        public void Sync(Document doc)
            var bc = new BuildingGraphClient(@"http://*****:*****@"{ChangeRequest (IsComplete:false){Changes{ParameterName, NewValue, ChangeSource{BIMRevitElementID}}}}";
            var vars  = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            vars.Add("IsComplete", false);

            var task = Task.Run(() => AsyncContext.Run(() => bc.ExecuteQuery(query, vars)));

            //after a lot of issues with thread blocking... this was found to be a working interim solution.
            //see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/mt238404.aspx for explanation
            //ideally, we wouldn't block Revit's main thread, but in most cases the query will complete very quickly.
            //The majority of time spent is in writing the parameter values with Revit which, due to constraints of the Revit API, can only be synchronous.
            //so not a lot to be gained by making this truly asynchronous

            foreach (dynamic cr in task.Result.ChangeRequest)
                foreach (var cg in cr.Changes)
                    var peramName = cg.ParameterName.Value;
                    var newValue  = cg.NewValue.Value;
                    var elmId     = cg.ChangeSource.BIMRevitElementID.Value;

                    var elm = doc.GetElement(new ElementId((int)elmId));
                    if (elm == null)
                    var param = elm.GetParameters((string)peramName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (param == null)
                    var hlParam = new HLRevitParameter(param);
                    hlParam.Value = newValue;

            var docIdent = HLApps.Revit.Utils.DocUtils.GetDocumentIdent(doc);
            var docVars  = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            docVars.Add("modelIdent", docIdent);
            var modelElementsQuery = @"query($modelIdent:String){
  Model (Identity:$modelIdent){
    ModelElements {
      AbstractElement {

            var modelElementQResult = bc.ExecuteQuery(modelElementsQuery, docVars);
            var model = modelElementQResult.Result.Model;
        public void UpdateLocal(StreamMessage message)
            //add parameters
            //get unit and types from schema?

            _dispatcher.QueueAction((uiapp) =>
                var doc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

                var node        = message.After.AsNode();
                var nodeElement = doc.GetElement(node.Id);
                if (nodeElement == null)

                using (var updatetx = new Transaction(doc, "Update from stream"))
                    updatetx.Start("Update from stream");

                    var nodeparamers = node.ExtendedProperties;
                    foreach (var param in nodeElement.Parameters.OfType <Parameter>())
                        if (param.IsReadOnly)

                        var hp        = new HLRevitParameter(param);
                        var paramName = Utils.GetGraphQLCompatibleFieldName(param.Definition.Name);

                        if (nodeparamers.ContainsKey(paramName))
                            var incommingValue = nodeparamers[paramName];
                            var currentValue   = MEPGraphUtils.RevitToGraphValue(hp);

                            if (incommingValue != currentValue)
                                hp.Value = incommingValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get a dictionary of paramters and values which match those required by the node type
        /// defined in the schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="elm"></param>
        /// <param name="clientMapping"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GetNodePropsWithElementProps(Node node, Element elm,
                                                                               IBuildingGraphSchema schema,
                                                                               BuildingGraphMapping clientMapping,
                                                                               bool includeOnlyMappedFields)
            var elmParms = node.GetAllProperties();

            if (elm != null && elm.Location is LocationPoint)
                var lpt   = (elm.Location as LocationPoint);
                var insPt = lpt.Point;
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("Location"))
                    elmParms.Add("Location", insPt.ToBuildingGraph());
                //if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationRotation")) elmParms.Add("LocationRotation", lpt.Rotation);
            else if (elm != null && elm.Location is LocationCurve)
                //just start and end points for now
                var asCurve = (elm.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;
                var insPt   = asCurve.GetEndPoint(0);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("Location"))
                    elmParms.Add("Location", insPt.ToBuildingGraph());

                var endPt = asCurve.GetEndPoint(1);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationEnd"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationEnd", endPt.ToBuildingGraph());

                var length = asCurve.Length;
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("length"))
                    elmParms.Add("Length", length);

                var slope = Math.Abs(endPt.Z - insPt.Z) / length;
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("slope"))
                    elmParms.Add("slope", length);

            IBuildingGraphType bqType = schema != null?schema.GetBuildingGraphType(node.Label) : null;

