            public static string[] LinesFromFile(string path, bool loadLatest)
                string loadpath = path;

                if (loadLatest)
                    System.IO.FileInfo   fileinfo  = HFile.GetFileInfo(path);
                    System.IO.FileInfo[] fileinfos = fileinfo.Directory.GetFiles(fileinfo.Name + "*");
                    if (fileinfos.Length != 0)
                        List <string> filepaths = new List <string>();
                        foreach (System.IO.FileInfo lfileinfo in fileinfos)
                        loadpath = filepaths.Last();
                if (HFile.Exists(loadpath) == false)
                string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(loadpath);
            public static Crd FromFile(string path)
                string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(path);

                int?        num_elems = null;
                List <Atom> elems     = null;

                foreach (string line in lines)
                    if (line.StartsWith("*"))
                        // comment

                    // "    358272  EXT"
                    // "         1         1  TIP3      OH2           -79.8000000000      -20.4000000000       -4.2000000000  BWAT      1               0.0000000000"
                    //  01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
                    //  0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9         10        11        12        13
                    // "  %8d  %8d  %-8s  %-8s  %18.10f  %18.10f  %18.10f  %-8s  %-8d  %18.10f"
                    if (elems == null)
                        // "    358272  EXT"
                        //  012345678901234
                        //  0         1
                        string[] tokens = new string[]
                            line.Substring(0, 10),
                        num_elems = int.Parse(tokens[0]);
                        HDebug.Exception(tokens[1] == "  EXT");
                        elems = new List <Atom>(num_elems.Value);
                        elems.Add(new Atom {
                            line = line
                HDebug.Assert(elems.Count == num_elems);

                return(new Crd
                    atoms = elems.ToArray(),
            public static Xyz Intxyz(string intpath, string tempbase = null)
                string[] intlines = HFile.ReadAllLines(intpath);
                Xyz      xyz;
                var      tmpdir   = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory(tempbase);
                string   currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;

                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = tmpdir.FullName;
                    HFile.WriteAllLines("test.int", intlines);
                    xyz = Xyz.FromFile("test.xyz", true);
                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath;
                try{ tmpdir.Delete(true); } catch {}
            public static Eigenvec FromFile(string filepath)
                List <List <string> > frameliness;
                    string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(filepath);
                    frameliness = GroupByFrames(lines);
                Eigenvec eigvec = new Eigenvec();

                eigvec.frames = new List <Frame>();
                foreach (List <string> framelines in frameliness)
                    Frame frame = Frame.FromLines(framelines.ToArray());

            public static CTesthess Testhess
                (string testhesspath
                , string xyzpath
                , string prmpath
                , string keypath                              //=null
                , Dictionary <string, string[]> optOutSource  // =null
                , Func <int, int, HessMatrix> HessMatrixZeros // =null
                int size;
                    size = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile(xyzpath, false).atoms.Length;
                    //bool ComputeAnalyticalHessianMatrix = true;
                    string command = "";
                    command += testhesspath; //command += GetProgramPath("testhess.exe");
                    command += " " + xyzpath;
                    command += " " + prmpath;
                    if (keypath != null)
                        command += " -k " + keypath;
                    //command += " " + (ComputeAnalyticalHessianMatrix    ? "Y" : "N");
                    command += " > output.txt";
                    bool pause = false;
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole(null, pause, command);
                    //int exitcode = HProcess.StartAsBatchSilent(null, null, null, command);

                var testhess = ReadHess(xyzpath, "output.txt", optOutSource, HessMatrixZeros);

                testhess.prm = Prm.FromFile(prmpath);
                if (optOutSource != null)
                    optOutSource.Add("output.txt", HFile.ReadAllLines("output.txt"));
            public static CPsfgen Psfgen
                (IList <Tuple <string, string, Pdb.IAtom[]> > lstSegFileAtoms // segname, filename, pdbatoms
                , string tempbase                                             //=null
                , string parameters                                           //=null
                , string namdversion                                          //="2.8"
                , IList <string> infiles
                , IList <string> outfiles
                , string topology
                , IList <string> psfgen_lines = null
                , string psfgen_workdir       = null
                , HOptions options            = null
                if (options == null)
                    options = new HOptions((string)null);
                Dictionary <System.IO.FileInfo, string[]> infile_lines = new Dictionary <System.IO.FileInfo, string[]>();

                foreach (string infile in infiles)
                    infile_lines.Add(HFile.GetFileInfo(infile), HFile.ReadAllLines(infile));

                string currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;

                System.IO.DirectoryInfo tmpdir = null;
                if (psfgen_workdir != null)
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = psfgen_workdir;
                    tmpdir = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory(tempbase);
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = tmpdir.FullName;

                string[] lines = null;
                if ((psfgen_lines != null) && (psfgen_lines.Count > 0))
                    lines = psfgen_lines.ToArray();
                    lines = GetPsfgenLines
                                (custom_pdbalias: null
                                , custom_patches: null

                if (topology != null)
                    lines = lines.ToArray().HReplace("$topology$", topology);

                List <string> psf_lines;
                List <string> pdb_lines;

                        //foreach(var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths("2.8", "psfgen"))
                        foreach (var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths(namdversion, "psfgen"))
                            string respath  = respath_filename.Item1;
                            string filename = respath_filename.Item2;
                            HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(respath, filename);

