5f; skillPane = new VPane(hpApCost, vlSkills); skillPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; // skillPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; // skillPane.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; // skillPane.PercentWidth = 15; // skillPane.PercentHeight = 30; skillPane.PercentWidth = 100; skillPane.PercentHeight = 100; skillPane.Color = Color.Black; skillPane.Alpha = 0.5f; teamInfo = new TeamInfoPane(); teamInfo.HAlignment = HAlignment.Right; teamInfo.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; teamInfo.PercentWidth = 40; teamInfo.PercentHeight = 20; teamInfo.Color = Color.Black; teamInfo.Alpha = 0.5f; objectInfo = new MapObjectInfoPane(); objectInfo.HAlignment = HAlignment.Right; objectInfo.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; objectInfo.PercentWidth = 25; objectInfo.PercentHeight = 20; objectInfo.Color = Color.Black; objectInfo.Alpha = 0.5f; abilityInfo = new AbilityInfoPane(); abilityInfo.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; abilityInfo.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; // abilityInfo.HAlignment = HAlignment.Center; // abilityInfo.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; abilityInfo.Color = Color.Black; abilityInfo.Alpha = 0.5f; HPane hpSkills = new HPane(skillPane, abilityInfo); hpSkills.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; hpSkills.VAlignment = VAlignment.Bottom; hpSkills.PercentWidth = 15; hpSkills.PercentHeight = 30; vlSkills.ActionEvent += (sender, args) => { int s = args.SelectedIndex; if (player.ContainingMap.Slave is Cursor) { if (s == 0) { if (moveCost > player.AP || moveCost <= 0) { return; } movePath = new Queue <Point>(pathCache); moveCost = getMoveCost(player, movePath.Count); } else if (s > 0) { nextAbility = player.Abilities[s - 1]; } vlSkills.ControlLock = false; player.ContainingMap.hideCursor(); cursor.MoveStartedEvent -= onCursorMove; objectInfo.hide(); abilityInfo.hide(); hideSkillList(); //; // TODO looks to busy } else { int cost = s == 0 ? 10 : player.Abilities[s - 1].APCost; // TODO move cost if (cost > player.AP) { return; } playerPF = new Pathfinder(player); player.ContainingMap.showCursor(player.Position); cursor = player.ContainingMap.Cursor; cursor.MoveStartedEvent -= onCursorMove; cursor.MoveStartedEvent += onCursorMove; objectInfo.MapCursor = cursor; vlSkills.ControlLock = true;; teamInfo.hide(); abilityInfo.hide(); } }; vlSkills.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => { if (cursor == null) { return; } vlSkills.ControlLock = false; player.ContainingMap.hideCursor(); cursor.MoveStartedEvent -= onCursorMove; cursor = null; objectInfo.hide();; }; vlSkills.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { int sel = args.SelectedIndex; if (sel > 0) { abilityInfo.Ability = player.Abilities[sel - 1];; } else { abilityInfo.hide(); } }; hlThumbs.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { int sel = args.SelectedIndex; int off = sel + hlThumbs.VisibleRange; if (off < hlThumbs.Children.Count) { (hlThumbs.Children[off] as MenuItem).Disabled = false; } }; // spMain.add(hlThumbs, skillPane, objectInfo, teamInfo, abilityInfo); spMain.add(hlThumbs, objectInfo, teamInfo, hpSkills); add(spMain); hide(); }
public AudioSettingsPane(GameConfig gameConfig) { hlMusic = new HList(new TextItem("Off", "fonts/menu_font1")); hlSFX = new HList(new TextItem("Off", "fonts/menu_font1")); for (int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { hlMusic.add(new TextItem(" " + i.ToString() + " ", "fonts/menu_font1")); hlSFX.add(new TextItem(" " + i.ToString() + " ", "fonts/menu_font1")); } VList vlNames = new VList( new TextItem("Music Volume", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Audio Volume", "fonts/menu_font1") ); hlSFX.VisibleRange = 4; hlMusic.VisibleRange = 4; VPane vpSettings = new VPane(hlMusic, hlSFX); vlNames.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { hlMusic.