public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromQuery] Int32 hid, Int32 loanAccountID, Int32?tmpdocid, [FromBody] FinanceDocumentUIViewModel repaydoc) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } // The post here is: // 1. Post a repayment document with the content from this template doc // 2. Update the template doc with REFDOCID // 3. If the account balance is zero, close the account; // Basic check if (hid <= 0 || (tmpdocid.HasValue && tmpdocid.Value <= 0) || loanAccountID <= 0 || repaydoc == null || repaydoc.HID != hid || repaydoc.DocType != FinanceDocTypeViewModel.DocType_Repay) { return(BadRequest("No data inputted!")); } SqlConnection conn = null; SqlCommand cmd = null; SqlDataReader reader = null; SqlTransaction tran = null; String queryString = String.Empty; String strErrMsg = String.Empty; HttpStatusCode errorCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; Decimal acntBalance = 0M; String usrName = String.Empty; if (Startup.UnitTestMode) { usrName = UnitTestUtility.UnitTestUser; } else { var usrObj = HIHAPIUtility.GetUserClaim(this); usrName = usrObj.Value; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(usrName)) { return(BadRequest("User cannot recognize")); } // Update the database FinanceTmpDocLoanViewModel vmTmpDoc = new FinanceTmpDocLoanViewModel(); HomeDefViewModel vmHome = new HomeDefViewModel(); FinanceAccountUIViewModel vmAccount = new FinanceAccountUIViewModel(); try { using (conn = new SqlConnection(Startup.DBConnectionString)) { await conn.OpenAsync(); // Check: HID, it requires more info than just check, so it implemented it try { HIHAPIUtility.CheckHIDAssignment(conn, hid, usrName); } catch (Exception) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw; } // Check: DocID String checkString = ""; if (tmpdocid.HasValue) { checkString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinanceDocLoanListQueryString() + " WHERE [DOCID] = " + tmpdocid.Value.ToString() + " AND [HID] = " + hid.ToString(); cmd = new SqlCommand(checkString, conn); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.HasRows) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw new Exception("Invalid Doc ID inputted: " + tmpdocid.Value.ToString()); } else { while (reader.Read()) { HIHDBUtility.FinTmpDocLoan_DB2VM(reader, vmTmpDoc); // It shall be only one entry if found! break; } } reader.Dispose(); reader = null; cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } // Check: Tmp doc has posted or not? if (vmTmpDoc == null || (vmTmpDoc.RefDocID.HasValue && vmTmpDoc.RefDocID.Value > 0) || vmTmpDoc.AccountID != loanAccountID) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw new Exception("Tmp Doc not existed yet or has been posted"); } // Check: Loan account checkString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinanceLoanAccountQueryString(hid, loanAccountID); cmd = new SqlCommand(checkString, conn); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.HasRows) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw new Exception("Loan account read failed based on Doc ID inputted: " + tmpdocid.ToString()); } else { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { HIHDBUtility.FinAccountHeader_DB2VM(reader, vmAccount, 0); break; } } reader.NextResult(); vmAccount.ExtraInfo_Loan = new FinanceAccountExtLoanViewModel(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { HIHDBUtility.FinAccountLoan_DB2VM(reader, vmAccount.ExtraInfo_Loan, 0); break; } } reader.NextResult(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) { acntBalance = reader.GetDecimal(0); } break; } } } reader.Dispose(); reader = null; cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; // Data validation - basic try { await FinanceDocumentController.FinanceDocumentBasicValidationAsync(repaydoc, conn); } catch (Exception) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw; } // Data validation - loan specific try { int ninvaliditems = 0; // Only four tran. types are allowed if (vmAccount.CtgyID == FinanceAccountCtgyViewModel.AccountCategory_BorrowFrom) { ninvaliditems = repaydoc.Items.Where(item => item.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_InterestOut && item.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_RepaymentOut && item.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_RepaymentIn) .Count(); } else if (vmAccount.CtgyID == FinanceAccountCtgyViewModel.AccountCategory_LendTo) { ninvaliditems = repaydoc.Items.Where(item => item.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_InterestIn && item.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_RepaymentOut && item.