static void Main(string[] args) { Tag html = new HtmlTag(); Tag body = new BodyTag(); Tag head = new HeadTag(); Tag title = new TitleTag(); Tag div = new DivTag(); Element elem1 = new Element(); Element elem2 = new Element(); Element elem3 = new Element(); Tag brr = new BrTag(); Tag h1 = new H1Tag(); elem1.SetContent("titlu"); elem2.SetContent("giele"); elem3.SetContent("gielesss"); html.AddTag(head); html.AddTag(body); head.AddElement(elem1); head.AddTag(brr); head.AddTag(title); head.AddElement(elem2); head.AddTag(title); head.AddElement(elem3); body.AddTag(div); div.AddTag(h1); div.AddAttribute("color", "blue"); div.AddAttribute("color1", "red"); //title.SetContent("Gigi 4 the WIN!!"); //head.SetContent("gigel"); //html.Render(); Parser.ParseFile("index.html"); }
public void VerifyClcid() { driver.Url = ""; List <IWebElement> H1Tags = driver.FindElements(By.TagName("a")).ToList(); foreach (IWebElement H1Tag in H1Tags) { if (H1Tag.GetAttribute("href").Contains("")) { string value; value = H1Tag.GetAttribute("href"); Assert.IsTrue(value.Contains("clcid"), value); } } }
public static void CheckArticleOnContentPanel(string catname, string arname) { DHSTranslateReader reader = new DHSTranslateReader(); Dictionary <string, Object> categories = reader.GetCategories(); Dictionary <string, Object> category = (Dictionary <string, Object>)categories[catname]; string cattitle = (String)category["title"]; Dictionary <string, Object> articles = (Dictionary <string, Object>)category["articles"]; // check article title Dictionary <string, Object> article = (Dictionary <string, Object>)articles[arname]; string artitle = (String)article["title"]; System.Console.WriteLine("Article: " + artitle); Dictionary <string, Object> content = (Dictionary <string, Object>)article["content"]; string header = (String)content["header"]; System.Console.WriteLine("Header: " + header); // get actual header H1Tag arHeader = Host.Local.FindSingle <H1Tag>(@"/dom//div[#'ArticleBody']//h1"); arHeader.Click(); Delay.Milliseconds(1000); string arHeaderText = arHeader.InnerText; Report.Log((arHeaderText == header)?ReportLevel.Success:ReportLevel.Failure, "Check Article title on Content Area: expected text is: \"" + header + "\" and actuall text is: \"" + arHeaderText + "\""); // check verticle scroll bar is shown if article content spread more than 1 page try{ Ranorex.WebElement invisibleElement = Host.Local.FindSingle <Ranorex.WebElement>(@"/dom//div[#'ArticleBody']//*[@visible='False']", 10000); CheckVerticleScrollBar(true); } catch (ElementNotFoundException ex) { CheckVerticleScrollBar(false); } string networkStatus = repo.Taskbar.NetwordIcon.GetAttributeValue <String>("Text"); Delay.Milliseconds(5000); if (networkStatus.Contains("access")) { // check article language Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "Check article language when connect network!"); CheckArticleLanguage(artitle); } }