                    //  Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, Pdb.IAtom[]>> segname_filename_pdbatoms = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, Pdb.IAtom[]>>();
                    //  //if(pdbs.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException();
                    //  for(int i=0; i<lstSegFilePdb.Count; i++)
                    //  {
                    //      string  segnameprefix = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item1; if( segnameprefix == null)  segnameprefix = string.Format("{0:00}", i);
                    //      string filenameprefix = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item2; if(filenameprefix == null) filenameprefix = string.Format("{0:00}", i);
                    //      Pdb    pdb            = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item3;
                    //      List<Pdb.IAtom> pdb_atoms = new List<Pdb.IAtom>();
                    //      pdb_atoms.AddRange(pdb.atoms);
                    //      pdb_atoms.AddRange(pdb.hetatms);
                    //      char[] chains = pdb_atoms.ListChainID().HToHashSet().ToArray();
                    //      HDebug.AssertIf(chains.Length> 1, segnameprefix.Length <= 5);
                    //      HDebug.AssertIf(chains.Length<=1, segnameprefix.Length <= 6);
                    //      foreach(char chain in chains)
                    //      {
                    //          Pdb.IAtom[] chain_atoms = pdb_atoms.SelectByChainID(chain).SelectByAltLoc().ToArray();
                    //          string suffix = null;
                    //          if(('a' <= chain) && (chain <= 'z')) suffix = string.Format("L{0}", chain);
                    //          if(('A' <= chain) && (chain <= 'Z')) suffix = string.Format("U{0}", chain);
                    //          if(('0' <= chain) && (chain <= '9')) suffix = string.Format("N{0}", chain);
                    //          string  segname =  segnameprefix + ((chains.Length <= 1) ? "" : suffix);
                    //          string filename = filenameprefix + ((chains.Length <= 1) ? "" : suffix);
                    //          segname_filename_pdbatoms.Add(segname, new Tuple<string,Pdb.IAtom[]>(filename, chain_atoms));
                    //      }
                    //  }

                    foreach (var finfo_line in infile_lines)
                        string   inname  = finfo_line.Key.Name;
                        string[] inlines = finfo_line.Value;
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(inname, inlines);

                    HashSet <string> segnames = new HashSet <string>();
                    int segindex = 0;
                    foreach (var seg_file_atoms in lstSegFileAtoms)
                        string      segname     = seg_file_atoms.Item1;
                        string      filename    = seg_file_atoms.Item2;
                        Pdb.IAtom[] chain_atoms = seg_file_atoms.Item3.SelectByAltLoc().ToArray();
                        HDebug.Exception(chain_atoms.ListChainID().HToHashSet().Count == 1);
                        if (segname == null)
                            while (segindex <= 9999)
                                if (segnames.Contains(segindex.ToString()) == false)
                                    segname = segindex.ToString();
                        if (filename == null)
                            filename = segname;

                            (filename + ".pdb"
                            , chain_atoms.HToType <Pdb.IAtom, Pdb.Element>()
                            , false

                        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                            if (lines[i].Contains("$segname$"))
                                string insert = lines[i];
                                insert = insert.Replace("$segname$", segname);
                                insert = insert.Replace("$segfilename$", filename);
                                lines  = lines.HInsert(i, insert);

                    lines = lines.HRemoveAllContains("$segname$");

                    HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.inp", lines);
                    string command0 = string.Format("psfgen < prot.inp");
                    bool   pause    = options.Contains("psfgen pause");
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole(null, pause, command0);

                    psf_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.psf").ToList();
                    pdb_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.pdb").ToList();
                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath;
                if (tmpdir != null)
                    try{ tmpdir.Delete(true); } catch {}

                return(new CPsfgen
                    psf_lines = psf_lines,
                    pdb_lines = pdb_lines,
            public static CPdbxyz Pdbxyz
                (Pdb pdb
                , Tinker.Prm prm
                , string tempbase      //=null
                , string parameters    //=null
                , string tinkerversion //="6.2.1"
                , params string[] keys
                var    tmpdir   = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory(tempbase);
                string currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;

                Tinker.Xyz xyz;
                string[]   seq;
                string[]   capture;
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = tmpdir.FullName;
                        foreach (var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths("6.2.1", "pdbxyz"))
                            string respath  = respath_filename.Item1;
                            string filename = respath_filename.Item2;
                            HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(respath, filename);
                    string keypath = null;
                    if ((keys != null) && (keys.Length > 0))
                        keypath = "prot.key";
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(keypath, keys);

                        //bool ComputeAnalyticalGradientVector    = true;
                        //bool ComputeNumericalGradientVector     = false;
                        //bool OutputBreakdownByGradientComponent = false;
                        string command = "";
                        command += "pdbxyz.exe";
                        command += " prot.pdb";
                        command += " prot.prm";
                        if (keypath != null)
                            command += " -k " + keypath;
                        command += " > output.txt";
                        List <string> errors   = new List <string>();
                        int           exitcode = HProcess.StartAsBatchSilent(null, null, errors, command);
                        capture = HFile.ReadAllLines("output.txt");
                        capture = capture.HAddRange(errors.ToArray());
                        xyz     = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile("prot.xyz", false);

                        if (HFile.Exists("prot.seq"))
                            seq = HFile.ReadAllLines("prot.seq");
                            seq = null;
                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath;
                try{ tmpdir.Delete(true); } catch {}