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_RepaymentIn) .Count(); } if (ninvaliditems > 0) { throw new Exception("Items with invalid tran type"); } // Check the amount decimal totalOut = repaydoc.Items.Where(item => item.TranType == FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_RepaymentOut).Sum(item2 => item2.TranAmount); decimal totalIn = repaydoc.Items.Where(item => item.TranType == FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_RepaymentIn).Sum(item2 => item2.TranAmount); //decimal totalintOut = repaydoc.Items.Where(item => (item.TranType == FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_InterestOut)).Sum(item2 => item2.TranAmount); // New account balance if (vmAccount.CtgyID == FinanceAccountCtgyViewModel.AccountCategory_BorrowFrom) { acntBalance += totalOut; } else if (vmAccount.CtgyID == FinanceAccountCtgyViewModel.AccountCategory_LendTo) { acntBalance -= totalIn; } if (totalOut != totalIn) { throw new Exception("Amount is not equal!"); } } catch (Exception) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw; } // Now go ahead for the creating tran = conn.BeginTransaction(); Int32 nNewDocID = 0; // Now go ahead for creating queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinDocHeaderInsertString(); // Header cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; HIHDBUtility.BindFinDocHeaderInsertParameter(cmd, repaydoc, usrName); SqlParameter idparam = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Identity", SqlDbType.Int); idparam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; Int32 nRst = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); nNewDocID = (Int32)idparam.Value; repaydoc.ID = nNewDocID; cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; // Then, creating the items foreach (FinanceDocumentItemUIViewModel ivm in repaydoc.Items) { queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinDocItemInsertString(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; HIHDBUtility.BindFinDocItemInsertParameter(cmd2, ivm, nNewDocID); await cmd2.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmd2.Dispose(); cmd2 = null; } // Then, update the template doc queryString = @"UPDATE [dbo].[t_fin_tmpdoc_loan] SET [REFDOCID] = @REFDOCID ,[UPDATEDBY] = @UPDATEDBY ,[UPDATEDAT] = @UPDATEDAT WHERE [HID] = @HID AND [DOCID] = @DOCID"; SqlCommand cmdTmpDoc = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; cmdTmpDoc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@REFDOCID", nNewDocID); cmdTmpDoc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UPDATEDBY", usrName); cmdTmpDoc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UPDATEDAT", DateTime.Now); cmdTmpDoc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@HID", hid); cmdTmpDoc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DOCID", tmpdocid); await cmdTmpDoc.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmdTmpDoc.Dispose(); cmdTmpDoc = null; // Incase balance is zero, update the account status if (Decimal.Compare(acntBalance, 0) == 0) { queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinanceAccountStatusUpdateString(); SqlCommand cmdAccount = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn, tran); HIHDBUtility.BindFinAccountStatusUpdateParameter(cmdAccount, FinanceAccountStatus.Closed, loanAccountID, hid, usrName); await cmdAccount.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmdAccount.Dispose(); cmdAccount = null; } tran.Commit(); // Update the buffer of the relevant Account! // Account List try { var cacheKey = String.Format(CacheKeys.FinAccountList, hid, null); this._cache.Remove(cacheKey); cacheKey = String.Format(CacheKeys.FinAccount, hid, loanAccountID); this._cache.Remove(cacheKey); } catch (Exception) { // Do nothing here. } } } catch (Exception exp) { #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exp.Message); #endif if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } strErrMsg = exp.Message; if (errorCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; } } finally { if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose(); reader = null; } if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } if (conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); conn = null; } } if (errorCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { switch (errorCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: return(Unauthorized()); case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: return(NotFound()); case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: return(BadRequest(strErrMsg)); default: return(StatusCode(500, strErrMsg)); } } var setting = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings { DateFormatString = HIHAPIConstants.DateFormatPattern, ContractResolver = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }; return(new JsonResult(repaydoc, setting)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] FinanceAssetSoldoutDocViewModel vm) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } // Perform checks if (vm.HID <= 0) { return(BadRequest("Not HID inputted")); } if (vm.AssetAccountID <= 0) { return(BadRequest("Asset Account is invalid")); } if (vm.TranAmount <= 0) { return(BadRequest("Amount is less than zero")); } if (vm.Items.Count <= 0) { return(BadRequest("No items inputted")); } String usrName = String.Empty; if (Startup.UnitTestMode) { usrName = UnitTestUtility.UnitTestUser; } else { var usrObj = HIHAPIUtility.GetUserClaim(this); usrName = usrObj.Value; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(usrName)) { return(BadRequest("User cannot recognize")); } // Construct the Doc. var vmFIDoc = new FinanceDocumentUIViewModel(); vmFIDoc.DocType = FinanceDocTypeViewModel.DocType_AssetSoldOut; vmFIDoc.Desp = vm.Desp; vmFIDoc.TranDate = vm.TranDate; vmFIDoc.HID = vm.HID; vmFIDoc.TranCurr = vm.TranCurr; Decimal totalAmt = 0; var maxItemID = 0; foreach (var di in vm.Items) { if (di.ItemID <= 0 || di.TranAmount == 0 || di.AccountID <= 0 || di.TranType != FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_AssetSoldoutIncome || (di.ControlCenterID <= 0 && di.OrderID <= 0)) { return(BadRequest("Invalid input data in items!")); } totalAmt += di.TranAmount; vmFIDoc.Items.Add(di); if (maxItemID < di.ItemID) { maxItemID = di.ItemID; } } if (Decimal.Compare(totalAmt, vm.TranAmount) != 0) { return(BadRequest("Amount is not even")); } var nitem = new FinanceDocumentItemUIViewModel(); nitem.ItemID = ++maxItemID; nitem.AccountID = vm.AssetAccountID; nitem.TranAmount = vm.TranAmount; nitem.Desp = vmFIDoc.Desp; nitem.TranType = FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_AssetSoldout; if (vm.ControlCenterID.HasValue) { nitem.ControlCenterID = vm.ControlCenterID.Value; } if (vm.OrderID.HasValue) { nitem.OrderID = vm.OrderID.Value; } vmFIDoc.Items.Add(nitem); // Update the database SqlConnection conn = null; SqlCommand cmd = null; SqlDataReader reader = null; SqlTransaction tran = null; String queryString = ""; Int32 nNewDocID = -1; String strErrMsg = ""; Decimal dCurrBalance = 0; HttpStatusCode errorCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; try { // Basic check again FinanceDocumentController.FinanceDocumentBasicCheck(vmFIDoc); using (conn = new SqlConnection(Startup.DBConnectionString)) { await conn.OpenAsync(); // Check Home assignment with current user try { HIHAPIUtility.CheckHIDAssignment(conn, vm.HID, usrName); } catch (Exception) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw; } // Perfrom the doc. validation await FinanceDocumentController.FinanceDocumentBasicValidationAsync(vmFIDoc, conn); // Additional checks SqlCommand cmdAddCheck = null; SqlDataReader readerAddCheck = null; try { // Check 1: check account is a valid asset? String strsqls = @"SELECT [t_fin_account].[STATUS] ,[t_fin_account_ext_as].[REFDOC_SOLD] AS [ASREFDOC_SOLD] FROM [dbo].[t_fin_account] INNER JOIN [dbo].[t_fin_account_ext_as] ON [t_fin_account].[ID] = [t_fin_account_ext_as].[ACCOUNTID] WHERE [t_fin_account].[ID] = " + vm.AssetAccountID.ToString() + " AND [t_fin_account].[HID] = " + vm.HID.ToString(); cmdAddCheck = new SqlCommand(strsqls, conn); readerAddCheck = await cmdAddCheck.ExecuteReaderAsync(); if (readerAddCheck.HasRows) { while (readerAddCheck.Read()) { if (!readerAddCheck.IsDBNull(0)) { var acntStatus = (FinanceAccountStatus)readerAddCheck.GetByte(0); if (acntStatus != FinanceAccountStatus.Normal) { throw new Exception("Account status is not normal"); } } else { // Status is NULL stands for Active Status // throw new Exception("Account status is not normal"); } if (!readerAddCheck.IsDBNull(1)) { throw new Exception("Account has soldout doc already"); } break; } } readerAddCheck.Close(); readerAddCheck = null; cmdAddCheck.Dispose(); cmdAddCheck = null; // Check 2: check the inputted date is valid > must be the later than all existing transactions; strsqls = @"SELECT MAX(t_fin_document.TRANDATE) FROM [dbo].[t_fin_document_item] INNER JOIN [dbo].[t_fin_document] ON [dbo].[t_fin_document_item].[DOCID] = [dbo].[t_fin_document].[ID] WHERE [dbo].[t_fin_document_item].[ACCOUNTID] = " + vm.AssetAccountID.ToString(); cmdAddCheck = new SqlCommand(strsqls, conn); readerAddCheck = await cmdAddCheck.ExecuteReaderAsync(); if (readerAddCheck.HasRows) { while (readerAddCheck.Read()) { var latestdate = readerAddCheck.GetDateTime(0); if (vm.TranDate.Date < latestdate.Date) { throw new Exception("Invalid date"); } break; } } else { throw new Exception("Invalid account - no doc items"); } readerAddCheck.Close(); readerAddCheck = null; cmdAddCheck.Dispose(); cmdAddCheck = null; // Check 3. Fetch current balance strsqls = @"SELECT [balance] FROM [dbo].