public void TestAppend() { long[] longs = Enumerable.Range(0, 500).Select(i => (long)i).ToArray(); double[] doubles = Enumerable.Range(1000, 20000).Select(i => (double)i).ToArray(); string kLong = "long dataset", kDouble = "double dataset"; TestBeforeAndAfter( () => { file.CreateDataset(kLong, longs); file.Close(); file = new HDF5File(FullFilename, HDF5FileMode.ReadWrite); file.CreateDataset(kDouble, doubles); }, () => { Assert.IsTrue(file.DataSets.ContainsKey(kLong)); var ds = file.DataSets[kLong]; Assert.AreEqual(new uint[] { 500 }, ds.Shape); long[] retrievedLongs = (long[])ds.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(longs, retrievedLongs); Assert.IsTrue(file.DataSets.ContainsKey(kDouble)); ds = file.DataSets[kDouble]; Assert.AreEqual(new uint[] { 20000 }, ds.Shape); double[] retrievedDoubles = (double[])ds.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(doubles, retrievedDoubles); } ); }
public void TestExceptionOnCreateExisting() { var fn = $"{TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory}\\TestCreateTwice.h5"; if (File.Exists(fn)) { File.Delete(fn); } HDF5File f1 = null, f2 = null; var threw = false; f1 = new HDF5File(fn, HDF5FileMode.WriteNew); try { f2 = new HDF5File(fn, HDF5FileMode.WriteNew); } catch (IOException) { threw = true; } f1.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(threw, "Expected an IOException when we tried to create the file the second time round."); Assert.IsNull(f2); }
/// <summary> /// 创建 HDF5 文件,并设置可以在采集开始的时候设置的 Attribute /// <param name="dataFilePath">HDF5 文件完整路径</param> /// <param name="sampleRate">采样率</param> /// <param name="channelCount">通道总数</param> /// <param name="startTime">采集开始时间</param> /// /// </summary> public DataFileConfig(string dataFilePath, double sampleRate, int channelCount, double startTime) { //这个地方,之前的 BinData 不会有问题,因为只是创建了流,流写入文件是最后做的 //而这里一开始就创建了文件,所以如果没有正常写完并调用 SetAndClose 方法,就会有文件打开而没有关闭的风险 try { //创建文件 myHDF5File = new HDF5File(dataFilePath); myHDF5Group = myHDF5File.CreateGroup("Attribute"); //设置 Attribute myHDF5Group.SetAttribute("StartTime", HDF5AttributeTypes.DOUBLE, startTime); myHDF5Group.SetAttribute("SampleRate", HDF5AttributeTypes.DOUBLE, sampleRate); myHDF5Group.SetAttribute("ChannelCount", HDF5AttributeTypes.DOUBLE, channelCount); myHDF5Group.SetAttribute("CreateTime", HDF5AttributeTypes.DOUBLE, Convert.ToDouble(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); //设置相应个数的 Dataset myHDF5Datasets = new HDF5Dataset[channelCount]; for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { myHDF5Datasets[i] = new HDF5Dataset(); myHDF5Datasets[i] = myHDF5File.CreateChunkDataset("channel" + i.ToString(), HDF5DataTypes.DOUBLE, new ulong[] { 1000 }); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Create HDF5 file Failed! Error message: " + e); } }
public void Setup() { string testDir = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory; string fn = testDir + @"\..\..\..\TestData\SimpleTest.h5"; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(fn), String.Format("Expected {0} accessible from {1}", fn, testDir)); file = new HDF5File(fn); }
public void Setup() { FullFilename = $"{TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory}\\{BaseFilename}"; if (File.Exists(FullFilename)) { File.Delete(FullFilename); } file = new HDF5File(FullFilename, HDF5FileMode.ReadWrite); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(FullFilename), String.Format("Expected {0} created", FullFilename)); }
/// <summary> /// 依照 BinData 签名的构造函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="dataFileDirectory">HDF5 文件所在文件夹</param> /// <param name="name">HDF5 文件名不带后缀</param> public DataReader(string dataFileDirectory, string name) { = name; this.dataFilePath = dataFileDirectory + name + ".hdf5"; myH5File = new HDF5File(); myH5File.Open(this.dataFilePath); myH5Group = myH5File.GetGroup("Attribute"); // double 转 object 后,object 不能直接转 int,需要先转 double 再转 int double d = (double)myH5Group.GetAttribute("ChannelCount"); channelCount = (int)d; d = (double)myH5Group.GetAttribute("SampleCount"); sampleCount = (int)d; sampleRate = (double)myH5Group.GetAttribute("SampleRate"); startTime = (double)myH5Group.GetAttribute("StartTime"); createTime = (double)myH5Group.GetAttribute("CreateTime"); myH5Group.Close(); myH5File.Close(); }
public void ReopenForRead() { file.Close(); file = new HDF5File(FullFilename, HDF5FileMode.ReadOnly); }