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 0; hlSFX.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 1; }; vlNames.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => { hlMusic.IsFocused = false; hlSFX.IsFocused = false;; hide(0.5f); }; hlMusic.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => gameConfig.MusicVolume = args.SelectedIndex * 10; hlSFX.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => gameConfig.SFXVolume = args.SelectedIndex * 10; / 10); / 10); hlMusic.SelectedColor = Color.White; hlSFX.SelectedColor = Color.White; vlNames.PercentWidth = 30; vlNames.PercentHeight = 100; vlNames.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlNames.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vlNames.Color = Color.Black; vpSettings.PercentWidth = 70; vpSettings.PercentHeight = 100; vpSettings.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vpSettings.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vpSettings.Color = Color.Gray; FocusRequestEvent += (s, a) => {; vlNames.IsFocused = true; }; FocusLossEvent += (s, a) => { vlNames.IsFocused = false; vlNames.SelectedIndex = -1; }; HPane hpMain = new HPane(vlNames, vpSettings); hpMain.PercentWidth = 100; hpMain.PercentHeight = 100; add(hpMain); }
public void initMainContainer() { VList vlSaves = new VList(); vlSaves.PercentWidth = vlSaves.PercentHeight = 100; VPane vpMain = new VPane(vlSaves, inputInfoPane); vpMain.PercentWidth = 50; vpMain.PercentHeight = 100; vpMain.Color = Color.Black; vpMain.Alpha = 0.5f; if (GameManager.SaveStates.Count < MAX_SAVES) { vlSaves.add(tiNewGame); } int i = 0; GameManager.SaveStates.Sort((s1, s2) => - DateTime.Compare(s1.SavedDate, s2.SavedDate)); GameManager.SaveStates.ForEach(saveState => { TextItem saveInfo = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"); TextItem saveDetail = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font2"); ImageItem saveThumbnail = new ImageItem("images/world/entities/npcs/neutral/kevin_sheet", new Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 16)); VPane textPane = new VPane(saveInfo, saveDetail); HPane saveEntry = new HPane(saveThumbnail, textPane); saveEntry.PercentWidth = 100; saveEntry.Color = i % 2 == 0 ? Color.Black : Color.Gray; saveEntry.Alpha = 0.3f; textPane.PercentWidth = 70; saveDetail.SecondaryColor = Color.Yellow; saveInfo.SecondaryColor = Color.Yellow; saveThumbnail.SecondaryColor = Color.White; saveThumbnail.DefaultScale = 4; saveThumbnail.MillisPerScale = 128; saveInfo.Text = "" + saveState.SavedDate; saveDetail.Text = "Created at: " + saveState.CreationDate + ", Total Playtime: " + saveState.Playtime; saveInfos.Add(saveInfo); saveDetails.Add(saveDetail); saveThumbnails.Add(saveThumbnail); vlSaves.add(saveEntry); ++i; }); vlSaves.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (!(args.SelectedItem is Container)) { return; } int selected = args.SelectedIndex - (vlSaves.Children.Contains(tiNewGame) ? 1 : 0); saveInfos[selected].IsSelected = true; saveDetails[selected].IsSelected = true; saveThumbnails[selected].IsSelected = true; }; vlSaves.DeselectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (!(args.SelectedItem is Container)) { return; } int selected = args.SelectedIndex - (vlSaves.Children.Contains(tiNewGame) ? 1 : 0); saveInfos[selected].IsSelected = false; saveDetails[selected].IsSelected = false; saveThumbnails[selected].IsSelected = false; }; vlSaves.ActionKeys.Add(deleteKey); vlSaves.ActionButtons.Add(deleteButton); vlSaves.ActionEvent += (sender, args) => { if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(deleteKey) || GamePad.GetState(0).IsButtonDown(deleteButton)) { if (args.SelectedItem is Container) { ScreenManager.AddScreen(new ConfirmDialog(ParentScreen, answer => { if (answer == 0 || answer == 2) { if (answer == 0) { GameManager.SaveStates.RemoveAt(args.SelectedIndex - (vlSaves.Children.Contains(tiNewGame) ? 