        //private void LoadSOADetails(string sSOANum)


        private void LoadAddSOA(string sTrans, string sYear, string sWeekNum, string sCustCode, string sSOANum, string sUserKey)
            DataTable dt = HLSSOA.Customer_Info(sCustCode);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    txtCustCode.Text     = row["CustCode"].ToString();
                    txtCustomer.Text     = row["CustName"].ToString();
                    txtCustomerAdd.Text  = row["CustAdd"].ToString();
                    txtAttention.Text    = row["CustAtt"].ToString();
                    txtAttentionNum.Text = row["CustAttNum"].ToString();

            DataTable dt1 = HLSSOA.SOA_Footer(sSOANum, sTrans);

            if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in dt1.Rows)
                    txtDate.Text           = row["SOADate"].ToString();
                    txtYear.Text           = row["Year"].ToString();
                    txtWeekNum.Text        = row["WeekNum"].ToString();
                    txtSOANumber.Text      = row["SOANum"].ToString();
                    txtRemarks.Text        = row["Remarks"].ToString();
                    txtPreparedBy.Text     = row["PreparedBy"].ToString();
                    txtPreparedByPost.Text = row["PreparedByPost"].ToString();
                    txtCheckedBy.Text      = row["CheckedBy"].ToString();
                    txtCheckedByPost.Text  = row["CheckedByPost"].ToString();
                    txtApprovedBy.Text     = row["ApprovedBy"].ToString();
                    txtApprovedByPost.Text = row["ApprovedByPost"].ToString();

            HLSWaybill.DataSource   = HLSSOA.HLSSOA_Details(sSOANum, sUserKey, sCustCode, sYear, sWeekNum);
            HLSWaybill.KeyFieldName = "Waybill";

            switch (sTrans)
            case "Add":
                Page.Title                 = "HLS - SOA (Add)";
                HLSSOATitle.InnerText      = "HLS - Statement Of Account (Add)";
                txtDate.Text               = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
                txtYear.Text               = sYear;
                txtWeekNum.Text            = sWeekNum;
                txtRemarks.Text            = "This is to bill the trucking services rendered for (Commodity: Fresh Bananas) Wk" + sWeekNum + ", details hereunder as follows:";
                txtDate.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtYear.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtWeekNum.ReadOnly        = true;
                txtCustomer.ReadOnly       = true;
                txtCustomerAdd.ReadOnly    = true;
                txtSOANumber.ReadOnly      = false;
                txtAttention.ReadOnly      = false;
                txtAttentionNum.ReadOnly   = false;
                txtRemarks.ReadOnly        = false;
                txtPreparedBy.ReadOnly     = false;
                txtPreparedByPost.ReadOnly = false;
                txtCheckedBy.ReadOnly      = false;
                txtCheckedByPost.ReadOnly  = false;
                txtApprovedBy.ReadOnly     = false;
                txtApprovedByPost.ReadOnly = false;
                BtnSaveSOA.Text            = "S A V E";
                //BtnSaveSOA.Enabled = true;

                HLSWaybillList.DataSource   = HLSSOA.SOAWaybill_for_Save(sUserKey);
                HLSWaybillList.KeyFieldName = "Waybill";


            case "View":
                Page.Title                 = "HLS - SOA (View)";
                HLSSOATitle.InnerText      = "HLS - Statement Of Account (View)";
                txtDate.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtYear.ReadOnly           = true;
                txtWeekNum.ReadOnly        = true;
                txtCustomer.ReadOnly       = true;
                txtCustomerAdd.ReadOnly    = true;
                txtSOANumber.ReadOnly      = true;
                txtAttention.ReadOnly      = true;
                txtAttentionNum.ReadOnly   = true;
                txtRemarks.ReadOnly        = true;
                txtPreparedBy.ReadOnly     = true;
                txtPreparedByPost.ReadOnly = true;
                txtCheckedBy.ReadOnly      = true;
                txtCheckedByPost.ReadOnly  = true;
                txtApprovedBy.ReadOnly     = true;
                txtApprovedByPost.ReadOnly = true;
                BtnSaveSOA.Text            = "P R I N T";
                //BtnSaveSOA.Enabled = false;

                //HLSWaybillList.DataSource = HLSSOA.SOAWaybill_for_Save(sUserKey);
                //HLSWaybillList.KeyFieldName = "Waybill";