                return(new CPdbxyz
                    xyz = xyz,
                    seq = seq,
                    capture = capture,
            public static CNamd2 Namd2
                (IList <string> pdb_lines
                , IList <string> psf_lines
                , IList <string> prm_lines
                , string tempbase           // = null
                , string namd2version       // = "2.8"
                , string option             // = "+p3"
                , IList <string> infiles    = null
                , IList <string> outfiles   = null
                , IList <string> conf_lines = null
                string[] lines = null;
                if ((conf_lines != null) && (conf_lines.Count > 0))
                    lines = conf_lines.ToArray();
                    // http://www.msg.ucsf.edu/local/programs/Vega/pages/tu_namdmin.htm
                    lines = new string[]
                    { "numsteps                10000              " // minimization steps
                      //{ "numsteps                1000               " // minimization steps
                      , "minimization            on                 "
                      , "dielectric              1.0                "
                      , "coordinates             prot.pdb           " // coordinate file
                      , "outputname              output             " // output file: prot.coor
                      , "outputEnergies          1000               "
                      , "binaryoutput            no                 "
                      , "DCDFreq                 1000               "
                      , "restartFreq             1000               "
                      , "structure               prot.psf           " // psf file
                      , "paraTypeCharmm          on                 "
                      , "parameters              prot.prm           " // parameter file
                      //, "parameters              par_all22_vega.inp "
                      , "exclude                 scaled1-4          "
                      , "1-4scaling              1.0                "
                      , "switching               on                 "
                      , "switchdist              8.0                "
                      , "cutoff                  22.0               " //, "cutoff                  12.0               "
                      , "pairlistdist            23.5               " //, "pairlistdist            13.5               "
                      , "margin                  0.0                "
                      , "stepspercycle           20                 "
                      , "fixedAtoms              on                 " // fix atoms
                      , "fixedAtomsCol           O                  " // select fixing atoms from O

                var    tmpdir   = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory(tempbase);
                string currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;

                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = tmpdir.FullName;
                string[] coor_lines = null;
                double   coor_rmsd  = double.NaN;

                        //foreach(var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths("2.8", "psfgen"))
                        foreach (var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths(namd2version, "namd2"))
                            string respath  = respath_filename.Item1;
                            string filename = respath_filename.Item2;
                            HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(respath, filename);

                    Vector[] coords0 = Pdb.FromLines(pdb_lines).atoms.ListCoord().ToArray();
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("prot.pdb", pdb_lines);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("prot.psf", psf_lines);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("prot.prm", prm_lines);
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("prot.conf", lines);

                    if (option == null)
                        option = "";
                    string command = string.Format("namd2 {0} prot.conf", option);
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole(null, false, command);

                    if (HFile.Exists("output.coor"))
                        coor_lines = HFile.ReadAllLines("output.coor");
                        Vector[] coords1  = Pdb.FromLines(coor_lines).atoms.ListCoord().ToArray();
                        Vector[] coords1x = Align.MinRMSD.Align(coords0, coords1);
                        coor_rmsd = Align.MinRMSD.GetRMSD(coords0, coords1x);
                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath;
                try{ tmpdir.Delete(true); } catch {}

                if (coor_lines == null)

                return(new CNamd2
                    coor_lines = coor_lines,
                    coor_rmsd = coor_rmsd,
            public static ONewton Newton(string tinkerpath
                                         , Tinker.Xyz xyz
                                         , Tinker.Xyz.Atom.Format xyz_atoms_format
                                         , Tinker.Prm prm
                                         , string tempbase
                                         , string copytemp                    // = null
                                         , string param
                                                                              //, string precondition               // = "A"  // Precondition via Auto/None/Diag/Block/SSOR/ICCG [A] :  A
                                                                              //, double gradCriterion              // = 0.01 // Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] : 0.001
                                         , IList <Tinker.Xyz.Atom> atomsToFix // = null
                                         , bool pause                         // = false
                                         , params string[] keys
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && atomsToFix != null)
                    Dictionary <int, Tinker.Xyz.Atom> xyzatoms = xyz.atoms.ToIdDictionary();
                    foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                        HDebug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(atom, xyzatoms[atom.Id]));
                Tinker.Xyz minxyz;
                string[]   minlog;
                using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, copytemp))

                    if (tinkerpath == null)
                        string resbase = "HTLib2.Bioinfo.HTLib2.Bioinfo.External.Tinker.Resources.tinker_6_2_06.";
                        HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(resbase + "newton.exe", "newton.exe");
                        tinkerpath = "newton.exe";
                    xyz.ToFile("prot.xyz", false);
                    List <string> keylines = new List <string>(keys);
                    if (atomsToFix != null)
                        foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                            Vector coord          = atom.Coord;
                            double force_constant = 10000; // force constant in kcal/Å2 for the harmonic restraint potential
                            string keyline        = string.Format("RESTRAIN-POSITION     {0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}", atom.Id, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], force_constant);
                    HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.key", keylines);
                    // Precondition via Auto/None/Diag/Block/SSOR/ICCG [A] :  A
                    // Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] : 0.001
                    //bool pause = false;
                    string command = tinkerpath;
                    command += string.Format("  prot.xyz  prot.prm");
                    command += string.Format("  -k  prot.key");
                    command += string.Format("  {0}", param);
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole("newton.bat", pause
                                                   , "time /t  >> prot.log"
                                                   , command //+" >> prot.log"
                                                   , "time /t  >> prot.log"
                    HDebug.Assert(HFile.Exists("prot.xyz_3") == false);
                    minxyz = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile("prot.xyz_2", false, xyz_atoms_format);
                    minlog = HFile.ReadAllLines("prot.log");

                return(new ONewton
                    minxyz = minxyz,
                    minlog = minlog
        /// https://www.charmmtutorial.org/index.php/Full_example

        public static string[] Hessian
            (IEnumerable <string> toplines
            , IEnumerable <string> parlines
            , IEnumerable <string> psflines
            , IEnumerable <string> crdlines
            string tempbase = @"C:\temp\";

            string[] mincrdlines;

            using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, null))
                string topname    = "top.rtf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(topname, toplines);
                string parname    = "par.prm"; HFile.WriteAllLines(parname, parlines);
                string psfname    = "target.psf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(psfname, psflines);
                string crdname    = "target.crd"; HFile.WriteAllLines(crdname, crdlines);
                string mincrdname = "target-minimized.crd";

                string conf_inp = @"* Minimize PDB
* Minimize PDB

! read topology and parameter file
read rtf   card name top.rtf
read param card name par.prm
! read the psf and coordinate file
read psf  card name target.psf
read coor card name target.crd