1 : 0)); ScreenManager.AddScreen(new SaveMenuScreen(ParentScreen), null); } Alpha = 0; ExitScreen(); } }, "Do you really want to delete this Savegame?", "This action cannot be undone!"), null); } return; } GameManager.ActiveSave = (args.SelectedItem is TextItem) ? new SaveState() : GameManager.SaveStates[args.SelectedIndex - (vlSaves.Children.Contains(tiNewGame) ? 1 : 0)]; ExitScreen(); ParentScreen.ExitScreen(); ((Besmash)ScreenManager.Game).loadSave(); ScreenManager.AddScreen(new GameplayScreen(ParentScreen), null); }; vlSaves.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => { Alpha = 0; ExitScreen(); };; vlSaves.IsFocused = true; MainContainer.add(vpMain); }
/// Initializes structural components protected void build() { remove(Children.ToArray()); tiPlayerName = new TextItem(); tiPlayerLevel = new TextItem(); tiPlayerEXP = new TextItem(); tiPlayerHP = new TextItem(); tiPlayerAP = new TextItem(); tiStatTypes = new TextItem[6]; tiPlayerStats = new TextItem[6]; tiPlayerName.DefaultScale = 0.7f; tiPlayerLevel.DefaultScale = 0.7f; tiPlayerEXP.DefaultScale = 0.7f; tiPlayerHP.DefaultScale = 0.7f; tiPlayerAP.DefaultScale = 0.7f; HPane hpThumbs = new HPane(hlThumbnails); VPane vpInfo = new VPane(); VPane vpStats = new VPane(); VPane vpMain = new VPane(hpThumbs, vpInfo, vpStats); add(vpMain); vpMain.PercentWidth = 100; vpMain.PercentHeight = 100; hpThumbs.PercentWidth = 100; hpThumbs.PercentHeight = 20; hpThumbs.Color = Color.Black; hpThumbs.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vpInfo.PercentWidth = 100; vpInfo.PercentHeight = 10; vpInfo.Color = Color.Gray; vpInfo.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vpStats.PercentWidth = 60; vpStats.PercentHeight = 70; vpStats.Color = Color.Black; vpStats.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; HPane hpName = new HPane(tiPlayerName); HPane hpLevel = new HPane(tiPlayerLevel); HPane hpExp = new HPane(tiPlayerEXP); HPane hpHP = new HPane(tiPlayerHP); HPane hpAP = new HPane(tiPlayerAP); HPane hpTop = new HPane(hpName, hpLevel, hpExp); HPane hpBot = new HPane(hpHP, hpAP); hpTop.PercentWidth = 100; hpBot.PercentWidth = 100; hpName.PercentWidth = 20; hpLevel.PercentWidth = 20; hpLevel.PercentWidth = 20; hpHP.PercentWidth = 20; hpAP.PercentWidth = 20; vpInfo.add(hpTop, hpBot); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { tiPlayerStats[i] = new TextItem(); tiStatTypes[i] = new TextItem(((StatType)i).ToString() + ":"); HPane hpL = new HPane(tiStatTypes[i]); HPane hpR = new HPane(tiPlayerStats[i]); HPane hpC = new HPane(hpL, hpR); hpL.PercentWidth = 40; hpR.PercentWidth = 40; hpC.PercentWidth = 100; vpStats.add(hpC); } }
protected override void Init() { arrRight = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/arrow_right"); arrLeft = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/arrow_left"); font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("fonts/menu_font"); blank = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/blank"); tabMap = new Dictionary <MapDifficulty, TabPane>(); selMap = new Dictionary <MapDifficulty, int>(); MenuItem leftDiff = new MenuItem(arrLeft, 32, 32); MenuItem rightDiff = new MenuItem(arrRight, 32, 32); MenuItem leftPage = new MenuItem(arrLeft, 32, 32); MenuItem rightPage = new MenuItem(arrRight, 32, 32); MenuItem back = new MenuItem("Back", font); leftDiff.VAlign = rightDiff.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; leftDiff.HAlign = rightDiff.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; leftPage.VAlign = rightPage.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; leftPage.HAlign = rightPage.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; back.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; back.VAlign = VAlignment.Top; TextItem diff = new TextItem(font, "Difficulty: " + game.Settings.Difficulty); diff.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; diff.