            /* this function encrypts a message*/
            void EncryptMessage(HC128_State state, Byte[] message, Byte[] ciphertext, UInt64 msglength)
                UInt64 i;
                UInt32 j;
                int    messageIndex = 0, ciphertextIndex = 0;

                /*encrypt a message, each time 4 bytes are encrypted*/
                for (i = 0; (i + 4) <= msglength; i += 4, messageIndex += 4, ciphertextIndex += 4)
                    /*generate 32-bit keystream and store it in state.keystreamword*/

                        /*encrypt 32 bits of the message*/

                        Byte[] ciphertextBytes = ConvertUtil.ConvertUInt32ToBytes(BitConverter.ToUInt32(message, messageIndex) ^ state.keystreamword);
                        for (int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < 4; byteIndex++)
                            ciphertext[ciphertextIndex + byteIndex] = ciphertextBytes[byteIndex];
                /*encrypt the last message block if the message length is not multiple of 4 bytes*/
                if ((msglength & 3) != 0)
                    for (j = 0; j < (msglength & 3); j++)
                        ciphertext[j] = (byte)(message[j] ^ BitConverter.GetBytes(state.counter1024)[j]);
            /* this function encrypts a message,
             * there are four inputs to this function: a 128-bit key, a 128-bit iv, a message, the message length in bytes
             * one output from this function: ciphertext
            void stuffCiphertext(Byte[] key, Byte[] iv, Byte[] message, Byte[] ciphertext, UInt64 msglength)
                HC128_State state = new HC128_State();

                /*initializing the state*/
                Initialization(state, ConvertUtil.ConvertBytesToUInt32s(key), iv);

                /*encrypt a message*/
                EncryptMessage(state, message, ciphertext, msglength);
            /*function h2*/
            UInt32 h2(HC128_State state, UInt32 u)
                UInt32 tem;
                Byte   a, c;

                a   = (Byte)((u));
                c   = (Byte)((u) >> 16);
                tem = state.P[a] + state.P[256 + c];
            /* one step of HC-128 in the intitalization stage:
             * a 32-bit keystream word is generated to update the state;
            void InitOneStep(HC128_State state)
                UInt32 i, i3, i10, i12, i511;

                i    = state.counter1024 & 0x1ff;
                i3   = (i - 3) & 0x1ff;
                i10  = (i - 10) & 0x1ff;
                i12  = (i - 12) & 0x1ff;
                i511 = (i - 511) & 0x1ff;

                if (state.counter1024 < 512)
                    state.P[i] = state.P[i] + g1(state.P[i3], state.P[i10], state.P[i511]);
                    state.P[i] = h1(state, state.P[i12]) ^ state.P[i];
                    state.Q[i] = state.Q[i] + g2(state.Q[i3], state.Q[i10], state.Q[i511]);
                    state.Q[i] = h2(state, state.Q[i12]) ^ state.Q[i];
                state.counter1024 = (state.counter1024 + 1) & 0x3ff;
            /*this function initialize the state using 128-bit key and 128-bit IV*/
            void Initialization(HC128_State state, UInt32[] key, Byte[] iv)
                UInt32[] W = new UInt32[1024 + 256];
                int      i;

                /*expand the key and iv into the state*/

                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    W[i] = key[i]; W[i + 1] = key[i];
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    W[i + 2] = iv[i]; W[i + 3] = iv[i];

                for (i = 16; i < 1024 + 256; i++)
                    W[i] = (UInt32)(f2(W[i - 2]) + W[i - 7] + f1(W[i - 15]) + W[i - 16] + i);

                for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
                    state.P[i] = W[i + 256];
                for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
                    state.Q[i] = W[i + 256 + 512];

                state.counter1024 = 0;

                /*update the cipher for 1024 steps without generating output*/
                for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)