! set up shake
shake bonh param sele all end

! set up electrostatics, since we're not using PME, set up switching
! electrostatics
nbond inbfrq -1 elec fswitch vdw vswitch cutnb 16. ctofnb 12. ctonnb 10.


coor copy comp

! mini sd nstep 100
! mini abnr nstep 1000 nprint 10000 tolg 0.0000
! ! mini abnr nstep 1000 nprint 100 tolg 0.01
! ! mini abnr nstep 10000000 nprint 100 tolg 0.00
! ! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 10.00    ! target-min-step1-tolg-10_00.crd
! ! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 1.00     ! target-min-step2-tolg-1_00.crd
! ! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 0.10
! ! mini sd nstep 10000                                 ! target-min-step3-sd10000.crd
! ! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 0.01     ! target-min-step4-tolg-0_01.crd
! ! mini abnr nstep   10000  nprint 100 tolg 0.0001     ! target-min-step5-tolg-0_0001.crd
! ! mini abnr nstep   10000  nprint 100 tolg 0.000001   ! target-min-step6-tolg-0_000001.crd
! ! mini abnr nstep   10000  nprint 100 tolg 0.000000     ! target-min-step7-tolg-0_000000.crd
! coor rms
! ioform extended
! write coor card name target-minimized.crd
! * Initial minimization, no PME.
! *

! VIBRAN NMOD 20 ATOM FSWITCH rdie eps 4.0 VDW VSHIFT cutnb 13.0 ctofnb 12.0 CTONNB 8.0
! DIMB ITERations 500 TOLErance 0.04 PARDim 200 IUNMode 21 DWIN
! WRITe SECOnd-derivatives card


! VIBRan NMODes 500
! print norm vector dipole

!mini abnr nstep   100  nprint 100 tolg 0.000000     ! target-min-step7-tolg-0_000000.crd
open unit 1 write form name " + " \"second.dat\" " + @" 
write second card unit 1
close unit 1

!calc natom3 ?NATOM *3
!vibran nmode @natom3
!print norm

!bomlev - 2
!VIBRan NMOD 300



                conf_inp = conf_inp.Replace("$$topname$$", topname)
                           .Replace("$$parname$$", parname)
                           .Replace("$$psfname$$", psfname)
                           .Replace("$$crdname$$", crdname)
                           .Replace("$$mincrdname$$", mincrdname)
                HFile.WriteAllText("conf.inp", conf_inp);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Run the following command at " + temp + " :");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ charmm < conf.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("   or $ mpd&");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ mpirun -n 38 charmm_M < conf.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Then, copy second.dat to " + temp);

                while (true)
                    bool next = HConsole.ReadValue <bool>("Ready for next? ", false, null, false, true);
                    if (next)
                        if (HFile.ExistsAll(mincrdname))
                            mincrdlines = HFile.ReadAllLines(mincrdname);
                            /// second.dat has the following format
                            /// num-atoms
                            /// pot-energy
                            /// atom1-xforce  atom1-yforce atom1-zforce
                            /// atom2-xforce  atom2-yforce atom2-zforce
                            ///         ...
                            /// atomn-xforce  atomn-yforce atomn-zforce
                            /// upper- or lower-diag elem 1
                            /// upper- or lower-diag elem 2
                            ///   ....
                            /// upper- or lower-diag elem 3n*3n/2
                            /// atom1-xcoord  atom1-ycoord atom1-zcoord
                            /// atom2-xcoord  atom2-ycoord atom2-zcoord
                            ///         ...
                            /// atomn-xcoord  atomn-ycoord atomn-zcoord
                        System.Console.WriteLine("DO, copy target.psf and target.crd to " + temp);

            public static CTestgrad ReadGrad
                (string outputpath
                , Dictionary <string, string[]> optOutSource // = null
                string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(outputpath);
                if (optOutSource != null)
                    optOutSource.Add("output.txt", lines);

                #region output.txt
                ///      ######################################################################
                ///    ##########################################################################
                ///   ###                                                                      ###
                ///  ###            TINKER  ---  Software Tools for Molecular Design            ###
                ///  ##                                                                          ##
                ///  ##                        Version 6.2  February 2013                        ##
                ///  ##                                                                          ##
                ///  ##               Copyright (c)  Jay William Ponder  1990-2013               ##
                ///  ###                           All Rights Reserved                          ###
                ///   ###                                                                      ###
                ///    ##########################################################################
                ///      ######################################################################
                ///  Atoms with an Unusual Number of Attached Atoms :
                ///  Type           Atom Name      Atom Type       Expected    Found
                ///  Valence        1496-NR2           69              2         3
                ///  Valence        2438-FE           107              6         5
                ///  Total Potential Energy :              -3753.7592 Kcal/mole
                ///  Potential Energy Breakdown by Individual Components :
                ///   Energy      EB          EA          EBA         EUB         EAA         EOPB
                ///   Terms       EOPD        EID         EIT         ET          EPT         EBT
                ///               ETT         EV          EC          ECD         ED          EM
                ///               EP          ER          ES          ELF         EG          EX
                ///           134.1618    490.7835      0.0000     27.0850      0.0000      0.0000
                ///             0.0000     22.5749      0.0000    644.4690      0.0000      0.0000
                ///             0.0000   -645.8696  -4426.9638      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
                ///             0.0000      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
                ///  Cartesian Gradient Breakdown over Individual Atoms :
                ///   Type      Atom              dE/dX       dE/dY       dE/dZ          Norm
                ///  Anlyt         1            -0.2655     -0.4022      0.3265        0.5821
                ///  Anlyt         2            -0.0118      0.1880     -0.2657        0.3257
                ///  Anlyt         3             0.1314      0.0874     -0.0147        0.1585
                ///  Anlyt         4             0.1543     -0.0348     -0.1401        0.2113
                ///  Anlyt         5             0.0216      0.4618      0.4205        0.6250
                ///  Anlyt         6            -0.0560     -0.0821     -0.0337        0.1050
                /// ...
                ///  Anlyt      2510             0.2699      0.2529      0.4340        0.5703
                ///  Total Gradient Norm and RMS Gradient per Atom :
                ///  Anlyt      Total Gradient Norm Value               27.5518
                ///  Anlyt      RMS Gradient over All Atoms              0.5499