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; HPane hDiff = new HPane(diff); hDiff.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; hDiff.HGrow = 0.4f; HPane hDiffArr = new HPane(leftDiff, hDiff, rightDiff); hDiffArr.HGrow = 1; tabMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Easy, CreateScoresPane(game.Scores.Where(s => s.Difficulty == MapDifficulty.Easy).ToList())); tabMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Medium, CreateScoresPane(game.Scores.Where(s => s.Difficulty == MapDifficulty.Medium).ToList())); tabMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Hard, CreateScoresPane(game.Scores.Where(s => s.Difficulty == MapDifficulty.Hard).ToList())); tabMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Custom, CreateScoresPane(game.Scores.Where(s => s.Difficulty == MapDifficulty.Custom).ToList())); TabPane tPane = new TabPane( tabMap[MapDifficulty.Easy], tabMap[MapDifficulty.Medium], tabMap[MapDifficulty.Hard], tabMap[MapDifficulty.Custom]); ImageItem tBack = new ImageItem(blank); tBack.HGrow = tBack.VGrow = 1; tBack.Color = Color.Black; tBack.Alpha = 0.42f; StackPane sPane = new StackPane(tBack, tPane); sPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; sPane.HGrow = sPane.VGrow = 1; tPane.HGrow = tPane.VGrow = 1; HPane hPane = new HPane(leftPage, sPane, rightPage); hPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; hPane.HGrow = hPane.VGrow = 1; VPane vPane = new VPane(hDiffArr, hPane, back); vPane.HGrow = vPane.VGrow = 1; ImageItem backItem = new ImageItem(Parent.Background); backItem.HGrow = backItem.VGrow = 1; ViewPane.Clear(); RootPane = new StackPane(backItem, vPane); RootPane.HGrow = RootPane.VGrow = 1; ViewPane.Add(RootPane); leftDiff.FocusGain += (s, a) => leftDiff.ImageItem.Color = Color.Yellow; leftDiff.FocusLoss += (s, a) => leftDiff.ImageItem.Color = Color.White; rightDiff.FocusGain += (s, a) => rightDiff.ImageItem.Color = Color.Yellow; rightDiff.FocusLoss += (s, a) => rightDiff.ImageItem.Color = Color.White; leftPage.FocusGain += (s, a) => leftPage.ImageItem.Color = Color.Yellow; leftPage.FocusLoss += (s, a) => leftPage.ImageItem.Color = Color.White; rightPage.FocusGain += (s, a) => rightPage.ImageItem.Color = Color.Yellow; rightPage.FocusLoss += (s, a) => rightPage.ImageItem.Color = Color.White; MapDifficulty selectedDiff = game.Settings.Difficulty; for (int i = 0; i < (int)selectedDiff; ++i) { tPane.NextTab(); } leftDiff.IsDisabled = (int)(selectedDiff) == 0; rightDiff.IsDisabled = (int)(selectedDiff) == 3; UpdateArrow(leftDiff); UpdateArrow(rightDiff); leftDiff.Action += (s, a) => { if (tPane.PrevTab()) { --selectedDiff; } leftDiff.IsDisabled = (int)(selectedDiff) == 0; rightDiff.IsDisabled = (int)(selectedDiff) == 3; diff.Text = "Difficulty: " + (MapDifficulty)selectedDiff; UpdateArrow(leftDiff); UpdateArrow(rightDiff); int sel = selMap[selectedDiff]; rightPage.IsDisabled = sel >= PageCount(selectedDiff) - 1; leftPage.IsDisabled = sel <= 0; UpdateArrow(leftPage); UpdateArrow(rightPage); }; rightDiff.Action += (s, a) => { if (tPane.NextTab()) { ++selectedDiff; } leftDiff.IsDisabled = (int)(selectedDiff) == 0; rightDiff.IsDisabled = (int)(selectedDiff) == 3; diff.Text = "Difficulty: " + (MapDifficulty)selectedDiff; UpdateArrow(leftDiff); UpdateArrow(rightDiff); int sel = selMap[selectedDiff]; rightPage.IsDisabled = sel >= PageCount(selectedDiff) - 1; leftPage.IsDisabled = sel <= 0; UpdateArrow(leftPage); UpdateArrow(rightPage); }; leftPage.IsDisabled = true; if (PageCount(selectedDiff) < 2) { rightPage.IsDisabled = true; } UpdateArrow(leftPage); UpdateArrow(rightPage); selMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Easy, 0); selMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Medium, 0); selMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Hard, 0); selMap.Add(MapDifficulty.Custom, 0); leftPage.Action += (s, a) => { int sel = (selMap[selectedDiff] = Math.Max(0, selMap[selectedDiff] - 1)); rightPage.IsDisabled = sel >= PageCount(selectedDiff) - 1; leftPage.IsDisabled = sel <= 0; tabMap[selectedDiff].PrevTab(); UpdateArrow(leftPage); UpdateArrow(rightPage); }; rightPage.Action += (s, a) => { int pc = PageCount(selectedDiff); int sel = (selMap[selectedDiff] = Math.Min(pc - 1, selMap[selectedDiff] + 1)); rightPage.IsDisabled = sel >= pc - 1; leftPage.IsDisabled = sel <= 0; tabMap[selectedDiff].NextTab(); UpdateArrow(leftPage); UpdateArrow(rightPage); }; back.FocusGain += (s, a) => back.