            BuildingGraphMappedType clType = clientMapping != null?clientMapping.Types.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.Name == node.Label) : null;

            foreach (var param in elm.Parameters.OfType <Parameter>())
                var hp        = new HLRevitParameter(param);
                var paramName = Utils.GetGraphQLCompatibleFieldName(param.Definition.Name);
                var val       = RevitToGraphValue(hp);

                if (bqType != null && clientMapping != null)
                    //resolve mapped field name if present
                    if (clType != null)
                        var mappedFielName = clType.ValueMap.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.Value == paramName);
                        if (mappedFielName.Value == paramName)
                            paramName = mappedFielName.Key;

                    var paramField = bqType.Fields.FirstOrDefault(fb => fb.Name == paramName);
                    if (includeOnlyMappedFields && paramField == null)

                    //attempt to convert units
                    if (val is double)
                        var fieldUnit = paramField.Args.FirstOrDefault(arg => arg.Name == "unit");
                        if (fieldUnit == null)

                        //var fieldUnitType = schema.GetBuildingGraphType(fieldUnit.TypeName);

                        var unitMapping = clientMapping.Types.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Name == fieldUnit.TypeName);

                        var defaultValue = fieldUnit.DefaultValue != null?fieldUnit.DefaultValue.ToString() : string.Empty;

                        if (unitMapping != null && unitMapping.ValueMap.ContainsKey(fieldUnit.DefaultValue.ToString()))
                            var             revitValue = unitMapping.ValueMap[defaultValue];
                            DisplayUnitType revitUnitTypeEnum;
                            if (Enum.TryParse(revitValue, out revitUnitTypeEnum))
                                //var type = Type.GetType(unitMapping.NativeType);// "Namespace.MyClass, MyAssembly");
                                val = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits((double)val, revitUnitTypeEnum);

                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey(paramName))
                    elmParms.Add(paramName, val);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the element in the model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        public void CreateLocal(StreamMessage message)
            //insert at position?
            //find space it's in?
            //find family symbol/type?
            _dispatcher.QueueAction((uiapp) =>
                var doc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

                var node        = message.After.AsNode();
                var nodeElement = doc.GetElement(node.Id);

                using (var updatetx = new Transaction(doc, "Update from stream"))
                    updatetx.Start("Update from stream");

                    if (node.Labels.Contains("FanCoilUnit"))
                        if (nodeElement == null)
                            //create node
                            //get the space it's in

                            var query = @"
 FanCoilUnit (Id:$fcuid){
                            var vars  = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            vars.Add("fcuid", node.Id);

                            var res = _client.ExecuteQuery(query, vars);

                            if (res.FanCoilUnit != null)
                                var fcu          = res.FanCoilUnit[0];
                                Element modelElm = null;
                                foreach (var modelelemet in fcu.ModelElements)
                                    var id   = modelelemet.UniqueId.Value;
                                    modelElm = doc.GetElement((string)id);
                                    if (modelElm != null)

                                if (fcu.Space != null)
                                    var spaceId = fcu.Space.Id.Value;

                                    //find space
                                    var spaceElm = doc.GetElement((string)spaceId) as SpatialElement;
                                    if (spaceElm != null)
                                        //find center
                                        MEPRevitNode rv = new MEPRevitNode(spaceElm);

                                        var sbopt = new SpatialElementBoundaryOptions();
                                        sbopt.SpatialElementBoundaryLocation = SpatialElementBoundaryLocation.Finish;
                                        sbopt.StoreFreeBoundaryFaces         = true;
                                        SpatialElementGeometryCalculator sg  = new SpatialElementGeometryCalculator(doc, sbopt);
                                        var spgets = sg.CalculateSpatialElementGeometry(spaceElm);

                                        var spgeo        = spgets.GetGeometry();
                                        var center       = spgeo.ComputeCentroid();
                                        var bbox         = spgeo.GetBoundingBox();
                                        var heightOfUnit = 1;
                                        var randomOffset = (bbox.Max.X - bbox.Min.X) / 2 * (new Random().NextDouble() - 0.5);
                                        var inspoint     = new XYZ(center.X + randomOffset, center.Y, bbox.Max.Z - heightOfUnit);

                                        FilteredElementCollector famFilter = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