                double potential = double.NaN;
                List <CTestgrad.Anlyt> analyts   = new List <CTestgrad.Anlyt>();
                CTestgrad.EnrgCmpnt    enrgCmpnt = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    string   line   = lines[i];
                    string[] tokens = line.Split().HRemoveAll("");
                    if (tokens.Length == 0)
                    int tmpint;
                    if (tokens[0] == "Anlyt" && int.TryParse(tokens[1], out tmpint))
                        CTestgrad.Anlyt analyt = new CTestgrad.Anlyt();
                        analyt.id   = int.Parse(tokens[1]);     //if(int.TryParse(tokens[1], out analyt.id) == false) continue;
                        analyt.fx   = double.Parse(tokens[2]);  //if(double.TryParse(tokens[2], out analyt.fx) == false) continue;
                        analyt.fy   = double.Parse(tokens[3]);  //if(double.TryParse(tokens[3], out analyt.fy) == false) continue;
                        analyt.fz   = double.Parse(tokens[4]);  //if(double.TryParse(tokens[4], out analyt.fz) == false) continue;
                        analyt.norm = double.Parse(tokens[5]);  //if(double.TryParse(tokens[5], out analyt.norm) == false) continue;
                    if (tokens[0] == "Total" && tokens[1] == "Potential" && tokens[2] == "Energy")
                        double.TryParse(tokens[4], out potential);
                    if (line.Contains("Potential Energy Breakdown by Individual Components :"))
                        int ii = 1;
                        if (lines[i + ii].Trim().Length != 0)

                        Dictionary <string, int> energy_term_sequence = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                        while (lines[i + ii].Trim().Length != 0)
                            string[] iitokens = lines[i + ii].Split().HRemoveAll("");
                            iitokens = iitokens.HRemoveAll("Energy");
                            iitokens = iitokens.HRemoveAll("Terms");
                            foreach (string iitoken in iitokens)
                                energy_term_sequence.Add(iitoken, energy_term_sequence.Count);

                        if (lines[i + ii].Trim().Length != 0)

                        List <double> energy_value_sequence = new List <double>();

                        // find location of toker break
                        List <int> tokenbreak = new List <int>();
                            int jj = ii;
                            while (lines[i + jj].Trim().Length != 0)
                                string   iiline   = lines[i + jj];
                                string[] iitokens = iiline.Split().HRemoveAll("");
                                foreach (string iitoken in iitokens)
                                    string iitoken2 = iitoken.Substring(0, iitoken.Length - 1) + "@";
                                    HDebug.Assert(iitoken2.Length == iitoken.Length);
                                    HDebug.Assert(iitoken2.Last() == '@');
                                    iiline = iiline.Replace(iitoken, iitoken2);
                                for (int idx = 0; idx < iiline.Length; idx++)
                                    if (iiline[idx] == '@')

                            tokenbreak = tokenbreak.HToHashSet()

                        while (lines[i + ii].Trim().Length != 0)
                            string iiline = lines[i + ii];
                            //string[] iitokens = iiline.Split().HRemoveAll("");
                            List <string> iitokens = new List <string>();
                                string iiline2 = "";
                                for (int jj = 0; jj < tokenbreak.Count - 1; jj++)
                                    int idx0 = tokenbreak[jj] + 1;
                                    int idx1 = tokenbreak[jj + 1];
                                    if (idx1 >= iiline.Length)
                                    int leng = idx1 - idx0 + 1;
                                    iitokens.Add(iiline.Substring(idx0, leng));
                                    iiline2 += iitokens[jj];
                                HDebug.Assert(iiline == iiline2);
                            foreach (string iitoken in iitokens)
                                if (iitoken.Contains("*"))
                                    /// Handle "**********"
                                    ////  Energy       EB              EA              EBA             EUB
                                    ////  Terms        EAA             EOPB            EOPD            EID
                                    ////               EIT             ET              EPT             EBT
                                    ////               EAT             ETT             EV              EC
                                    ////               ECD             ED              EM              EP
                                    ////               ER              ES              ELF             EG
                                    ////               EX
                                    ////        56384.95472959  41770.94471911      0.00000000      0.00000000
                                    ////            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
                                    ////            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
                                    ////            0.00000000      0.00000000 232979.82170784****************
                                    ////            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
                                    ////            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
                                    ////            0.00000000
                                    if (iitoken.StartsWith("*"))
                                        string liitoken = iitoken.Replace("*", "");

                        if (lines[i + ii].Trim().Length != 0)

                        if (energy_term_sequence.Count != energy_value_sequence.Count)

                        #region format
                        ///0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         |8
                        /// Potential Energy Breakdown by Individual Components :
                        ///  Energy      EB          EA          EBA         EUB         EAA         EOPB
                        ///  Terms       EOPD        EID         EIT         ET          EPT         EBT
                        ///              ETT         EV          EC          ECD         ED          EM
                        ///              EP          ER          ES          ELF         EG          EX
                        ///          134.0512    490.5575      0.0000     27.1282      0.0000      0.0000
                        ///            0.0000     22.6363      0.0000    775.1337      0.0000      0.0000
                        ///            0.0000************  -4039.6760      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
                        ///            0.0000      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000      0.0000
                        ///0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         |8
                        /// Potential Energy Breakdown by Individual Components :
                        ///  Energy       EB              EA              EBA             EUB
                        ///  Terms        EAA             EOPB            EOPD            EID
                        ///               EIT             ET              EPT             EBT
                        ///               ETT             EV              EC              ECD
                        ///               ED              EM              EP              ER
                        ///               ES              ELF             EG              EX
                        ///         1827.83562614    115.54269101      0.00000000    139.97155716
                        ///            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      6.08959854
                        ///            0.00000000    176.68828153      0.00000000      0.00000000
                        ///            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
                        ///            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
                        ///            0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000