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; back.FocusLoss += (s, a) => back.TextItem.Color = Color.White; back.Action += (s, a) => Close(); }
// private GameConfig gameConfig; public VideoSettingsPane(GameConfig gameConfig) { hlResolutions = new HList(); hlFullscreen = new HList( new TextItem("Enabled", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Disabled", "fonts/menu_font1") ); foreach (Point res in GameConfig.CommonResolutions) { hlResolutions.add(new TextItem(resToStr(res), "fonts/menu_font1")); } VList vlNames = new VList( new TextItem("Resolution", "fonts/menu_font1"), new TextItem("Fullscreen", "fonts/menu_font1") ); VPane vpSettings = new VPane(hlResolutions, hlFullscreen); vlNames.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { hlResolutions.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 0; hlFullscreen.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 1; }; vlNames.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => { hlResolutions.IsFocused = false; hlFullscreen.IsFocused = false;; hide(0.5f); }; hlResolutions.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => gameConfig.Resolution = GameConfig.CommonResolutions[args.SelectedIndex]; hlFullscreen.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => gameConfig.IsFullscreen = args.SelectedIndex == 0; int selectedFullscreen = gameConfig.IsFullscreen ? 0 : 1; int selectedResolution = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GameConfig.CommonResolutions.Length; ++i) { if (GameConfig.CommonResolutions[i].Equals(gameConfig.Resolution)) { selectedResolution = i; break; } };; hlResolutions.SelectedColor = Color.White; hlFullscreen.SelectedColor = Color.White; vlNames.PercentWidth = 30; vlNames.PercentHeight = 100; vlNames.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlNames.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vlNames.Color = Color.Black; vpSettings.PercentWidth = 70; vpSettings.PercentHeight = 100; vpSettings.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vpSettings.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vpSettings.Color = Color.Gray; FocusRequestEvent += (s, a) => {; vlNames.IsFocused = true; }; FocusLossEvent += (s, a) => { vlNames.IsFocused = false; vlNames.SelectedIndex = -1; }; HPane hpMain = new HPane(vlNames, vpSettings); hpMain.PercentWidth = 100; hpMain.PercentHeight = 100; add(hpMain); }
protected override void Init() { Background = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/home_back"); banner = Content.Load <Texture2D>("textures/banner"); font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("fonts/menu_font"); backItem = new ImageItem(Background); backItem.HGrow = backItem.VGrow = 1; MenuItem start = new MenuItem("Start Game", font); MenuItem highscore = new MenuItem("Highscores", font); MenuItem settings = new MenuItem("Settings", font); MenuItem quit = new MenuItem("Quit", font); start.FocusGain += (s, a) => start.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; settings.FocusGain += (s, a) => settings.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; highscore.FocusGain += (s, a) => highscore.