                                        //this is static for this example. We will need to discover the type and pull the family
                                        //from a family library service.
                                        string familyName = "HL_FanCoilUnit_HotandChilledWaterSoffit3HorizontalRoundConnections";

                                        Family foundFam = famFilter.OfClass(typeof(Family)).ToElements().OfType <Family>().FirstOrDefault(fm => fm.Name == familyName);
                                        var fcuSymbol   = doc.GetElement(foundFam.GetFamilySymbolIds().FirstOrDefault()) as FamilySymbol;

                                        var newElm = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(inspoint, fcuSymbol, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.StructuralType.NonStructural);

                                        //var props = MEPGraphUtils.GetNodePropsWithElementProps(new Client.Model.ModelElement(), newElm);
                                        //var newnode = _client.Push("ModelElement", props);
                                        //_client.Relate(new PendingNode(node), newnode, Client.Model.MEPEdgeTypes.REALIZED_BY, null);

                                        var nodeparamers = node.ExtendedProperties;
                                        foreach (var param in newElm.Parameters.OfType <Parameter>())
                                            if (param.IsReadOnly)

                                            var hp        = new HLRevitParameter(param);
                                            var paramName = Utils.GetGraphQLCompatibleFieldName(param.Definition.Name);

                                            if (nodeparamers.ContainsKey(paramName))
                                                var incommingValue = nodeparamers[paramName];
                                                var currentValue   = MEPGraphUtils.RevitToGraphValue(hp);

                                                if (incommingValue != currentValue)
                                                    hp.Value = incommingValue;

                                        if (fcu.ConnectedTo != null)
                                            string fcuName = "FCU";

                                            Family foundfcuFam = famFilter.OfClass(typeof(Family)).ToElements().OfType <Family>().FirstOrDefault(fm => fm.Name == fcuName);
                                            var fcueSymbol     = doc.GetElement(foundFam.GetFamilySymbolIds().FirstOrDefault()) as FamilySymbol;
                                            var fcuEinspt      = inspoint + new XYZ(1, 0, 0);
                                            var newFuceElm     = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(fcuEinspt, fcuSymbol, Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.StructuralType.NonStructural);

                                            foreach (var param in newFuceElm.Parameters.OfType <Parameter>())
                                                if (param.IsReadOnly)

                                                var hp        = new HLRevitParameter(param);
                                                var paramName = Utils.GetGraphQLCompatibleFieldName(param.Definition.Name);

                                                if (fcu.ConnectedTo[paramName] != null)
                                                    var incommingValue = fcu.ConnectedTo[paramName].Value;
                                                    var currentValue   = MEPGraphUtils.RevitToGraphValue(hp);

                                                    if (incommingValue != currentValue)
                                                        hp.Value = incommingValue;

        public static Dictionary <string, object> GetNodePropsWithElementProps(Node node, Element elm)
            var elmParms = node.GetAllProperties();

            if (elm != null && elm.Location is Autodesk.Revit.DB.LocationPoint)
                var lpt   = (elm.Location as Autodesk.Revit.DB.LocationPoint);
                var insPt = lpt.Point;
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationX"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationX", insPt.X);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationY"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationY", insPt.Y);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationZ"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationZ", insPt.Z);
                //if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationRotation")) elmParms.Add("LocationRotation", lpt.Rotation);
            else if (elm != null && elm.Location is Autodesk.Revit.DB.LocationCurve)
                //just start and end points for now
                var insPt = (elm.Location as Autodesk.Revit.DB.LocationCurve).Curve.GetEndPoint(0);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationX"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationX", insPt.X);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationY"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationY", insPt.Y);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationZ"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationZ", insPt.Z);

                insPt = (elm.Location as Autodesk.Revit.DB.LocationCurve).Curve.GetEndPoint(1);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationX2"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationX2", insPt.X);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationY2"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationY2", insPt.Y);
                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey("LocationZ2"))
                    elmParms.Add("LocationZ2", insPt.Z);

            foreach (var param in elm.Parameters.OfType <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Parameter>())
                var hp  = new HLRevitParameter(param);
                var val = RevitToGraphValue(hp);

                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey(param.Definition.Name))
                    elmParms.Add(param.Definition.Name, val);

                if (!elmParms.ContainsKey(param.Definition.Name))
                    elmParms.Add(param.Definition.Name, val);