                        CTestgrad.EnrgCmpnt ec = new CTestgrad.EnrgCmpnt();
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EB"))
                            ec.EB = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EB"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EA"))
                            ec.EA = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EA"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EBA"))
                            ec.EBA = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EBA"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EUB"))
                            ec.EUB = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EUB"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EAA"))
                            ec.EAA = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EAA"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EOPB"))
                            ec.EOPB = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EOPB"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EOPD"))
                            ec.EOPD = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EOPD"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EID"))
                            ec.EID = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EID"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EIT"))
                            ec.EIT = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EIT"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ET"))
                            ec.ET = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ET"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EPT"))
                            ec.EPT = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EPT"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EBT"))
                            ec.EBT = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EBT"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ETT"))
                            ec.ETT = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ETT"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EV"))
                            ec.EV = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EV"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EC"))
                            ec.EC = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EC"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ECD"))
                            ec.ECD = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ECD"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ED"))
                            ec.ED = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ED"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EM"))
                            ec.EM = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EM"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EP"))
                            ec.EP = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EP"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ER"))
                            ec.ER = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ER"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ES"))
                            ec.ES = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ES"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("ELF"))
                            ec.ELF = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["ELF"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EG"))
                            ec.EG = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EG"]];
                        if (energy_term_sequence.ContainsKey("EX"))
                            ec.EX = energy_value_sequence[energy_term_sequence["EX"]];
                        enrgCmpnt = ec;

                return(new CTestgrad {
                    potential = potential, enrgCmpnt = enrgCmpnt, anlyts = analyts.ToArray()
            public static OMinimize Minimize(string minimizepath
                                             , Tinker.Xyz xyz
                                             , Tinker.Xyz.Atom.Format xyz_atoms_format
                                             , Tinker.Prm prm
                                             , string tempbase
                                             , string copytemp                    // = null
                                             , string param
                                             , IList <Tinker.Xyz.Atom> atomsToFix // = null
                                             , bool pause                         // = false
                                             , params string[] keys
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && atomsToFix != null)
                    Dictionary <int, Tinker.Xyz.Atom> xyzatoms = xyz.atoms.ToIdDictionary();
                    foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                        HDebug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(atom, xyzatoms[atom.Id]));
                Tinker.Xyz minxyz;
                string[]   minlog;
                using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, copytemp))
                    xyz.ToFile("prot.xyz", false);
                    List <string> keylines = new List <string>();
                    //if(grdmin != null)
                    //    string keyline = string.Format("GRDMIN                {0}", grdmin.Value);
                    //    keylines.Add(keyline);
                    if (atomsToFix != null)
                        foreach (var atom in atomsToFix)
                            Vector coord          = atom.Coord;
                            double force_constant = 10000; // force constant in kcal/Å2 for the harmonic restraint potential
                            string keyline        = string.Format("RESTRAIN-POSITION     {0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}", atom.Id, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], force_constant);
                    if (keys != null)
                    HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.key", keylines);
                    // Enter RMS Gradient per Atom Criterion [0.01] :
                    string command = minimizepath;
                    command += "  prot.xyz  prot.prm";
                    command += "  -k  prot.key  <  param.txt";

                    HFile.WriteAllLines("param.txt", param.HSplit());

                    //command += string.Format("  >> prot.log");
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole("minimize.bat", pause
                                                   , "time /t >> prot.log"
                                                   , command
                                                   , "time /t >> prot.log"
                    HDebug.Assert(HFile.Exists("prot.xyz_3") == false);
                    minxyz = Tinker.Xyz.FromFile("prot.xyz_2", false, xyz.atoms_format);
                    minlog = HFile.ReadAllLines("prot.log");

                return(new OMinimize
                    minxyz = minxyz,
                    minlog = minlog
 public static FileGro FromFile(string filepath)
     string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(filepath);
        public static SPsfCrd BuildPsfCrd
            (IEnumerable <string> toplines
            , IEnumerable <string> parlines
            , IEnumerable <string> pdblines
            string tempbase = @"C:\temp\";

            SPsfCrd psfcrd;

            using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, null))
                string topname = "top.rtf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(topname, toplines);
                string parname = "par.prm"; HFile.WriteAllLines(parname, parlines);

                string tgtname = "target"; HFile.WriteAllLines(tgtname + ".pdb", pdblines);

                string Setup_inp = @"* Run Segment Through CHARMM

! read topology and parameter files

read rtf  card name $$topname$$
read para card name $$parname$$

! Read sequence from the PDB coordinate file
open unit 1 card read name $$tgtname$$.pdb
read sequ pdb unit 1

! now generate the PSF and also the IC table (SETU keyword)
generate setu a-pro first NTER last CTER

rewind unit 1

! set bomlev to -1 to avois sying on lack of hydrogen coordinates
bomlev -1
read coor pdb unit 1
! them put bomlev back up to 0
bomlev 0

close unit 1

! prints out number of atoms that still have undefined coordinates.
define test select segid a-pro .and. ( .not. hydrogen ) .and. ( .not. init ) show end

ic para
ic fill preserve
ic build
hbuild sele all end

! write out the protein structure file (psf) and
! the coordinate file in pdb and crd format.