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; quit.FocusGain += (s, a) => quit.TextItem.Color = Color.Yellow; start.FocusLoss += (s, a) => start.TextItem.Color = Color.White; settings.FocusLoss += (s, a) => settings.TextItem.Color = Color.White; highscore.FocusLoss += (s, a) => highscore.TextItem.Color = Color.White; quit.FocusLoss += (s, a) => quit.TextItem.Color = Color.White; // ListMenu menu = new ListMenu(start, settings, highscore, quit); // TODO fix ctor ListMenu menu = new ListMenu(); menu.ItemsOrientation = Orientation.Vertical; menu.VAlign = VAlignment.Top; menu.AddItem(start); menu.AddItem(highscore); menu.AddItem(settings); menu.AddItem(quit); HPane menuPane = new HPane(menu); menuPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; menuPane.VGrow = 1; ImageItem bannerItem = new ImageItem(banner, 400, 200); bannerItem.VAlign = VAlignment.Center; bannerItem.HGrow = 1; HPane bannerPane = new HPane(bannerItem); bannerPane.HGrow = bannerPane.VGrow = 1; VPane vPane = new VPane(bannerPane, menuPane); vPane.HAlign = HAlignment.Center; vPane.HGrow = 0.8f; vPane.VGrow = 1; ViewPane.Clear(); RootPane = new StackPane(backItem, vPane); RootPane.HGrow = RootPane.VGrow = 1; ViewPane.Add(RootPane); start.Action += (s, a) => { Manager.Add(Game.CreateMapView(this)); Hide(); }; settings.Action += (s, a) => { Manager.Add(new SettingsView(this, Game)); Hide(); }; highscore.Action += (s, a) => { Manager.Add(new HighscoreView(this, Game)); Hide(); }; quit.Action += (s, a) => Close(); }
public SettingsScreen(BesmashScreen parent) : base(parent) { IsPopup = true; // TODO test VList vlItems = new VList( new TextItem("Video", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Audio", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Controls", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Gameplay", PRIMARY_FONT), new TextItem("Back", PRIMARY_FONT) ); Config = new GameConfig(GameManager.Configuration); VideoSettingsPane vsPane = new VideoSettingsPane(Config); AudioSettingsPane asPane = new AudioSettingsPane(Config); ControlSettingsPane csPane = new ControlSettingsPane(Config); GameplaySettingsPane gsPane = new GameplaySettingsPane(Config); MessagePane msPane = new MessagePane(this, "Return to Main Menu"); StackPane spSettings = new StackPane(vsPane, asPane, csPane, gsPane, msPane); HPane hpMain = new HPane(vlItems, spSettings); hpMain.PercentWidth = 100; hpMain.PercentHeight = 100; spSettings.PercentWidth = 100; spSettings.PercentHeight = 100; spSettings.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlItems.ActionEvent += (sender, args) => { showPane(vlItems.SelectedIndex, vsPane, asPane, csPane, gsPane); vlItems.IsFocused = args.SelectedIndex == 4; if (args.SelectedIndex == 4) { close(); } }; vsPane.PercentWidth = 80; vsPane.PercentHeight = 100; vsPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vsPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; asPane.PercentWidth = 80; asPane.PercentHeight = 100; asPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; asPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; gsPane.PercentWidth = 80; gsPane.PercentHeight = 100; gsPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; gsPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; csPane.PercentWidth = 80; csPane.PercentHeight = 100; csPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; csPane.FocusLossEvent += (sender, args) => vlItems.IsFocused = true; msPane.PercentWidth = 80; msPane.PercentHeight = 100; msPane.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; vlItems.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (args.SelectedIndex == 0) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 1) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 2) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 3) {, 0.5f); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 4) {, 0.5f); } }; vlItems.DeselectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (args.SelectedIndex == 0) { vsPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 1) { asPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 2) { csPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 3) { gsPane.hide(false); } if (args.SelectedIndex == 4) { msPane.hide(false); } }; vlItems.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => close(); vlItems.Color = Color.DarkSlateBlue; vlItems.Alpha = 0.3f; vlItems.IsFocused = true; vlItems.IsStatic = true; vlItems.PercentHeight = 100; vlItems.PercentWidth = 20; vlItems.HAlignment = HAlignment.Left; asPane.hide(); csPane.hide(); gsPane.hide(); msPane.hide();; MainContainer.add(hpMain); }
