/// <summary>
        /// Action call for the Mouse-Move event. For the x-coordinate
        /// supplied by the MouseEvent, the unscaled x and y coordinates
        /// of the plotted function are determined and displayed
        /// on the control.
        /// </summary>
        private void mouseMoved(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int    Xh, Xc;
            HTuple Ytup;
            float  Yh, Yc;

            Xh = e.X;

            if (PreX == Xh || Xh < originX || Xh > BorderRight || func == null)

            PreX = Xh;

            Xc   = (int)Math.Round((Xh - originX) / scaleX);
            Ytup = func.GetYValueFunct1d(new HTuple(Xc), "zero");

            Yc = (float)Ytup[0].D;
            Yh = panelHeight - (Yc * scaleY);

            gPanel.DrawImageUnscaled(functionMap, 0, 0);
            gPanel.DrawLine(penCursor, Xh, 0, Xh, BorderTop);
            gPanel.DrawLine(penCursor, originX, Yh, BorderRight + margin, Yh);
            gPanel.DrawString(("X = " + Xc), drawFont, brushCS, panelWidth - margin, 10);
            gPanel.DrawString(("Y = " + (int)Yc), drawFont, brushCS, panelWidth - margin, 20);
        /// <summary>
        /// Action call for the Mouse-Move event. For the x-coordinate
        /// supplied by the MouseEvent, the unscaled x and y coordinates
        /// of the plotted function are determined and displayed
        /// on the control.
        /// </summary>
        private void panel_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int    Xh, Xc;
            HTuple Ytup;
            float  Yh, Yc;

            Xh = e.X;

            if (PreX == Xh || Xh < originX || Xh > BorderRight || func == null)

            PreX = Xh;

            Xc   = (int)Math.Round((Xh - originX) / scaleX);
            Ytup = func.GetYValueFunct1d(new HTuple(Xc), "zero");

            Yc = (float)Ytup[0].D;
            Yh = panelHeight - (Yc * scaleY);

            BufferedGraphicsContext ctx = BufferedGraphicsManager.Current;
            BufferedGraphics        bg  = ctx.Allocate(gPanel, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), panel.Size));
            Graphics gOfbuff            = bg.Graphics;
            Bitmap   toDrawBeffor       = new Bitmap(panel.Width, panel.Height);
            Graphics gOfToDrawBeffor    = Graphics.FromImage(toDrawBeffor);

            // 自定义绘图
            gOfToDrawBeffor.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, 0, 0, 1000, 1000);

            gOfToDrawBeffor.DrawImageUnscaled(functionMap, 0, 0);
            gOfToDrawBeffor.DrawLine(penCursor, Xh, 0, Xh, BorderTop);
            gOfToDrawBeffor.DrawLine(penCursor, originX, Yh, BorderRight + margin, Yh);
            string xStr = string.Format("{0}={1}", XName, Xc);
            string yStr = string.Format("{0}={1}", YName, (int)Yc);

            gOfToDrawBeffor.DrawString(xStr, drawFont, brushCS, panelWidth - margin * 4, 10);
            gOfToDrawBeffor.DrawString(yStr, drawFont, brushCS, panelWidth - margin * 4, 20);

            gOfbuff.DrawImage(toDrawBeffor, 0, 0);