write psf card name $$tgtname$$.psf

write coor card name $$tgtname$$.crd
* Coords


                                   .Replace("$$topname$$", topname)
                                   .Replace("$$parname$$", parname)
                                   .Replace("$$tgtname$$", tgtname);
                HFile.WriteAllText("Setup.inp", Setup_inp);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Run the following command at " + temp + " :");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ charmm < Setup.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("   or $ mpd&");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ mpirun -n 38 charmm_M < Setup.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Then, copy target.psf and target.crd to " + temp);

                while (true)
                    bool next = HConsole.ReadValue <bool>("Ready for next? ", false, null, false, true);
                    if (next)
                        if (HFile.ExistsAll("target.crd", "target.psf"))
                            string[] crdlines = HFile.ReadAllLines("target.crd");
                            string[] psflines = HFile.ReadAllLines("target.psf");
                            psfcrd = new SPsfCrd
                                crdlines = crdlines,
                                psflines = psflines,
                        System.Console.WriteLine("DO, copy target.psf and target.crd to " + temp);


            public static Top FromFile(string path, List <string> defines)
                List <string> lines = new List <string>(HFile.ReadAllLines(path));

                List <LineElement> elements = new List <LineElement>();
                //List<Tuple<string,List<LineElement>>> elementgroup = new List<Tuple<string, List<LineElement>>>();
                //Dictionary<int,Atom> atoms = new Dictionary<int, Atom>();
                //List<Bond> bonds = new List<Bond>();
                //List<Pair> pairs = new List<Pair>();
                //List<Angle> angles = new List<Angle>();
                string type = null;

                while (lines.Count > 0)
                //for(int i=0; i<lines.Length; i++)
                    string line = lines[0];
                    //LineElement element = new LineElement(lines[i]);
                    string typei = LineElement.GetType(line);
                    if (typei != null)
                        type = typei;
                        //elementgroup.Add(new Tuple<string, List<LineElement>>(type, new List<LineElement>()));

                        line = line.Trim();
                        if (line.EndsWith("\\"))
                            while (lines.Count > 0)
                                line = line + "\n" + lines[0].Trim();
                                if (line.EndsWith("\\") == false)
                            //line = "";
                            //for(; i<lines.Length; i++)
                            //    string lline = lines[i].Trim();
                            //    line = line + lline + "\n";
                            //    if(lline.EndsWith("\\") == false)
                            //        break;
                        line = (line.IndexOf(';') == -1) ? line.Trim() : line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(';')).Trim();
                        if (line.Length == 0)
                        if (line[0] == '*')
                        if (line.StartsWith("#define"))
                            string define = line.Replace("#define", "").Trim();
                        if (line.StartsWith("#include"))
                            string includepath;
                                includepath = line.Replace("#include", "").Trim().Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                                if (HFile.Exists(includepath) == false)
                                    includepath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Gromacs\share\gromacs\top\"
                                                  + line.Replace("#include", "").Trim().Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                                if (HFile.Exists(includepath) == false)
                                    includepath = HDirectory.GetParent(path).FullName + "\\" //path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')+1)
                                                  + line.Replace("#include", "").Trim().Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                            Top includetop = FromFile(includepath, defines);
                            type = null;
                        if (line.StartsWith("#ifdef"))
                            FromFile_ifdef(defines, lines, line);
                        if (line.StartsWith("#"))
                        if (type == "moleculetype")
                            LineElement element = new Moleculetype(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "atoms")
                            LineElement element = new Atom(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "bonds")
                            LineElement element = new Bond(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "pairs")
                            LineElement element = new Pair(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "angles")
                            LineElement element = new Angle(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "dihedrals")
                            LineElement element = new Dihedral(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "cmap")
                            LineElement element = new Cmap(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "position_restraints")
                            LineElement element = new Position_restraints(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "system")
                            LineElement element = new System(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "molecules")
                            LineElement element = new Molecules(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;

                        if (type == "defaults")
                            LineElement element = new Defaults(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "atomtypes")
                            LineElement element = new Atomtypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "pairtypes")
                            LineElement element = new Pairtypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "bondtypes")
                            LineElement element = new Bondtypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "constrainttypes")
                            LineElement element = new Constrainttypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "angletypes")
                            LineElement element = new Angletypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "dihedraltypes")
                            LineElement element = new Dihedraltypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "implicit_genborn_params")
                            LineElement element = new Implicit_genborn_params(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "cmaptypes")
                            LineElement element = new Cmaptypes(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "settles")
                            LineElement element = new Settles(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;
                        if (type == "exclusions")
                            LineElement element = new Exclusions(line, path); elements.Add(element); continue;


                Top top = new Top();

                top.elements = elements.ToArray();

        /// https://www.charmmtutorial.org/index.php/Full_example

        public static SPsfCrd Solvate
            (IEnumerable <string> toplines
            , IEnumerable <string> parlines
            , IEnumerable <string> psflines_prot
            , IEnumerable <string> crdlines_prot
            , IEnumerable <string> crdlines_water
            string tempbase = @"C:\temp\";

            SPsfCrd psfcrd;

            using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, null))
                string topname           = "top.rtf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(topname, toplines);
                string parname           = "par.prm"; HFile.WriteAllLines(parname, parlines);
                string psfname_prot      = "prot.psf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(psfname_prot, psflines_prot);
                string crdname_prot      = "prot.crd"; HFile.WriteAllLines(crdname_prot, crdlines_prot);
                string crdname_water     = "water.crd"; HFile.WriteAllLines(crdname_water, crdlines_water);
                string psfname_protwater = "protwater.psf";
                string crdname_protwater = "protwater.crd";

                string conf_inp = @"* Run Segment Through CHARMM

! read topology and parameter files
read rtf  card name $$topname$$
read para card name $$parname$$

! read the psf and coordinate file
read psf  card name $$psfname_prot$$
read coor card name $$crdname_prot$$