public ControlSettingsPane(GameConfig gameConfig) { StackPane spSettings = new StackPane(); VPane vpMain = new VPane(hlCategories, spSettings); hlCategories.PercentWidth = 100; spSettings.PercentWidth = 100; hlCategories.PercentHeight = 10; spSettings.PercentHeight = 90; hlCategories.Color = Color.Black; hlCategories.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; gameConfig.KeyMaps.Keys.ToList().ForEach(key => { hlCategories.add(new TextItem(key, "fonts/menu_font1")); VList vlNames = new VList(); VList vlKeys = new VList(); VList vlButtons = new VList(); HPane hpBorder = new HPane(); HPane hpControls = new HPane(vlNames, vlKeys, hpBorder, vlButtons); hpControls.PercentWidth = 100; hpControls.PercentHeight = 100; vlNames.PercentWidth = 25; vlKeys.PercentWidth = 25; hpBorder.PercentWidth = 5; vlButtons.PercentWidth = 45; vlNames.PercentHeight = 100; vlKeys.PercentHeight = 100; hpBorder.PercentHeight = 100; vlButtons.PercentHeight = 100; vlNames.Color = Color.Black; vlKeys.Color = Color.Gray; hpBorder.Color = Color.Black; vlButtons.Color = Color.Gray; vlNames.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vlKeys.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; hpBorder.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; vlButtons.EffectAlpha = 0.5f; List <UserInput> input_refs = new List <UserInput>(); List <TextItem> key_refs = new List <TextItem>(); List <TextItem> button_refs = new List <TextItem>(); vlNames.ActionEvent += (sender, args) => { ParentScreen.ScreenManager.AddScreen(new InputDialog( (BesmashScreen)ParentScreen, input_refs[args.SelectedIndex], "Press a new Key or Button", 5, a => initKeyTextItems(input_refs[args.SelectedIndex], key_refs[args.SelectedIndex], button_refs[args.SelectedIndex]) ), null); }; spSettings.add(hpControls); hPanes.Add(hpControls); vLists.Add(vlNames); gameConfig.KeyMaps[key].Keys.ToList().ForEach(key2 => { List <Keys> keys = gameConfig.KeyMaps[key][key2].TriggerKeys; List <Buttons> buttons = gameConfig.KeyMaps[key][key2].TriggerButtons; string title_key = "", title_button = ""; int i; for (i = 0; i < keys.Count(); ++i) { title_key += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + keys[i].ToString(); } for (i = 0; i < buttons.Count(); ++i) { title_button += (i > 0 ? ", " : "") + buttons[i].ToString(); } TextItem tiName = new TextItem(key2, "fonts/menu_font1"); TextItem tiKeys = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"); TextItem tiButtons = new TextItem("", "fonts/menu_font1"); initKeyTextItems(gameConfig.KeyMaps[key][key2], tiKeys, tiButtons); vlNames.add(new TextItem(key2, "fonts/menu_font1")); vlKeys.add(tiKeys); vlButtons.add(tiButtons); key_refs.Add(tiKeys); button_refs.Add(tiButtons); input_refs.Add(gameConfig.KeyMaps[key][key2]); }); vlNames.SelectedIndex = 0; }); hlCategories.SelectedEvent += (sender, args) => { if (hlCategories.IsFocused) { vLists[args.SelectedIndex].IsFocused = true; show(true, 1); } }; hlCategories.DeselectedEvent += (sender, args) => vLists[args.SelectedIndex].IsFocused = false; hlCategories.CancelEvent += (sender, args) => { vLists[hlCategories.SelectedIndex].IsFocused = false; hide(0.5f); }; FocusRequestEvent += (s, a) => { vLists[hlCategories.SelectedIndex].IsFocused = true; hlCategories.IsFocused = true; }; FocusLossEvent += (s, a) => hlCategories.IsFocused = false; vpMain.PercentWidth = 100; vpMain.PercentHeight = 100; hlCategories.IsFocused = false;; add(vpMain); }