[v_fin_report_bs] WHERE [accountid] = " + vm.AssetAccountID.ToString(); cmdAddCheck = new SqlCommand(strsqls, conn); readerAddCheck = await cmdAddCheck.ExecuteReaderAsync(); if (readerAddCheck.HasRows) { while (readerAddCheck.Read()) { dCurrBalance = readerAddCheck.GetDecimal(0); if (dCurrBalance <= 0) { throw new Exception("Balance is zero"); } break; } } else { throw new Exception("Invalid account - no doc items"); } readerAddCheck.Close(); readerAddCheck = null; cmdAddCheck.Dispose(); cmdAddCheck = null; var ncmprst = Decimal.Compare(dCurrBalance, vm.TranAmount); if (ncmprst > 0) { var nitem2 = new FinanceDocumentItemUIViewModel(); nitem2.ItemID = ++maxItemID; nitem2.AccountID = vm.AssetAccountID; nitem2.TranAmount = Decimal.Subtract(dCurrBalance, vm.TranAmount); nitem2.Desp = vmFIDoc.Desp; nitem2.TranType = FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_AssetValueDecrease; if (vm.ControlCenterID.HasValue) { nitem2.ControlCenterID = vm.ControlCenterID.Value; } if (vm.OrderID.HasValue) { nitem2.OrderID = vm.OrderID.Value; } vmFIDoc.Items.Add(nitem2); } else if (ncmprst < 0) { var nitem2 = new FinanceDocumentItemUIViewModel(); nitem2.ItemID = ++maxItemID; nitem2.AccountID = vm.AssetAccountID; nitem2.TranAmount = Decimal.Subtract(vm.TranAmount, dCurrBalance); nitem2.Desp = vmFIDoc.Desp; nitem2.TranType = FinanceTranTypeViewModel.TranType_AssetValueIncrease; if (vm.ControlCenterID.HasValue) { nitem2.ControlCenterID = vm.ControlCenterID.Value; } if (vm.OrderID.HasValue) { nitem2.OrderID = vm.OrderID.Value; } vmFIDoc.Items.Add(nitem2); } } catch (Exception) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest; throw; } finally { if (readerAddCheck != null) { readerAddCheck.Close(); readerAddCheck = null; } if (cmdAddCheck != null) { cmdAddCheck.Dispose(); cmdAddCheck = null; } } // Begin the modification tran = conn.BeginTransaction(); // First, craete the doc header => nNewDocID queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinDocHeaderInsertString(); cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; HIHDBUtility.BindFinDocHeaderInsertParameter(cmd, vmFIDoc, usrName); SqlParameter idparam = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Identity", SqlDbType.Int); idparam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; Int32 nRst = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); nNewDocID = (Int32)idparam.Value; cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; // Then, creating the items foreach (FinanceDocumentItemUIViewModel ivm in vmFIDoc.Items) { queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinDocItemInsertString(); cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; HIHDBUtility.BindFinDocItemInsertParameter(cmd, ivm, nNewDocID); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; // Tags if (ivm.TagTerms.Count > 0) { // Create tags foreach (var term in ivm.TagTerms) { queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetTagInsertString(); cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn, tran); HIHDBUtility.BindTagInsertParameter(cmd, vm.HID, HIHTagTypeEnum.FinanceDocumentItem, nNewDocID, term, ivm.ItemID); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } } } // Third, update the Account's status queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinanceAccountStatusUpdateString(); cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; // Close this account HIHDBUtility.BindFinAccountStatusUpdateParameter(cmd, FinanceAccountStatus.Closed, vm.AssetAccountID, vm.HID, usrName); nRst = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; // Fourth, Update the Asset account part for sold doc queryString = HIHDBUtility.GetFinanceAccountAssetUpdateSoldDocString(); cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, conn) { Transaction = tran }; HIHDBUtility.BindFinAccountAssetUpdateSoldDocParameter(cmd, nNewDocID, vm.AssetAccountID); nRst = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; // Do the commit tran.Commit(); // Update the buffer // Account List try { var cacheKey = String.Format(CacheKeys.FinAccountList, vm.HID, null); this._cache.Remove(cacheKey); } catch (Exception) { // Do nothing here. } // Account itself try { var cacheKey = String.Format(CacheKeys.FinAccount, vm.HID, vm.AssetAccountID); this._cache.Remove(cacheKey); } catch (Exception) { // Do nothing here. } } } catch (Exception exp) { #if DEBUG System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exp.Message); #endif strErrMsg = exp.Message; if (errorCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; } if (tran != null) { tran.Rollback(); } } finally { if (tran != null) { tran.Dispose(); tran = null; } if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose(); reader = null; } if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null; } if (conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); conn = null; } } if (errorCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { switch (errorCode) { case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: return(Unauthorized()); case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: return(NotFound()); case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: return(BadRequest(strErrMsg)); default: return(StatusCode(500, strErrMsg)); } } // Return nothing return(Ok(nNewDocID)); }