! Read in water sequence
read sequence tip3 46656

! Generate new segment for the water
generate bwat noangle nodihedral

! Read the water PDB coordinates and append them to the protein
read coor card append name $$crdname_water$$

! Delete waters which overlap with protein
delete atom sort -
select .byres. (segid bwat .AND. type oh2 .and. -
((.not. (segid bwat .OR. hydrogen)) .around. 2.5)) end

! set headstr = rhdo with a crystal dimension of @greatervalue
set headstr = test xxx

! we want to do a quick-and-dirty minimization to remove bad contacts. Therefore, we should
! set up shake and the non-bond parameters again.
shake bonh param sele all end
nbond inbfrq -1 elec fswitch vdw vswitch cutnb 16. ctofnb 12. ctonnb 10.
mini sd nstep 100 nprint 1 tolgrd 100.0

! use Expanded I/O format
ioform extended

! since we've changed the structure by adding waters, we need to write out a new PSF
write psf card name $$psfname_protwater$$
* new_1cbn-18126-1-solv.psf
* solvation: @headstr

write coor card name $$crdname_protwater$$
* new_1cbn-18126-1-solv.crd
* solvation: @headstr


".Replace("$$topname$$", topname)
                                  .Replace("$$parname$$", parname)
                                  .Replace("$$psfname_prot$$", psfname_prot)
                                  .Replace("$$crdname_prot$$", crdname_prot)
                                  .Replace("$$crdname_water$$", crdname_water)
                                  .Replace("$$psfname_protwater$$", psfname_protwater)
                                  .Replace("$$crdname_protwater$$", crdname_protwater)
                HFile.WriteAllText("conf.inp", conf_inp);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Run the following command at " + temp + " :");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ charmm < conf.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("   or $ mpd&");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ mpirun -n 38 charmm_M < conf.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Then, copy " + psfname_protwater + " and " + crdname_protwater + " to " + temp);

                while (true)
                    bool next = HConsole.ReadValue <bool>("Ready for next? ", false, null, false, true);
                    if (next)
                        if (HFile.ExistsAll(psfname_protwater, crdname_protwater))
                            string[] psflines_protwater = HFile.ReadAllLines(psfname_protwater);
                            string[] crdlines_protwater = HFile.ReadAllLines(crdname_protwater);
                            psfcrd = new SPsfCrd
                                psflines = psflines_protwater,
                                crdlines = crdlines_protwater,
                        System.Console.WriteLine("DO, copy " + psfname_protwater + " and " + crdname_protwater + " to " + temp);

        /// https://www.charmmtutorial.org/index.php/Full_example

        public static string[] MinimizeCrd
            (IEnumerable <string> toplines
            , IEnumerable <string> parlines
            , IEnumerable <string> psflines
            , IEnumerable <string> crdlines
            , string conf_inp_mini
            string tempbase = @"C:\temp\";

            if (conf_inp_mini == null)
                conf_inp_mini = @"
mini sd nstep 100
mini abnr nstep 1000 nprint 10000 tolg 0.0001
! mini abnr nstep 1000 nprint 100 tolg 0.01
! mini abnr nstep 10000000 nprint 100 tolg 0.00
! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 10.00    ! target-min-step1-tolg-10_00.crd
! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 1.00     ! target-min-step2-tolg-1_00.crd
! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 0.10
! mini sd nstep 10000                                 ! target-min-step3-sd10000.crd
! mini abnr nstep   1000000  nprint 100 tolg 0.01     ! target-min-step4-tolg-0_01.crd
! mini abnr nstep   10000  nprint 100 tolg 0.0001     ! target-min-step5-tolg-0_0001.crd
! mini abnr nstep   10000  nprint 100 tolg 0.000001   ! target-min-step6-tolg-0_000001.crd
! mini abnr nstep   10000  nprint 100 tolg 0.000000     ! target-min-step7-tolg-0_000000.crd

            string[] mincrdlines;

            using (var temp = new HTempDirectory(tempbase, null))
                string topname    = "top.rtf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(topname, toplines);
                string parname    = "par.prm"; HFile.WriteAllLines(parname, parlines);
                string psfname    = "target.psf"; HFile.WriteAllLines(psfname, psflines);
                string crdname    = "target.crd"; HFile.WriteAllLines(crdname, crdlines);
                string mincrdname = "target-minimized.crd";

                string conf_inp = @"* Minimize PDB

! read topology and parameter file
read rtf   card name $$topname$$
read param card name $$parname$$
! read the psf and coordinate file
read psf  card name $$psfname$$
read coor card name $$crdname$$

! set up shake
shake bonh param sele all end

! set up electrostatics, since we're not using PME, set up switching
! electrostatics
nbond inbfrq -1 elec fswitch vdw vswitch cutnb 16. ctofnb 12. ctonnb 10.


coor copy comp

" + conf_inp_mini + @"

coor rms

ioform extended

write coor card name $$mincrdname$$
* Initial minimization, no PME.


                conf_inp = conf_inp.Replace("$$topname$$", topname)
                           .Replace("$$parname$$", parname)
                           .Replace("$$psfname$$", psfname)
                           .Replace("$$crdname$$", crdname)
                           .Replace("$$mincrdname$$", mincrdname)
                HFile.WriteAllText("conf.inp", conf_inp);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Run the following command at " + temp + " :");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ charmm < conf.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("   or $ mpd&");
                System.Console.WriteLine("      $ mpirun -n 38 charmm_M < conf.inp");
                System.Console.WriteLine("Then, copy target-minimized.crd to " + temp);

                while (true)
                    bool next = HConsole.ReadValue <bool>("Ready for next? ", false, null, false, true);
                    if (next)
                        if (HFile.ExistsAll(mincrdname))
                            mincrdlines = HFile.ReadAllLines(mincrdname);
                        System.Console.WriteLine("DO, copy target.psf and target.crd to " + temp);
